Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 31 2018

Talking Siamese Cat: CoCo

A cat is inside.

A cat is outside.

Thank you for watching my video!

Please subscribe to my channel!

For more infomation >> 🐱Talking Cat Video, How to Let Your Cat Outside Safely, おしゃべり猫を外へ出す - Duration: 5:21.


Gérard Depardieu accusé de viols : Une actrice porte plainte Video - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Gérard Depardieu accusé de viols : Une actrice porte plainte Video - Duration: 7:52.


September 2018 Video [CC] - Duration: 5:24.

Good morning ECHS! Before we get into

September announcements let's go over

what happened last month. School started

on August 8th and we welcomed all of

our new students. We had picture day on

August 10th and our club and house rush

from the 13 to the 17th. On the 17th we

had all of our new students be placed

into their permanent houses. If you were

one of the new students, you were either

placed into narwhals, barracudas, sea

dragons or sting rays. This will be your

house for the rest of your time at ECHS

so get to know all the members and get

ready to play some fun games to ensure

your victory. The winning house at the

end of the year will win some sweet

prizes and have the honor of being the

2019 house competition winners. Now

before we take a look at the September

announcements, we have an opportunity for

you to earn some house points. In each

video we will be including a challenge that

you have to complete by a certain

deadline and if you do it in time you

can win your house five points. That may

not seem like a lot, but after a few

months you can earn more than 40 points

single-handedly! That could easily be the

difference between 1st and 2nd place.

Just saying. This month's challenge is

simple; just subscribe and comment that

you've subscribed along with the house

that you're in by the end of the week.

The deadline is 5 p.m. this Friday,

September 7th, so be sure to do that.

Hit the notification bell in order to

catch our next video so that you don't

miss our next challenge. Tell your

friends to do the same so you can earn

as many points as possible. Alright, now

that you know the challenge let's talk

about what's happening in September.

September 3rd is Labor Day so we won't

have classes that Monday as a result. On

Friday 7th, it will be a modified A day.

If you're unsure of the bell schedule,

just look online. Our semester shoe drive

is starting September 4th, so be sure to

bring shoes you don't want any more: old or new.

The house that brings in the most

shoes will get 200 house points and a

pizza party,

so start collecting. On September 6th and

20th, we will have a Community Service

Club meeting in room 17 with Ms. Peters.

In addition, the Community Service Club

is having a beach cleanup on September

8th at PCH and Beach from 8 to 10.

Feel free to stop by and freshmen, this

beach cleanup is mandatory for you.

you'll need to participate for your Environmental

Issues Project.

Make A Wish Club is meeting this month

on the 12th and the 26th in Mr. Bui's

classroom, which is room 7. Attention to

everyone running for ASB: the campaign

week will be from September 4th to 7th.

Hang up posters to try to get some votes, but

remember to stay within the guidelines.

Your posters need to be taken down

Friday by lunch or you will be

disqualified. On September 7th, which is a

modified A day, we'll be having our ASB

elections. May the best candidate win!

We'll be having a fundraiser at

Yogurtland every Thursday all day long

make sure to mention ECHS in order

for 20% to be donated to our students.

This month begins the yes program which

stands for Youth Employment Services.

These workshops are for students of age

16 and older. If you are interested in

getting a leg up in the employment world,

join us September at 7th, 14th, and 21st

from 8 to 9:45. If you're not aware,

September is Suicide Prevention Month. We

will have information at our ASB store for anyone in need of support.

World Suicide Prevention Day is on September

10th. Make sure to wear yellow. Remember,

if you ever need to talk to someone,

please do not hesitate to reach out. Call

(800) 273-8255. There are trained

counselors waiting to speak with you. We

also have resources and Turning Point

counselors at ECHS for you to use. Have you

ever wondered about how you will be able to afford

college or how student loans

work? All that information is available

to you. Come to the PTSA financial

literacy seminar on September 13 in the

MPR if you don't know our ECHS PTSA is

top notch. This year, along with the

Wells Fargo financial literacy seminars,

they will be hosting monthly yoga and

meditation sessions for all students. The

first session is Friday September 14th

from 4:00 to 5:00 in MPR. It is free and

everyone is invited. On September 19th

we'll be having a family fundraiser from

4 to 8 at Panera Bread. Show up, mention

our school, bring a flyer, or order online

using the code PRFUND. On September

21st, we'll be having our second house

comp of the year. Congratulations to Sea

Dragons on winning the first house comp. Not only

did they win house points, but they also

won the golden hat. The golden hat is

something new that we started this year.

