Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

DLight into Sair is a true combo, meaning there is no dodge window.

It works at all damages because DLight on sword has zero variable force which means

that damage doesn't increase the push back distance so the damage doesn't affect the

combo at all.

It has very low follow up potential.

It's the only sword combo that works at all range and damages so it's the most reliable

sword combo to use in any situation.

DLight into dair is a true combo but only if you do it at very close range.

This is because the first hitbox is very skinny and hits right below the user, if you miss

with that hitbox, it's still a very quick string, which means that it has dodge windows

where the enemy can dodge, this is because the 2nd hitbox is much bigger than the first

hitbox so it's more likely to hit but comes afterwards.

And you already know at what damages it works and why, that's right, zero variable force

on DLight.

It has incredible follow up potential that can lead into three hit combos or even four

hit strings that I will list in this video.

DLight into Recovery is a true combo . It works at all damages because, yup you guessed

it, DLight.

It works at a reasonable mid to close range although it can still be a string if you do

it at far range without jumping.

It has very low follow up potential where you have to rely on a dodge read to follow

up with it at lower damages.

If done perfectly, it's the most damaging and reliable knock out two hit combo on sword.

SLight into NLight is a very quick string.

It works at all damages and when you hear that, it usually means the starting move has

zero variable force which is true for SLight.

It works at close range only, the trick to landing the NLight after SLight is to always

hold forward even after you landed SLight until you hit the NLight.

It has low follow up potential which is mostly at lower damages.

SLight into DLight is a slow string.

It works at all range and damages so it's a bit more convenient than the previous string

but is much easier to dodge or jump out of.

It has great follow up potential because DLight has many true combos so you can follow it

up into Sair, Dair or Recovery for lots of damage.

Nair into recovery is a quick string.

It works best from 0 to 60 damage.

This string can work at any range you land Nair at but it's faster, therefore harder

to avoid when you land the nair close to the enemy.

It has low follow up potential.

DLight, dair into sair is a slow string at lower damages and quick string at higher damages.

It works from 60 to 120 damage.

The range also depends on the damage, at lower damages you want to hit close enough so the

enemy bounces closer to you, at higher damages, you want to hit it so the enemy bounces a

bit farther from you because they get bounced too high at that point otherwise.

This string has no follow up potential.

DLight, Dair into gravity cancel NLight is a true combo at 100-120 damage which is a

very small window to use it in but it can still be a decent string starting from 60

damage and it becomes a tighter string as it approaches 100 damage because the more

damaged the enemy is when you land dair, the longer they are stunned for.

This combo works at close range with DLight as well as with Dair but not too close.

Ideally you want to position the dair so that you bounce the enemy almost straight up but

also a bit away from you so that they land right in front of you for the GC NLight to


It has no follow up potential.

If this combo sounds hard to do, that's because it is, you'll need to practice in

training mode a lot to be able to use this in real matches.

This is a quick string that works very similar to the previous combo except it's not a

true combo.

It works at 60 to 90 damage.

This string works at close range with DLight but the Dair is a bit more flexible because

DLight covers a wider area than NLight but you still need to hit the dair relatively

close to the enemy so they don't bounce too far away so the GC DLight will hit.

This string has great follow up potential because it has a second DLight which can then

combo into sair, dair or recovery.

Successfully pulling this string off is the simplest way to get the most damage on sword.

This is yet again another variation of the DLight into Dair follow up.

This time it ends with a recovery, doesn't require a gravity cancel and it's a true


This combo works from to 160 damage, although you can still use it as a string if you don't

jump starting as early as 50 damage.

This combo works at close range with DLight and the Dair has to be very close to the enemy

as well because the recovery has a smaller hitbox than the Nlight and DLight so this

combo requires the most precision of them all to pull off.

It's very worth it though if you can pull it off because it' the earliest knock out

combo on sword that can K.O a 3 defense legend starting at only 120 damage, either that or

it'll just do a lot of damage.10.5 It has no follow up potential since it is

pretty much a knock out combo.

And I already know what you guys are going to say, it's a true comb with three hits

and it kills so early, almost as early as the old Russian mafia.

So I'm gonna go ahead and name it the sword Russian mafia because even if I don't, you

guys will so I may as well.

Hey look, it's the sword Russian mafia, but seriously, it's kinda broken.

I hope this guide helped you out.

Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed it, and if you don't want to miss any of

my next videos, click that bell under the video.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 10 SWORD COMBOS/STRINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW - SWORD RUSSIAN MAFIA - Duration: 5:42.


DEAF Q&A || Aly Drayton & Cheyenna Clearbrook - Duration: 16:58.

A: Sorry about that! It's the dog

C: That's a good question

C: To...

A: I'm single

A: One of our friends


A: Wow, we actually did the intro in 1 take!?

C: Woohoo, we're masters!

A: Hello guys! Welcome back to our channels

A: So I know it has been a while since we've been together for a video

A: We've been really busy with everything else and now we finally have time to do a video together today

A: So don't worry about it guys

A: What we're going to do today?

C: We will do a deaf q&a that different questions from people we'll be answering them

A: Then let's get started!

A: Okay so I had an idea of doing a deaf q&a and I didn't think you guys would give us a lot of questions

A: I mean, I'm happy about it. Thank you guys very much!

A: We'll try our best to answer those questions so we apologize if we can't answer the question very well

A: Okay so let's start with our first question

C: Well, right now we're attending a local community college that is solely for hearing people

C: And they provide interpreters. But most of the time, we both take online classes

C: So yes they do have several colleges that provides deaf programs

C: Such as Gallaudet University (deaf college) that deaf people attends

C: Hearing people can attend too as well but they're required to know sign language very well then they can attend

C: And other colleges (RIT, CSUN, TSD, etc)

A: If you go to a normal college that's solely for hearing people, they do provide services for people with DA

A: Like for example; they provide interpreters, note takers, request to sit in the front of class

You have the right for that! They usually provide bunch of different accommodations

A: That's really cool for us that we have accommodations for that

C: Yeah, for sure!

C: Next question is...

A: I mean there are different ways you can become deaf

A: First of all, you can become deaf automatically from birth (due to genes)

A: Or you can become deaf through a type of disease. There are several such as meningitis, etc! I mean there are different kinds

C: Yeah, also german measles

A: Or you can lose hearing eventually when you get older. It depends on everyone else

C: Yeah, there's different ways to become deaf really

C: And there's nothing wrong with that anyway!

A: There's a person named Scott. He asked...

C: That's a really good question

A: Yeah that really makes me think

A: I admit for myself when I was growing up, it wasn't easy for me. I hated being deaf

A: I thought it was a shame to be deaf.

A: But now, I'm older... I'm really proud to be deaf

A: I don't know

C: I would feel the same way as her. Growing up, I felt like being deaf was really different from others

C: I felt like I had to put a lot of effort for them and

C: It was an awful feeling, yes. But now like what she said, I started to slowly accept myself as being deaf

C: Because there's a lot of things for deaf people like us to be involved in the community

C: And access! More than before in the past

C: So we're grateful that we're deaf

A: Yeah, we feel like we have responsibility to show you guys that we can do anything

A: For deaf people and others who has DA. We can do anything! There's no difference between hearing people and us

C: Right! And I'm sure a lot of people want to break the barrier between deaf and hearing people, you know?

C: A person named Daing, he asked

C: You could be considered into the community if you have hearing loss but should know sign language?

