Pj Masks Robot trains COLLECTION more 15 min for Kids Finger Family 로봇트레인 Learning Video 2017
Minecraft Game - Minecraft Xbox Map Memories - Duration: 17:42.-------------------------------------------
RIMBA Racer | Lap 03 | Playing With Fire - Duration: 22:22.♪ Hearts pumping ♪
♪ Engines thumping ♪
♪ Time to begin ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Watch the race track come alive ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers hook the bends ♪
♪ Zooming round the laps to get to the end ♪
♪ Some will win and some will lose ♪
♪ Got to drive no time to cruise ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers flying fast ♪
♪ No one wants to be last ♪
♪ See you at the starting line ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ The race has begun ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who will be number one? ♪
♪ Pedal to the metal slam your foot to the floor ♪
♪ Hear the crowds shouting hear the engines roar ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ In front of the pack ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who's the king of the track? ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Be a RIMBA Racer ♪
Welcome back to RGP Update with Becks and Beaks.
Today, we've got a special guest with us in the studio.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Uh... hi.
Riveting television, folks.
But Tag,
congratulations are in order.
I hear you scored your first endorsement.
Uh-- what?
Let's roll it!
Jump Jump! Power Drink!
What the--
Back to Tag in a minute.
But first--
a word from our sponsors.
Be right back.
It wasn't that bad.
Are you kidding me?
It was so bad that badness itself pales in comparison to the bad of that ad.
Why are you rhyming?
Because it was that bad!
I'm supposed to be a professional racer...
not a jumped up cartoon!
It was one dumb ad on an even dumber show.
I bet no one even noticed.
Well, that was predictable.
Sit down, cowboy!
Where'd Miles go?
Away from here.
He's not a big fan of, uh--
well, people.
And how's fame and fortune treating you?
I had nothing to do with that.
Of course not.
It's part of your RGP contract.
You signed away your likeness rights.
Likeness rights?
That means you are now a copyrighted character
owned in perpetuity by the RIMBA Grand Prix:
Cartoons, commercials,
heck, you might even be on a cereal box soon.
That's how the game is played, pal.
You race. And they make as much money off of you as possible.
I've got to talk to someone about this.
Maybe Torres...
or even King.
Good luck.
Would you like fries with that?
Well, if it isn't the latest RGP celebrity.
Not now, Meelo.
Energy Drink!
You know how lucky you are?
This was my first commercial!
But Tag is too cool and popular for laxatives.
Your drink doesn't even work!
I've had about ten of these and I still don't feel the energy!
Why is this happening to me?
Because you don't belong here.
And you're starting to see that.
Do you work on being this depressing or is it a gift?
Walk away.
While you still can.
Bye. Bye.
Watch out.
--oh no.
You again!
Lot's of accidents in this line of work.
Out on the race track--
bad accidents happen all the time.
And the day's just getting started.
Hey Miles!
You missed my humiliation and rejection of my peers.
It was awesome!
And Krom and Wrecks say "hi."
Speaking of which,
is there any way to, like, encase the Ripper in an unbreakable force field for,
oh, let's say the entire race.
Is Tag all right?
The nurse says he's stable.
But he might miss the next race.
What happened?
I'm going to find out.
Can you two watch over him?
Of course.
We like the kid.
Even if bad luck does seems to run in his family.
Is it just me--
or is Miles kind of... scary.
Krom: How could this happen? My squealer feed-- Tamira : How could this happen?
Of course.
No one is more upset about this than I am.
Most definitely.
Which is why I plan to investigate this incident thoroughly.
Did Tag's attacker show up on the surveillance cameras?
Um, no.
We don't have cameras in the garages.
Privacy Protocols.
So what you're saying Mr. King
is that you don't know what happened
and you don't know who's responsible.
What I'm saying is
I will find out who attacked Tag
and he will be dealt with.
On that you have my word.
For what it's worth.
If you would all excuse me,
I need to speak privately with Chief Miles.
Come on, old friend.
Surely you can't be blaming me for this.
I'm not blaming anybody, King.
But something stinks around here.
And I'm willing to bet you know something about it.
All I know is I'm worried about you, Miles.
What is it with you and your drivers?
