Morning after new year
Ivana Raymonda - A New Beginning (Original Song & Official Music Video) 4k - Duration: 3:12.When darkness
rules your life
And all seems sad
When it looks like you've fallen down
Feeling miserable
Feeling ill-starred
Know I'm here for you
Don't give up, you can change your life
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
When you are
in misery
You don't know what to do
Everything is turned upside down
You may fall
so many times
But always stand up
Do anything you set your mind to
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
I hope you want to support me through Patreon or my own support site
or buy something in my web shop like my CD or DVD.
It would help me a lot to keep making music videos :) ♥
Funny Baby Beatbox - Cute Baby Video - Duration: 3:37.Hi, Please subscribe to my channel to watching best videos
2019 new Desi video Mera Bala Dance - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
6. Video Marketing for Star Media Group - Duration: 6:05.Hello ! I'm David Ho
virtual presenter of Navigator Business Academy
Today's lesson is about video advertising.
In an age where everyone and everything is connected
programmatic advertising can help link
content, consumers and advertisers in real time.
Together with advanced targeting options,
ad technology and ad management capabilities,
programmatic advertising allows advertisers
to deliver the right message
to the right audience at the right time. says that in 2019
more than 70% of video ads
will be run programmatically.
Dawn of the screen age
screens surround us everywhere
and the one in our pocket is our constant companion.
With screens all around us,
digital advertising is soon to be everywhere
and one digital ad format is at the forefront
of winning consumer attention and advertiser budget
- video.
The screen age is fast becoming the age
of digital video advertising.
Programmatic can help
but how does it work
in this hyper connected digital ad age
all advertising is becoming programmatic.
Programmatic advertising links content providers
and advertisers with consumers in real-time
to deliver the right message
at the right time
in the right place
and in the right format.
In the blink of an eye,
a programmatic platform can connect video inventory
to audiences across any screen and any ad format
including Smart TVs
and app environments
or on existing video platforms.
In a matter of milliseconds,
it can connect advertisers with consumer eyeballs
by inserting video ads into existing video content
or place video ads in premium text-based
editorial content.
Incorporating video into your advertising strategy
means offering audiences a frictionless ad experience
and advertisers a format they crave.
Video advertising is often overlooked
as a lesser form of monetization for publishers
this digital advertising medium
is slowly but surely
making its way into the budgets of
advertisers worldwide and onto publisher's websites.
A report from the IAB
notes that programmatic video buying
is gaining ground
and within their sample of 358 agencies
and marketers
which all spending more than US$1 million per year
on DIgital Advertising,
says that 45% of digital video ad spend
were bought programmatically in 2017.
All the more reason for you as a publisher
to get to know the programmatic video landscape
whether you are producing content for video
or looking for alternative monetization platforms
compared to traditional display advertising.
There are a few different channels
which we can expect to see an upward trend
in programmatic video advertising.
These channels include mobile,
native and location-based advertising.
With mobile usage continually growing even to the point
where it is more than desktop
and online video being embraced by users alike.
It is no shock
that mobile video advertising will take flight.
As with most digital advertising sectors,
growth and development within ad units and formats
are imminent. continues to note
that native advertising is one of these platforms
that will see significant increase and adaption
within video advertising.
Native advertising still has its obvious benefits
such as not being blocked by ad blockers
and helping with user experience
unlike old traditional ad formats.
Programmatic video advertising benefits its advertisers
with advanced targeting options and user data.
Together with this technological approach
to advertising,
it has created a steadily rising location-based market
where advertisers can deliver ads in real time
to its target audience and location.
In term of video ad format,
Out-stream ad unit is the most relevant
for Publishers to monetize their online news portal.
Out-stream ad units make use of existing ad units
and display ad locations within a webpage
to deliver video ads
The focus here is on a non-video based environment
which may include but not be limited to text content,
social feeds and more.
It's a much newer form of video ads
and not as widely in use as in-stream.
An example of an out-stream video
can be a user visiting a text-based web page
and as they scroll down
and starts playing with its audio muted.
Out-stream video advertising
also makes it easier for advertisers
to find highly targeted audiences to target
and for publishers to grab hold of video ad budgets.
Instead of having to produce video content
to get a piece of the video ad spends,
publishers can implement video ad monetization
for traditional web-based content with video.
advertisers seem to have more control
and guarantee from this ad unit type.
Not only do out-stream video ads pause
when a user scrolls further down or up the page,
but research has also indicated
that user retention increases with this format.
Out-stream ads get viewed 25% more than in-stream.
out-stream video ads can be very intrusive
so both publishers and advertisers
need to carefully think about their strategy
when serving them to an audience.
With video content consuming the internet
and remaining to be one of the content mediums
that grabs a user's attention the most,
it's safe to say it's not yet another fad
that will just wash away over time.
Waving Flag- BCC
Have you ever climbed so far that you feared
to look what's underneath?
feared to look what's underneath? Have
you ever ran such a distance that your
shoes get tired?
Have you seen each and every single sunrise
of the days that you have lived?
Or did you pass restless nights just to improve
I bet you haven't
If you are not a
I knew cadet life is not easy
But what I didn't know was-
How hard it can be!
But here...
Life is not always you partner
Sometimes life hits you...
Right between
your eyes and shuts each single door for
That is the moment
when you choose
Your fate, your destiny..
Cadetship is not about being better than others, it's
about being the best [echo]
What are you waiting for?
Its time for you to get out of the comfort zone
and get into the combat zone.
This is the moment
you have to chose to be the very BEST.