A: There are deaf, hard of hearing, and if you have a type of hearing loss; you're part of the deaf community automatically

A: I have some friends who has a little bit of hearing loss and they do know sign language

A: But keep in mind, not everybody knows sign language

C: And some deaf people will take it very personally if you say hearing impaired because it's insulting to them

C: You can just say hearing loss or deaf, that's it

A: Or hard of hearing!

A: Because the reason why we find that offensive because hearing impaired means we can't do anything

A: The word impaired. That's why we don't like the word. So keep that in mind for next time

A: Tamar, her students, she's a teacher from Shelton High School; they want to know

A: I don't know how to answer that because since we're deaf so we can't hear anything. We don't know

C: If I leave the fan on and I go out do my errands then come back realizing I forgot to turn it off

A: But it's different for me because I come from a hearing family and I have cochlear implant (hearing device)

A: So it does bother me sometimes because it's loud for me if I have it on

A: Or if I leave it on and I go out doing my thing then my parents would remind me to turn it off

A: I'm like oops I forgot

A: So I guess it depends for everyone. For the ones who can hear, I guess it may bother them

A: But for the ones who's fully deaf, no it won't

C: Question from one of my friends, Oban. He said...

A: I feel like that question is very controversial

A: But I already have a cochlear implant so I do know how it's like

A: My parents gave me one when I was 2-3 years old. I didn't know what was going on

A: So I personally think parents should give a chance for their kids to let them make a choice

A: Let them get older. If they want to get one, go for it! Embrace it. Everyone has their own preferences

A: If you do want to get a cochlear implant, don't let us say no. It's your decision

A: It's not our lives. It's not our bodies. It's your body

C: Yeah. Same (agreed). I'm just saying my opinion. I'm not against anybody's opinions. I just want to say how I feel

C: I feel very sad that parents force it on their children to wear a cochlear implant without asking for their permission

C: Like what she said, it's their own body. So I think

C: All hearing parents should respect their children because they have their own language already

C: ASL, that's their language! Not forcing them to follow their parent's language (Oral English)

C: It detaches from their culture because when they grow up, they will suffer their whole life

A: I mean that thing, I wish I knew because my parents tried to make me into a hearing person

A: But they have to keep in mind that cochlear implant, it's just a tool

C: Right!

A: It won't automatically turn me into a hearing person. No, it won't!

A: So that's what my family thinks. They tend to speak so fast while talking to me, I just can't

C: Yeah

A: So that's why everyone has different opinions about this subject

A: Some people can be very strongly against or 100 percent agree, it depends on you

C: Yeah

A: But that's our opinions. It's up to you. It's your choice

C: Right!

C: Deaf pyramid is like a family tree branched out from deaf and what kind of deafness

C: Like hard of hearing, hearing loss, being deaf in 1 ear, etc. That's what deaf pyramid is

A: Yeah I think we'll definitely talk about that. I mean we have a lot of other topics we want to talk about related to deafness

A: So yeah it will be part of the topics we will talk about for sure!

C: My good friend, Rachel, she's from play. She said

A: I feel like that is such a good question

A: It's different for everybody but for me; growing up, yes it was hard for me

A: Because I had to go to speech therapy twice a week, 2 hours each session. So it totals up to 4-5 hours every week

A: I had to really commit to speak orally. I couldn't sign at all but I didn't know any sign back then

A: I wasn't allowed to use my hands and just speak orally. I had to listen so that was very tough for me

A: Because I mean I felt like no one could understand me. I felt like it wasn't me at all. Signing, that's me

A: I could sign so that way, people would understand me better. Speaking orally, I mean..

A: But again, it depends on everybody. Some can easily pick it up and some can't pick it up that well

A: But for me, it was tough because still today, I'm not fluent with speaking. I'm not

A: I could speak fairly well but yeah

C: Like what we said before, cochlear implant is just a tool

C: So speaking should be their decision, not parents' decision. It should be because

C: ASL is already their first language. Speaking is a choice they make to choose if they want to or not

C: Because why should we speak if we already know sign language? That's our communication to talk with other people

A: Those kids who are deaf, I think it's a great idea for them to learn sign language when they're young

A: Not force them to learn how to speak. It won't benefit for them

A: They will suffer. They will struggle for the rest of their lives

C: Imagine if you have a child who has a mental disability, body limitations, etc

C: You would do anything for the kid and provide everything but for a deaf person, no

C: You're forcing them to follow to be like a hearing person

C: Not respect them and be involved! Learn sign language for them, teach, or take them to a deaf institute, etc

C: Like give what they need but you're not

C: I'm not saying all of you do but some parents would do that to their children

C: It's sad!

C: I would say when I was about 12-13 years old, I wish I could've accepted myself as being a deaf person

C: And tell myself that it's okay to be deaf. There's nothing wrong with that

C: And blend into a society that people are fit to

C: Like help hearing people understand my deafness, you know?

A: Same for me. Second thing for me, I would have to say don't try too hard to be a hearing person

A: That was a huge thing for me. I would try not to be deaf. I would push it away/ignore it

A: Pretend/mask to be a hearing person

A: I wish I knew just don't try too hard not being deaf. Be proud of yourself. Accept who you are

A: I feel like that question is very common

A: It depends for everyone but for us, we're willing to date anyone!

C: Yeah

A: It's important especially for hearing people, we would like for that person to be involved with our culture

A: Like for example, be willing to learn sign language if you don't know any signs

A: And be involved into our deaf community, that's important for us because if you don't (what's the point?)

C: And it's important that person who's not deaf try to understand our deaf culture

C: Be involved with everything and be supportive. Like 100 percent must!

C: It can't be 80-90 percent. That's a big NO. We won't be able to fit together

C: Because we do so much for them so it would be nice if they did the same for us too!

C: So yeah I did date a hearing guy before. It's very interesting indeed

A: I'm single

A: Okay so this girl, Ali, she sent me this on snapchat

A: This question is more specifically for me because I'm the only deaf person in the whole family

A: For me, yes it's very hard for me because first of all, my family doesn't know any sign language

A: No knowledge about deaf culture

A: They don't even try to interact with me

A: They tend to talk to my parents to rely on getting information about me

A: They don't actually talk to me

A: I think it's kinda funny because growing up, I had to really learn how to be oral for them

A: And then they don't do the same for me so it's very hard for me

A: Because I'm not that close with them. Communication is a huge barrier between us

A: I wish I could've been closer with my family because I love them! But you know...

C: That's a good question actually

A: There are different ways you can do to be an ally for our deaf culture

A: Like for example, be very respective around us. Don't try to change anything about our deafness

A: We won't listen to you

A: Second of all, if you don't know sign language and if you're willing to learn more

A: Honestly that will fill up our hearts. We will be very happy to help you learn!

A: Third, be really involved more in the deaf community

A: Lastly, you can be an advocate because we're trying to spread the word and help raise more awareness

A: For our deaf culture/community and other DA too as well

A: Just be an advocate if you're on the same page as we are

A: That's great, we'll be really happy! But there's different ways to be involved with us

A: But what I just gave, they're the basics ones you can do to be involved with us

C: It's very important for you to do that's very respective to us and deaf community

C: You can't try to change something about our deafness. Respect our choices and leave it alone

C: And be supportive with our opinions. Not tell us to follow what you want us to! (related to the hearing world)

A: Unless if you have an idea suggestion, you can do that! But if you try to change it, we won't listen to you

C: What?

