BREAKING Shell Democrats' "Dirty Little Secret" Exposed
well this country is set to have its next census in 2020
that's delimited in the Constitution we have to every 10 years unless policies
change the census will be counting illegal aliens the same as everybody
else the census hasn't asked about citizenship status since 1950 meaning
that a lot of states get a boost to their congressional representation
because of the illegal immigrants in their state this is a problem it's not
democratic Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach says it is time to change
that and he joins us tonight the secretary thank you coming out great to
be with you so the Constitution says you have to have a census to a portion
congressional district yep and so the only people whose information matters
are citizens so it matters whether citizens are not correct it absolutely
does I think of it this way there are seven hundred and ten thousand people
per representative in Congress but if you live in a district like Maxine
Waters district out in California probably half or more of your district
is illegal aliens and so you may only have 350 citizens voting in your
district those citizens vote it counts twice as much as my voter your vote if
you live in a district that doesn't have tons of illegal aliens so you have vote
dilution where some people's vote matters more than others because they
have tons of illegal aliens in their district well wait a second I thought
the Liberals are always yelling about how every vote counts every vote should
matter the same as any other vote yeah why would they before this well the the
I think it's the it's a dirty little secret that they don't want to talk
about and you're absolutely right the 1964 decision of the Supreme Court
Westbury versus sander says voting dilution is unconstitutional you cannot
have one congressional district with our fewer voters that are in another
district and because of illegal immigration we have crazy disproportion
always extraordinary numbers where you know in a Midwestern seat you might have
to get a hundred and twenty thousand votes to win your election in in Walters
district you might only need 40,000 so what's it I don't understand the
argument I mean the answer is really simple just check a box are you a
citizen or not you allowed to vote legally that's the whole point of the
census exactly what's the argument against that the only argument against
it that I have heard is a really lame one they say that people will be afraid
to answer the census form if it has the citizenship question which is
ridiculous first of all and and secondly we already asked the the citizenship
question on the American Community Survey which about 1% of the population
gets in the Census Bureau asks that it's an ongoing survey the Democrats never
complained about that only when suddenly we talk about putting the citizenship
question back on the census do the people on the Left start why should we
care if people who aren't allowed to vote in our elections are afraid to
answer a census which is designed to apportion congressional district well
there's that too if you're if you're illegally in this country you we
shouldn't be considering you a resident anyway because you could go home at any
day you could be deported any moment so why in the world would be we'd be
worried about counting you why would your feelings matter more than a fair
election exactly and it's not just fair elections do governments need this
information i I as secretary of state cannot
accurately calculate the registration rate the percentage of eligible people
who are registered unless they know how many citizens I have and right now I
just have an estimate I don't have real numbers that is crazy secretary of state
Kris Kobach of Kansas thank you for joining us my pleasure to see you thank
you god bless you and God bless america
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