I refuse to be denied because as a cadet
if you want unexpected things in your life..
You need to do
Unexpected works in your life.
life, you need to do unexpected works in your life
If you want to make a
difference, you have to be the difference
Nobody is going to do the works for you
nobody is going to see the dreams for you
And nobody is goint to live the life for you.
Only you can change your life.
Nobody can do it
In the hood of cadets you will rise and fall
But cadetship isn't about how many times you fall
it's about how many times you fly
It's not about what happened to you yesterday.
rather it's about what you are
going to do about it.
I admit here life is hard
You might get hurt
Your heart might get broken
And you may may not succeed every time
But you cannot stop
trying you cannot just give up give in or give out
because there are no shortcuts
to success you can't go around it, you can't go under it and you can't go over it
The only way you can get to it is
There is a gravestone for the day you are born
and the day you will die.
Between that, there is a
big space which defines your legacy.
Life is a fight for territory.
If you stop fighting for it, then
someone else demands you spot, you're never the
Cadet Life! I told you. It's a combat zone.
It's a fight.It's a fight for integrity, its a fight for your character
it's a fight for your dreams, your ambition
your honor because you are not god-gifted
with these things when you are born.
So ask yourself-
If you have the courage to face your demons
If you have the determination to break the limits and set new ones
and if you have the perseverance to fight for your
integrity, your character, your honor
then this is your shot to prove your legacy
and define YOURSELF
this is
Gibbler - REMEDY (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:36.Fire Spitting Demon With No Serenity
Morph Into Anything, That's My Entity
Killing Everything, That's My REMEDY!
I'm More Robotic Than Cortana And Yosemite
You Don't Wanna See Me Turn Into Your Enemy
I Explode In A Second Don't Be Testing Me
Cause I Testify, I Will Wreck A Guy
Invest In Me
But, Don't Ever Try Arresting Me
I Explode In A Second See
The Next Lesson In Your AFTERLIFE
As The Recipe
Buried In North And West, South And East
Is This Rhyme Written By A Beast
It May Not Be The End Of The World But The Feast Is
Babies Dying Everywhere Not Even A Fetus
Meanwhile Mothers Praying Jesus To Release Us
But Your Husband Still Working For Polices
But Don't Know What The Role Of A Police Is
They Just Wanna Take Your Money And Make Profits
Put Your Name In The System Is The Process
Everyday Is Hardwork You Cannot Rest
So If You Are Searching For The Answer It Is Not Death
They Wanna Make You Work For Your Whole F*cking Life
That Is Why I'm Not A Polititian Or A Lobbyist
I'm More Like A Find A F*cking Hobbyist
So If You Got A Job, I'll Take A List
But If You Got A Lisp, I won't Take A Diss
You Diss My Respect, I Might Shake My Fist
It May Break Your Face, I might Break My Wrist
Cause I Don't Know
How To F*ck Around With No Plagiarist
I Put My Own Rhymes, I write My Own Lines, I do The Crime When I do up The Crime
Cause I May Look 40, But my Soul's Only 9
That's What I Do All The F**king Night!
Most Watch New funny 😂 tiktok double meaning video 😂 tik tok funny comedy 2019 p156 - Duration: 10:40.tik tok funny comedy 2019
Akta Monar Manus Chai | Emon Khan | Official Music Video | Bangla New Song 2019 by DMC BD - Duration: 4:07.
Floyd Mayweather Jr. Destroys Tenshin Nasukawa In 1st Round (VIDEO) | - Duration: 6:25.Floyd Mayweather Jr. Destroys Tenshin Nasukawa In 1st Round (VIDEO) |
Well, that didn't take long.
On New Year's Eve in Japan at the Saitama Super Arena.
Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Embarrassed young Tenshin Nasukawa in an exhibition boxing match.
It took just over two minutes for Mayweather to drop the young kickboxer three times before Nasukawa's corner threw in the towel.
Take a look:.
Floyd Mayweather just got paid millions of dollars to destroy Tenshin in less than a round.
The greatest businessman in history.
#Rizin14 — Sheldan Keay (@SheldanKeay) December 31, 2018 .
This wasn't even close.
As expected, Mayweather, who looked like a giant in the ring with Nasukawa, imposed his will and showed superior boxing skills.
Nasukawa may have landed one punch, and it had no effect on Mayweather.
On the flipside, every time Mayweather hit Nasukawa, looked as if he'd stepped on a landmine.
A left hook to the body and right hand over the top sent Nasukawa sprawling into the corner on the canvas.
He looked legitimately shocked as he tried to collect himself.
Moments later, Mayweather would drop him again with a right hand to the face.
Still showing toughness, Nasukawa got to his feet and kept attempting to be aggressive.
Another hard, whacking shot from Mayweather put him down again and his corner smartly called an end to the massacre.
This is what happens when a professional boxer takes on a smaller fighter from an entirely different discipline.
It ends quickly and definitively.
Mayweather never took this bout seriously.
He came out dancing and laughing at his opponent from the outset.
No one told Nasukawa it wasn't an official bout as he looked to have given it his all.
He was crushed and brought to tears in the corner when the fight was stopped.
It really makes you wonder what Rizin was thinking when they booked this match.
The Japanese martial arts organization paid Mayweather a reported $9 million to come to Japan and beat the promotion's brightest young star as if he'd stolen something.
Aside from the image this creates for his fans in Japan, there should be some concern over what this will do to his psyche.
He came in undefeated and had never been even remotely handled in this manner.
Sure, it was an exhibition, but taking hard shots to the face and being dominated physically is real.