A: Honestly we just started doing YouTube so right now, we don't earn anything!

A: We're not doing it because of money or nothing else!

A: We're only doing this purely because we want to raise awareness for our deaf community

A: Because of money? No, we're not

A: So we can't really answer that question, I'm sorry but we don't earn anything at all

C: We just want to help hearing people to understand our deaf culture more

C: And what she said, raise more awareness about our deaf culture

A: We're doing this for free!?

C: Yes, shocking right?

A: Okay, we still have bunch more questions. I mean thank you so much!

A: We can't answer them all because I feel like some needs to be researched first before we answer them

C: And we probably will add one more video related to this - second part of deaf q&A

A: So if you liked this video, don't forget to like this video!

A: And subscribe if you want to see more videos from both of us in the future!

A: So have a good week and enjoy life!

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> DEAF Q&A || Aly Drayton & Cheyenna Clearbrook - Duration: 16:58.


Jedi Council | Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999) | Movie Clip - Duration: 3:30.

He was trained in the Jedi arts.

My only conclusion can be that it was a Sith lord.


The Sith have been extinct for a millennium.

I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing.

Hard to see, the dark side is.

We will use all our resources to unravel this mystery.

We will discover the identity of your attacker.

May the Force be with you.

Master Qui-Gon.

More to say have you?

With your permission, my master...

I have encountered a vergence in the Force.

A vergence, you say.

Located around a person?

A boy.

His cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians...

I have seen in a life-form.

It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians.

You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force.

You believe it's this boy?

- I don't presume to... - But you do.

Revealed your opinion is.

I request the boy be tested, Master.

Trained as a Jedi you request for him, hmm?

Finding him was the will of the Force.

I have no doubt of that.

Bring him before us, then.

The boy will not pass the council's test, Master. He's too old.

Anakin will become a Jedi, I promise you.

Do not defy the council, Master, not again.

I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan.

If you would just follow the code, you would be on the council.

They will not go along with you this time.

You still have much to learn, my young apprentice.

A ship.

A cup.

A ship.

A speeder.

How feel you?

Cold, sir.

- Afraid are you? - No, sir.

See through you we can.

Be mindful of your feelings.

Your thoughts dwell on your mother.

I miss her.

Afraid to lose her, I think, mmm?

What has that got to do with anything?


Fear is the path to the dark side.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.

Hate leads to suffering.

I sense much fear in you.

For more infomation >> Jedi Council | Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999) | Movie Clip - Duration: 3:30.


REDWOLF EN LA IWA 2017. - Duration: 10:42.

Now we will show you a video where Saul from RedWolf Airsoft

Tell us about some of the IWA 2017 new products

Some of them are on stores already, some of them on sale after this spring

I decided to make this video because Saul explains this better than me

The info was too long in the other video, so we put it here

Check this out, because in my opinion some of this products worth it

Let's start

This is the ML-36 TAG Innovations CO2 Grenade launcher, they are from Russia

You can use it with different grenades

A pyrotechnic grenade that explodes and throw BBs

Smoke grenades

Dust grenades to mark the target

And rubber dummy grenades, for trainning

The ML36 maximun range is 150 meters

Really, 150 meters. Some videos prove it

We open here. You can see the spiral barrel

We put the grenade inside

Close it, and shoot

Obviously you must aim depending of the distance

The CO2 bottle is stored here

You can't see it now, but we can put the CO2 bottle here

once we don't flip up this and press

We won't prick the bottle, so it will remainwithout leaks

We calculate the distance we want to shoot

This marks are for actually functional distances, 50, 75, 100 and 150 meters

Each CO2 bottle can shoot from 8 to 10 of this grenades

Not heavy, not heavy at all. An empty speedloader is heavier than this

Here we can storage 2 more CO2 bottles. You can activate 3 of them for having from 24 to 30 shoots

So you won't need to be changing the the bottles constantly

Or you can just storage the bottles here

This is the ML36 Stand Alone, or we can separate it and put it on any rail

What is this?. -For removing it

We pull this piece

It doesn't come with this red dot, but comes with the RIS so you can use any sight

Cool grenades, here you have a catalogue with all the grenades

Can I take it to the toilet? -Sure

You have different grenades, based them all on the same system

This is the powder grenade

Also a dummy grenade, it just makes noise

Another grenade that spread BBs to 10 meters

And also a smoke grenade

The pyrotechnic grenade is the most common

It explodes and throw all the 0'20 BBs

The smoke grenade is second one more used

You have the color code here, red is explosive, yellow is dummy and blue is powder grenade

And another one that is not here, the smoke grenade

The video we have on YouTube, about Tim in Russia with tanks

They were using this TAG grenades

Here we have the new Airsoft Innovations grenade

Burst XL, this grenade complements the Cyclone

This is a sound grenade, it doesn't throw BBs

instead of being plastic, is made of CNC aluminum

It explodes doing 125 decibels at 5 meters distance

Enough for calling the hit

but this won't make you deaf like the CO2 Thunder grenades

Another pro is that it's small and compact

it works similar to the Cyclone

The detonator on the top part, we remove it and put the pin

Instead of throwing BBs, we use a single use membrane

Put the membrane, close here

And then just put the gas here

don't forget that you must put only 1 or 2 seconds of gas load

We will notice that the membrane gets curved

remove the pin, throw the grenade

everytime we throw it the cost is around 40 or 45 cents of euro

because the membranes are cheaper than the CO2 bottles

And it's heavy. In our city, and i guess in other fields too

we have to throw the grenade under the waist or rolling on the floor

In catalonia we throw it over the knee. -Yes something like that

But in other places in Spain they can throw the grenades over the head line

if this hits you in the head and you're not using a helmet

this can hurt you seriously

But we hope that the Airsofters use the common sense

Now let's talk about Wolverine HPA Systems

Wolverine is an American brand, and we like to mention that

the owner was working for the NASA as materials engineer

so it's a good reference to know this product has good materials

He knows what he's talking about, sometimes too much

because it's hard to understand everything

This has different HPA systems, for different players

This is the INFERNO, made for those who start with the HPA

for those who want it easy, having stable FPS

Looks like the typical piston. What is this?

The power connection

Here enters the air, and here the connection to the trigger

sending information about the fps, rate of fire and so

and here you can see this works with open and close bolt at same time

before it was only one position and it had incompatibilities

but now it is solved with the GEN 2

I have a GEN 2 and I call it the lawn mower

because it's a white line of BBs

The HYDRA GEN 2, I call this the System for experts

This let you adjust a lot of things, but you must know how to do it

if you do it wrong it won't shoot the BBs

You can adjust the rate of fire and the amount of air

I mean the amount of air it shoots

This is more complicated to use, I could be 10 minutes explaining it

But in resume the HYDRA is for experts, and the INFERNO is for beginners

This is the one I like the most, the BOLT

BOLT is an HPA system made for bolt action rifles

made for VSR

here we have a VSR with the BOLT system with the Wraith that we'll see later

The Wraith is made for using CO2 bottles instead of an compressed air bottle

you can move the bolt this easily

And done, you can adjust it to 650 FPS

thanks to the HPA you can adjust it to the last FPS

One question, where can you play with more than 600 FPS?

