Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

hi YouTube okay we are reciting the

snake we're actually reviewing my old

video and I told you guys that I thought

Donald Trump

I took the snake and applied it to him

in America he seems to think he's

applying it to people coming in

immigration I'm applying it to him so

this is what you do you read through the

poem and I'm going to read through the

poem for you guys now the last time I

changed it a little bit so you can see

on this video here I changed some of the

word this time I'm going to read it so

you guys can hear it and understand it

straight from how it is okay here we go

on her way to work one morning down the

path alongside the lake a tender-hearted

woman saw a poor half frozen snake his

pretty colored skin had been all frosted

with the dew poor thing she cried I'll

take you in I'll take care of you take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake she wrapped him up all

cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him

by her fireside with some honey and some

milk she hurried home from work that

night and soon as she arrived she found

that pretty snake she'd taken to have

been revived take me in tender woman

take me in for heaven's sake take me in

tender woman side the snake she clutched

him to her boosom you're so beautiful

she cried but if I hadn't brought you it

by now you might have died she stroked

his pretty skin again and kissed him and

held him tight instead of saying thanks

the snake gave her a vicious bite take

me a tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake I saved you cried the

woman and you bitten me but why you know

your bite is poisonous and now I'm going

to die oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin you knew damn well I

was a snake before you took me in take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake

take me in tender woman sighed the snake

and so you see that's Donald Trump right

there when you think of the part when it

says oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin and so look at

Trump's like reptile and grin he's got

his orange reptile face and so that's

Trump all all through here is is he's

talking about himself he's the snake so

he's saying America as in she voted him

in and so now now he just I guess he

thinks he can be it I don't know what

you'd call it dictator maybe I don't


and so yeah but anyway over here is my true colors video

so here we go

on her way to work one morning down the path along side the lake

a tender hearted woman saw a half frozen donald trump

his pretty color orange skin had been all frosted in the dew

poor thing she cried i'll take you in i'll take care of you

take me in tender woman take me in for heavens sake

take me in tender woman sighed the orange donald trump

she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk

and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk

Trump decided to skip the White House

Correspondents Dinner and so you can see

here he well it's kind of like if if

people are going to say things he

doesn't want to hear he just kind of

isolates himself off somewhere else and

that's kind of this division that we

have in this country too and he kind of

tapped into that and because he knew it

existed because they you know created it

with the well the past rhetoric

anyway but yeah that's just what I

wanted to say about that particular

video in this you know now he's reading

it as president he read the snake as

president he's telling the United States

who he is he's the snake people voted

Donald Trump as president voted Donald


into the United States as president and

he's the snake that's why he's reading

this this poem by Al Wilson that's why

he's reading the lyrics because he's the

snake and and he's telling you so and so

you know when when someone tells you who

they are believe them and and so yes

yeah I can't think of anything else

right now this is what I would like I

would like for you guys to subscribe and

ring my bell ring my bell follow me on

YouTube and ringing the bell will send

you emails and notifications and things

like that I want to thank you so much

for watching please thumbs up this video

share it with your friends leave

comments suggestions ideas I'll see you

soon peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> Donald Trump The Snake Poem Opinion Reacting to My Old Videos Teresa - Duration: 5:14.


DEAF Q&A || Aly Drayton & Cheyenna Clearbrook - Duration: 16:58.

A: Sorry about that! It's the dog

C: That's a good question

C: To...

A: I'm single

A: One of our friends


A: Wow, we actually did the intro in 1 take!?

C: Woohoo, we're masters!

A: Hello guys! Welcome back to our channels

A: So I know it has been a while since we've been together for a video

A: We've been really busy with everything else and now we finally have time to do a video together today

A: So don't worry about it guys

A: What we're going to do today?

C: We will do a deaf q&a that different questions from people we'll be answering them

A: Then let's get started!

A: Okay so I had an idea of doing a deaf q&a and I didn't think you guys would give us a lot of questions

A: I mean, I'm happy about it. Thank you guys very much!

A: We'll try our best to answer those questions so we apologize if we can't answer the question very well

A: Okay so let's start with our first question

C: Well, right now we're attending a local community college that is solely for hearing people

C: And they provide interpreters. But most of the time, we both take online classes

C: So yes they do have several colleges that provides deaf programs

C: Such as Gallaudet University (deaf college) that deaf people attends

C: Hearing people can attend too as well but they're required to know sign language very well then they can attend

C: And other colleges (RIT, CSUN, TSD, etc)

A: If you go to a normal college that's solely for hearing people, they do provide services for people with DA

A: Like for example; they provide interpreters, note takers, request to sit in the front of class

You have the right for that! They usually provide bunch of different accommodations

A: That's really cool for us that we have accommodations for that

C: Yeah, for sure!