The fight didn't count on either man's record.
Mayweather mentioned this during his brief and gracious post-fight speech.
Nasukawa can still salvage that from the experience.
Mayweather reiterated, he's still retired, and isn't coming back to fight anyone in an official boxing match.
Prior to the bout he taunted former rival Manny Pacquiao with the same information.
It's believed Pacquiao signed with Mayweather's manager Al Haymon and Premier Boxing Champions in an effort to secure a rematch with Money in 2019.
Pacquiao is scheduled to face Adrien "The Problem" Broner on January 19.
The winner would love to challenge Mayweather for a huge payday.
However, if Mayweather sticks to his guns and remains retired, the winner of that fight will have to find another opponent for a follow-up bout.
It's safe to say they'll have a tougher time in their fights than Mayweather had with Nasukawa on New Year's Eve.
everybody like to say they on, but
that's just they phone
text everybody that you know
cuz you feeling all alone
just tryna fill that void
ya got black holes in your soul
wanna be all annoyed
cuz you feel outta control
your choice
speakerphone with no voice
you need a speakerboxxx for your love below
cuz you don't even know
you a sheep!
you a sheep
now guess who playin Bo Peep
wall $treet
that's Apple, all right
I gotta macintosh by my side
that I be mackin on all night
I told everybody you can keep HD
my dimension start with a 3
tell em what we want
we want that real
we want that real
we want that REAL
( Full Video ) Elevation Demonstration - Tre4 Cashflo - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Happy New Year 2019 Video | 31st December Kolkata Night Sky - Duration: 7:59.Please Like & Subscribe for more videos
Please Like & Subscribe for more videos
Please Like & Subscribe for more videos
Um, excuse me.
A little privacy please.
Thank you.
Yo! It's "National Breastfeeding Awareness Month!" I know you've been waiting all
year, but it's finally here! So that means we're going to uncover those udder covers,
and talk about the other use of the word, nursing.
Now if you like the idea of a nurse, devoting his time away from his job to help you live
a better life. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button down there and the little bell next to it.
Or, if you're not watching this on YouTube, go there and make it happen. Because
whether or not you know it, I care about you. Just like I care about every patient I sit
down next to. So you deliver on your side, and subscribe to me, and I'll deliver what
I've got on mine. Deal? Let's jump right in.
Now, nipple tenderness aside, this can be a very sensitive topic. So I want you to know
if you have any strong religious, cultural, or any kind of belief against breast feeding,
then you do you "boo boo." But I'm here to give you an easy way to
remember the possible benefits of breastfeeding. Based on studies, research, data, and all
the **** I sifted through, so you didn't have to. With this simple mnemonic.
A B C D E F G H, I think I might breastfeed.
Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. I'm here all week.
Okay, the "A" is for allergies and immunity. That boob juice is more than just milk. It's
an immunologically active substance. Meaning it's got antibacterial enzymes, anti-inflammatory
properties, cells that fight infection. All sorts of goodies that could help your little
love bug fight off all the gunk that's in our world.
Next up is "B" for bite. Studies have shown that breastfeeding most likely reduces
the chance of malocclusion, which is bad alignment of your teeth or jaw. Trying to correct that
years down the line, might require jaw wiring, surgery, or braces. That's risky, or expensive
things which fortunately, I wouldn't know anything about.
Next up is "C" and that's for cancer. Okay, yes, the big "C" that no one wants to see.
Okay, Moms. You can reduce your risk of ovarian, endometrial, and breast cancer,
all through breastfeeding. That should be enough right there, but if it isn't, your
baby might appreciate you maybe lowering the risks of childhood cancers, like leukemia
and lymphoma. Cancer is one of the worst things in our world, that has affected almost everyone
in one way or another, and there's some promising research out there that I suggest you explore.
The "D" is for developmental. Visual function,
hearing abilities, behavior, cognitive development. Basically everything you want them to get
a passing score on. Even the slightest bit of research suggesting this, I'd take my
bra off right now and get it started. If I could only get the…
I've done this at least three times. "E" is for economical. Breastfeeding is free!
The powers that be, essentially have mind control over most of us, so if they really
wanted you to spend money on that first year postpartum, they'd scare you into doing it.
But no, extremely reputable organizations like the "American Academy of Pediatrics,"
the "American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists," and the "World Health
Organization," are recommending that you pocket the money you'd be spending on formula,
and use what you were born to use. The average savings of breastfeeding a child, is about
a grand per year. A thousand dollars! That's like eight years of Netflix! That's like
230 pumpkin-spiced lattes, girl treat yourself! The "F" is for functionality, and this
one is for you moms. Getting you back, to who you were, before you could barely walk,
got depressed, and started eating for two, and sometimes three. So when you breastfeed,
you secrete oxytocin, prolactin, and neuroendocrine peptides. Okay, all of these speed up the
recovery process, and can help you deal with the stressors that come along with being responsible
for a brand new human being, every moment of your life from now on!
Studies have also shown less child neglect and abuse, and an increase in mother-baby bonding.
How sweet is that? Okay, I'm guessing half of you are thinking, "Yeah, yeah, what about this
amorphic figure that used to get my partner all hot and bothered?" Well, if you haven't guessed it,
studies have shown that postpartum weight loss, increases with breastfeeding, and good nutrition and exercise.
The "G" is for gastrointestinal, and that
means everything from their lips to their ****. Your milk can work wonders on their
GI tract in way too many ways for me to go through in this video, but one that's really
worth mentioning is the decreased risk of "NEC," or necrotizing enterocolitis in
premature infants. Which is a disease of the intestines that causes the bowel linings to
perforate, and stool to empty out into the baby's gut. This can cause serious complications,
including death, and is one of the most common gastrointestinal emergencies in the neonatal ICU.