We can't play with 650 FPS in Spain, but they do in the USA

And the last system is teh REAPER

made for DMR, for semi shooting

this technology combines the INFERNO with the BOLT

The INFERNO is for AEG and the BOLT is for semi shooting

with this you have a double way valve that makes a prechamber

so the shooting is more stable, and slow

different systems, but it doesn't mean you can't use this system on an assault rifle

If you like to shoot in semi, it works

good thing of this is that you have different systems

but also different ways of putting the air inside

You have the regulators, the typical air regulator with the bottle

or you can use this beauty that works with CO2

You remove the replica stock tube, the CO2 bottle goes here

we open it easily

remove the CO2 bottle

put a new one

and close again

at first is hard to close it because it prinks the bottle

the air expands and it gets stuck, you can't open it until you use the gas

each CO2 bottle can shoot 200 BBs, it means 2 Mid-Caps

the air is well used

here is the regulator for adjust the FPS

this, combined with the INFERNO GEN 2 is the most used combination in the USA

Soon we will have the QUAKE, for a good recoil

powered by gas the kick is hard and fast

all of this will be on stores from May to June


suddenly you have many options for the HPA systems, for different players and roles

Cool toys uh?

My conclusion is that I can't wait to try the new Airsoft Innovations Burst grenade

Because we had a good experience with the Cyclone

this Burst grenade has a more simple mechanism than the Cyclone

The HPA systems i see a new world of possibilities

I'm not an HPA or Polar Star user, but I'd like to use it in the future

but it's something I'd like to have in the future

specially if you can use CO2 bottles instead of the big air compressed bottle

And finally, that grenade launcher is madness

not only the look, but also because the range they said it has

But when they told me the aprox price, it's too expensive for me

That's all, i hope you liked it

Greetings, and see you on the next video

For more infomation >> REDWOLF EN LA IWA 2017. - Duration: 10:42.


Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.

I think you can place the bottle closer to me



*Card at the top of the video*

Thanks a lot to everyone, thank you

Bye, people!

See you at the next event

For more infomation >> Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.


The Hunt for Dark Matter - Duration: 1:01.

We're not sure exactly what dark matter is at all.

The motions of galaxies are governed by

something that's very, very massive that we can't see.

The HGC is a huge, huge project.

At the moment we have, it's a 10,000 pixel camera.

We're going to replace those with three million pixels each.

For anyone who's played with cameras

knows that this is utterly insane.

We've always been pushing the

boundaries of what is capable in electronics technology.

It takes imagining what that dark matter might

actually be, and then design a detector around it.

It's the highest resolution, slow

motion camera anyone's really kind of built.

For more infomation >> The Hunt for Dark Matter - Duration: 1:01.


Microsoft Surface Laptop 2017 : Everything you need to know - Duration: 3:59.

In all the years it has been making hardware, Microsoft has shied away from making a traditional

clamshell laptop, at least in part because the company didn't want to upset its OEM partners

by competing with them directly.

But it has been edging closer to that territory with each new Surface Pro iteration and with

the convertible Surface Book, and today Microsoft is formally announcing its first-ever plain-old,

no-gimmicks clamshell notebook, predictably called the Surface Laptop.

Preorders for the new system start today, and it will be available on June 15.

A Core i5 model with 4GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD will start at $999.

The Surface Laptop looks to be a high-quality system in the vein of all the other Surface


It has an aluminum body with a Microsoft logo etched into the lid, a 13.5-inch PixelSense

display with relatively slim bezels along with a nice-looking chiclet keyboard and large

trackpad that appear to be modeled after the Surface Pro 4's Type Cover (right down to

the fabric on the palm rest).

The laptop will come in four colors: silver, gray, blue, and burgundy.

The laptop won't set records for weight or thickness, but given its specs and size, it's

quite svelte at 2.76 pounds.

It's 0.39 inches (9.9mm) thick at its thinnest point and 0.57 inches (14.47mm) at its thickest


Its port selection is a bit anachronistic, though: it uses one USB-A port for data, a

mini DisplayPort for driving external monitors, and the same proprietary power connector as

the Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, and Surface Book.

Similar minimalist laptops from other manufacturers have moved to USB-C, which can be used for

power, data, and charging, and the Surface Laptop certainly has room for two to four

of these ports.

Assuming this laptop was made with education in mind, including USB-A (still the most common

port for USB sticks and peripherals) is a smart move, and mini DisplayPort has the benefit

of being fairly common in any school with Mac users in it (display dongles are cheap

and abundant).

Still, for anyone else, it feels a bit backward-looking, especially in a $1,000 machine.

The screen has a 3:2 aspect ratio that Microsoft says makes it feel more like a 14-inch laptop

than a 13-inch laptop.

Microsoft says the display has 3.4 million pixels—the exact resolution is an oddball

2256×1504, but irregular resolutions are to be expected when you use irregular aspect


On the inside, the Surface Laptop uses 7th-generation Kaby Lake processors; both Core i5 and i7

options will be available.

The device can be configured with 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB of RAM and 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and

1TB PCI Express SSDs.

The Core i5 model includes the Intel HD 620 GPU, while the i7 model steps up to the Iris

Plus 640 GPU—64MB of eDRAM will boost its graphics performance considerably.

Microsoft says the battery can last for up to 14.5 hours, presumably for light browsing

or mixed-use.

802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and a 720p webcam round out the spec sheet.The Surface

Laptop ships with Windows 10 S, the new cut-down Windows 10 SKU Microsoft also announced today.

Out of the box, the operating system can only run apps from the Windows Store, though it's

possible to upgrade it to a full Windows 10 Pro install for free until December 31, 2017.

Afterward, the Pro upgrade will cost $50, the same as it normally will for Windows 10

S users.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Surface Laptop 2017 : Everything you need to know - Duration: 3:59.


Keep Balance - Labios Negros - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Keep Balance - Labios Negros - Duration: 2:38.


WISET EN LA IWA 2017. - Duration: 8:46.

So we are in Nuremberg

After 1 hour of traffic jam

4 lanes to enter into the parking

This is more than huge. Really huge

So we are in the avenue... what was the name of this avenue?

Hello everyone, I'm Wiset from Capsule Airsoft and this is the IWA 2017

Before we start, I'd like to say thank you to Saul from Redwolf

For helping us to get a pass to the IWA

Thanks to our friend Javi and his girlfriend Laura

who let me stay at their place in Germany

and thank you for letting me know how bad the german food is

except the schnitzel

And thanks to all the spanish people we met there

the airsoft lovers and those who were working there

Thank you for your time

The IWA 2017 took place from 3rd to 6th of March

It takes place every year at the Nuremberg Trade Show

All that I'll show you was on the Saturday 4th March

Because the next day I was at the BMW Museum in Munich

If you don't know, the cars are my main hobby

If you like BMW, I 100% recommend this museum

They do events in German and English

And if you're young and you show your ID you get reduced price

One thing we must know is that the IWA is a weapons show

gear, ammunition, uniforms, accessories and a bit of Airsoft

Right now I am sorrounded by brands such as

Winchester, Blaser, Perazzi

This is totally crowded

When you enter they give you the WiFi and a pass

a trolley to put all the leaflets you get at the stands

and it's everything really well made

What we really wanted to see was at the Building 7

I could say that only the 5% of the stands were about Airsoft

The IWA app was amazing

This is really makign my day

because it really works and gives accurate info about the events

stands, you can add notes abotu what you want to visit about brands and suppliers

