You know what would be great? If adding captions to a video actually looked good!
I mean look at this mess- half transparency... words all misspelled I need
captions just to read the caption. Bleck! So today I'm going to show you how to
add captions to your videos before you export them so that they're sure to look
good every single time stay tuned I'm Owen video everybody welcome back to where you will learn up-to-date marketing tactics to grow
your business with online video I'm Owen video and would love it if you subscribe
to the show be sure to click on the bell notification so that you get an alert
each time we upload a new video go ahead and do it little Suzy this is what we're
going to create today doesn't that look purty I'm going to show you how to put
the captions directly on the video file so that when you upload it the captions
will always be there plus I have a lot more control over the captions this way
I can change the colors I can change the font and I can turn them on or off if I
want to for future exports I'm going to jump into a full training on how to do
this today but first before we get into all that here's a quick trivia question
for you what's the difference between a caption and a subtitle anyway we're
going to answer this question for you at the end of the show but if you want to
take a stab at it now go ahead and put your answer in the comment section below
let's jump into the training for today to your computer you're going to start
by downloading Camtasia on your Mac or your PC this software works on both and
you can get the link to the 30-day free trial in the description box or in the
iCard above
once installed you're going to hear this fun music sort of playing in the
background and Camtasia is going to open up with an in-depth tutorial already
starting to play for you what we're going to do is start a whole new project
file import a new video and add captions to that video to do that we're going to
go up here to file click on new project and here we have the main area of
Camtasia notice that we've got our viewing area here the canvas we've got
our timeline down here and over to the left we have our tool boxes the first
thing that I'm going to do is import the media file that I want to add captions
here's the video I filmed of myself just a little while ago and I'm going to drag
it onto the timeline here and here's what this video sounds like adding
captions is essential for sound off videos the Deaf and hearing-impaired and
English language learners with this tool you're able to control the look and feel
of your captions and provide a better viewing experience
now besides hearing the dogs barking in the background here it's pretty decent
video sounds okay and so now we're going to start the process of adding the
captions here's what I want you to do go to the left hand side here and look at
all these tools Media annotations so on and so forth you're going to go to audio
effects you're going to pull down the captions and drag it to the file where
you want to add captions take a look what happens down here a new
row is created that breaks down the audio well the whole file actually into
four second bursts where you can click and add the captions now as soon as I
click the audio will start playing
right and it just kind of stops so this box pops up and this allows me to go
ahead and add the captions to the video so I'm going to go ahead and put what is
said during that four second segment and then click off the box and the captions
are added now if these four seconds segments are
not working for you maybe they're going too fast what you can do is you can
control the duration of these segments and watch what happens is I make this
segment a little bit longer watch what happens with a purple box on the
left-hand side right it sort of opens up the whole area and it gives me a little
bit more room to work with it's also going to make my captions bigger as well
so let's go ahead let me finish typing in this segment right here and now my
captions are complete so let's go and review that from the very beginning
adding captions is essential for SoundOff videos the Deaf and
hearing-impaired and English language learners with this tool you're able to
control that you see how the captions are added right in there so let's talk
about the look and feel then of the captions to do that you're going to want
to click on the area over here in the customize area you can change the font
properties by clicking on the small a right here and you see I've got a couple
different options I like to use verdana in a lot of my different marketing so i
can change the font got a couple different options there i can also
change the size of the font look at what we're doing here I can make the captions
a little bit bigger right I can make them as big as that and sort of play
with what those look like let's go back to 48 cuz I kind of like that I can
change the text color I can even change the background color
and this is the one that I really like because you can start having a lot of
fun with captions here depending on the
colors of your background I'm also able to make this background you know more
opaque by adjusting the capacity I really like my captions generally to be
completely solid so that there's there's just no avoiding the captions and you
can sort of see you know what they are so by messing with the font by messing
with the colors in here you can really dial in your viewer experience now I
want to show you how to turn the captions on and off so notice how in
each of these sections we do have captions for each section but let's say
that for this third section here I didn't want to have any captions well I
can just come on in here open up the caption section and delete them and when
you delete them it's like turning them off for that section so the section in
front will still have the captions the section behind it will still have the
captions but this middle section won't and you may want to mess with that
depending on your style of video okay so I've trimmed out the beginning and ends
of the video I've added the captions to all the main segments and now I'm ready
to share or export this video on to another platform to do that I'm going to
head up here to the share button and if I want to save it as an mp4 file on my
computer I can do this use the local file option but you can see that I've
also got some additional options as well I also have the ability to export just
the captions so let's take a look first at how local file works this is pretty
simple you're going to click local file choose where you want the file to
download I'm going to go captions test and then I've got a couple different
options here I can export it to a variety of different formats and it's
giving me the option for the caption style this what we're doing gives us
really only one option we can turn them off or we can burn in the captions
that's a really great feature so I can I can burn a hard copy or I can export a
hard copy of this video without the captions on and I can also do another
version with the captions burned into them
for split-testing if that's what I wanted to do but once I click that I'm
gonna click export and the deed is done
now let's take a look at what happens if I just want to export the captions I'm
going to go back to the share window go down to export captions it's going to
give me the same ability I'm going to call this caption test
to name it but notice it saves it as an SRT file and SRT file is a sub rip text
file and this is the file that all major platforms are going to use when if you
wanted to upload captions to the platform so if you want to upload
captions to Facebook or to YouTube both of those give you the ability to use SRT
files so I can click export and really quickly the exports done and I can now
go into my finder and I've got my SRT file right here I've also got my mp4
right here and this should add the captions burned right into it let's take
a look adding captions is essential for sound off videos the Deaf and
hearing-impaired and English language learners brilliant work perfectly want
to give a big shout out today to Sandi couch who had this to say about last
week's episode thank you thank you thank you I've been having so much trouble
with this and my videos have been all over the place as a result I wasn't sure
where to start making it look better I can't wait to try this
Sandi is of course referring to the video on how to improve your watch time
and you guys can watch that video right here
oh I always forgot to mention the answer to this week's trivia what is the
difference between subtitles and captions well subtitles generally only
display what a character is saying and they're designed for people who can hear
closed captions on the other hand display every sound and are designed for
the hearing impaired or deaf oh that's pretty fascinating if you haven't
checked out my YouTube scripts yet you've got to check those out great
content on how to make better YouTube videos also if you're looking to grow
with online video there's some great content down here thanks so much for
watching we'll see you guys next week
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