The "H" is for human milk, and this is just to remind you that breastfeeding is only
human… and dogs… and cows. My point is that it's natural. Now, I had a patient
once tell me that breastfeeding is weird and gross, which one, made me think she's never
seen anything on the internet, and two, made me think about our ***** up cultural norms,
and I kind of understood where she was coming from. But think about it, is donating blood gross?
It could save a life. Is swapping saliva when you're kissing gross?
Well, maybe, but either they're hot, or you love them, so, **** it.
My point is our bodies are made up of unbelievably complex designs, and one of those designs is to naturally nourish your
child, extremely effectively. Think about taking advantage of it.
Plus, there are all sorts of products out there that specifically designed to make breastfeeding
more easily, and sometimes fashionably integrated into your uniquely developed lifestyle.
Lastly the "I" is for infancy, remember infancy covers age zero to one, and
is widely recommended that you breastfeed for at least one full year. The first half,
exclusively with breast milk, and in that second half start introducing those solids.
A B C D E F G H, I think you might breastfeed.
Now remember, I am in no way telling you not to formula feed your child.
Women. It's your body. It's your baby, it's your family, it's your life. It's your choice.
I'm just giving you information I've learned about the elixir of the gods you've got
brewing in those breasts! Now if you want to share your experiences,
give advice, or want another video on tips and tricks for breastfeeding from specialists
I know. Or any other video for that matter. Drop a comment below, just don't forget
to hit that subscribe button, and the little bell too. I'm clocking out.
Rated M+ for Mature.
Cowie: Ahhhhhhhhhh
Cowie: oof
Cowie *Walking*
Cowie: Let's do this! *Loads Super Shotgun*
*missed again*
Revenant: RRAAAAAAAAA *fires missiles*
Cowie: This is too easy!
Cowie: Get out th??*INAUDIBLE* Kills Imp with one push
Cowie: HAAH
Cowie: MMhhaA
Cowie POW!
Cowie: *Looks behind*
Cowie: Oh shi-
Cowie: *Runs likes a badass*
Cowie: *Runs faster*
Cowie: *Jumps* HaAA
Cowie: *Lands* NyeaA
Cowie; *Breathes unsynchronized*
Cowie: Son of a bitch!
Cowie: I'm coming for you!
so at 30 I started Wine Library TV YouTube blows up at 31 I'm on Conan
O'Brien Ellen there's articles being written about me now they're writing
that the business grew from three to sixty million dollars in sales I'm
becoming this guy I got so many goddamn emails from friends in high school
during that period when I was showing up in all these magazines and TV shows and
every single one of them was like hey Gary you remember me from high school oh
my god you're so lucky I wrote back every single one of them
and said let me just clarify one thing I'm not lucky I worked I worked every
goddamn weekend at every holiday since I was 14 years old so you can keep that
luck shit in your pocket
every day every day that I live my life I get five to twenty seven emails from
people that are telling me that they are quitting or they should quit or or are
really coming to me as a last resort to convince them not to quit I think a lot
of times or or maybe give them confirmation that they should quit you
know hey Gary this is Sally I've been doing my blog now for nine months and
I'm not getting the results that I like to see or that I was promised or that
you and you end Oh should I give up like you know should is my is my content not
good enough it might is my voice not good enough and
and I think about it every time every time I see these emails every time
people ask me at conferences I think about it I think about how sad I am that
I wasn't documenting my life or putting out content or doing the askgaryvee show
during those five and a half years of Wine Library TV though especially those
18 months when nobody was watching you know the story that's never told is the
story that I was building Wine Library to a huge company long before Wine
Library TV and that the first month that I did Wine Library TV was the first time
that Wine Library had not grown 30% over the prior years revenue so not only did
I have the patience to let it play itself out and win it was a scenario
where I was actually losing money by being patients many of the people that
are gonna watch this video are not achieving what they want and are lacking
the patience and think everything happens overnight and that is coming at
the cost of an unhappy life or no loss financially just loss in time just
coming at the expense of Angry Birds house of cards marathons or the bowling
or hanging out with friends and having a beer or reading a magazine
or whatever the hell gets you off and excited as a hobby it's coming at that
expense it's not coming at the expense of actual money for something or
painting or you know it's coming at the expense of a luxury and so to me the the
the insanity really and that's what I'm gonna you know the this proportional
misunderstanding that there's not a person that you can name that one there
is zero people that you can name that had it happen overnight
even the nine year old Stevie Wonder and six year old Michael Jackson there were
years of work put in prior by their parents by their uncles even with the
greatest talents in with LeBron you seem like so young when he hit the scene
guess what he wasn't you know what even playing basketball for 15 goddamn years
even though you all say to me like wow you did it I didn't do it I did it when
I was 14 years old and 15 years old and 16 years old and 17 years old and 18
years old and 19 years old and 20 years old 21 years old and 22 years old which
were all the years that every synched weekend while my friends went to the
Jersey Shore and hooked up with girls while my friends went fishing while my
friends hung out through around the football and lived the leisure life
every weekend every every single weekend let me just
say one more time every weekend every day from the day I got into school to
the day I went back into school every vacation day all of them not a good
amount of them every day from 7 a.m. to back then 8 p.m. every day I was
learning the wine business I was honing my craft to be good
salesmen I was figuring out how to be an operator I watched how my dad interacted
with his employees what I liked about it what I didn't
I watched my cousin Bobby interact with the employees I took what I liked from
it what I didn't I was 30 years old before any of you ever saw me go show me
the videos on YouTube right now that have me under 30
they don't exist I was putting in the work for half my life and from 15 to 30
where I built an actual business I put in actual work and so if you want to
tell me that every goddamn moment of my life between 1530 is an overnight
success then knock yourself out but that is complete bullshit and every
one of you know it and so when you email me that you've started this thing that
you have the audacity to want it to be the rest of your life
