Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

All right. Well, I thought I'd make another short video to help everyone remember what our rules are at Dixie Sun.

So first off, what are the rules at Dixie Sun?

Second Grade?

At Dixie Sun we are... Responsible and Respectful.

We will be... Resourceful and Safe.

Dixie Sun is... United!

So, I want to talk a little bit about responsibility.



Today, I'm gonna talk about four ways that you can be responsible at school.


Being to school on time is a big responsibility

We want you here. We want you in class. Be on time.

We start school at 8 o'clock a.m.

8 o'clock

Not 8:05. Tell your parents 8 o'clock.

8 o'clock

Everything we do at school has a purpose for you to learn.

Let's learn!

Be in the right place at the right time.

Right Place, Right Time!

Right Place, Right Time! What does that mean?



Right Place, Right Time!

So, if you're moving to another classroom?

Right Place, Right Time!

Lining up to go to specials?

Right Place, Right Time!

What about lining up in between specials?

Right Place, Right Time!

Going in between classes?

Right Place, Right Time!

Well, here's another one. What about what it's time to go to lunch?

Right Place, Right Time!

Get to the right table.

Eat your lunch, then go to recess.

We don't eat outside.

So that's number one. Right place, right time. Be there.

Be there.

Número dos

Next, we all need to keep our school clean.

That is our responsibility.

That means put the trash in the trash can

Put it in the trash can.

Trash in the trash can

Put it in the trash can

Put in the trash can.

We have these brand-new trash cans. It's pretty cool.

Use them!

Keep the school clean!

When you have snacks after school?

Get the cartons!

Get the stuff! Eat the food!

Get the wrappers and the cartons in the trash can.

Don't drop trash anywhere except in the

Trash can!

Trash Can. Do It!

You need to have pride in your school

Keep the school clean!

We love our school. We don't want a dirty school.

it's like having a dirty bedroom.

You walk in. You trip on things.

Keep it clean!

Número tres

Why are we here at school? To learn. Exactly.

It's your responsibility to learn

Think of it this way. I've got a job.

Your teacher has a job.

Parents have jobs.

You have a job.

Right now it's your responsibility to learn, not just you, but everyone.

The main part of learning is getting your work done in class on time.

Right time.

You're gonna learn. You're going to use all this knowledge from your brain.

We grow our brains in school by listening to your teacher and doing your work.

Your brain is gonna grow

and grow

and grow

and grow

and grow.

It's gonna grow.

Grow your brain!

Learning grows your brain

Número cuatro

The last piece of responsibility I want to talk about is being safe.

Safety is a responsibility for all of us.

It keeps everybody happy.

It keeps everybody going.

It keeps everybody safe.

So we're gonna play a game. I like to call it

Si o No

Si o No

When I want you to show me Si, I don't want you to yell out.

I want you to do this.

That means Si.

This means No.

Just open your hand.



Si o No.

I'm gonna show you some pictures. I want you to tell me, Si o No.

Is it yes. We should be doing this?

No, we should not be doing this.

Si o No.

Here's the first one.

Are we allowed to play in the ditch? Si o No?

Don't do it. No, no, no. Not responsible. Not safe.

Can you swing on the swings? Si o No?


Can you swing on the baby swings? Si o No?

No, No, Never, Never, Uh, Uh, Uh!

Are you allowed to slide down the slide? Si o No?


Very responsible.

Are you allowed to walk up these slides? Si o No?


Are you allowed to have more than one go down the slide at a time? Si o No?

No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh!

Are you allowed to walk up these slides? Si o No?

No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh, uh!

Are you allowed to have fun on the big toys? Si o No?


Are you allowed to go down the slide one at a time? Si o No?


Are you allowed to play tag at recess or lunch recess? Si o No?

Everybody say this with me

No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh.

Are you allowed to take turns getting your lunch?


Are you allowed to take food from others or share your food with others in the lunchroom? Si o No?


Everyone walking down the hall with their arms folded in a nice line. Is this right? Si o No?


Playing during recess? Having fun? Si o No?


