Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

how to really direct our states of mind

and emotion we said that everything that

we really want in our lives no matter

what it is whether it be family or

friends or relationship or money or

business success or acknowledging all

those things the only reason we want

them is what we think we'll get out of

them which is a state change a certain

level of feeling within ourselves we

also found out on our last tape that all

emotions every feeling we have is the

result of how we use our body that

emotions literally are nothing but

physiological storms and our brains if

you will and that we learned that by

using our bodies in certain ways by

using our voice our gestures our

breathing our facial expressions we

could radically change our states and we

also talked about the idea if you're a

call of measuring our states where are

we on a scale from zero to 10 10 being

absolutely empowered unstoppable

passionate zero being dead and noticing

are we at the appropriate level for what

we want to accomplish and that for most

cases not all in life but most would it

be nice to little at level 8 9 or 10 or

above on a consistent basis how much

more juice would you have and so you

develop some exercises and discovering

how to move your body not like me not

like somebody else but like you do when

you really are feeling absolutely

excellent today what we want to do is

take on the second way we can manage our

States and the second way to change your

state at any moment in time as quickly

as you can think it is to control and

direct the focus of your mind what do I

mean by that well think about this the

only experience that you have of life

comes in two forms what you're

physically feeling because of the

condition and use of your body at that

moment in other words if you've got

physical pain that's obviously gonna

affect your state there's some kind of

tension for example or if you haven't

had any sleep that's certainly gonna

affect your state as well or if you've

eaten something that's blown your blood

sugar sky-high then obviously that's

gonna affect your emotional states as

well the only other thing that really

controls your state is what are you

paying attention to right now at this

moment I mean let's take an example have

you ever had a headache maybe even a

massive headache that you thought

there's no way you would ever go away

you're really deep pain no what do you

do well most people go get an aspirin

what if instead have you ever had it

happen where somebody asked you a

question or

something needed to be done or something

acquired your total focus somewhere else

outside of yourself and Alamo

immediately the pain disappeared in fact

you forgot about it

and later on when you thought about it

you notice your headache was gone

haven't you had that happen at least

once or twice in your life now how did

you do that see my whole life has been

studying what makes people successful if

someone's able to do something if

they're able to get rapport with

somebody else if they're able to create

the results they want physically in

their life that is lose weight feel

energized if they're able to create the

relationships that they really desire if

they're able to feel as good as they

ever wanted to feel I want to know how

do they do that and so I began to study

how could somebody get rid of a headache

that quickly so we wouldn't be dependent

on some drug like aspirin or Tylenol or

anything else and I began to realize

that what it was is we changed our

mental focus and that whatever

experiencing in our body really comes

from what we're paying attention to

that's what really determines how you

feel and of course how you feel

determines usually how you're gonna

behave doesn't that make sense

when you're feeling really lousy you

don't usually do really well I know

they're exceptions but those exceptions

are because you control your focus you

don't focus on feeling lousy you focus

on what's got to be done there was

tremendous power and controlling the

focus of your mommy now what do I mean

by this specifically well there are two

things we can control in terms of focus

we can control what we're focusing on

that is what we're picturing in our mind

what we're saying to ourselves what

we're paying attention to in our

physical body or we can control how

we're focusing how we're focusing means

let's say the dimension of the pictures

in our mind the brightness of the colors

in our head the volume of our sounds if

we change how we're paying attention to

things not just what it radically

changes our state as well let me give an

example pretend for a moment that your

brain is a camera and you go to a party

how are you gonna feel at that party

well the only thing you're gonna have

feelings about other things you focus on

I mean in that room literally there are

almost unlimited number of activities

and probably emotions and conversations

and things that are going on but your


of that party is based on what that

camera focuses on now if it focuses on

two people that are fighting and that's

what it focuses on for the entire party

you would leave that party saying oh

that party was really intense I mean

people really upset with each other if

your focus was on two people and love or

maybe kissing passionately and say wow

that party was really moving I mean

those people are really connected if

your focus was on some people that were

really boring or bored it's out nobody

really enjoyed that party here's the

problem the problem is your camera that

is the focus that you have does not

usually take in everything

simultaneously your conscious mind can't

there are only so many things you can

consciously focus on I mean think about

how many things right now you are not

paying attention to that are happening

at this moment there's the blood

pulsating through your right ear you may

not even pay attention to it I mention

it now you might focus on it

there's the beat of your heart or you

even noticing that until I mentioned it

there's the feel of maybe some air

coming from an air conditioning maybe if

you're nearby or there's the heat on

your skin or there's the blinking of

your eyes there are unlimited number of

things that are happening right now but

see here's the thing about human beings

since we can't focus on everything and

consciously perceive at all what most of