Terrible luck.
No cameras in the garages.
I guess King was telling the truth.
But what about...
the corridor.
Where's Meika?
Tag! How're you feeling, buddy?
She went to get a drink.
Because I was hoping the first thing I saw
would be her instead of your ugly mug.
Looks like that hit to the head did more damage than we thought.
I mean if you can't recognize the hotness that is me,
your brain really must be scrambled.
*both laughing*
What are you watching?
It's not important.
You just rest up.
I'll get the doctor.
Where's Miles?
Tag, the nurse said you need to rest.
We need to find Miles now.
He said he'd be back.
I know him. He's gone to find out who attacked me.
And that's a bad thing?
You have to know Miles.
He's good with machines.
People on the other hand--
Was it you?
Put me down you senile old coot.
Was it you?!
Sorry. I don't speak crazy.
Miles, stop!
Could somebody please get grandpa his meds.
It was him!
He was sneaking around near our garage when we first moved in.
That's just Meelo.
He's weird and kind of twitchy but harmless.
No offense.
None taken.
And Meelo's not strong enough to open a bag of chips
much less knock Tag out.
No offense.
Little bit taken.
I believe them, Miles.
Argh! Easy.
Aw, that's really sweet.
Yeah, if he hadn't been trying to squeeze my brains out of my ears a minute ago,
I'd be really moved.
You can't just be attacking drivers left and right.
Meelo was a likely suspect.
King and his security team are looking into this.
Hey, remember the deal.
We work together on one condition.
And that was--
No more Mad Miles.
That's right.
Mad Miles is a bad,bad man,
and he needs to stay far away.
So let's just keep our cool and--
I mean,
I'll go work on the car.
I heard you've been cleared for the race.
I came to see for myself that you're okay.
very nice of you.
And yeah, I'm feeling great.
That way when I beat you,
you'll have no excuse.
See you tomorrow.
Rimba Grand Prix starts now!
It was you, wasn't it?
If it was me,
I would have knocked your head clean off.
You know Krom,
I've tried to apologize.
But I'm done with that.
You're about to find out what life is like on my bad side.
Hey, hey hey boys and girls.
It's Race 2 of the RGP,
and we're all in for a crazy evening.
Welcome to...
The Unreal!
Hey everyone and welcome to the Highland Air Race Track.
Spread out amongst the actual obstacles
are state of the art illusions.
So it's up to the racers to decide if what they see is real...
or unreal.
And we're off!
Not real.
Not real.
That'll get you up in the morning!
Tag. You okay?
Is it the engine?
The Ripper's fine, Miles.
I have to take care of something first.
You want to get bad, Kitty Cat.
Let's get bad!
He's bigger and tougher!
You can't win a head to head fight!
Just trying to get his attention.
Well it worked.
Wait, why is this a good thing?
Because I'm making a point, Miles.
Not real.
Not real.
Okay that's real.
Welcome to my bad side!
So you think Krom was the one who attacked you?
He's a likely suspect.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a race to get back to.
And here I thought you forgot.
Wait a minute.
I came in.
Tag was on the ground.
And next to him was--
It was a Kurgen Wrench.
Tag! Tag can you hear me?
Slow down!
Slow down?
The attack wasn't about you.
That was just a distraction.
You're not making any sense!
They sabotaged the Ripper, Tag.
The car is rigged!
He knocked you out with the Kurgen wrench.
That's used for just one thing--
the coolant system.
If it's damaged,
at a certain speed the engine will overheat and--
And what?
How fast can I push it?
No more than 80.
Hold on.
I'm figuring out how you can fix this.
I just drive. You do all the tech stuff.
Unless you want to get out and push,
I think it's time to expand your skill set.
Right beneath your left foot is a panel.
You see it?
Open it.
Now you need to disconnect the breakers from the coolant controls.
Pretend you're talking to a six-year old.
Pull out the green and black wires.
Do not.
I repeat do not disconnect any of the other wires.
You hear me?
Speed! Watch your speed!
I know!
You did it!
Coolant is back online!
Everything's fine, Miles.
Looks like the worst is over.
Okay, shutting up now.
Tag, check your fuel.
