Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

Hi Everyone Welcome to Introduction to Medical Terminology.

This course will assist you in communicating within the healthcare field.

Spelling and pronunciation will be tested as well as your ability to recall definitions

for major medical terminology of each body system.

This course is fully online, so there will be no face-to-face requirements for the course.

You will be performing several activities and submitting them into Canvas as well as

MindTap which is a website with activities that is through the textbook you have purchased.

Because it is online, you must have basic computer and internet knowledge with access

as well as word processing skills.

The textbook we are using is Medical Terminology for Health Professions by Ehrlich, the 8th


You will also need a MindTap access card for it.

You have two options, you can buy the textbook with the access card or you can just buy the

access card and that will give you the Ebook.

Every week you will have a Discussion Board submission, you must respond to the discussion

board and respond to two other students post.

You have to submit Review Words that are bolded in your textbook as well.

Other activities will be through MindTap such as a Pronunciation Test for each chapter and

Chapter review questions for each chapter.

The due dates on the assessments are strict.

You have assignments due every Sunday night by 11:59pm and you are given a week to complete

these assignments.

The submission of assignments is a way for me to verify you are present and attending

an online class without any face to face time being required.

You will have three exams for this course.

The first exam will be an at home test that will cover Chapter 1 and 2.

The midterm and the final exam which are test number 2 and 3 will be proctored at the testing


You will be given a 5-6 day time span to make it to the testing center to take the exam.

For the testing center, please make sure you give yourself enough time and plan ahead.

You do not need to make an appointment ahead of time, you cannot use any notes and you

must have a government ID on you to show your identity to the testing center.

You can go to any campus testing center for this exam but you want to check the testing

center website on for their hours of operation.

My name is Colleen Cardilla, I will be your instructor for the course.

I am always available for any questions you may have as we are going through week by week.

My preferred email would be through Canvas and I will respond within 24 hours to any


For more infomation >> Welcome Video MEDA120 - Duration: 3:03.


Lower Back and Neck Pain - Animated Informative Video by Reptile FX Animation Studio - Duration: 2:01.

Meet Sam.

Like most of us, he does a lot of sitting.

And like most of us, he begins to slouch after some time.

This could lead to lower back pain,

the most common cause of disability.

In fact, up to 80% of us...

will suffer from lower back pain...

at some point in our lives.

Slouching also leads to neck pain,

the fourth most common cause of disability.

Look at how Sam is poking his head forward to look at his screen.

When it's in this position,

the load on the neck is like having a small child hanging off it.

This can strain his neck,

leading to more serious problems.

Here's Sam's friend, Jane.

Her posture's not great.

In fact, here are all the ways she should not be standing.

And the high heels don't help either.

This could lead to numerous problems.

So how do we minimize the negative impact...

of prolonged sitting or standing?

For starters, do both properly...

and ideally every half hour take an active break.

For example:

walk up to the next floor to get a drink of water...

or do a stretch.

For more infomation >> Lower Back and Neck Pain - Animated Informative Video by Reptile FX Animation Studio - Duration: 2:01.


Kylie Jenner Coos Over Baby Stormi in New Snapchat Video - Duration: 1:48.

Kylie Jenner Coos Over Baby Stormi in New Snapchat Video

Welcome to Kylie Jenners Snapchat, baby Stormi! The 20-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star gave birth to her and Travis Scotts daughter, their first child together, earlier this month.

She announced the news, which also confirmed reports she was pregnant, on Instagram and in a YouTube video and revealed her babys her name via an Instagram photo.

Kylie shared with her fans on Snapchat on Sunday a third glimpse of Stormi—a video of her holding the babys foot. Mommys cute little toes, the reality star says, cooing. .

This marks the first time the child has been seen on Snapchat, where, much like other social media platforms, Kylie has reigned supreme as one of the most followed celebs. She has yet to show a clear photo of Stormi.

Part of the babys face, which is out of focus, is seen in her moms birth announcement pic. Stormi is also heard crying in Kylies baby reveal YouTube video. She looks just like me when I was a baby, Kylie tweeted last week.

Kylie posted her Snapchat video of the child three days after she tweeted, Sooo does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me. ugh this is so sad, which some analysts think helped sink the companys shares.

Her tweet comes after an online petition protesting of Snapchats new update was launched and signed by more than 1.2 million people.

The update has caused many users to flock to rival Instagram to post their temporary content on its Stories platform. Snapchat later said another update would be released in the next few weeks.

Kylie has not shared her new video of Stormi on Instagram, where she has more than 104 million followers. Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Sundays at 9/8c on E!.

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