us do is we become what I call deletion

creatures what do I mean I mean that

most of the time most of us delete that

as we fail to pay attention to or we

ignore most of what's going on around us

at any moment in time so what's the

price of all this deletion well the

price is we walk around believing or

hallucinating might be a better word

that our experience of the world is real

now would you think that if you were

looking through a camera that was

focused on one little portion of the

party that that was truly the party that

wouldn't be very intelligent with it in

fact you know what else is a problem

that camera may even create close-ups

where it makes things bigger than they

actually are where they look bigger and

brighter or worse than they were is that

possible - do you think your brain does

that as well you better believe it does

so the key is if you want your life to

be a party that you're happy with and

not a party that you're upset with you

got to realize that at any moment in

time there's enough going on in the

party of your life that you could find

something to be upset

all you got to do is focus on it all you

gotta do is now look around that party

find out the areas that don't match your

expectations make them big and bright

and close and you'll be upset and you

know what most people are good at this

they've done it over and over and over

again the other thing that's equally

true is that virtually any party at any

moment in time there's somebody having a

good time and if you were to focus on

some area of your life at that moment of

time you can make yourself feel

absolutely great or you could take some

little thing something that's just kind

of nice but make it bigger and brighter

and immediately you can feel better

about it as well

so here's my point my point is if you

want to look at the quality of life and

know what it is it's the quality of

estates that you live in day to day I

mean isn't it really true isn't it how

you feel day to day that determines how

you treat yourself how you treat other

people and how great you feel or how

poor you feel about your life what

determines it one how you use your body

so you want to develop some new habits

and to what and how you focus on things

now that's the only way we can explain

how people have come from unbelievably

painful experiences and turn them around

w Mitchell secret is he has controlled

his physical body specifically the way

he uses his face this man has learned

with what's left of his body to smile

and move his face in ways that makes him

feel incredible and the second thing is

he focuses continuously on what he wants

what he's got what he's grateful for and

as a result he feels incredible now

nobody would blame him for looking

around and seeing you has no legs and he

has no fingers he's got the toes there

instead and he's in a situation where

he's in physical pain a lot of the time

nobody would blame him for feeling sorry

for himself but see he doesn't focus on

that he loves life because he focuses on

the part of the party that's the best

part for him don't you deserve to give

yourself the same gift now take a look

at John Belushi example we used earlier

also how could a guy like Belushi or

Presley or take somebody like Elizabeth

Taylor here's a lady that would have

everything going forward by most

people's standards she's an incredibly

intelligent woman she's absolutely

beautiful she's a great actress she has

thousands and thousands probably

millions of fans to be more accurate

absolutely love her she has as much

money as most people could ever imagine

needing or wanting she has a lifestyle

that's absolutely phenomenal she has

family and friends that care about her

won't do anything for her and yet what

happens with this lady she has not

learned to manage her state and she pays

the price as great as she is great on

the stage but an a personal life over

and over again she has to turn to food

or to drugs to try and take care of the

challenges within herself see how could

someone have it all and still be unhappy

because no matter how good it is

you can always focus on something that

isn't perfect or doesn't match your

expectations and that is called ultimate

failure in life you want to know what I

believe success is success is creating

consistent pleasure in your life and

causing yourself to grow failure is

being able to find pain no matter how

good it is

that's failure the bottom line is you

have that power and you can change it

right now by understanding that you make

decisions about what to focus on now it

may be true that you've got some bad

habits it may be true that right now you

look at what's worse or you look at

what's wrong or you see what's not

working your life and it's habitual so

you don't think about it consciously but

you still make the decisions

you can turn off the automatic pilot and

take control and when you do you can

instantly change the quality of your

life the lady I married my wife Becky

one things I love about her more than

anything in the world the reason I

married her probably more than anything

else is this woman is so incredible at

her ability at any moment in time to

focus on what is great in a situation

what is beautiful the most little things

she and I share that power where we can

be in the middle of anything the middle

of turmoil and upsets and frustrations

and in a heartbeat we can stop and we

say hey look notice that flower notice

that sunset or look in each other's eyes

and say how did I get so lucky to get

you we have that ability and we share we

reinforce it in each other and it gives

power to our relationship and to our

lives you have that control all you have

to do is exercise it so what I want to

do is be more specific with you now and

how to do it now first of all let me

demonstrate this is really true to you I

mean you may say well yeah this makes

sense well let's take a quick example

now this may be an unfair

situation if you're in a place that

you're familiar with but let's try this

right now and if you're in a place

you're familiar with you might want to

try it later on in the day when you're

not familiar with something but let's

take an example here what I want you to

do right now is that like you if you

would let's test the power of something

I want you to look around your room the

room you're in right now or if you're in