When a house wins the competition of the

month, they will earn 200 house points as

well as the Golden Hat. Next month we'll

be playing our annual puzzle defense

house competition, which will be followed

by a crowning ceremony for the new

winners. Whoever wins gets to crown one

of their teachers and gets bragging

rights for a month. Good luck! If you like

to run, check out the Costa Mesa

Community run on Sunday, September 23rd.

The 5k is $35 and the 10k is $40. Sign up

as Early College HS if you have any

questions ask Ms. Peters or go to

PTSA will also be hosting

an after school art opportunity for all

our students on Tuesday September 25th

from 4 to 5. This will give students an

opportunity to learn about the

reflections program and time to express themselves in a more

artistic way. PTSA is also hosting a

family bingo night in the MPR on Friday

September 28th. Dinner will be served at

6:30 followed by games at 7:00. We can't wait to see you all there!

Thank You PTSA.

Thank you again for watching make sure to subscribe comment

down below for house points and make

sure to tune in for our next month's

video stay focused on success ECHS. See

you next month!

For more infomation >> September 2018 Video [CC] - Duration: 5:24.


First video - Duration: 3:00.

hey guys xFosve here I don't think I

really did okay um so let's get started

in here no pun intended

okay so first off this is how we're

gonna start this is my channel it's gonna

be the most awesome channel you ever

seen that's right

what's my name you didn't hear my name

no she didn't - did you say your name

yes the beginning of the video okay

Hey so basically gonna be playing some

gaming videos and some other stuff like

that ain't doing no um what is it called

ain't gonna be doing known reacting

videos cuz I am gonna get actually I

have nothing to lose if I do reacting

videos so I might be doing reacting

videos that's a good idea why did you

just show your - what are you do I need

to shut up okay what's you I don't like

that reason you don't answer it no

phones we just look at the camera I'm

gonna aren't you no one will be hurt I'm

just kidding

So its gonna be a lit channel gonna

be a lit channel ever most lit

channel I already said that

but you know that's how I want you slip

get off your phone okay basically

hope you like this video cuz it'll be

the best you're walking cuz it'll be the

best video you'll see I asked you a


how are you have fun and guys don't

dont forget to subscribe if you want to

For more infomation >> First video - Duration: 3:00.


Content Site KPIs: Video metrics - Duration: 2:00.

If your organization is putting time and effort into video production,

you may want to measure users' engagement with those videos.

In addition to using Google Analytics Event Tracking for video interactions,

you could work with your developers to capture things like video watch time

and video starts as custom metrics.

This would then allow you to create calculated metrics

like video watch time per video view, video watch time per session and user,

and video watch time per session duration,

in other words, the percentage of session duration

that consists of video watch time.

Using custom reports, you could then display these metrics against dimensions

like the name or the URL of the video, which could be captured as an event label

or as a custom dimension.

If your videos are hosted on YouTube, your developers can use

the YouTube Player API or the YouTube Trigger in Google Tag Manager

to track these interactions as events.

You can get pretty creative with this.

For example, if pauses are greater than three, this could be one delayed watcher.

If a user hits play and then fires no events until the end,

this could be one perfect play.

If the user watches between minute two and minute three of your video,

in other words the spot where you know you have a call to action,

this could be one CTA impression.

Then you could use these events in segments to be able to slice

and dice your data for further analysis.

For example, you could compare your segments for delayed watchers

versus perfect plays to see if watching video in different ways

has an impact on the overall conversion rate for your site.

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