You can also make a favorite list with the stands youare interested in

and also write notes about whatever you want, really cool

Let's see the stands I visited

Check out Nuprol, not only the gas products

also how the replicas look, I really liked it

As far as I know, the new products will be available at the end of spring

Now we visit ASG, this Danish company had a really complete stand

As you know they have the most beautiful hostess

But we all know about them, so... Rhoads give us some unforgettable ladies

I really liked the Scorpion EVO with HPA system

I think it's better if all the HPW systems comes already with the replica

We arrive now to one of the coolest stands, RedWolf Airsoft

I was surprised when I saw the CEO talkign directly to the people

When you get close to the stand he show you the products and explain it

I really like when people is this close and nice

We did another video about the RWA products

where Saul tell us about the new products

starting by a CO2 grenade launcher, the ML-36 TAGInn

Followed by some grenades, like the new Airsoft Innovations Burst XL

and then the Wolverine HPA systems

Now we arrive to one of the brands that makes all the Airsofters shake

Vega Force Company

They didn't speak in Spanish, but it doesn't matter

When you arrive with a smile, a gentleman ask you

Do you like it? Do you want to try?

We have bought 3 VFC replicas already, you can imagine the reason

Here you can find the new VR16 models, CQB and assault replicas

The new SR25, bolt action rifles for snipers

But I really liked the new Avalon, VFC TOP models, they look cool

Now is turn to G&G, or Guay & Guay

We still think this is an excellent brand for beginners

And there's also some TOP TECH beauties for those who need something more

In my opinion this is one of the main brands investing in

advertising, I+D, and after sales service for spare parts and upgrades

Before I talk too much, I want to say thanks to the beautiful Totto Lin

from G&G, the time she gave us

And thanks to Javier from Airsoft Gandia for giving us an appointment with her

starting by the new materials, like the CNC used for lighten up the handguards

finished with no corners to avoid damaging the RIS system

we must also say that the new models are far from being a realistic replica

but they bring new featuers such as having a comfortable mag release

fire selector switch, bolt catch without looseness, and a better HopUp system

And finally the new ARP9, a super CQB replica with a 5" handguard, mosfet and electronic trigger

Is good to see something different to the common replicas

All of this available on this Spring 2017

Now we arrive to one of the stands where we feel home

Here we could see the new Secutor Rudis

This CO2 replicas has a good finished

Details that makes the difference with the typical handguns

Such as markings, threaded barrels for the silencer, lightened slides

but we'll talk about this other day

I could also have on my hands the new Glocks

and I must say the stippling feels amazing

Those are called Gladius

And of course I could see the new Velites gas shotguns

this can shoot 3 or 6 BBs

If I'm not wrong, this will be on sale this summer

The UMAREX stand had a different look

with all the replicas inside wooden boxes and raks

I remember my friend Javi saying "is this Airsoft?"

You can imagine how realistic they look

It was cool, but my favorite thing was a CO2 WWII MP40

I like Nazi weapons!

Finishing about the Airsoft things, this was the last Airsoft stand I visited

Silverback Airsoft, this French company is known by doing over 500 euros bolt action rifles

Specially this full equip extra white big boy here

It has everything, it was around 1000 euros. Shut up and take my money!

(Here you have an extra video with the rest of the IWA stands that Wiset visited)

To be honest, I had fun

A good experience for thos who likes weapons and gear

This is the second time I visit Germany, even if it was a flash trip, I like it even more now

It has cool things

Here we are in the Autobahn

This is a cool country. Cool cars, cool roads, cool weapons

But the fuel is expensive like in Spain

(Wiset joke that I don't dare to translate)

But not only good things, don't forget that this people use sandals with socks in summer

This visit was a bit heavy for me because I could be there only one day

Lot of hours walking, many things to see

Full of smelly bavarian men everywhere

From 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. with nothing but a single coffee inside my stomach

But, do all of this worth it? Of course yes. No doubt I'd repeat

Many people told me, if you go you repeat

Would be interesting to stay there 3 days

Taking your time, visiting the stands again and again

taking a beer with the ASG twins

and talk with the people you meet there

So I hope you liked this resume of my IWA 2017

Hope you had fun, and hope to have a chance to repeat the next year

See you

Check out this people is so ready that they have shopping carts

(Honestly, it's impossible to translate when Wiset is doign Spanish jokes)

(I guess you won't get it, so nevermind)

(By the way, is anyone reading this?)

(Not kidding, it takes me like 2 hours doing the subtitles)

(Well, this is getting weird. Bye)

For more infomation >> WISET EN LA IWA 2017. - Duration: 8:46.


Eerste succesvolle repetitie voor OG3NE | TeamOG3NE - Duration: 2:58.

Rehearsal! First rehearsal, so exciting!

Am I wearing all my clothes?

I was half naked on the bus because they had to do some make up.

Full body make up, so I was wearing no pants!

We're here!

It went well!

Yeah, I think we're all very excited about upcoming week. Cause we're going to change some things.

It's not going to be a drastic change.

It was our first rehearsal so we have to make some changes.

But it all went really well. The feeling was good.

It was our first rehearsal and everything comes together for the first time, we're there on the stage.

It feels really good.

We had some camera points. So we turned around and at that point we didn't look at the camera.

Some lighting is being changed. Not any drastic changes. Just some tiny things.

And just so that we can look into the camera, the right ones.

Especially it feels like, and it is, kind of a TV-show.

It's not smaller then I thought. It was bigger.

But it's really impressive because you know so many people will see you on that stage.

And that's really impressive.

For more infomation >> Eerste succesvolle repetitie voor OG3NE | TeamOG3NE - Duration: 2:58.


10 Most POINTLESS Wars Ever Fought! - Duration: 12:16.

- Ya know, some wars are fought over freedom and some are

fought over pastries?

(sword slicing)

(engines revving)

If there was ever a lesson not to mess with your neighbors,

this would be it.

Way back in 494 AD in Saudi Arabia,

the Banu Taghlib and Banu Bakr tribes

got into a disagreement over a camel.

The camel, owned by a woman named Al Basus,

wandered off to go hang out with some of the other camels.

Now, Al Basus' nephew was the leader of the

Banu Bakr tribe and those other camels were owned

by the rival Banu Taghlib tribe.

That wouldn't have been that big of a deal except

that the chief of the Banu Taghlib's

killed Al Basus' camel not realizing that it wasn't

one of his own.

When her nephew found out, he took an eye for an eye

to a whole nother level and killed the chief.

That sparked a massive war between the two tribes

that lasted for 40 years.

Okay look, I get it, camels are precious,

but I'm pretty sure a four decade long war that's still

referenced as a warning against holding a grudge

wasn't the best way to deal with the problem.

I know they got them lovely camel humps,

but you just buy another one instead of starting a war

and killing people.

It's a good choice.

(ominous music)

The golden stool is the royal throne of the Ashanti people

and is believed to hold the spirit of the Asante nation.

It's so precious that few people ever get to even see it,

let alone sit on it.

Asante was located along the Golden Coast in what is now

Ghana and back in 1900, while their chief was in exile,

they were dealing with the British trying to

colonize their land.

But on March 25th, the British governor,

Sir Frederick Hodgson, demanded that they not only

let him sit on the stool, but also give it to him

to bring to the Queen.

Oh, that was bad movie Freddie!