your car you can look out the windows

also but I want you to notice everything

you can see everything you can see and

only gonna give you a few seconds that

is brown quick look around the room

everything you can see that's brown look

around your car look outside everything

can see it Brown quickly everything make

sure you don't miss anything everything

sees Brown quick quick quick

okay stop close your eyes with your eyes

closed now close your eyes if you're

driving this is difficult okay so you

might want to try this later as an

exercise but I would like you to do is

close your on it and what I want you to

do with your eyes closed now is tell me

or you know since I'm not there

literally although I maybe you never

know but just for now outloud say

everything that's in this room that is

green oh maybe I hooked you a little bit

huh you were waiting for Brown tell me

out loud come on everything that's green

try this everything in that room that's

blue everything in the room that is

white and everything the room that's red

and now open your eyes and look around

the room and notice everything you can

see in this room that's green come on

take a good look now some of you may say

well there's nothing in this room this

green look behind you there there's

something green behind you that's right

what's blue in this room now do you see

a lot more green do you see a lot more

blue now than you did the first time

unless you're in a room you already are

super familiar with that is you've

already got a picture in your head and

you know it like maybe it's your bedroom

you know everything even then you may

not have noticed everything but if

you're in a strange room or you're in a

place you're not used to what I find is

99% of time people see a lot more blue

and green when I asked them about that

specifically later on in other words

when I asked you to focus on brown

that's what comes up

you notice mostly Brown you tend to

delete a lot of the other details isn't

that true now how does that relate to

life see a lot of people in life stare

at and focus on the brown in law

the shall we say feces of life and other

people they look for the green they look

for it's growing they look for what's

alive that's what you need to do see in

life we get whatever we focus on

whatever you pay attention to that's

what you experience in your body

instantly so how do we control our focus

well that's a good question for years

I've been looking at it you know I read

all the books on positive thinking where

they said hey you want to do good you've

got to feel good that makes sense and if

you want to feel good you cut the buck

yourself good and picture good well the

challenge with that the challenge with

positive thinking is what we've already

talked about problem with positive

thinking is you got to think about it

and it's a little bit difficult we got

to get ourselves conditioned to think

more positive plus I kept asking the

question how do you think positive they

say be positive how well I said you know

make good pictures well how do you get

yourself to do that and so what I've

analyzed for years is what determines

since there are zillions of things you

and I could pay attention to at any

moment what determines what we focus on

well some of what we focus on or most of

it is based upon our beliefs of what's

important in our values and we're going

to talk about that in the next tank but

for right now the thing that at this

specific moment determines what you

focus on is how you're evaluating things

now that sounds like a big chunk but

what do I mean by that well the way we

evaluate things determines how we feel

but what is an evaluation evaluations

are nothing but questions the way I

found this out is one day I was

realizing well you know W Mitchell's

pretty happy because he's evaluated his

life in a way that makes him happy John

Belushi's not here because of the way he

evaluated things he made himself

actually feel bad when he had plenty

could have felt good on if he just

focused on that part of his life's party

if you will so I thought how do I

explain what an evaluation is and then I

noticed that I had asked a question to

try to evaluate how to explain

evaluations and I thought well is it

possible that evaluations or questions


that's a question too isn't it no that's

a question isn't it is that really what

evaluation is is a question you notice

that was a question pretty soon I've

whipped myself a no frenzy began to

realize evaluations are in fact

questions and I try to mismatch it that

as I try to look at the opposite side

and I've tested on all kinds of people

maybe you can find the opposite of what

I'm saying but I don't know I have found

that thinking is nothing but the process

of evaluating things you're always

evaluating what does this mean to me and

what should I do

those are two questions your brain is

asking on a continuous basis see if I

take my fist and I go wham and I bring

it within two inches of your face I

guarantee you your brain is gonna make

some evaluations question number one

what does this mean question number two

what should I do

and your brains gonna value it it's

gonna search your brain for your beliefs

about what does this mean do I need to

move is it gonna hit me what does this

mean and what should I do do I hit back

do I adjust what does my body need to do

we're always asking those two primary

questions but the questions we ask

determine what we focus on here let me

be more specific and I'll think you'll

have an example of what I mean I've said

to you so far in this tape that what you

focus on determines how you feel I've

also said that the questions you ask

yourself determine what you focus on

think of questions this way imagine your

brain is the ultimate computer and in

that computer is the answer to any

question you could possibly have and by

the way I believe that that metaphor is

really how your brain works it can come

up with the answer to any question you

ask it Bible says ask and you shall

receive a very true and real statement

beyond what you might believe

religiously even if you have different

religious beliefs it is a reality in my

experience of how our brain works now if

you have this great computer and in

front of you the only way you get

information out of this computer is to

ask for you tap in to this keyboard and

you ask questions and bam and answer the