C: Next question is...

A: I mean there are different ways you can become deaf

A: First of all, you can become deaf automatically from birth (due to genes)

A: Or you can become deaf through a type of disease. There are several such as meningitis, etc! I mean there are different kinds

C: Yeah, also german measles

A: Or you can lose hearing eventually when you get older. It depends on everyone else

C: Yeah, there's different ways to become deaf really

C: And there's nothing wrong with that anyway!

A: There's a person named Scott. He asked...

C: That's a really good question

A: Yeah that really makes me think

A: I admit for myself when I was growing up, it wasn't easy for me. I hated being deaf

A: I thought it was a shame to be deaf.

A: But now, I'm older... I'm really proud to be deaf

A: I don't know

C: I would feel the same way as her. Growing up, I felt like being deaf was really different from others

C: I felt like I had to put a lot of effort for them and

C: It was an awful feeling, yes. But now like what she said, I started to slowly accept myself as being deaf

C: Because there's a lot of things for deaf people like us to be involved in the community

C: And access! More than before in the past

C: So we're grateful that we're deaf

A: Yeah, we feel like we have responsibility to show you guys that we can do anything

A: For deaf people and others who has DA. We can do anything! There's no difference between hearing people and us

C: Right! And I'm sure a lot of people want to break the barrier between deaf and hearing people, you know?

C: A person named Daing, he asked

C: You could be considered into the community if you have hearing loss but should know sign language?

A: There are deaf, hard of hearing, and if you have a type of hearing loss; you're part of the deaf community automatically

A: I have some friends who has a little bit of hearing loss and they do know sign language

A: But keep in mind, not everybody knows sign language

C: And some deaf people will take it very personally if you say hearing impaired because it's insulting to them

C: You can just say hearing loss or deaf, that's it

A: Or hard of hearing!

A: Because the reason why we find that offensive because hearing impaired means we can't do anything

A: The word impaired. That's why we don't like the word. So keep that in mind for next time

A: Tamar, her students, she's a teacher from Shelton High School; they want to know

A: I don't know how to answer that because since we're deaf so we can't hear anything. We don't know

C: If I leave the fan on and I go out do my errands then come back realizing I forgot to turn it off

A: But it's different for me because I come from a hearing family and I have cochlear implant (hearing device)

A: So it does bother me sometimes because it's loud for me if I have it on

A: Or if I leave it on and I go out doing my thing then my parents would remind me to turn it off

A: I'm like oops I forgot

A: So I guess it depends for everyone. For the ones who can hear, I guess it may bother them

A: But for the ones who's fully deaf, no it won't

C: Question from one of my friends, Oban. He said...

A: I feel like that question is very controversial

A: But I already have a cochlear implant so I do know how it's like

A: My parents gave me one when I was 2-3 years old. I didn't know what was going on

A: So I personally think parents should give a chance for their kids to let them make a choice

A: Let them get older. If they want to get one, go for it! Embrace it. Everyone has their own preferences

A: If you do want to get a cochlear implant, don't let us say no. It's your decision

A: It's not our lives. It's not our bodies. It's your body

C: Yeah. Same (agreed). I'm just saying my opinion. I'm not against anybody's opinions. I just want to say how I feel

C: I feel very sad that parents force it on their children to wear a cochlear implant without asking for their permission

C: Like what she said, it's their own body. So I think

C: All hearing parents should respect their children because they have their own language already

C: ASL, that's their language! Not forcing them to follow their parent's language (Oral English)

C: It detaches from their culture because when they grow up, they will suffer their whole life

A: I mean that thing, I wish I knew because my parents tried to make me into a hearing person

A: But they have to keep in mind that cochlear implant, it's just a tool

C: Right!

A: It won't automatically turn me into a hearing person. No, it won't!

A: So that's what my family thinks. They tend to speak so fast while talking to me, I just can't

C: Yeah

A: So that's why everyone has different opinions about this subject

A: Some people can be very strongly against or 100 percent agree, it depends on you

C: Yeah

A: But that's our opinions. It's up to you. It's your choice

C: Right!

C: Deaf pyramid is like a family tree branched out from deaf and what kind of deafness

C: Like hard of hearing, hearing loss, being deaf in 1 ear, etc. That's what deaf pyramid is

A: Yeah I think we'll definitely talk about that. I mean we have a lot of other topics we want to talk about related to deafness

A: So yeah it will be part of the topics we will talk about for sure!