the audacity they left really the entitlement that you think that you
should be able to do something that you love so much for the rest of your life
that makes you enough money to be able to do it for the rest of your life that
you're giving up after four months that you're giving up after two years as a
matter of fact every single person watching this video
should be trying for that moment for the rest of their life period you might hit
paydirt at 80 and cool then you can really do exactly what you love from 80
to 100 my friends it is a gift there's a gift to wake up in the morning and be
able to do what you want for the rest of your life the way you do that is by
becoming a quote/unquote overnight success
you know the excuse that everybody uses the deploy against somebody who's
actually put in work for the last decade and got themselves into a position where
they can do something pretty rad that we all think is cool and we all wish we
could do you know that thing the thing that you say to yourself to make
yourself feel better about when you're laying in bed and playing a goddamn game
on your phone instead of putting in the work to achieve what you want nothing in
life is free nothing happens overnight it all takes tons and tons of work and
tons and tons of talent and tons and tons of serendipity but my friends luck
serendipity there's a force too culture within that you know you don't just sit
in your room hoping and then something lucky happens let me just knocks on your
houses door and says congratulations you've been awarded this luck comes from
being in the right spot
I've been really lucky because I fucking bleed out of my eyes every day of my
life and work my face off get really lucky when you have that 11:30 p.m.
meeting and we're the lucky thing happened pretty cool since all you were
fucking sleeping I was pretty lucky weird that I scheduled that meeting
because I did a ton of things for 30 years that allowed me to even have that
meeting in the first place that gave me the leverage to have that lucky thing to
happen there's no overnight successes periods
they don't exist show me leave a comment in youtube leave the name explain to me
tell me show me let me know show me the overnight success because
I'll show you you justifying in your brain something that is just not period
that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business who
are hungry people who are unstoppable and unreasonable people who are refusing
to leave life just as it is and who want more my mother used to say birds of a
feather flock together if you run around with losers you will end up a loser it's
necessary that you get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream
I went to college I went and worked out five hours a day
and I was working on construction because in those days in bodybuilding
there was no money we didn't I didn't have the money for food supplements or
anything so I had to go to work say worked in construction I went to
college I worked out in the gym and at night from 8 o'clock at night to 12
midnight I went to acting class four times a week as I did all that there was
not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I'm standing here today with
the age of 20 I went to London and I won the Mr Universe contest as the youngest
mr. universe ever and it was because I had a goal you see if you don't have a
vision of where you go and if you don't have a goal where you go you drift
around and you never end up anywhere
74% hate their job in America the majority of people don't like what
they're doing because they're really not doing it because they didn't have a cord
and then followed the score they're just aimlessly drift around and
over said if there's a job opening so they get their job because you have the
world but then when you grow it's a chore it's work it's not fun so if you
think about only a quarter of the people really enjoy what they're doing in life
so people always ask me when they saw me in the gym in the
pumping iron days they say why is it that you're working out so hard five
hours a day six hours a day and you have always a smile on your face the others
are working out just as hard as you do and then look sour in the face why is
that and they told people all the time is it because to me I am shooting
football in front of mr. mr. Universe title so every rep that I do gets me
closer to accomplishing the goal to make this core this vision turned into
reality every single set that I do every repetition every waiter the lift will
get my step closer to turn this goal in the reality
so I couldn't wait to do another 500 pound squat I couldn't wait to do
another 500 pound benchpress I couldn't wait to another
2,000 reps of sit-ups I couldn't wait for the next exercise so let me tell you
something visualizing your core and going after it makes it fun
you've got to have a purpose no matter what you do in life you've got to have a
purpose one of the main reasons why people want to have a plan B is because
they are worried about failing what is if I fail then I don't have
anything else well let me tell you something don't be afraid of failing
because there's nothing wrong with failing you have to fail in order to
climb that ladder there's no one that doesn't fail Michael Jordan said in one
of his interviews when they said you're unbelievably the greatest basketball
player of all times I mean tell me about that and he says well you just mentioned
their successes but it says for me to become the greatest basketball player
I missed nine thousand shots when I was playing basketball the NBA
games so during this games that he was so successful he missed 9000 shots
does it make him a failure no he is one of the greatest basketball players are
four times but he failed 9,000 times to get it we all fail
it's okay what is not a case that when you fail you stay down whoever stays
down is a loser
and winners will fail and get up fail and get up fail and get up you always
get up that is a winner that is a winner
I failed in bodybuilding ffs I lost bodybuilding competitions
I lost powerlifting competitions I lost weightlifting competitions I had movies
that went in the toilet that were terrible he got the worst reviews and in
politics I remember I had many of the initiatives and the ballot and be lost
approval rating in California went down to 28% and then it went back up again
and they won again the governorship hey we all lose
we all have lost as this is okay and this is why I say don't be worried about
losing because when you're afraid of losing then you get frozen you get stiff
you're not relaxed you've got to be in order to perform
well in anything if it's in boxing or if it is on your job or what you're
thinking is only happening when you relax so relax it's okay to fail let's
just go all out and give it everything that you got that's what it is all about
so don't be afraid to fail
Funniest video about Bulldog and water # 1 | Animal Lovers❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - Duration: 10:31.Thank you For Watching
We hope that you will enjoy every moment watching this video!