questions you will get responses on the

screen your brain works the same way you

ask questions you hit the keyboard with

questions and it will fire off the

answers in your brain but here's what's

different about your brain than most

computers whatever question you ask if

you ask it with the absolute expectation

that you're going to get an answer and

if you ask it consistently and you give

it a brain time to search for the

answers you will get an answer

by the way any question you ask you'll

get an answer to even one that doesn't

have a basis in reality in other words

this computer will do anything it'll

search its files and make things up nor

to answer your question what do I mean

well if you go around and ask your brain

why do these things always happen to me

well guess what your brain will search

all its databases and say why do things

always happen to me and it'll take every

possible form of input of what people

said to you in your life what you've

ever said to yourself which you've ever

read or saw on TV and I'll make up an

answer for you it always happens to you

because you're a turkey that's why right

and I'll sure enough now you feel lousy

you see gosh I'm a turkey you feel bad

and everything's not working out see

whatever you ask you to get an answer to

if you say how come I'm so lucky you

know how did I get so lucky your brain

will search all kinds of things and show

you that you're lucky in other words our

questions determine how we feel now if

you've got certain emotions certain

feelings that you have on a daily basis

that you don't like habitual emotions

I'm here to tell you that the feelings

you feel are come from what you focus on

so what you have is habitual focuses and

those focuses come from habitual

questions in other words if you feel

certain ways on an ongoing basis it's

because you're asking certain questions

on an ongoing basis might be useful for

you discover what those are I'll give

you some samples questions that people

ask themselves on a regular basis that

make them feel lousy question number one

is why does this always happen to me I

want you to notice in that question is

something we call a presupposition a

presupposition means you're presupposing

in the question the things already

happen to you that may not be true but

as long as you ask questions that way

your brain will make up an answer for

you hey I'll give you a good example

after the 1988 Republican National

Convention when George Bush selected Dan

Quayle as his running mate

CNN ran a public opinion poll will you

call the 900 number and vote yes or no

to the answer to a question but here is

the question it blew my mind

question was does it bother you that Dan

Quayle used his family's influence to

stay out of Vietnam and again in the

National Guard

now I'm paraphrasing just slightly but

that's what they said now tell me what's

with his picture and challenges they

presuppose that he actually did it they

said does it bother you so your brain

stops evaluating whether he actually did

it or not

and focuses on whether it bothers you or

not does this happen every day with you

do you ask questions that presuppose

that you've got a limited level of

intelligence or skill or ability and

therefore get lousy answers in your

brain listen if you ask yourself

questions like why am I so fat that

question guarantees you're gonna stay

fat you know why cuz you go why am I so

fat your brain will go ok let me figure

out some reasons wham-o here's why

you're fat

cuz you eat continuously and you have no

control your brain goes oh god I don't

need control then you feel useless and

you feel like you're disempowered what

would be a better question to ask

yourself then why am I so fat how about

this one how can I become more thin

right now or what could I do today to

start myself on the road to becoming

more thin and what do I need to do

consistently to create the long-term

results of health that I want if you ask

a better-quality question you will get a

better quality answer or I'll give you a

step beyond that if you ask a question

like how can I become more thin now

you'll get an answer but what if you ask

a question like how can I become more

thin now and enjoy the process ah

magical when you ask that question what

happens now is you literally come up

with only an answer of how to lose

weight but also how to enjoy it and

since your brain likes pleasure there's

a much better chance you're gonna follow

through and they're making any sense to

you I'm here to tell you that the

quality of your life comes down to the

quality of the questions you ask

yourself on a daily basis so if you're

asking questions like well how come I

can't ever learn anything just listen to

that question or why can't I ever learn

anything that's even worse why questions

tend to be what I call endless loop

questions like why does this happen to

me see your brain probably can never

come up with a definitive answer it'll

come up with all kinds of reasons but

you'll keep going into a loop now I

discovered the power of questions in my

own life because at one time my life I

was really really angry and I knew what

I changed my physiology and my movement

to make myself feel better but I didn't

want to you ever been in that state like

somebody said to me well Tony just

change your physiology I said I don't

want to write I was upset but the reason

I was upset is what I was focusing on I

was focusing on somebody who had taken a

bunch of money from my company and

embezzled it and I got pretty upset to

say the least and I was walking around

in a frenzy going how could he do this

how could he have the audacity to do

this I may have even had a next one of

her to who knows and the point is that

by asking those questions I was whipping

myself into frenzy

how could he possibly do this why would

he do this situation to me well guess

what you're never gonna get an answer to

that all it does is whip you into more

and more of a frenzy can you hear it so

finally I said okay doing this is

leading to more and more pain isn't

making my life any better I better ask

myself a more empowering question so I

thought what's something that's

important to me

my answer is I love to learn I already

shared that with you so I said okay what

can I learn from this well guess what my

brain likes learning so it was willing

to focus on that question and you know