Wrecks must have punctured the fuel tank.
You're leaving a trail of fuel behind you.
A trail of fuel--
next to the really hot pools of lava.
Lava definitely real.
What are you doing?
Bail out!
Not yet. I got an idea.
I'm okay.
How'd we do?
Seventh place.
Beats dying.
It does at that.
Took a bit of a pounding today, didn't you?
Nothing we can't fix, Mr. King.
Good to hear.
we found out who attacked you.
One of our janitors has a bit of a
gambling problem.
Put all his money on Tag pulling out of the race.
He's been dealt with
so that's over.
That's good to know.
Thank you.
Well, well Mad Miles.
Looks like you owe Meelo a big "I'm sorry."
Flowers are good for that, I hear.
I'll get right on that.
Right after you apologize to Krom.
It didn't work.
I couldn't get rid of him.
Looks like Tag's here to stay.
RIMBA Racer | Lap 02 | Welcome To The Big Time - Duration: 21:54.♪ Hearts pumping ♪
♪ Engines thumping ♪
♪ Time to begin ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Watch the race track come alive ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers hook the bends ♪
♪ Zooming round the laps to get to the end ♪
♪ Some will win and some will lose ♪
♪ Got to drive no time to cruise ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers flying fast ♪
♪ No one wants to be last ♪
♪ See you at the starting line ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ The race has begun ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who will be number one? ♪
♪ Pedal to the metal slam your foot to the floor ♪
♪ Hear the crowds shouting hear the engines roar ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ in front of the pack ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who's the king of the track? ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Be a RIMBA Racer ♪
How long before we get on air? Are we good to go? Ok.
I'm here! I'm here!
Don't be nervous. Don't be scared.
Don't even think about the millions of people watching.
I know, I know, just be myself.
Well-- not too much.
What's that supposed to mean--
You're late!
The other racers are waiting.
Come on!
The rookies.
All right, new guys.
I'm going to send the press over.
Just remember, you're excited for the season...
it's an honor to be chosen.
Hi guys. I'm Tag.
Don't hurt me!
I - I didn't--
I wasn't--
Excited for the season.
Honored to be chosen.
Over here!
Hello Ooaa.
Welcome to the RGP.
Tell me,
what does it feel like to be one of the elite racers in the world?
And Cuckoo,
your past accomplishments are the stuff of legend,
how do you rate your chances for the coming season?
You-You've got to help me.
You've got to help me!
Get me out of here!
At least that was honest!
Do you have anything to say to all the race fans out there?
It's-It's an exciting honor--
I mean--
prepare to be Tagged!
What was that?
Prepare to be Tagged?
Prepare to be Tagged!
At least it's catchy.
Hey, don't worry.
Everybody tanks in front of the cameras the first time.
not as bad as you.
And what about the 'Salmon' incident?
I thought the deal was
we took that to the grave!
More of an understanding than a deal.
You're-- Sonny.
You won the Roosterfarian Invitational
by a half mile.
And you--
Your sliding turn on the fourth marker at Silverfish
was epic!
I like him.
Me too!
Chin up, kid.
You got a problem, rookie?
No problem.
I'm problem free.
Yay me.
I think he's trying to be funny.
But not funny ha-ha.
Hey, I'm just looking for the Emerald City.
Because the line is yellow like
the road in the movie--
I'm just looking for the garage.
My mistake.
If I could just--
I bet it'd be funny seeing him try to talk...
with no teeth.
That would be funny ha-ha.
It seems a bit played out.
I've always been more of a fan of--
"let's settle our differences on the track."
You just can't stop talking can you, funny boy?
I get that a lot.
Krom! Wrecks!
That's enough!
We were just having some fun, Tamira.
Have it somewhere else.
Unless you'd rather deal with me?
We'll settle this on the track.
That's what I just said.
Thanks, uh,
Tamira, was it?
It's good you showed up when you did
because I was about to go all--
Kung Fu on them.
It wouldn't have been pretty.
When you see the Wizard,
ask him for some courage.
They brought that suit by for you.
That logo we designed worked out pretty well.
And, I finished installing all the new parts that came in.
These new turbines should come in handy during the race
and the new paint job--
What's wrong?