The request was so disrespectful that the chief's mother

led an attack against the Brits.

The siege lasted three and a half months

until the Brits with heavy reinforcements broke through

on July 14th.

Sadly, in retaliation, local villages were pillaged

and land was stolen.

Over 2,000 soldiers and countless more civilians

were killed and all because some guy

couldn't sit on a stool.

It's not like it was a toilet and the guy was just

urgent to make ca-ca.

It was just a regular stool.

He was just lazy and didn't wanna stand up.

Man, these people.

On September 17th, 1788 in the midst of the

Austro-Turkish war, an Austrian army of 100,000 men

set up camp near the town of Cria-sha-besh.

A group of Army scouts crossed the nearby river

to make sure that the enemy Ottoman army wasn't close by,

when they met some gypsies with a whole lot of schnapps.

The scouts were pretty bruised up when more

infantry soldiers showed up and demanded that they share.

But the scouts refused and no surprise,

a fight broke out and a makeshift fort was built

around the barrels of schnapps.

That's kinda crazy.

I've never wanted to drink that badly in my life.

But it gets worse because amongst the chaos,

shots were fired and thinking it was the Ottomans invading,

soldiers started yelling, "The Turks, the Turks,"

which was made worse when German speaking officers

started yelling halt, which sounded to some like Allah.

It was just a whole big mess and then the fight

woke the rest of the camp who joined into the battle.

By morning, 10,000 soldiers had been killed and wounded

by their own men.

Yeah but, still got the schnapps though.

The San Juan Islands are located between Washington state

and Vancouver Island, but ownership of the land

was never clearly defined by the US or the British.

In the mid-1800s, the British-owned Hudson Bay company

moved onto the island and set up a huge sheep ranch,

but then in 1859, American settlers showed up

thinking it was their land.

Things were pretty tense and then on June 15th,

American Lyman Cutlar found a pig digging in his garden,

so he shot it.

Mmm, bacon.

Problem was, the pig belonged to Charles Griffin, a Brit.

When the British police tried to arrest Cutlar,

he called for military support.

By August 10th, five British ships and 2,140 troops

were face to face with 461 Americans and 14 cannons.

But luckily, both sides gave the order to only fire

if fired upon, so they just kinda sat there.

It took over six weeks for each side to agree to reduce

their armies, but the tension lasted 12 years

when America officially took control of the islands.

See kids, think twice next time before you go into

an unknown island and start shooting pigs.

In 1731, the War of Spanish Succession ended

with a treaty that let British traders take 500 tons

of goods and as many slaves as they wanted

from Spanish colonies.

It wasn't much of a peace deal, so Britain and Spain

were at war a lot.

In 1731, Julio Fandino, the commander of a Spanish

patrol boat, boarded the British ship, The Rebecca.

Fandino accused the captain, Robert Jenkins, of smuggling

and as punishment, he cut off Jenkins' left ear.

He was like an early, more civilized Mike Tyson.

So, in 1738, British Parliament decided to hold a hearing,

no pun intended.

Lucky for them, Jenkins had kept his detached ear

for seven years and brought it with him to court.

They were so outraged by the shriveled little ear

that they actually declared war.

407 British ships and 186 Spanish ships were lost

and over 20,000 British were killed

along with 4,000 Spanish killed and 5,000 total wounded.

The war lasted nine years with no territory gains

or a winner, all over an ear.

Man, I can't listen to this story anymore!

Heh, see what I did there?

Ear joke.

From 1838 to 1839, France and Mexico were involved

in the Pastry Wars, but don't get too excited.

It wasn't nearly as delicious as it sounds.

At the time, many countries were trying to take control

of Mexico and people were getting upset

with all the damage being done to their property.

So, in November of 1838, a French pastry chef,

Monsieur Remontal, issued a complaint with the French King,


He claimed that in 1832, his shop near Mexico City

had been looted and he wanted 60,000 pesos in compensation.

So, the King gave him his full support and demanded

that Mexico pay 600,000 pesos in damages,

but Mexico just refused.

So, France sent a fleet of warships to Veracruz,

the main port in the Gulf of Mexico.

Not only did he occupy the entire city,

but they blocked the Navy leading to Mexico declaring war

on France.

It only ended on March 9th, 1839 when Britain intervened

and got the Mexican president to agree to pay.

That would've been way more interesting if someone

just stole a whole bunch of croissants

and two countries went at it.

(sigh) And more tasty.

On February 6th, 1840, the signing of the

Treaty of Waitangi allowed the British to legally occupy

New Zealand, which wasn't exactly favored

by the local tribes.

The British began to take over more control

and move the capital from Waitangi in the Bay of Islands

itself to Auckland.

This was upsetting to the Maori tribe, which had signed

a deal to ensure their independence.

As the region lost out on huge revenues because of the move,

they built up support for a rebellion against the British.

And on July 8th, 1844, supporters cut down the flagstaff

that flew the Union Jack on Maiki Hill

in Kororareka.

But it did not take long for the British to put up

a new pole and flag.

So, they went and cut it down again.

In six months, the pole was cut down

and put back up three times.

Having enough, on March 11th, 1845, the 600 armed Maori

stormed the city and fought the British who were outnumbered

but eventually won.

The Battle of New Orleans was the biggest battle

of the War of 1812 between the US and the British.

British forces had made their way down to Louisiana

with hopes of taking New Orleans.

On January 8th, 1815, they marched on the city

but Major General Andrew Jackson had set up a strong

defensive that was three lines deep

and four miles long.

The fighting lasted until January 16th and it was

one of the war's bloodiest battles, but amazingly,

the Americans won with only 100 casualties

compared to the 2,000 British who were killed.

Only one small problem.

The battle was completely unnecessary.

That's because when the fighting started,

the war was already over.

Earlier, on December 24th, 1814,

a peace treaty between the US and the UK was signed

in GET, Belgium, effectively ending the war.

But see, 200 years ago, news didn't travel like it does now

and it took weeks for the news to reach North America

and the troops.

Damn technology, you scary!

In 1958, Iceland claimed that they had exclusive

fishing rights 12 miles off their coast.

Sounds fair enough, except the British weren't happy

about it because this was four miles more than Iceland

had before.

But instead of dealing with the issue with long,

boring policy meetings, things got pretty fishy,

like literally.

Like a scene from the Three Stooges,

the captains from both sides started throwing

live cod at each other.

At one point, Icelandic patrol boats tried to board

the British ships, but they chased them off

with axes and hammers.

Iceland even tried to blast a British fishing boat

out of the water, but was chased away by a gang

of British naval ships.

By the end of it, Iceland had six Navy ships

and Coast Guard vessels up against the force

of the British Royal Navy.

It took all the way up until 1976 for the British,

after being internationally mocked and losing tons

of money on military expenses, that they decided to quit

and let Iceland keep their water.

The British love their fish, do they?

It's not really worth it now, is it?


The Kettle War took place in the Netherlands in 1784

and is considered to be the most humiliating war

of all time.

At that time, the Netherlands were split

into two territories.

The Northern Netherlands and the Austrian Netherlands

backed by the Roman Empire.

Since the late 1500s, the Northern Netherlands

had blocked trade ships from using the Scheldt River

to access Austria-controlled Belgium.

But on October 8th, 1784, the Roman Emperor,

Joseph the Second, decided to send three ships,

including his prized merchant ship, Le Louis,

up the river figuring it was about time that the Dutch

just let them use it.