C: My good friend, Rachel, she's from play. She said

A: I feel like that is such a good question

A: It's different for everybody but for me; growing up, yes it was hard for me

A: Because I had to go to speech therapy twice a week, 2 hours each session. So it totals up to 4-5 hours every week

A: I had to really commit to speak orally. I couldn't sign at all but I didn't know any sign back then

A: I wasn't allowed to use my hands and just speak orally. I had to listen so that was very tough for me

A: Because I mean I felt like no one could understand me. I felt like it wasn't me at all. Signing, that's me

A: I could sign so that way, people would understand me better. Speaking orally, I mean..

A: But again, it depends on everybody. Some can easily pick it up and some can't pick it up that well

A: But for me, it was tough because still today, I'm not fluent with speaking. I'm not

A: I could speak fairly well but yeah

C: Like what we said before, cochlear implant is just a tool

C: So speaking should be their decision, not parents' decision. It should be because

C: ASL is already their first language. Speaking is a choice they make to choose if they want to or not

C: Because why should we speak if we already know sign language? That's our communication to talk with other people

A: Those kids who are deaf, I think it's a great idea for them to learn sign language when they're young

A: Not force them to learn how to speak. It won't benefit for them

A: They will suffer. They will struggle for the rest of their lives

C: Imagine if you have a child who has a mental disability, body limitations, etc

C: You would do anything for the kid and provide everything but for a deaf person, no

C: You're forcing them to follow to be like a hearing person

C: Not respect them and be involved! Learn sign language for them, teach, or take them to a deaf institute, etc

C: Like give what they need but you're not

C: I'm not saying all of you do but some parents would do that to their children

C: It's sad!

C: I would say when I was about 12-13 years old, I wish I could've accepted myself as being a deaf person

C: And tell myself that it's okay to be deaf. There's nothing wrong with that

C: And blend into a society that people are fit to

C: Like help hearing people understand my deafness, you know?

A: Same for me. Second thing for me, I would have to say don't try too hard to be a hearing person

A: That was a huge thing for me. I would try not to be deaf. I would push it away/ignore it

A: Pretend/mask to be a hearing person

A: I wish I knew just don't try too hard not being deaf. Be proud of yourself. Accept who you are

A: I feel like that question is very common

A: It depends for everyone but for us, we're willing to date anyone!

C: Yeah

A: It's important especially for hearing people, we would like for that person to be involved with our culture

A: Like for example, be willing to learn sign language if you don't know any signs

A: And be involved into our deaf community, that's important for us because if you don't (what's the point?)

C: And it's important that person who's not deaf try to understand our deaf culture

C: Be involved with everything and be supportive. Like 100 percent must!

C: It can't be 80-90 percent. That's a big NO. We won't be able to fit together

C: Because we do so much for them so it would be nice if they did the same for us too!

C: So yeah I did date a hearing guy before. It's very interesting indeed

A: I'm single

A: Okay so this girl, Ali, she sent me this on snapchat

A: This question is more specifically for me because I'm the only deaf person in the whole family

A: For me, yes it's very hard for me because first of all, my family doesn't know any sign language

A: No knowledge about deaf culture

A: They don't even try to interact with me

A: They tend to talk to my parents to rely on getting information about me

A: They don't actually talk to me

A: I think it's kinda funny because growing up, I had to really learn how to be oral for them

A: And then they don't do the same for me so it's very hard for me

A: Because I'm not that close with them. Communication is a huge barrier between us

A: I wish I could've been closer with my family because I love them! But you know...

C: That's a good question actually

A: There are different ways you can do to be an ally for our deaf culture

A: Like for example, be very respective around us. Don't try to change anything about our deafness

A: We won't listen to you

A: Second of all, if you don't know sign language and if you're willing to learn more

A: Honestly that will fill up our hearts. We will be very happy to help you learn!

A: Third, be really involved more in the deaf community

A: Lastly, you can be an advocate because we're trying to spread the word and help raise more awareness

A: For our deaf culture/community and other DA too as well

A: Just be an advocate if you're on the same page as we are

A: That's great, we'll be really happy! But there's different ways to be involved with us

A: But what I just gave, they're the basics ones you can do to be involved with us

C: It's very important for you to do that's very respective to us and deaf community

C: You can't try to change something about our deafness. Respect our choices and leave it alone

C: And be supportive with our opinions. Not tell us to follow what you want us to! (related to the hearing world)

A: Unless if you have an idea suggestion, you can do that! But if you try to change it, we won't listen to you

C: What?