I'm fine.
That was harsh.
I mean she---
Not that I care.
I mean--
but--but it was rude.
Of course.
We made a terrible mistake.
I'm so confused.
I shouldn't be here!
The RGP! What was I thinking?
Need to get out...
go back home.
Tag, what happened?
"Rambunctious Rookie gets Rocked by Racers"
Rumor has it that the RIMBA Racers,
irritated by the bragging of a certain feline rookie,
decided to put the upstart in his place.
Our sources report that the newbie ended up crying and blubbering for mercy.
Unofficial RIMBA Fan Site.
That's not what happened!
And how did they even know?
They've got pictures off the security feed.
This is just some moron who sits in his pyjamas all day with nothing better to do.
No one's gonna care.
Krom linked to it on his Squealer feed.
Krom's on Squealer?
Krom can read and write?
He's got 300,000 followers.
You're having a bad day.
Oh well.
I'm Meelo by the way.
See you at the race.
That's it.
I'm gone.
First day and I'm a walking joke.
Well, running away won't help much.
No matter what they say about you,
at the end of the day
it's ten drivers,
ten cars
and a track.
That's all it is.
All you have to do
is drive.
And you should ask the Wizard for a heart.
That's what I should have told her!
Hi, Axle.
Just wanted to say it's an honor to be racing with you.
My name is--
A waste of my time.
All racers to their cars. All racers to their cars.
He's really quite sweet once you get to know him.
Good luck rookie.
Try not to die.
That would be bad start to the season.
Wouldn't want that.
Wouldn't want that.
Are you revved up, race fans?
The wait is over.
Life, once more, has meaning.
The RIMBA Grand Prix starts now!
We'll be bringing you all the thrills and spills
from the Desert Rose Speed Track.
Keep breathing, Tag.
It's just cars and drivers.
Cars and drivers.
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Freaking out a little.
And it looks like Axle is off to an early lead.
No surprise there.
But don't let the early goings fool you,
there are plenty of surprises to come.
And here to tell us all about it is The King himself!
Hey guys,
Great to be back.
For our opener, we've created what we like to call a
"3,2,1 Race"
At various points during the race
our three lane track is going to shrink to one.
Get it? 3,2,1.
Got it! Hah!
Good one!
I guess they don't call you the "Punnysher" for nothing.
You're right,
that was beneath me.
Tag, the car's reading fine.
All systems go.
Except me.
let's see what you got rookie.
but not good enough!
Better luck next time, sweetie.
I know, I know!
Let's see if you blink.
And it looks like Meelo's going to fire the first shot of the season!
Meelo's extended his grappling hook.
I see it.
If he hits you with it, it'll short out the whole car!
That sounds bad.
The Azureus Dart looks ready to launch the Poison Arrow on the Ripper!
How is Tag going to get out of this one?
He blinked.
Nice play from Meelo.
He was bluffing?
Looks like Tag the rookie is getting schooled out there.
Some might call it...
a 'Crash Course'.
It's a sickness, I can't help it!
Remember me, Kitty Cat?
You want to settle things on the track!
Well, this is me settling!
You're being awful literal about this!
Now things are getting interesting!
Krom has geared up the Heavy Metal for the Side Swipe!
And here comes Wrecks in the Atlas!
Things are really heating up with the Atlas getting ready with his Stampede.
That's right, boy.
It's a tag team!
Jump, Tag!
Use the jump!
There's nowhere to jump to!
And...here comes the Ruby Star!
Oh no, oh no.
Too many...
Too close!
out of this!
And just like that,
Cuckoo uses the Supernova to take out Krom & Wrecks!
It looks like Tag also got affected by the blast.
What a lucky break for Tag!
Don't worry about it.
You were out of the main blast radius.
I'll have the systems back online in a minute.
Forget about it.
I'm just--
not cut out for this.
I'm sorry, Miles.
Okay, you're thinking.
Not your strong suit.
Listen up, Tag.
You are impulsive, cocky and a constant pain in my tail feathers.
you're the best natural driver I've ever seen.
And most of all...
you're your father's son.
It's just cars and drivers, Tag.
So drive.
We're halfway through the race
and things are picking up as the drivers battle for position.