No one ever thought that the Dutch would even notice,

but oh boy, they were wrong.

With tensions running high, a Dutch warship

fired a single shot at Le Louie and it hit

a kettle of soup.

This alone caused the army to surrender.

The Emperor tried to save face by declaring war

on October 30th but no one took him seriously.

I'm pretty sure this is where the phrase,

"Pick your battles," came from.

Hey guys, thanks so much for watching this.

As always, I would very much appreciate it

if you left a like on it if you enjoyed this video

and of course, subscribe if you haven't yet.

Don't forget, I'm going to have a brand new video for you

tomorrow at 12, west coast time,

three eastern standard time.

So, make sure you come back to my channel then.

Have a great day, I'll see you then.

For more infomation >> 10 Most POINTLESS Wars Ever Fought! - Duration: 12:16.


Invisible Coffee? -- LÜT - Duration: 3:53.

Hey I'm Kevin and I'm so glad to be here because life without you is just Bleh…


A cute little guy that when you squeeze it, you never know what might come out.

Psst! It's his tongue. Which looks like it could use a little robotic taste activation

courtesy of Salt and pepper shaker robots because this is LÜT.

Clear your schedule for the world's first colorless coffee called...Clear Coffee.

How do they make this?

Well, it's. "made from Arabica beans and pure water, and produced by methods which

have never been used before."

Okay, so the way they make clear coffee is muddy but it only has 4 calories so you can


That walk around the exercise block toy for another day.

Now rest up with...


A bright solution to smashing-into-walls-trying-to-find-the-light switch-induced concussions.

Its motion sensor activates the five foot LED strips when you get out of bed -- illuminating

the room from beneath your previously bland box spring.

So you can radiantly rest up for

Shooting your alarm clock.

Singeek Lock n' Load is a surefire way to wake you up since you have to aim to turn

it off.

To snooze, nail it five times but if you're alert enough for target practices you might

as well hope in the shower with

3D Soap Foam Pen.

Simply add liquid soap to the plastic base and start creating fabulous foam formations.

It comes with decoration items like eyes, ears, noses, and more so you can scientifically

celebrate at your artwork with the Lab Cocktail set.

Featuring test tubes and beakers to majestically mix and deliver delicious drinks but until you fill them up


Hollow...Face of Einstein Illusion.

This painted puzzling toy never appears to be concave even when that part is facing you.

Our brains are programmed to know that faces are convex so even when we aren't looking

at that side, we fill it in and see what isn't there.

But ya now what is there? What?

Cool Blue Light Experiment Kit.

Which includes eleven different luminescent experiments to feed your brain with like learning

how fireflies glow or making a penny glow.

It's glow fun, easy, and as multifunctional as

Hideez Key.

This small square can be used to unlock doors and securely keep your passwords in one place.

It can even fill in your passwords for you.

It's safe because only your alluring eyes make it usable.

Also it alerts you if you leave it behind because you need it as much as it needs U...SB

DIY collection.

This shop features a plethora of cute little flash drives you can take apart and put

back together.

Monkeys, Penguins, Ninjas....lend me your ears.

For Animal Earrings.

From this ferret, to this pug, and all the way to this hungry hippo, you'll light up

the room like

Dinosaur 3D optical LED Illusion Lamp.

With eight changeable colors to get your prehistoric eye candy action on.

Lampeez also have other designs for illusion lamps but if you need a more mythical creature

hop on over to the Unicorn Hopper.

Which thankfully comes with a pump so you don't have to waste your precious breath.

If you think bouncing around on this thing is childish, I'd like to point out that

it does indeed come in an adult size so no need to hate when you can decorate with

Pattern Rollers.

Thanks to these you don't have to be trained in the art of intricate ornamentation because

ya just dip it in paint and roll it along the wall and it looks pretty.

Oh these would just look gorgeous next to my

Unfathomably unclogged defecation dungeon with Pongtu Toilet Disposable Sticker Plunger.

Seal it tight over the bowl, push it down, and watch as all your breathtaking business

is freed.

Okay this is actually gettign a little gross so...I'll just go.

I guess…

Alpaca Bag.

Links to all LÜT in the description below, click here for a playlist for more LÜT...and

as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Invisible Coffee? -- LÜT - Duration: 3:53.


Sean Hannity Admits That Fox News Might Be Done For Good - Duration: 4:25.

Things at Fox News might be even worse than most people realize.

The man who had been president of the network for about a year after Roger Ailes was ousted

was ousted yesterday, and now a woman has come in, and Sean Hannity isn't very happy

about that.

Sean Hannity tweeted out a response to somebody who asked him a question said, "This might

be the end of FNC as we know it.


If this continues."

Now, if this continues, we're not quite sure exactly what he means.

Maybe he means working for a woman, but perhaps Hannity has enough self-awareness to understand

that if this continues might mean the criminal behavior of Fox News.

I say criminal behavior because some people may not realize that Fox News, the network

itself, is actually under criminal investigation for covering up the settlement payments that

they've had to pay out to sexual harassment victims.

They hid that information from the network shareholders, a move that is illegal, but

Fox News is becoming this, I don't want to say elephant in the room, because we're all

talking about it, but it has become this disaster of a catastrophe of a nightmare for everyone

at that network.

Most of them deserve it.

Sean Hannity deserves this.

Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly deserve this.

The women who were sexually harassed absolutely did not deserve that kind of treatment.

They don't deserve that kind of behavior.

The people who are just working there because they need the jobs or because they're good

at what they do, they don't deserve this.

They're not the ones out there spewing this partisan, horrible, nonsensical rambling that

this network puts out every day.

It's the hosts, the Steve Doocys, you know, the Brian Kilmeades, the Tucker Carlsons,

the Hannitys, those are the people doing damage to this country, and they deserve what is

happening to this network because they have fostered it, and in some cases, according

to allegations, have participated in it.

Fox News does deserve to go away.

Fox News as we know it, as Hannity says, does need to die.

It's time for this network to go away.

I mean, for 20 years or more they have been causing unquestionable damage to the United


They're the ones that helped George W. Bush win reelection in 2004 in spite of the fact

that he had a negative approval rating.

That kind of thing didn't happen before that, but Fox News out there every day preaching

to their easily manipulatable right-wing audience helped this man get elected.

They helped promote Donald Trump and get him elected, along with Morning Joe.

They're the ones who did that, so yes, they have caused uncountable damage to this country,

and they deserve what's happening to them.

They deserve to fall apart.

They deserve to go out of business.

Rupert Murdoch has been a cancer on planet Earth.

He is spreading anti-climate change propaganda, right-wing propaganda, capitalist right-wing

[Iran 00:03:24] libertarian laissez-faire nonsense that doesn't work in the real world,

but that's what the network does.

It's brainwashed enough people in this country that they think we can have trickle-down economics.

The lowest class believes that if we give the wealthy more tax breaks they'll eventually

get some of that money, and it's because Fox News tells them that.

Now, not all of them believe it, but there are enough that do, and it is because Fox

News is telling them that.

I hope Sean Hannity is right, and I hope more than anything that this is the end of Fox

News as we know it.

For more infomation >> Sean Hannity Admits That Fox News Might Be Done For Good - Duration: 4:25.


Did a Planet Escape the Solar System? - Duration: 3:54.

