Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

What's up guys! Today I'll tell you why I did the video about spider-man. And what I'm going to do next. let's go!

Firstly I'll tell you where I've got this idea.

In December 2016 I liked one girl. And I felt very bad about it, and I didn't want to feel anything to her

And I wanted to find something, that I could kill my feeling to her

And when I was going back home from English, I had got this idea:" It would be great to buy spider-man's suit, and to make a video about it"

And that's all! After that I was thinking only about my idea. I knew everything about my video - what should I do, and how I would edit that

We must have filmed it in September 2017, but I've got an injury, so we made absolutely another video.

But, it seemed to be a very bad idea to made acrobatic video in the winter, and also in the suit.

Because it was very slippy, and I just can't land

I was always falling, and over a half of my plans were ruined.

So filmed everything very simply, and very fast because of the cold.

And finally, I'll tell you why I did this.

Since my childhood I've always wanted to be filming in the Marvel movies. I'm a big fan, I always watching every their film

So someday I would like to be in the Marvel team

Many people would say that it's impossible, but I'll try.

I think many people have seen this picture, but not everyone has looked into it.

And scientists said that I had alredy been in the Marvel studio.

It's only my dreams, but one day they will come true.

And now I'll follow my goal to jump a perfect backhandsprings

I want everyone to like it

Also, one day I'll do it.

Now I'll make more videos about acrobatics, so if you like it, subscribe to not to miss them

If not, just unsubscribe and you will never see me again.

I hope you enjoy this video, and I hope somebody find it interesting. See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Видео про человека паука Зачем? | Video about spider-man. Why? - Duration: 3:15.


Military Films CONVOY NKVD - RIORIT 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:22:13.

Military Films CONVOY NKVD - RIORIT 1941-45! War Movie HD Video!

For more infomation >> Military Films CONVOY NKVD - RIORIT 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:22:13.


Stormfall: Rise of Balur - Stoneheart Castle Video Guide Part 3 - Duration: 4:46.

We made it!

This is the last part of our journey to learn all about Stoneheart Castle.

Trust me, you'll want to pay close attention to this one.

That's because we are going to look at some major features today.

Stoneheart Trials, Stoneheart League Achievements, and Stoneheart Masteries.

As always, the more likes and subscriptions we get, the more useful videos we'll post

- so click those buttons people!

Let's go.

Stoneheart Masteries.

To give you the opportunity to improve your Stoneheart Units and Stoneheart Castle economy

we have created a brand new tree for Stoneheart Masteries.

You can access this tree from the House of Scrolls, "Stoneheart" tab.

In short, each Mastery improves a specific aspect of your journey through Stoneheart Castle.

If you unlock and upgrade all the Stoneheart Masteries on the tree, you will:

Be able to train all the different types of Stoneheart Units

Boost your Stoneheart Units' Offense and Defense

Reduce the Revival Cost (in Sapphires) for each Stoneheart Unit

Increase the percentage of Stoneheart Units that will be sent to the Infirmary

Increase the bonuses from your Offensive and Defensive Stoneheart Abilities

Increase the Activation Chance of each Stoneheart Unit Ability

Unlock higher level Stoneheart Perimeter Fortifications

Unlock buildings to increase Adamantine Production

Remember, you can see the bonuses from each Mastery by tapping its icon on the Mastery

Tree, then tapping "Details".

You can discover only one Lost Art or one Mastery at any one time

unless you hire an Extra Scribe, which will allow you to discover two simultaneously.

If you want to discover Masteries faster, you can reduce Mastery Discovery Time using

Stoneheart Boosts.

Or complete any process instantly with Sapphires.

Here are some other points for you to consider:

All bonuses that currently affect the speed of Lost Art Discovery will also apply to Masteries.

Points for discovering and upgrading Masteries will contribute to Achievements.

Masteries do not affect the 7% Resource Production Bonus.

This is still unlocked by discovering all the Lost Arts that do not require Soulstones.

You can use League Help to discover Masteries faster.

Each League Member that responds to your Request will reduce the Discovery/Upgrade Time.

To discover Masteries you will need to collect the relevant Stoneheart Scrolls.

You can get these by logging into the game, purchasing them from the Masteries Tree

winning them at Stoneheart trials, or as a Reward for completing League Achievements.

Stoneheart Trials.

It's been a long time coming for some of our players

but we're pleased to announce a brand new type of PvE Location - Stoneheart Trials.

Stoneheart Trials are special locations that pit your Stoneheart Units against Balur across

the Map of Darkshine.

The Units you will face are different to those found at regular Battlegrounds.

So be sure to check their statistics to find the most effective way of destroying them.

Only Stoneheart Units can fight at Stoneheart Trials, which means that you'll have to

plan your strategy carefully.

The way you get through Stoneheart Trials is almost exactly the same as regular Battlegrounds.

First, you must complete the highest available Level of Stoneheart Trial.

After a certain number of Levels you must clear a Stoneheart Saga Trial.

In another similarity to regular Battlegrounds, Stoneheart Trials can offer you a wide range

of Rewards.

While the highest Level Trials will yield the greatest Rewards, there is also value

in sending weaker Stoneheart Infantry Units

to lower-Level Trials - you may just end up with a more powerful army containing Stoneheart

Cavalry, Occult, and even Bestiary Units.

This is particularly important in the early stages of your interaction with the feature

as there will be a fair amount of upgrading to do before you can train the more powerful

Units by yourself.

As well as Stoneheart Units, you'll receive Adamantine as a Reward for completing Stoneheart


This resource is essential for training Units, constructing and upgrading Stoneheart Buildings,

and discovering Stoneheart Masteries.

Your first Stoneheart Saga Trial will be available to you as soon as you get access to Stoneheart


After this, new Stoneheart Saga Trials appear after every 10 Levels of Offensive and Defensive

Stoneheart Trials you complete.

This means the second Stoneheart Saga Trial will be available after you complete a Level

10 Stoneheart Trial.

Similar to the existing Saga Quests, you'll be able to see the Reward for completing this

type of location before you attack it.

Stoneheart League Achievements.

We have added two new League Achievements to reward those

Leagues that perform well with this new feature.

"Legends of Stoneheart" rewards Leagues for training Stoneheart Units

while "Stoneheart Trial Masters" can be achieved by completing Stoneheart Trials.

And that's it, you are ready to harness the power of this feature and become a true Stoneheart

warrior yourself.

If you liked this video, like it, share it, and leave a comment below with your thoughts.

Thanks for watching and good luck!

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