It looks like Ooaa's had enough!
Oh no.
Oooh... things are slipping out of control.
The Golden Cosmos, raining chaos on the track with its Dark Matter discs.
What a pile up!
The track is blocked!
here comes Tag but he's got nowhere to go!
Tag, hit the brakes!
Too late!
And there you have it folks!
The RGP debut of the Thunder Pounce!
See for yourselves, folks.
That move just cracked Beaks' brain in half!
No way.
It's now down to the Ripper, the Lunar Shadow & the Falcon Mach-1.
The only question,
who wants it more?
And it's Axle!
First over the line leaving the other two in the dust!
Tamira muscling Tag out of the way.
Looks like she's—
here comes Tag!
Second place!
With a finishing move that will live forever in legend.
Tag has finished in second place.
The highest finish for a rookie in a debut race in RGP history!
When you're right, you're right.
Excuse me!
Over here! Hurry up.
Tag! Tag!
Over here!
Where did you learn that final move?
How does it feel to finish second in your debut race?
Did you plan that from the start?
Come on folks!
This isn't the time for questions,
but I think we can all agree that a star has just been born.
That's right, people. You saw it right here on the RGP.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes,
even I wouldn't have believed it.
The most amazing finish to a race in all my years.
Soak it up, kid.
We're just getting started.
Subtitles by Chong Chi-Ren
ลุยลีคสุดท้าย..แต่ยังไม่จบ #13 [Pokemon heartGold] - Duration: 38:05.-------------------------------------------
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To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was a big blue whale swimming in the sea sea sea
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was a pirate ship at the bottom of the sea sea sea
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea sea sea
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
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phim chiếu rạp nhóc trùm-boss baby đáng yêu đến mức độ không thể chấp nhận được khi xem nhóc trùm - Duration: 10:19.-------------------------------------------
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RIMBA Racer | Lap 01 | The New Guy - Duration: 20:17.♪ Hearts pumping ♪
♪ Engines thumping ♪
♪ Time to begin ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Watch the race track come alive ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers hook the bends ♪
♪ Zooming round the laps to get to the end ♪
♪ Some will win and some will lose ♪
♪ Got to drive no time to cruise ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers flying fast ♪
♪ No one wants to be last ♪
♪ See you at the starting line ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ The race has begun ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who will be number one? ♪
♪ Pedal to the metal slam your foot to the floor ♪
♪ Hear the crowds shouting hear the engines roar ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ In front of the pack ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who's the king of the track? ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Be a RIMBA Racer ♪
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Freaking out a little.
I know you can hear me.
Tag? I'm getting angry here!
Miles? I thought you were out of town for the weekend.
Got back early. But first, where's the car?
The car?
Orange. Four wheels. An engine. The Ripper, Tag!
Where's the car?
Aaa.. How would I know, I'm just you know... at home... having dinner... watching TV--
I'm calling you in the car!
You're the one who said we needed to
test the jump function under race conditions.
But I also mentioned we do that when it was ready!
I forgot that last part.
but of course you did.
How convenient.
Tag, what's going on?
You still there?
Wait a minute...
Just tell me you're not racing the Bash Brothers.
You're racing the Bash Brothers.
They're a very misunderstood family.
What was that sound?
I break you car!
I'm going to jump him.
No, you're not.
It's not ready!
I haven't hooked up the hydraulics
to the manifold coupling.
Sorry, Miles--
you're breaking--
can't-- hear--
Going for it!
No! Wait!
Oh, come on!
What happened?
Did the car explode?
That was a possibility?
Jump didn't work.
That's fine.
Just forfeit the race, get back here,
and I'll run a diagnostic.
Can't do that.
And why not?
Remember how we were talking about how we didn't
have enough money to enter these races?
Wait a minute...
You bet the car?
I bet the car.
Of all the crazy irresponsible-brain-numbing-foolish
ideas you've ever had!
I go away for a couple of days and already...
Relax Miles.
I have an idea.
A good idea?
Sure. Let's say that.
That was a great race, Tag.
Look, tell Frank I've got his money.
I just need a little more time
to get the finances worked out.
Who's Frank?
Never mind.