2019 New Year Video Message - Duration: 1:38.Hey guys, we're out and about today and in Boulder and at the end of the year and
thought we'd make a quick video to say "Thank You" for a great year at Sunset Peak.
Oh my gosh!
Come on.
Hey, Sunset Peak friends. We're just out
and about today running some errands in Boulder and thought we touch base with you and
thank you for supporting us this year. I just want to end the year and say
thank you and kind of just touch base with you again. We hope that you
guys have a fantastic new year and best of luck to you with all your ambitions
and dreams and desires for 2019. I know we anticipate a great year for Sunset
Peak Trading Company next year. We are going to launch more products - we had
a great experience with our fall launch of the bike seats, thanks to you. We learned
a lot it will be relaunching that product come spring along with many
others. So again from Jodi and I to all of you we want to say Happy New Year and
Thank You for supporting Sunset Tree..blah Sunset Peak! Sunset Treak Pading
Happy New Year!
2019, WE ARE COMING!!!
Hey! this is the first Video on Youtube 2019!
In 2019 we had a lot of Fails this year at our Videos and Livestreams
Im going to have a GTX 1060 from NVIDIA this year
And the quality is going to be better
But im going to have it in October, which is why it takes a long time
i have a very quietly cooler, which is linked in the description
But not in older Videos.
Thats why we can only hear sough from my Mic as noise.
You can hear this, right? (Please you dont)
This is a shorter Video but the first in 2019!
dont forget to subscribe and bye!
Resumen de mi 2018 | Penultimo video del año - Duration: 14:48.-------------------------------------------
TF404 2018 AIRSOFT VIDEO - Duration: 15:14.We are the TF404
A group of friends who have created an airsoft team at the end of 2017
A group of friends, who share the same view and love for airsoft
Our members, have between 5 and 10 years of practice
TF404 is a unification of 3 old team
We have actually 8 official members and some temporary guys
We are evolving on the east of France
For us, airsoft is played as much on, as off the field
This is way more real when we evolving as a team
This is why we insist on the cohesion of the group,
with drill, party, and trips.
We given a real importance to drills.
They can be individual or collective.
VIDEO: Security camera captures 'porch pirate' stealing package from home in Kingsport - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Tôi Là Tôi Remix - Quách Thành Danh [Video Gái Xinh] - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Happy New Year 4K (Video) 2019 - Duration: 2:28.Hi guys!
Welcome back to Archaeology And Travel With Zorica!
I must say that 2018 have been quite challenging for me.
Many things happened and shifted me from one side to another.
But that is over now!
As we enter the New Year, I can already feel the light spreading on my face leading me
toward the new adventures and I will boldly go with it.
What can you expect from Archaeology And Travel With Zorica in 2019?
More fun, more knowledge, more trips, more joy and pssst!
Let's not uncover everything yet!
I would like to be more in touch with my followers, so I am asking you to contact me through the
social networks.
I'll be glad to hear from you.
You can find those links in the About section of my channel.
Can you feel the positivity coming into your life?
I certainly do!
Thanks to you my darlings!
Wish you blissful and happy New Year!
Filled with love, respect, good health, trusted friends, knowledge and adventures!
Explore the world of archaeology and travel with me and may the knowledge be with you!
Apology video + Game-play - Duration: 2:21.Hello youtube..
Today I want to discuss with you about something.
So as some of you guys know, I havent uploaded in about two days.
The reason why is because I was busy with real life things.
But to make up for this, tomorrow I will be uploading 3 videos.
But for now, Enjoy the gameplay from ' work at a pizza place lol
*Trying to glitch in*
yes i use spotify lol
EXTRAORDINARY | Motivational Video - Duration: 10:56.-------------------------------------------
GSA X LIL ALEX - SHERATON (Official Video) - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Angie Everhart Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Video 2 - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
4pm Video Forecast - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Alex & Sheryl's New Year Video Message - Duration: 1:21.Hi! I'm Alex McLellan and I'm Sheryl McLellan. Happy New Year!
Looking back on this past year, we are so thankful for to the Lord for how he has
led us. How he has guided and provided for us and our family as we've joined
with Cru and are serving with Josh McDowell ministry. It's certainly been an
adventure this past year. We're so thankful to so many of you who've
partnered with us. Many who have prayed for us. Many of you have given
financially towards this work and you've encouraged us. Thank you so much for
standing with us. Looking forward: God is opening up some great doors of
opportunity across the country and around the world. So we're excited to
walk through them. As you look at this world, this world is a crazy place.
This culture is confused, which means there's no better time to shine the
light and share the truth of the gospel - and to equip and encourage others to do
the same. If you'd like to give a gift to this work or partner with us, we'd love
to have you onboard. We look forward to all that the Lord is going to do in 2019!
There are no subtitles here, they are right above here.
Why did you click on captions?
I can't even translate this, I'm 16.
Why do you bother looking at this? You're missing the announcement!
Well, I guess if you are looking at this then I should waste your time.
Nah, that seems rather rude, don't you think?
So I'm sorry. Do you accept my apology?
If you do then please subscribe for future videos.
If you don't accept my apology then I don't know what to say.
I mean you basically already watched the entire video.