A: Honestly we just started doing YouTube so right now, we don't earn anything!

A: We're not doing it because of money or nothing else!

A: We're only doing this purely because we want to raise awareness for our deaf community

A: Because of money? No, we're not

A: So we can't really answer that question, I'm sorry but we don't earn anything at all

C: We just want to help hearing people to understand our deaf culture more

C: And what she said, raise more awareness about our deaf culture

A: We're doing this for free!?

C: Yes, shocking right?

A: Okay, we still have bunch more questions. I mean thank you so much!

A: We can't answer them all because I feel like some needs to be researched first before we answer them

C: And we probably will add one more video related to this - second part of deaf q&A

A: So if you liked this video, don't forget to like this video!

A: And subscribe if you want to see more videos from both of us in the future!

A: So have a good week and enjoy life!

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> DEAF Q&A || Aly Drayton & Cheyenna Clearbrook - Duration: 16:58.


Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.

I think you can place the bottle closer to me



*Card at the top of the video*

Thanks a lot to everyone, thank you

Bye, people!

See you at the next event

For more infomation >> Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.


Learning Videos Cars For Kids - Learn Colors Cars and Trucks - Police Helicopter For Kids Videos - Duration: 3:44.

Learning Videos Cars For Kids

Learn Colors Cars and Trucks


For more infomation >> Learning Videos Cars For Kids - Learn Colors Cars and Trucks - Police Helicopter For Kids Videos - Duration: 3:44.


A dress can make the difference - Duration: 0:08.

Yes , he is cute

but nothing special

*nosebleed*, so cute , omg he's hot

*realizes that his nose is bleeding*

For more infomation >> A dress can make the difference - Duration: 0:08.


Neerenda Deepalu Video Song | Illalu Telugu Movie | Shoban Babu | Jayasudha | Sridevi I BharatLive - Duration: 4:34.

Subscribe BharathLive

For more infomation >> Neerenda Deepalu Video Song | Illalu Telugu Movie | Shoban Babu | Jayasudha | Sridevi I BharatLive - Duration: 4:34.


dealing with dermatillomania - Duration: 8:01.