But tell Charlie there was no way I could've known--
Not from Charlie either.
Did Lester send you?
My name is Torres.
I work for Mr. King.
The King.
King King?
Mr. King has an eye for talent, Tag.
He's been watching you for a while now
and has a question for you.
How would you
like to join the RIMBA Grand Prix?
Anybody have a spare car?
I do!
At last.
Now I can retire to a life of luxury.
Yeah, Jonah wasn't too happy about losing.
That guy gets really angry.
That's it.
No more street races.
No more betting with lunatics.
We are done!
Don't argue with me, Tag--
I think it's time we moved up in the world.
Maybe the RIMBA Grand Prix.
How's that sound?
Did you hit your head during the race?
It's happening, Miles.
There was a RIMBA scout at the race.
Her name was Torres.
Really cute. Not that you care--
But the point is,
I got the invite!
Do you know how many grifters are at these things?
Just looking for some gullible racer to scam.
How many grifters give you signing bonuses?
That's a lot zeroes.
There's a comma there too.
We've hit the big time, old man.
The really, really big time.
Torres said the invite came from King himself.
Yeah! The head of the RGP himself,
wants us to join the team.
This is a bad idea.
We're not doing this.
Of course we're doing this.
Isn't this is what we've been working for.
You don't know what the RGP is like, Tag.
It's not all driving and magazine covers.
It can get bad.
If the choice is between living in this garage,
barely scraping a living
and the RIMBA Grand Prix?
I'll take a little bit of bad.
Your father wouldn't have wanted this for you.
Don't you know that?
I don't care what he would have wanted--
he's not here!
You are!
I want this.
And deep down,
I know you want it too.
How do you know?
Because you're the best.
And the RGP is where the best go.
Come on Miles.
I need you on this one.
Hey there everyone! Becks and Beaks here.
It's time to taste the asphalt.
That sweet, sweet asphalt.
That's right race fans.
The wait is over.
20 races.
10 drivers.
6 months.
5 continents.
One champion.
The RIMBA Grand Prix is back!
Back! Back! Back!
You're absolutely right, Beaks.
This is the 13th anniversary of the RGP
and as a little treat for all of you,
here's an exclusive statement from the Organizer
and Head of the RGP,
We've got a great year planned for
all our fans out there:
new courses, new races
and maybe even a new face or two.
As you all know,
I'm not one to exaggerate--
--But I think this might be the greatest RGP ever!
Who will claim the coveted RGP
championship this year?
Will it be three-year veteran Sonny
and the Boomboxer?
Or maybe the lovely Meika
and the Belladonna.
I'm sure Tamira's Lunar Shadow
will have something to say about that?
Meelo! Meelo!
I'm getting to him, Beaks.
In the Azureus Dart,
our little green friend is here
to prove that size doesn't matter.
But, Krom and Wrecks in the Atlas and the Heavy Metal
are back to prove that it most certainly does.
Or maybe it will be one of the three new racers
joining the RGP this year.
Who are they?
You'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out.
You thought I'd forgotten.
But how could any of us forget
the RGP Champion for three consecutive years.
Tooling around in the legendary Falcon Mach-1--
What do you reckon his chances are, buddy?
Repeat! Repeat!
You heard it here first folks.
Beaks is predicting a repeat win
for the High Ace himself--
Our correspondent Miss Dira has more.
Thanks Becks and Beaks.
I'm coming to you live from The Ark.
We are currently headed to the
Desert Rose Speed Track
which plays host to this year's opening race.
I'm hoping to get a moment with--
there he is!
Come on!
Dira here from RGP Update.
You won last year by an unprecedented 10 point margin,
any predictions for this year?
We race.
y--yes, that's right.
do you have a strategy for this year's race?
A man of few words.
Cryptic words.
But there is a wisdom to the--
I got nothing.
Back to the studio.
How is it?
The lighting could use a little work.
Other than that, charming as always, Mr. King.
I meant,
how are the numbers?
Media saturation's at about 70%.
Ad buys are up across the board.
I'd say our only problem
is the new racers.
The chimp and the chicken?
Torres, how can you not love those guys?
Don't worry,
they'll grow on you.