what out of that question of what can I

learn from this over the next three


I literally developed a whole new level

of understanding about what makes human

beings do what they do I develop

literally a whole new technology which I

call destiny technologies and I now do a

whole seminar called your date with

destiny and when we help people

literally design their life so they are

literally pulled forward in the

direction they want their life to be

rather than having all this

self-sabotage and challenges that come

up for people it's the most incredible

program I do it'll all came out of me

taking a horrible situation and asking a

better question what kind of learn from

this what can I get out of this that

would enhance my life and other people's

as well how can I use this situation to

create much more power in my ability to

help people and help myself asking these

questions allowed me to search my brains

data banks and create tremendous power

out of that situation after I was in

that situation I had other times when I

get upset unbearably when I get upset

it's cuz I was asking a why question why

did this person do this I don't

understand or how could they possibly

have done it because I would never do

that how could they do that I'll never

get the answer based on that so I

learned to ask the question what can I

learn from this now for you that might

not be the right

question maybe learnings not important

enough for you a brain to go while I'm

willing to focus on that now instead of

the problem but my brain I pick learning

or I pick something like well if I'm

angry at somebody I might say well what

do I respect about this person

now I remember one particular guy said

what do I respect about him it was this

guy who'd stolen a bunch of my stuff and

I thought well at least he's using my


you know I do respect him he's at least

using it he isn't just sitting back

there right sitting on his haunches here

in stop he's at least using it I respect

that what else do respect about him well

well he's at least going for it and you

know and even though I don't think he's

doing for the right reasons he's

probably open a few people who knows you

know and I began to literally feel

better that again ask myself this

question what's actually funny about

this that I hadn't noticed

great question ask yourself what's

actually funny about this they hadn't

noticed now again when you ask a

question you got to be willing to really

search for the answer if you go well

it's great about this that I hadn't

noticed or would notice what's humorous

about this I didn't notice then guess

what there's no way your brains not

gonna go for it but if you ask with a

sincere interest and desire for an

answer you will get one if you keep

asking and so all sudden I started

noticing things about their humors I

start laughing hey listen we've all

heard the phrase someday we'll look back

and laugh on this situation well if

that's really true why wait why not look

back and laugh on it now wait for years

before you can feel good about something

again and the way to do it is change

your focus the way to change your focus

is use questions they're much more

powerful than any other tool I've

noticed I'll tell you why questions

basically do three things when you ask a

question number one when you ask

somebody a question it instantly changes

what they focus on and therefore it

changes the way you feel instantly see

if you're feeling lousy and I come along

and I get you to answer a question like

well let me ask you a question what is

great in your life right now you oh well

nothing I go on I know nothing is but if

there was something that was great you

know what what could be great in your

life if I get you to really think about

it what it makes your brain do is search

your files and you know what no matter

how bad your life may seem there's

something great going on there's no

doubt about it

you know here you are and all your

friends is weaking or skiing but you're

home studying for a big test do you feel

cheated you feel left out you feel hurt

hey listen all you need is a little

contrast for yourself what's great right

now this weekend you're studying things

that can make a huge difference in the

quality of your life forever

these people are gonna work their

muscles and come back and probably

forget about that situation right or

you're not in a Nazi concentration camp

there's a little contrast for you you

get to be learning because you choose to

not because you're forced to

you're studying something that you chose

to study you're actually creating a

future for yourself you're getting me

use your brain there's so many things

you could focus on you're in a free


you're alive you've got friends yet

people that care about you there are

millions of things you could feel good

about all you have to do is change your

focus and if you don't you end up like

the John Belushi's of the world think

about it see the choice is yours so if I

ask you a question like what could be

great in your life or what's great right

now if you really think about it you can

come up with something think about it

right now what's really great in your

life right now what's something that you

feel really great about think about it

or what could you feel great about if

you wanted to as you think about things

that make you feel great

notice how it makes you feel when you

think about that what about that why

does that make you feel great how does

that make you feel inside when you feel

those feelings and you know what you can

change your state instantly just by

focusing on that at any moment in time

so the first thing questions do is they

change our focus and therefore our state

immediately the second thing that

questions do is they change what we're

deleting now remember in order to feel

unhappy you have to focus on the things

that would make you unhappy and you have

to delete all the great things that are

happening in your life

isn't that true in other words every one

of us right now could get depressed

piece of cake

all we have to do is focus on all the

tragedy that's happening the world right

now even little pieces of it children

they're dying right now starvation we

can make pictures in our head of those

bloated stomachs hearing the cries of

babies just as they pass off into death

sing flies eating their flesh how's that

for graphic