So uh, I guess you can't do much there.
hey guys FAYSAL here and welcome to our channel. if you are a new member then
please subscribe to our Channel and if you are existing member then like and
share our videos to support us. so I was about to trade with BINBOT PRO
automatic trading software and let's begin trading. Christmas has just passed
so there is not much market activities. I have just finished trading
with MAXIMUS CRYPTOBOT so I have seen that. this is our current
balance here and let's login to the broker platform.
BIN BOT PRO does not show ongoing trades on their platform. you will see
the ongoing trades on your broker platform. this is the VIDEFOREX forex we are logged in.
any trade BINBOT PRO places will appear in the open trades area. I
have been warning you people not to turn on any automatic trading software for
longer period because it does not have human intellect
so whenever important news appears or big news release in the market, the market
moves becomes unpredictable. any trading application specially
automated trading application will read the market wrongly. so do not just run
BINBOT PRO or any other automated software for a longer period. you have
seen me trading with BINBOT PRO
and whenever the robot places a trade, I immediately turn off the robot.
so let's begin. turn on the robot and the robot will place a trade
according to its analysis. so it's just
searching for signals so we have to be patient. it will be a big ticket size
trade because #BINBOTPRO places five to ten percent of your balance per trade. so it
will be a big ticket trade because of the healthy balance.
so let's wait and see what happens.
it's just placed an EUR/JPY trade so I will stop the
robot here and I will go to my broker platform. you can see it placed
an EUR/JPY SELL signal and oh my god !! the order size is more than
$6,000! so let's see EUR/JPY chart here okay.
okay here it is. you can see from this level it placed the trade and it is going
in the right direction. the strike price is good.
as usual BINBOT PRO places 7.5 minute expiry trade. so I might speed up the video to reduce
the video length otherwise the video length will be very long. so let's wait
7.5 minutes. BINBOT PRO is the only software that was
released 2 years ago and it is still in the market and the only
software that accept traders from worldwide. so no matter if you are from
USA, Canada or any part of the Africa, you can join the BINBOT PRO. it is
fully automatic. there is no manual option.
it's like plug and play. you can create your own robot if you want.
there are 10 robots and you can join according to your investment level.
I joined with XPROFIT and that time it was like $1,000 and later when our
balance grew then we joined RSIMA which recommended balance is
$5,000. but you don't need to start with $5,000. you can choose any of these
robots like RVI robot and it requires like $500. so
$500 or $1000 is a good amount to start with BINBOT PRO robot and our
trading is going in the right direction. and it's a big ticket size trade you
can see. it invested 10% of my total balance and it is six
thousand two hundred and sixty nine dollar trade and the payout will be more
than ten thousand dollars.
I put a secured link in the description of the BINBOT PRO site and you might
visit and if you find it beneficial for you then you may try the BINBOT PRO.
you can see our total turnover amount here. yes I have joined
BINBOT PRO in August 2017. so it's like almost 1.5 years and we have
withdrawn our money couple of times.
so the trade is going good and we got a good strike price. so thanks to the
do not run the robot for longer period I repeat.
I have released an FAQ frequently asked question video about BINBOT PRO so
if you have not seen that video then please see it. I will give you a link at
the end of this video. you will find some playlists that will be beneficial or
handy for you.
two minutes to go I guess.
see what happens.
it is a stressful to watch the chart goes ups and downs because it's a big ticket
size trade.
really stressful to watch.
but the trade is going in the right direction. the robot placed this very good
trade. yes and we are almost heading to the expiration line.
yes I just won the trade as you can see here. the payout is ten thousand six
hundred and fifty eight. let's go to the closed trades to see. as you can see
EUR/JPY trade strike and expiry price and it was a SELL signal. the payout is this.
that is the real profit in this trade. $4389. so yeah it's a very very good
session. so the balance has already added. if you want to join I put a link in
the description so that you can go through a secured link and if you find it
suitable then you can join them. don't forget to like and subscribe to
our channel for future updates and until then take care!
Joy - Touch By Touch (1985) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:45.When I feel the time is right
and you're staying by my side
and the love you gave to me
makes my heart beat
When my fantasy flies away
but my feelings make me stay
I see the fire in your eyes
It makes my heart beat
Do it we'll still do it night and day
You're my all-time lover
Do it we'll still do it, anyway
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all-time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover
When my heart is full of love
It makes me a turtle dove
Love's the game that we play night and day
When our love is clear and bright
It's our way to see the light
There's a fire in our heart night and day
Do it we'll still do it night and day
You're my all-time lover
Do it we'll still do it, anyway
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all-time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover
Do it we'll still do it night and day
You're my all-time lover
Do it we'll still do it, anyway
Like there is no other
Touch by touch
You're my all-time lover
Skin to skin
Come under my cover
Do it we'll still do it night and day
You're my all-time lover
Do it we'll still do it, anyway
Like there is no other
VIDEO: Fire that destroyed NE Side building began in Jack in the Box restaurant, firefighters say - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Shotgun Players 2019 Season Trailer | Video by Peter Ruocco - Duration: 1:41.OK. We're ready.
Remember, is a place from long ago.
Remember, filled with everything you know.
Remember, when you're sad and feeling down.
Remember, turn around.
Remember, life is just a memory.
Remember, close your eyes and you can see.
Remember, think of all that life can be.
Love is only in a dream.
Life is never as it seems.
Video Update - December, 2018 - Duration: 5:01.Hi, people. How's it going?
Tobías Rusjan here from Saibot Studios, Hellbound and Doorways.
Another year has passed, a very noise one.
So I wanted to keep you guys updated, letting you know about what we have been doing,
and what we're doing right now, in case you missed it.