Fungus often does, sir.
But I did manage to find a new recruit.
A bit rough around the edges
but definite potential.
And who is this?
Name's Tag.
Bumped around the minors for a while.
Does mostly street races these days.
I gave him the whole
"Mr. King has an eye for talent" speech--
You know him, sir?
He just looks...
But I have the utmost faith in you, Miss Torres.
I'm sure he'll work out just fine.
I don't know about this.
Come on, Miles.
This is what we've been working for.
This isn't racing for pinks against petrol heads.
This is the best of the best.
This is the big time.
I don't care how they dress it up.
It's still cars and drivers.
And when it comes to cars,
you're the best.
And when it comes to driving...
Don't leave me hanging.
You're the best.
Your confidence overwhelms me.
can you see the whelming?
We are so dead.
Subtitles by Chong Chi-Ren
Hexer | Pilot - Duration: 21:28.-------------------------------------------
第一集 动漫 怪物弹珠 (中文简体字幕)(第二季) - Duration: 13:07.-------------------------------------------
10 DÉCOUVERTES SUR SPLATOON 2 ! Glitches, surprises et analyse. - Duration: 10:16.After 6 sessions of 1h, the global testfire of Splatoon 2 ended.
We had 6h to play it and we have learned a lot o things about it.
And when a lot of people plays together to a same game...
...there are tones of discoveries that are made.
In this video, I will present you 10 things that have been discovered thanks to this demo.
N°1 - The Matchmaking
In splatoon 1, we meet people from all around the world when we play online.
And because, a lot of Japonese people play splatoon,
often, we are in a full japonese lobby
and there is a lot of lag in the game, because we are far away from the other players.
And here, we could see that the european people were matched together very often,
while people in asia where also matched together.
Personnaly, I played almost only with european people
and Kirbendo, who is in Thailand, played almost only with japonese players.
Of course this matchmaking is not completely located,
Some european people have met some japonese players in the lobby
But in this demo, the game tried to match us first by our localisation
Which is a very good news against the lag
it is a good hope, that it might be the same in the complete game.
the waiting screens
In this demo, we did have minigames like in splatoon 1,
but when we were waiting for the beginning of a game,
we realised, that puching buttons during these waiting screens, was creating sounds.
and the music was remixed.
Adding voices, distorsion, speed up the rythm, ...
There was a way to be a Splatoon DJ during few minutes.
while waiting for other players, and this is a very nice discovery.
Weapons and sub weapons
with the 4 weapons we had in this demo,
we found 3 weapons that we already knew in splatoon 1.
There were modified a bit, especially the snipe and roller
But we found the weapons we all knew and we realised that the caracteristics were almost the same.
Even if we had some small difference : le splatershot is faster to pull at where you press B
but have less ink.
Also, the roller goes faster but consumes more ink
The splatecharger also pull out faster and have the same amount of shot before beeing empty.
The sub weapons stays also allmost the same,
and we discoverd the curling bombs
and we saw how to charge them, to pull them closer to us
of course, it was just simple tests, we will have more information when the game will be out.
but we can say that the weapons are very similar as what their were before.
Special weapons
All the special weapons in this testfire were different to what we knew in splatoon 1.
and it will be the same on the complete game.
Then we could try the inkjet
and we could see that it has a range of fire limited
after some distance, the ink ball vanishes and do not explode at the impact.
We also try out the Stingray, which launch a ray of ink across the map and across the walls
with no limitation of range.
but tt is not very easy to handle.
The Tanta-Missiles which cames with the splattershot is very fast to use,
You can select between 1 to 4 players
it you cannot see at least one player, you cannot fire it.
To optimised the number of players selected,
you can back up a little, even until you spawn camp to enlarge you camera angle
Is it very usefull to go back in the spawn ? I don't think so,
but keep in mind that more you are away from your oponents, more you will be able to select them.
We also try out the Splashdown, which is very powerfull.
And we notices that the splashdown could kill an inkjet, if it was close enough
even though the high is not the same.
Also, if 2 splashdown are used closed from each other,
The first to be use will kill the second one.
Colors and sensitivity
We discoverd news colors in this demo and new couples of colors.
we could lock them in the option, but it was a bit obscure...
