Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

In the aftermath of Inhumans vs X-Men, The X-Men have a lot of decisions to make as to

where they will go from here.

He I'm Brian from BMA Comics Con.

Marvel just released X-Men Prime which is like their version of the DC Rebirth Special

but for the X-Men.

Let's see if it's as good as the DC Rebirth.

The issue opens up with Storm coming to Kitty and they catch up on recent events.

Kitty says that she has been off world this whole time, as a member of the Guardian of

the Galaxy.

So then Storm fills her in on what has happened.

She mentioned the war against the Inhumans and how now the X-Men's base was moved to


And as if that wasn't big news, Storm tells Kitty that she wants Kitty to join the X-Men

again because Storm is leaving.

And then just like DC Rebirth we cut to a different scene.

Here we see a boat full of people trying to sneak into Madripoor.

Some of them have not paid in full which leads to them being man handled by their transporter.

Unfortunately for him, one of the passengers is Lady DeathStrike and she chooses not to

sit there quietly while he takes advantage of these women.

So after making him suffer.

She swims the rest of the way.

And as she lands on the beach she is meet by an unknown woman.

This woman's name is Carla and she has come to offer Lady DeathStrike a job.

One where she will get to kill mutants.

And won't take no for an answer.

Without giving it much thought Lady DeathStrike stabs her.

But then in return is hit with a missile.

Lady DeathStike stabbed her because she doesn't like being threatened.

But Carla isn't foolish enough to come unprepared, as she seems unaffectged by being impaled.

So Carla takes Lady Deathstrike away and we see their plan is to assemble a team.

Now cut back to Kitty and Storm now at X-Haven, the X-Men's base on Limbo.

Kitty takes a look around the place she once called home.

She goes to her hold room and finds Colossus, her ex-boyfriend.

Then she goes down the hall and sees Jubilee.

And she's a mother now.

So much has changed.

And yet as she looks outside she sees kids playing, and sees that so much is still the


As she makes her way to the danger room she sees a problem.

There is no one at the controls but the "younger" version of the X-Men are inside.

And they should know better than to have the simulation running without anyone monitoring.

The truth is it's not a simulation.

It's a recording.

The All new X-Men have had this recording playing on loop til someone saw it.

Its there good bye message.

They have decided that they will try to return to the own timeline.

Wherever that is.

The new there is they are not the X-Men from the past.

They are the X-Men from a different reality.

Because it seems impossible for them to be the X-Men of this reality.

Kitty then rounds up the existing X-Men, which is still a lot; and she gives her first speech

as leader and tells them what direction the X-Men will be taking.

It will no longer be about surviving today but building towards a better tomorrow.

And with that she has the X-Mansion moved from Limbo into central park so they are now

in the open with humanity.

Where did Jean Grey's team go?

Will they ever bring back Professor X?

Why is Old Man Logan on two teams?

These are the questions I have for the stories to come.

If you want to find out what happens next don't forget to subscribe.

This is a great jumping in point for the X-Men so I will do reviews for most of the titles

to come as long as they are good.

This is like a zero issue.

I don't think it will be fair to the X-Men to compare this to the DC Rebirth Special

as they don't even stand close.

I don't think it was meant to be.

But still you can't help but see the similarities.

Story follows a person whom has been missing.

The acknowledgement of things were bad and will change.

Even the emotional panel of when the main character reconnects with he who they missed

the most.

Well, instead of introducing a missing character, they are taking away some characters.

I guess that is one of the major differences.

What this issue does it is it sets up the three next books that will be coming out next


X-Men Gold, X-Men Blue, and Weapon X.

The adventures of the current X-Men will be X-men Gold.

The time displaced All New X-Men will be X-Men blue and Lady Deathstrike will be apart of

Weapon X.

Which one of these are you most excited for?

Answer here or let me know in the comments.

Please hit the subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up to let me know that you

like this video.

And let me know what you thought of it and this issue down below in the comments.

Thanks for watching and til next time Brian Out.