at the same time every one of us could

be an absolute total pleasure interrupts

that pattern of the picture you're

looking at and think of something like a

great total pleasure and you know what

their resilient things but to do that

you have to stop focusing you have to

delete all the negativity in the world

and focus on things that make you feel

great so you could focus on a

relationship you have you could focus on

how much you've already learned in the

last six or seven or eight days you

could focus on the people that love you

you could focus on your ability as a

human being to change your life at any

moment in time you could focus on what

learning means to you you could focus on

the Sun you could focus on breathing

fresh air you could focus on the fact

you live in a free country you could

focus on the fact that you have a

connection with your Creator you could

focus on anything and feel incredible

you could focus on new babies being born

to this moment they have a greater

opportunity in life than any time in our

history there's so much we could focus

on and feel good about the challenge is

this you must control it through

questions questions change what we

delete we're always deleting human

beings we're not gonna stop deleting

things as long as we're gonna delete

things why not delete the things that

disempower you and focus on the things

that empower you does that make sense

the third thing that questions do is

they help you to get access to resources

within yourself I'm a big believer that

anything you've ever wanted to

accomplish you've already got the

resources inside of you to make it

happen that doesn't mean you shouldn't

go out and learn from somebody else or

model the success of others I'm just

saying the things you need to succeed

are already in your core the resources

are there you just need to get access to

them by asking better questions I'll

give an example

if I ask myself questions like gosh can

I really do this that creates a feeling

of doubt to hear how that does that and

that feeling of doubt will keep me in a

state where I'm not gonna get the most

out of myself but if instead I ask

myself question like how can I make this

thing happen right now more powerfully

than I ever dreamed of and have fun

doing it if I keep asking that question

my brain will get access to more of my

ability because whatever I ask for my

brain will give me but if you ask your

brain can I really do this and you do it

with a tone of voice of doubt you are

gonna get access to the resources called

doubt does that make sense

if you think about it the greatest

communicators the greatest teachers of

all time were not people that so much

taught us as they did ask us they shared

things with us but they got us to use

our own resources they asked questions

all the great speakers have done this


Martin Luther King asked questions about

a dream John F Kennedy asked don't ask

what your country can do for you ask

what you can do for your country he

wanted you to take the resources out of

yourself and contribute and expand our

country you must learn to ask habitual

questions that empower you I want you to

know that I believe the success in my

life has all come down to one basic

skill state management on a consistent

basis I've learned how to manage my

state and therefore I've been able to

get myself to breakthrough and take

action with very few people around me

were able to do the same they were able

to that's probably not the best

description they weren't using their

power because they didn't have access to

all of it and I've done that by every

day doing things that would increase my

physical ability flexibility power

energy by the way I'm moving the way I

breathe and also by consistently and

daily conditioning myself to ask the

kinds of questions to create the kinds

of focus that moves me towards larger

levels of contribution and joy and fun

and success and passion instead of the

things that would pull me down that

would pull me to areas of frustration

and anger and giving up listen there is

no capability difference between you and

someone you consider to be an ultimate

role model of success the only

difference is they've learned to use

their mind and body with more power on a

consistent basis they have learned a

manager state they've learned to use

their body effectively whether they know

it or not consciously doesn't matter a

lot of people do things without being

aware of how they do it and they've

learned to control their mental focus

remember whatever we concentrate our

focus on consistently and strive to

learn from and make new distinctions

about we will get great at I don't care

what it is if you focus on it daily and

you strive to be better you're gonna

make little distinctions that'll make

you more and more effective every single

day so you better decide what you want

to focus on in your life and what you

want to experience on a daily basis cuz

that's where your power is gonna come

from that's where your power is gonna


that's the genesis of your power I want

you to know that many things that you

think are impossible or difficult are

only difficult or impossible because of

the way you're focusing on things you're

focusing on how it can't be done and you

can remember whatever you focus on is

what you get so if you focus on how it

can't be done you are absolutely right

and no one's gonna prove you wrong so

why not focus on what's possible and

create that I mean that's how I created

things like the firewalk seminar all I

did was hold a new level of possibility

instead of focusing on how it couldn't

be done or how it was a terrible thing

or something like that I focused on hey

this is an incredible example of

possibility and if other people can do

it my focus and my question is if they

can do it then how can we do it how can

I share it with other people how could

it be used as an empowering experience

that's a lot of fun I did the same thing

with teach people wood breaking you know

I teach people how to break wood karate

style not in two years but in about 20

minutes again not to make them this

powerful person but to show them that by

simply changing their mental focus by

controlling their physical emotional

state and by modeling someone's success

that they can get results in 30 minutes

that takes most people two years and

they have what we call a breakthrough