Lining up? Ready to go to lunch? Arms folded? Si o No?


Walking on the concrete? Si o No?


Eating lunch, enjoying your company, not being too loud? Si o No?

Oh yeah!

Leaving trash at your table when you're finished with your lunch? Si o No?

No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh.

Playing soccer? Enjoying your time with your friends? Playing by the rules? Si o No?

Do i!t Have fun! Do it! Si!

Pushing, kicking, tripping? Not playing by the rules?

Making up your own rules? Si o No?

No, no, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh!

Running on the concrete? Si o No?

No, no, no, never, never, uh, uh!

Throwing your garbage away without letting it splash or fall out of the garbage can? Si o No?


It's getting warm.

So you need to follow the rules and help keep everyone safe and happy.

So let's recap a little bit. You ready?

Número uno

Right place right time

Número dos

Keep the school clean

Número tres

Grow your brain


Número cuatro

Keep everyone safe

Un minuto

All right, I have one more responsibility

that I need to talk to you about.

You have a responsibility, as being a human being,

to be nice.

Be kind.

Don't make fun of other students.

If you see somebody that's in trouble help them.

Do something nice every single day.

Mind Explosion!

Compliment people. Be nice.

Si o No?


Be nice.

All right, so let's see if we remember the cheer.


All of you.

If you're brand new listen to this memorize it.

Learn it.

Know it. Become it.

Dixie Sun is responsible and respectful.

We will be resourceful and safe

Dixie Sun is United!


We are united.

If we're being responsible,

if we're being safe,

if we were helping others,

United is what we will be.

We are Dixie Sun.

We are Dixie Sun!

Dixie Sun, United.

United, Dixie Sun.

It sounds the same to me.

Si o No?

It really doesn't sound the same does it, but it means the same, right?

Have a good day.

Si o No?


[Music Playing]

[Music Playing]

My favorite thing about Dixie Sun is that we talk Spanish and English.

Friends and dual immersion.

[Music Playing]

My favorite thing at Dixie Sun Elementary is that I have lots of friends.

Learning in school.

Recess because you get to play.

You get to do centers.

My favorite thing is about whenever we get to go to clubs and all that.

Algo que me gusta de Dixie Sun es aprender.

Were United.

Me gusta Dixie Sun porque las maestras son cool.

Math and you concentrate.

Aqui en Dixie Sun me gusta porque podemos tener clase de ciencia.

[Students yelling]

Me gusta Dixie Sun porque podemos hacer los examenes.

How there's like two languages.

Me gustan los maestros.

Algo que te gusta de Dixie Sun es que puede aprender espanol.

A mi me gusta Dixie Sun porque podemos aprender muchas cosas.

For more infomation >> DSES Respectful Video 2018 and Top 10 - Duration: 14:56.


Dallas GPA Admissions: Video 1 - Duration: 7:46.

I am going to give you a quiz

If you are going to come to the Global Proclamation Academy

You better be ready

For the questions that are going to consume you

My opening greeting anymore with

Christian audiences all over the world

comes from the land of Pakistan

Where a man in the majority culture dress came to me and said:

"Greetings to you in the Name of the Most High One!"

and as I waited

For who might be the Most High One

he finished it out and said:


So that's going to be the first question when you come to the

Global Proclamation Academy

and we cannot wait for you to come

Now why have you been chosen

to attend the GPA?

Well, you have gone through the admissions process

we have had many many applications

That we could not accept

But you fit the criteria

Of the people into whom we want to invest

both for your current enrichment

but also for the future impact

of our faith

which gives life and hope

and peace

to large numbers of individuals worldwide

If you are healthy, your congregation will be healthier

and as a result it will spill over into your communities

I look forward to seeing you

very very soon

Here is our admissions team with important information

for your consideration and response.

Greetings Pastors, my name is Brother Will!

Hi Pastors, I am Sister Jordan!