First, in February we published the Survival Mode of Hellbound,
the game we have been working on the last couple of years.
It's currently available as Early Access and for free on Steam.
And we have been updated it during all during the year...
based on you critics, both constructive and destructive as well :)
So the current version is much stable and polished than the one back in February.
From then, we have a couple of interviews for different sites (sorry, all of them in English), like:
Malditos Nerds, Press Over, Efecto Doppler...
And there were others as well, but they haven't been published yet.
So we recommend you to follow us on our social networks, if you didn't do already:
Like Facebook and Twitter. We will share those interviews when they're up.
We talked about the projects Hellbound and Doorways,
and about the origins of Saibot Studios, along some technical stuff as well,
so in case you're interested, I leave the links in the description of this video.
Since we needed funds to create something bigger for Hellbound,
we started a Kickstarter campaign in May.
It was really a though crowdfunding campaign, really hard to achieve,
but we finally find the way to finish in alive and successfully!
The Kickstarter campaign allowed us to expand the fan base of Hellbound,
and at the same time it helped us to receive the Unreal Dev Grants from Epic Games,
the creators of Unreal Engine 4, the engine we're using to create Hellbound.
So that was also a really nice injection of money to invest in the project :D
The Kickstarter also linked us to NGD Studios,
the guys who ended up being the publishers for the Story Mode of our game Hellbound.
And they're not only investing and publishing the game, but they're only helping us
to improve it in technical aspects so we can create the best Hellbound we can.
You can pre-order the final game from our official website,
but you can also request your own place inside The Heroes' Cemetery.
I'm talking about a new level that is going to be inside the Story Mode of Hellbound,
where we are going to place all the people who helped us investing extra in the project
(both from Kickstarter and from our website).
So in case you're interested in have your shul bagging in Hell forever, you can still do it.
You could have your name, face or statue in the cemetery,
and it will be located directly inside the game.
So I recommend you to take a look to our page, because it's going to be awesome!
And we're going to start building it very soon ;)
In November we received the price as "Best Argentinian video game created with Unreal Engine" at expo EVA 2018.
It was a really nice motivation for us, to keep pushing forward!
Of course that reward was for the Survival Mode, which is the game currently available on Steam.
Right now we're 100% dedicated to the Story Mode of Hellbound, and that's what we're going to do in 2019 as well.
So we're not going to be able to keep updating the Survival Mode like we have been doing this year.
Anyway, it's going to be updated in the future again,
because both modes share lot of features.
They are separated games, but they have in common mechanics, characters, weapons, items and more.
So don't worry, eventually the Survival Mode will be updated again,
it's just right now the Story Mode has more priority,
because it's what all of us really wanted to do,
and also it's what we got the funds for.
We're pretty active in the social networks of Hellbound, both in Facebook and Twitter.
Sharing development material and also asking you guys about:
improvements and suggestions for the game.
So I suggest you to follow us there,
in case you're not following us already.
And to finish this video and from the amazing dev team at Saibot Studios,
I want to thank you all for being there supporting us.
It has been a lot of work and dedication during the last years,
but also a lot o passion was involved, with a lot of anecdotes in the middle.
So we're very happy with the results we're slowly achieving.
There's still a lot to do and to grow, but we're getting there.
We wish you the best for the end of the year, and even better things for 2019.
With more and bigger projects in your life.
Let's keep in touch at the social networks.
¡Saludos! :)
STRAY KIDS - M.I.A. | Roblox Music Video - Duration: 3:29.Even if I try to get used to it, but I don't think it's you smiling
It's awkward to anyone, it's kind of too complicated
You don't know, you seem to know though
Something is different, carefully look around you
At the amusement park we laughed a lot
We made a lot of memories
Something has changed, something change
My old memory is like the Neverland where the time has stopped
You told me every detail but now I feel we're drifted apart
I don't know, what's wrong?
That's what I want to ask you, I think something has changed a bit
It's not bad but awkward When I see you You feel like a different person
I already start to miss the old you
I haven't got used to your changes
Something is changing
Even if you hide it so hard I can see it all
I feel like I'm talking to a different person
I feel awkward when I'm with you
Where is it? Your pretty smile
Because you smiled a lot I miss you more
I can see it all, your awkward smile pretending everything's fine
Because you were so bright I'm worried about you more
I miss you, I miss you
I miss your big happy smile
I can definitely see it, I can see it
The bright side of you the way I used to know
What were you thinking again?
You're spacing out
I often see you doing that these days
Did you even listen to me?
That sight of you not answering, only I can see that you're tired
The innocent you just a few years away from the young you
You're being tormented by something complicated
Take it easy and try not to think the useless stuff
I'm just saying this because I'm worried about you
Why are you staring at me again?
With that look, with the dark look, don't look at me with that look
If you make such a look, can you get the answer?
I don't want to be afraid of seeing you I don't want to avoid your eyes
So take it off, it's a good day
Something is changing
Even if you hide it so hard I can see it all
I feel like I'm talking to a different person
I feel awkward when I'm with you
I want to get back my lost days
I want to change your changed look
The way you talk and act, your changed attitudes
I don't remember how you were like
Tell me, I want to know all about how you were like
Over time you've changed
Maybe you knew it but pretended you didn't
Tell me what you want baby Tell me what you want baby
I want to see you again
Where is it? Your pretty smile
Because you smiled a lot I miss you more
I can see it all, your awkward smile pretending everything's fine
Because you were so bright I'm worried about you more
I miss you, I miss you
I miss your big happy smile
I can definitely see it, I can see it
The bright side of you the way I used to know