literally I want you to know that you

have every right in any moment of time

to feel lousy to feel bad to feel sorry

to feel hurt I am NOT saying by this

tape program that you should never be

disappointed or frustrated or angry or

anything else because all of those

emotions have their place in their

proper proportion hey some of my

greatest frustrations or angers or

upsets or would have driven some of my

greatest successes because it's made me

search for more but see what's

interesting is the pain drove me but

what changed me from other people who

just gave up is I ask better questions I

found a way to say what can I learn from

this how can I grow from this how can I

expand from this what can I take from

this experience that'll empower me what

can I learn from this so I never have to

experience it again and by asking

empowering questions how can I take

advantage of this what's the actual

benefit in this situation that I

probably hadn't noticed I began to find

benefits whereas other people said why

did this happen to me why does this

always happen to me why did you do this

to me Lord how come I'm not smart enough

to pull this off why do I keep self

sabotaging see that's the difference

between success and failure

want you to know I'm not saying you

can't feel bad I'm just saying and when

you're done feeling bad here's how to

change and you may not want to spend

quite so much time feeling bad in the

future because feeling bad is based on

focus if you change your focus you can

feel good instantly right now at this

moment now

so let me ask you a few questions and

what I'd like you to do for your

homework is designed some questions

every morning my life I wake up and I

ask myself questions now the truth is

you already do this too the only problem

is you're not doing it consciously think

about it when you're shaving are you

thinking and talking to yourself know

that the process of thinking is nothing

but asking and answering questions

you're doing it constantly that's where

your thoughts come from think about it

now you might say well no that's not

true yes it is true if you said no it's

true or yes it is it's because you ask

yourself the question is that true or

something like it see some of the

questions you ask are subconscious your

brain is deciding all the time if I get

in this car if I turn here what's gonna

happen is that car coming too close or

too far you're asking questions

constantly subconsciously but you're

also doing it consciously when you're

shaving or putting on your makeup or

shampooing you're asking questions but

it might be questions like God why do I

always have to do this why do I have to

go to work today think about the kind of

states that those questions create and

what would be some more empowering

questions like what could I do today

that would make today more fun than ever

before what can I do today that would

create a breakthrough in my business

what could I do today to connect more

with my family members

I wonder what's gonna happen today

that'll make me feel total pleasure for

no reason I wonder what I'll see today

that I haven't seen before

see those kinds of questions will

empower you if you're bored it's cuz you

ask lousy questions probably ask

questions like why do I have to do this

why do we do this all the time why do we

always do these things versus looking

around saying hi what can I notice today

that I haven't noticed before see what

can I see to it I haven't seen before

what can I smell today I haven't smelled

before see it's called directing your

computer so here are some questions you

might want to answer right now in your

own mind and notice how they make you

feel question 1 what are you really most

happy about your life right now what's

one of the things you're most happy

about in your life right now answer that

question in your own head what are you

most happy about in your life right now

or if your brain goes nothing

what could you be happy about if you

wanted to be if you ever asked a

question yourself and somebody says well

I don't feel that way or I don't think

that way so I know you don't but if you

did or if you could what could you feel

happy about right now think about it

have you thought of something

well good let me ask you a question what

about that makes you happy

third question how does that make you

feel really allow yourself to feel don't

just go well makes me feel the feelings

what else are you really happy about in

your life right now think of a second

thing what else are you really happy

about in your life right now what about

that makes you feel happy

how does that make you feel

here's the second question for you what

are you really excited about in your

life right now what are you really

excited about in your life right now

answer the question in your mind think

about it or what could you be excited

about if you wanted to be excited about

something think about it oh come on

you've got more things to be excited

about think what about that makes you

excited why has that make you excited

how does it make you feel what else you

excited about your life right now come

on what else what else are you really

excited about in your life right now or

could you be excited about if you wanted

to how does that make you feel here's a

third question for you what are you

really grateful for in your life right

now what are you really grateful for in

your life right now

what are some of the things you're

grateful for what could you be grateful

for if you wanted to be answer the

question honestly how does that make you

feel I want you to notice do you feel

state changes you answer these questions

from where you were a few moments before

that's it so you can change your state

instantly and you can make yourself feel

great there's so much to feel grateful

for if you want my formula for wealth

it's real simple live every day in an

attitude of gratitude see the more you

feel like you have the more you'll

experience in your life and the more

you'll be willing to give see make sure

that you're always trying to give more

than you take back and feel grateful for

everything you have and you will be

wealthy beyond your wildest dreams but

you got to control your focus let me ask

you another one what are you really

proud of in your life right now what are

you really proud about in your life

right now or what could you be proud