You have heard from both of us

in the form of either an email

or a phone call in recent weeks

Right now, we would like to tell you

more about the rest of the admissions process

from here until you arrive in Dallas

for this year's Dallas GPA

Every month we will release a video

that will detail the information we need from you

before you board your flight to Dallas

In future months,

this will include instructions on how we will work with you

on purchasing your flight

packing instructions and much more

We will also highlight what you will be doing

here at the Dallas GPA

in hopes to better prepare you for this great endeavor

We will now explain the admissions process

If you are viewing this video,

you have been accepted to the Dallas GPA

Here are the steps that need to be completed before you arrive in Dallas

First, if you do not have one already

You will need to obtain both a current passport

and a current visa

Make sure your passport is valid

until December 31st of this year

For the detailed visa process

we have our visa coach ready to assist you

Please follow her instructions carefully

and make an appointment for your interview right away

it is critical to start on the visa process immediately

Embassies, as you may know

operate on their own time schedule

also keep in mind we do not purchase any flights

until a visa has been obtained

If you wait too long to apply for your visa

then you may end up paying more

for your half of the round-trip airfare cost

Do not delay in getting your visa

Okay, the second step

is to complete the Canditate Information Form

You will receive this form via email

and it is also available for you to download

on the RREACH website

This form will better help us prepare for

your arrival to Dallas

This information is necessary and crucial

Please do not delay in returning this form

We will then work with you to purchase

your flight to Dallas

We will go over this in more detail in next month's video

The fourth item

is to begin working on two assignments

for your time here in Dallas

One, is your personal testimony

and another, is a ten-minute presentation of your ministry

These assignments will be discussed in the video

released in March

Finally, we will discuss the logistics of your travel to Dallas

and more details about your time spent here

If you already have both a current visa

and a current passport

the next step is for you to complete the Candidate Information Form

We would like to have this form completed in its entirety

before we purchase your flight to Dallas

While you are completing this form,

if you have any questions,

please do not hesitate to contact us

Now, let's go through this form section-by-section

Section one is basic general information that we need from you

Even though some of the information is already given to us

when you completed your application

We would like to have a confirmation

just to make sure we have your name spelled correctly and we address you properly

In order for us to have the correct t-shirt size,

we ask that you measure your chest and send us your measurement in centimeters

Please do not send us your t-shirt size in general terms like "small" or "extra-large"

These types of sizes are not the same in every country

and could lead to you having a shirt that doesn't fit

Also, please send us your family photo

and indicate who is in the photo

If you have children, please include their names

Section two asks information about the 10 pastors in your network

In order to be accepted to the Dallas GPA,

you indicated you knew ten pastors in your network

Please send us the names, the countries that they serve in,

their emails, their ministry names,

and the description of their ministries

We use this information to make sure that you are well connected

with other pastors in your area

and to assist us

in reaching out to other pastors for other pastoral training events

in the future

We do not give this information, or yours, to anyone else without prior consent

Section three is about your electronic devices

Almost every pastor will be bringing some type of electronic device with him

Whether it be a computer,

a phone or a tablet,

Please mark down which device you will be bringing with you

as well as what type of device

Section four is about our policy and procedures agreement

Please read through these agreements

and sign that you agree with them

Please note that we hold a strict travel policy

If you obtain a visa that we wrote an invitation letter for,

the only travel you are allowed

is to travel directly from your country to Dallas, Texas

and then back to your home country

We will discuss this in more detail

when we talk about your flight purchase

in next month's video

Section five is about your medical information

We need your emergency contact information

as well as a copy of your most recent tuberculosis test

showing a result that you do not have tuberculosis

If you had the test done in the last twelve months

You can just send us a copy of those results

Section six is a simple biographical questionnaire

We need this information for different printed materials

Some of these questions have a strict word count

We need you to follow this exactly

Otherwise, we will be forced to delete some of the information

you provided in order for it to all fit on our printed materials

Once you have all the information in each section completed,

Please submit the entire form,

your family photo,

and your tuberculosis test results to us right away

We hope this video will help you

as we are all anticipating your arrival to Dallas

If you have any questions

Please feel free to send us a message

Our team is praying for you

As you prepare for this life-changing time in Dallas

We look forward to seeing you!

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