The solar system has looked pretty much the same for billions of years:

four inner rocky planets, four outer gas giant planets,

plus a bunch of dwarf planets and moons and asteroids and comets zooming around the place.

But it wasn't always like this.

We already know that the outer planets, like Jupiter and Uranus,

probably formed much closer to the Sun than they are now.

And the closer scientists look, the more it seems like

we're still missing some pieces of the planetary puzzle.

Which is why some astronomers think that our solar system might have once had

a whole extra planet that got kicked out as the other planets were shuffling around.

Of course, without a TARDIS, we'll never know the exact conditions

as the solar system was coming together four and a half billion years ago.

But we can use computer simulations to study the past.

Astronomers set up lots of different scenarios for the early solar system,

then simulate what would have happened over time,

based on things like how the gravity from one planet would have affected the others.

If a simulation ends with a solar system that looks a lot like what we see today,

that means the scenario's original setup could be a good model

for what the solar system used to look like.

By using this technique, astronomers developed what's known as the Nice model.

That's the model that suggests that our outer planets originally formed

closer in than they are today.

The disk of gas and dust surrounding the young Sun would've been

a great place for them to form.

Eventually, though, energy from the Sun blew all the gas away,

leaving behind the planets embedded in a rocky disk.

According to the Nice model, the planets then began to move,

but astronomers still aren't sure exactly what that movement looked like.

One possibility is that they moved mostly through encounters

with rocks in the disk called planetesimals.

When one of these rocks passed close to a giant planet,

it would've been thrown into a new orbit by the planet's powerful gravity.

But at the same time, the planet would've moved a tiny bit in the other direction.

Problem is, hurling planetesimals one by one

is a pretty slow way to move through the solar system.

And while the planets were migrating,

their gravity was probably wreaking havoc on the inner solar system.

Researchers have a lot of trouble setting up simulations of this

that end up actually looking like our solar system does today.

One problem is that a lot of the time, the simulations end

with Mars being ejected from the solar system entirely.

So that's clearly wrong.

You can avoid a scenario where Mars zooms away,

if the gas giant planets migrated outward much more quickly.

And that could have happened, if the planets were also slingshotting each other around,

in addition to all the planetesimals.

But even though in those simulations, Mars tends to stick around,

it's not enough to entirely avoid the problem of losing a planet.

A lot of the time, Jupiter just throws out one of its fellow gas giants instead.

Physics-wise, it makes sense: the loss of a planet is what provides the energy

that gets the other planets migrating outward more quickly.

But again, that's obviously not what happened,

because Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all still here.

So astronomers realized that there had to be something missing

in their picture of the early solar system, like another planet;

one that did get ejected from the solar system, which is why we don't see it anymore.

In one study, when researchers ran thousands of simulations that started with an extra

outer planet, they ended up with a normal-looking solar system about a quarter of the time.

Other investigations have been less conclusive, so we definitely can't say for sure

that our solar system once had an extra planet.

But it is possible, and it would explain a lot.

If it really did exist, this mysterious world was probably an ice giant

with about as much mass as Uranus and Neptune.

And like those planets, it would've formed

somewhere outside the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn.

To be clear, though, wherever it is now,

it's not the Planet Nine you'll sometimes hear people talk about.

If it exists, Planet Nine probably got its current orbit

hundreds of millions of years earlier.

Our lost giant would've joined the billions of other rogue planets

drifting through the galaxy on their own, unconnected to any star.

By now, it would've traveled so far that we'd never be able to identify it

as one of our long-lost neighbors.

In fact, we'll probably never know for sure whether it even existed.

The best we can do is come up with better simulations,

and look at other star systems for clues.

If we're still trying to figure out how many planets our solar system

started out with, who knows what else we have left to discover?

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space,

and thank you especially to our patrons on Patreon who make this show possible.

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For more infomation >> Did a Planet Escape the Solar System? - Duration: 3:54.


Frozen Elsa & Anna LIPSTICK CHALLENGE - Spiderman & Frozen Elsa Prank - Funny Superhero In Real Life - Duration: 11:11.

Frozen Elsa & Anna LIPSTICK CHALLENGE - Spiderman & Frozen Elsa Prank - Funny Superhero In Real Life

For more infomation >> Frozen Elsa & Anna LIPSTICK CHALLENGE - Spiderman & Frozen Elsa Prank - Funny Superhero In Real Life - Duration: 11:11.


Jesse Watters Stuns With Sudden Announcement After Ivanka 'Blow Jb' Joke - Duration: 4:09.

Jesse Watters Stuns With Sudden Announcement After Ivanka 'Blow Jb' Joke

Fox News Channel (FNC) commentator Jesse Watters received a sizable promotion when his longtime

mentor, Bill O'Reilly, was let go over sexual harassment allegations last week.

Now a full-time co-host on The Five, Watters' new stint is already off to a rocky start.

Following his seemingly inappropriate joke about President Donald Trump's daughter

Ivanka, he stunned fans with another sudden announcement they didn't see coming.

On Tuesday, Watters shocked Fox's audience with what seemed to be a sex joke about Ivanka,

whose first job as an official advisor to her father's administration was to take

part in a women's summit in Germany.

During a segment on Tuesday night, Watters remarked on the way that Trump held a microphone

while she discussed women's rights at a panel in Germany.

"It's funny.

The left says they really respect women and then when given an opportunity to respect

a woman like that they boo and hiss … so I don't really get what's going on here,

but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone," Watters said.

Watters gestured with his hand toward his mouth as he made the remark and then grinned

at his co-hosts.

The next morning, Watters said his comment was not meant to be sexual innuendo.

"During the break, we were commenting on Ivanka's voice and how it was low and steady

and resonates like a smooth jazz radio DJ," he said.

"This was in no way a joke about anything else."

[Source: The Hill] It appeared that no one was buying Watters' explanation for the

comment, and just one day later, he made a surprising announcement.

"I'm going to be taking a vacation with my family, so I'm not going to be here tomorrow,"

Watters said on Wednesday.

"I'll be back on Monday, so don't miss me too much."

It certainly seems odd to be taking a vacation just days into a brand new job, especially

one which offered such a substantial promotion.

Also of note is the fact that O'Reilly announced a sudden getaway of his own amid the harassment

scandal, and the network decided to part ways with him in the coming days.

In fact, the star anchor was with his family in Italy when he received the news that his

decades-long career at Fox had come to an end.

This is not the first time Watters has come under fire for controversial comments, either.

Watters has in the past made controversial remarks.

During the 2016 presidential election, he was accused of racially stereotyping Asian-Americans

in a TV segment in which he asked them whether it was the "year of the dragon" and whether

they knew karate.

[Source: Business Insider]

As FNC continues to overhaul its image and replace many of its longstanding talents with

fresh faces, it isn't brash to consider the fact that Watters may be out of a job

in a short time.

With the left on the offensive, constantly finding any opportunity to attack the right-leaning

network with allegations of sexual harassment and misogyny, network executive are of the

mindset that they simply cannot afford to take any chances with their on-air personalities.

Indeed, there is a new culture being ushered in at Fox, and it remains to be seen whether

Watters will be a part of it.

For more infomation >> Jesse Watters Stuns With Sudden Announcement After Ivanka 'Blow Jb' Joke - Duration: 4:09.


CBSE UGC NET Result 2017: How To Check Result at - Duration: 2:11.

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