about in your life so far what are some

of the things

and what about those things makes you

feel proud how does that make you feel

what else are you really proud of in

your life right now how does that make

you feel and here's a final question for


who do you really love most in your life

and who loves you think about it and

don't just go all my mom my dad my

brother my sister did that get some

feeling step into those experiences and

feel what it feels like think about who

loves you and how that makes you feel

who do you love and how does that make

you feel to love that person so much I

had a question for you what if every

morning you started out asking yourself

a series of questions that put you in

this kind of state there's some real

power cuz see the state you're in

affects the way you look at your whole

world doesn't it affects the way you

breathe the way you feel the way you

treat other people and your level of

success see a lot of people teaching

life do bunch affirmations go I'm happy

I met the mmmmmm I'm happy and then your

brain goes B s alright now if you do

affirmations long enough they may work

because your brain may get bored and say

well why am i happy at which time it'll

search your brain for an answer and then

all sudden you'll feel happy that's what

happens when you do affirmations or if

you go I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy I'm

happy I'm happy and you really create

the physiology of happiness you know

what I mean by that by using your voice

that way then what you've done is the

affirmation didn't do it so much that's

putting your body in that state so

affirmations are great but what only

those questions are even more powerful

cuz now you have a reason to be happy

you're not just jumping yourself up and

running around with what I call a

perma-grin where people go why are you

happy and go I don't know but it feels


it's better to have all these reasons so

every morning you stack more reasons to

be happy you come up with more reasons

that you're proud more reasons to be

grateful more reasons to feel excited

about life more feelings of love if you

stack those every day you literally

anchor them in your nervous system this

is part of what I call destiny

technology's controlling your state

you're asking yourself effective

questions this is the power of focus and

here's your exercise pull out your

success journal and right now I want you

to write down five question

after you've designed these five

questions what I'd like you ask yourself

to do is this first of all let me ask

you this if every single morning you got

up and asked yourself five custom design

questions that put you in peak States

and they gave you lots of reasons to

feel phenomenal so you weren't just some

guy out there again just babbling about

how excited you are without any reasons

for it I'm not talking about being

somebody who just all pumped up for no

reason but if every day you came up with

lots of reasons and felt these powerful

emotions what would that do to the

quality of your life what would that do

to your days would it be worth

developing some new habits if your

answer to these questions is yes then

I'd like to challenge you to do

something I'd like you to develop a new

habit a one that will literally

conditioned your nervous system to

associate powerful emotions with waking

up in the morning wouldn't that be nice

here's what I want you to do if you're

willing to take on the challenge for the

rest of this program approximately what

twenty two more days each morning I want

you to answer those five questions and

every time you answer them you've got to

create some feelings so if one of your

questions was what am I most excited

about my life you got to come up with at

least two different answers and you got

to think about why you're excited how

great that makes you feel you got to

actually feel the answer the question

two answers to each of your five

questions each morning again this is not

added work you're already asking

questions you just may be asking

questions like well gosh why do I have

to get up at this hour that may not be

the best question to ask when the alarm

goes off maybe you want to install a new

one that empowers you would you be

willing to do that for the rest of this

30-day program now I don't want you to

do this for the rest of your life

because you might get addicted of

feeling excellent for the rest of your

life and gosh only knows what would

happen to you then

so don't go any longer than these thirty

days for sure but at least for the

thirty days would you be willing to try

it okay then go for it

so you know your assignment design five

questions that we'll get resources out

if you make you feel phenomenal each day

that will make you get access to your

real powered ability every single day

also I want to say to you please use

your success journal to write down each

day a little bit about what's happening

to you what are you noticing have you

already begun to notice that your

attitude has changed obviously but also

have you notice that maybe you're

willing to

some chances through your being more

decisive you're taking some actions

you've been may be more powerful in some

of your communication

have you decided maybe to take some

actions like lose weight or stop smoking

and you're in like day three or four of

that or are you just feeling better

about the possibilities of your future

in other words each day you might want

to just keep a journal jot down a couple

of key ideas about what you learn that

day or what you're experiencing in your

daily life besides this program I've

kept journals for years because I

believe that if my life is worth living

it's worth recording and for me what

journals are as a way to go back and

notice my growth because otherwise what

happens for a lot of us is we get caught

up but if you have a journal you can

look and see I you've grown in your

development and your ability and where

you are in your life in addition your

journals and things that you can give

later on to your children someday they

can look back and learn from the lessons

you've learned in your life learn

valuable I hope you'll decide to keep a

success journal on an ongoing basis

after this program but see if you get

yourself in a habit right now for the

next 30 days over the next 30 days





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