Personnally, when I selected it, the colors were still changing between the matches.
Even if I played a lot in the Blue/Yellow couple.
The sensitibity is brand new !
On Splatoon 1 we can change the global sensitivity of our gamepad
but in splatoon 2, there is one sensitivity for the right stick and one for the gyroscope.
thus, to optimise we will have to try several parameters and find which sensitivities we prefer.
Some players think that the sensitivity of the game and of the controls were slow down a bit
is it a small bug or a choice from Nintendo ? We don't know.
The lag
About the lag, things have changed.
Personnaly, I had tones of lag by wifi
by where I pluged by Wii U with an ethernet connexion
the lag disapered and I could play without any problem.
I realised that while I was lagging, I had trouble to kill players
even if it is something I can do in splatoon 1 with lag...
It seems, Nintendo changed the way data are treated in Splatoon 2
and now, when you are lagging, you are penalized compare to the other players.
A Sploosh-O-Matic
This info became very famous,
Some players with Sploosh-O-Matic were seen in the splatoon 2 demo
even though we couldn't select this weapon to play with.
Actually, the explaination is very simple,
In Splatoon 1 and 2, each weapon own a number.
and Sploosh-O-Matic is number ZERO
then, when the game has a little problem and cannot detect a weapon
the ZERO number is allocate to the player and we see him with a Sploosh-O-Matic
It was already like that in Splatoon 1, but here it can be very strange, because the Sploosh-O-Matic was not in the demo
When someone disconect before the beginning of the game,
it was then a 4 vs 3
and at the end, the server couldn't determined the name, the score, or the weapon of the player
then it was called "????????", with zero points and with the ZERO weapon, which is the Sploosh-O-Matic.
The only thing that we know from that is that the Sploosh-O-Matic is in the game.
even though, Nintendo said in an interview that all the primary weapons of splatoon 1 will be in splatoon 2
so it is not a big surprise.
but we can see that is design did not change
we also saw a tweet by Nintendo with other weapons that will be in the game
and their design were also the same, contrary to the splattershot, the roller and splatcharger which have been changed.
Definition of the game
While Splatoon 1 is in 1080p, it seems that the testfire of splatoon 2 was in 720p.
the quality of the definition were decrease.
In interviews, Nintendo said their main focus was to maintain the 60fps, before trying to keep the HD definition
This do not means that the complete game will be in 720p
but for now the demo was in 720p on bigscreen, and 530p on tablet mode.
We hope they will reach the 1080p until the game came out.
The enemy ink
We realised, that when you were walking or swimming, when you touch the enemy ink
we could see splat of ink on the screen, as in splatoon 1, but quicker.
Sometimes, we thought someone was shooting at us, but it was just that our foot were touching small dot of ink.
Is it a choice from Nintendo or a minor bug that will be fixed ?
Was it just a design effect or the enemy ink was actually more deadly for our inkling ?
Hard to tell, but there were a notable difference between splatoon 1 and 2.
Glitches and bugs
It is amazing to seen how fast a glitch were found in the demo of splatoon 2.
Indeed, on Barnacle Sports Club a japonese player found a glitch that can teleport you very high on the map
thanks to a the splat dualies, by rolling on the right spot on the map
The Max succed to reproduce this glitch
by rolling right here, this glitch teleport you above, sometimes in space, and even sometimes on the climbing wall.
It is not the only bug that has been noticed
we saw small bug here and there in the game, about texture or ink
Here for exemple, if you ink this bloc, it will overflow on the wall on the left
which is not physicaly consistent.
Voilà, it was 10 things we discovered thanks to this global testfire
There is still a lot of things to discoverd, it was just a demo.
we will have to analyse all the ancient weapons to see if they changed or if they are the same
there will be new special weapons, and maybe new sub weapons
And because the Dualies are actually a new class of weapons,
we will have some others with different characteristics.
we still don't know the date of release of the game, but we hope it is very soon
We may have some new infos soon, subscribe to this chanel know everything.Count on me !
I hope you liked this video. Tell me in the comment your friend code, so I can pick up randomly one of you
and add him to my friend list.
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See you soon in a next video. Allez, salut !
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