For more infomation >> Review of X-Men Prime #1 - Duration: 4:58.


Huawei #Perfect10 in Imperfect World - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Huawei #Perfect10 in Imperfect World - Duration: 1:27.


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TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE: Thomas Sander Funny Vines Compilation - Best Vines 2017 | Life Awesome - Duration: 11:31.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE: Thomas Sander Funny Vines Compilation - Best Vines 2017 | Life Awesome - Duration: 11:31.


9 Cars That Are Huge Fun Despite Being Slow - Duration: 5:12.

Number 9 : Fiat Cinquecento Sporting.

A synonym for cheap fun.

A small 53hp engine is mated to a close-ratio gearbox and has the task of moving around

a body that weighs less than 700kg.

Combined with sport suspension and an anti-roll bar, you can guess that this early 90's Fiat

was great fun in the twisties and this is the reason they're so popular in the Group

A rally class.

Number 8 : Honda CR-X. Low kerb weight and Honda suspension magic are the two keywords


All models except for the VTEC version weren't exactly known for being fast, but they were

known for being a real joy in the bends.

It's quite a difficult car to master, as it loves to shove its tail out in corners.

Respect it or it'll bite.

That's why it's loved by so many.

Number 7 : Peugeot 106 Rallye.

Be it phase 1 or phase 2, the Rallye is really well known for having fewer frills, but more


It weighed around 800kgs, sported a high-revving 100hp 1.3, 100hp 1.6 or 120hp 1.6 depending

on phase and region and was basically one of the cheapest ways to have fun back in the


They've always been great choices for racing, and still are, together with its sister cars,

the Citroen AX and Saxo.

Just like the CRX, it is quite tail happy.

Number 6 : The Original Mini.

What started off as a mid-50s project to make a very practical and economical city car,

actually turned into an icon that is still loved by many today.

That's partly due to how awesomely fun they were.

35 horsepower truly doesn't sound much, but in a small car that weighed just over half

a tonne, it actually is enough.

It was so much fun to drive, people actually called them road-legal go karts.

Number 5 : Renault Clio.

Another fine early 90's French hatchback, that due to low kerb weight, a 5speed manual

and great chassis is huge fun to drive.

The Clio was and still is a popular rally car and respected motoring journalists consider

its top version to be one of the best hot hatches ever made, regardless of era.

Number 4 : BMW 3-Series E30.

Obviously, we're not talking about big-engined 3-series cars like the M3, but instead, we'll

be focusing on the 1.6 to 1.8 litre cars.

A lightweight, rear-wheel-drive car, that loved to give oversteer joy to its driver.

A true driving machine that's definitely lots of fun for its cost.

Number 3 : Toyota Corolla AE86.

No need for introductions here, this car is a JDM icon that's been tracked, rallied, drifted

lots of times and is very famous due to a popular anime called Initial D. Weight of

around a tonne, high-revving 1.6, an optional LSD and a sport suspension setup, this was

the successful recipe for this 80's icon which gets lots of love worldwide.

Number 2 : Toyota MR-2 W10.

If Toyota could improve the driving characteristics of the AE86 in any way, that would necessitate

moving the engine in the middle.

And they did just that a year later, creating the first generation Toyota MR2.

While the Supercharged variant was actually really fast, the rest of the range wasn't,

leaving you with a thrilling sportscar that's huge fun in the corners, without being fast

on the straight bits.

Number 1 : Mazda MX-5 NA.

Low, rear-wheel-drive, capable in the twisties, sporty driving position, steering, pedals

and shifter, a chopped off roof and most importantly, pop-up headlamps.

Miata is always the answer to lots of stuff.

The highest powered variant was the 133hp 1.8, but you could have an identical, yet

slower experience, with the 88hp 1.6.

Slow, yet awesome fun.

Thanks for watching!

Remember to leave suggestions for future videos in the comments below!

For more infomation >> 9 Cars That Are Huge Fun Despite Being Slow - Duration: 5:12.


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