hi I'm Ashton and a couple weeks back I

made a video on my journey so far with

dermatillomania I will link it in the

top of the description if you want to

watch that before you watch this I would

recommend doing so. it was suggested to

me by multiple people that I should

make a video on how I deal with my derma

the things I've picked up on preventing

giving in to the compulsions from

experience and therapy and advice that

I've received so here we go my best

advice for dealing with the compulsion

of skin picking there is no medical cure

for dermatillomania as much I wish that

I could I can't take a pill or 2 and lose

the compulsion to tear off my skin for

me the best way I can counteract it is

by replacing my reaction to a compulsion

with something counteractive for example

when I have the compulsion to or when I

notice myself picking at the acne and

scabs on my face I will go wash my face

and put on some medicine cream that I

have and then I'll go write or draw for

a bit to distract my hands from doing

what they want to deal on my skin if you

pick at your lips or have the compulsion

to pick at your lips um put on your

favorite lip balm for me it's the

strawberry eos thing for you might be a

sparkly lip gloss or lip scrub that's a

thing right yeah that's a thing maybe

it's even as vaseline. for scabs that

you want to pick off using band-aid

there are some cool band aids out there

like shakespeare quotes and superheroes

um they're fun go get yourself some fun

band-aids and cover that scab up then

even if you subconsciously begin to pick

at the scab you'll feel the bandage over

it and be reminded oh this is a

compulsion that I'm supposed to be

fighting and for me as I discussed

previously my fingers are one of the

worst places of my body and for that I

distract my hands I talked about how I

cut off my nails and that didn't help me

but it may help you so if you want to

keep your nails super short I encourage

you to try it so all of those methods of

self-care can absolutely help rather

than giving in to the compulsions caused

by your dermatillomania replace that was

something you can do to instead help

heal the places that you've picked at

um it feels good when you've gotten

through a period of you know hey my face

looks good or my fingertips aren't raw

and clearly i am not at that place right

now but occasionally i do get to that

place and it makes me feel good and it

may not last forever but seeing the

results of working hard to combat your

derma can be very worth it if you

absolutely need to pick it something try

picking at something other than your

skin um try peeling an orange or

clementine and picking off all that

white pulpy stuff then you have not

picked at your skin and you get a

healthy snack how great two birds one

stone another thing you can do is

spreading liquid glue on your hands and

then peeling it off if any of you did

that in childhood I know I did all the

time it won't harm you and it's

something you can do without completely

giving in to the compulsion you can also

scotch tape over your fingertips and

when you need to peel just peel that off

from there plenty of alternatives and

I'm sure you can think of or look up

more. I actually just thought of this one

and I've never tried it but you could

try those like paint on face mask things

I'm not only would they be something

nice to peel off once they're done but

they make your skin healthier which

could decrease dry edges which is what I

often want to pick at why have I not

thought of this before guys I think I

just cured dermatillomania of course I'm

kidding but that could actually be

helpful and I think I'm gonna try that

should I I think I should one thing I

try to do as well is kind of avoidance I

stay away from mirrors and I shower in

low light which can help me kind of

ignore marks on my body that I'd

otherwise pick apart I found that many

therapists and doctors in general don't

know much about BFRBs as they're often

just seen as bad habits whereas there's

more to it they're like intrusive

thoughts coupled with compulsions which

is also why BF arbys often go along with

OCD you'll often be told as i am sure

you've experienced you've done this to

yourself and you could stop if he wanted

to dermatillomania was only accepted

into the dsm in 2013 so it's a pretty

recent addition and that is likely why

many doctors disregard or simply aren't

aware of it therapy-wise the best option

to treat dermatillomania is cbt or

cognitive behavioral therapy its goal is

to reshape your train of thought when it

comes to something that interrupts your

life such as the compulsions tied to

dermatillomania I went through therapy

called DVT dialectical behavioral

therapy but that was targeted towards my

depression and not my dermatillomania I

don't have much experience with CBT but

if you want to go after a CBD program I

definitely encourage you to do some

research and find one

you if you think might work one of the

other things that often worsen

dermatillomania is skin conditions I do

have acne thanks testosterone and i also

have eczema thanks mom and one of the

people that encouraged me to make this

video may have keratosis pilaris or KP

there are other skin conditions that can

make your dermal worse to whether it's

allergies or the aforementioned or just

dry skin for this I'd recommend going to

see a dermatologist they may be able to

prescribe or recommend a cream that

could help the skin condition and if

they manage to take care of the KP

eczema rash allergies anything like that

if you start to manage it then it's

going to be easier to live with

dermatillomania because there's less to

pick at you know there won't be as much

of a issue with wanting to pick if the

main thing you want to pick is not as

much of an issue in first place does

that make sense am I making sense as I

mentioned in the previous video a lot of

people are not open about their

dermatillomania it's something that a

lot of us hi I have felt better since

I've opened up to it not only online but

in real life too nobody's going to hate

you for having the bfr be and if they do

it's not someone you need in your life

opening up about dermatillomania and

having people that know what they can do

to help I have people call me out and

they notice me picking can actually

really helped a lot having a support

system is one of the best things you can

do I actually have a friend in school

with trichotillomania which is a VFR be

that focuses on hair pulling clearly

these aren't the same disorder but the

psychology behind them is very similar

so this friend and I bonded over our

experiences with BF arbys and because we

know that we're caring for each other

and helping each other can buy our BF

arbys i'm not being that kid that's like

we're and just stop picking your nails

stop playing with your hair OH so we

support each other through things and

just bond over our favorite fidget toys

and you know we just we friend we we do

the the friend in what I'm trying to say

with that one is that if you can find

someone that you can be honest with and

also has a BF RV you can support each

other through that and call each other

out when you subconsciously indulge in

your components I'm not saying you know

make an announcement like how long how

long school and work place am I the only

person with the BF are being here how

long I'm not saying do that um just look

out for other people know how to support

others and know how to support yourself

and you may just find a friend that can

help you a lot with dealing with your

impulses compulsions your body focused

repetitive behaviors I think my last

point is going to be fidget toys fidget

toys are my Savior in everything impulse

related I'm stimming if you didn't know

stands for self stimulation is something

you do a lot and I have an

embarrassingly large collection of

vigeant ties on some I wear on a daily

basis that these these guys others are

scattered around my room with my

backpack and travel bags I think I'm

actually going to do a weekend video

going through all my collection of

fidget toys stem toys but anyways my

point is that fidget toys are great they

keep your hands off of your skin and

they keep my hands busy when I would

normally be picking at my skin and if

you don't have any they can easily be

DIY ed made yourself you can make a fine

at toyota of almost anything so just

fidget matt nothing wrong with it I

think that's all the advice I have for

dealing with dermatillomania I know that

was kind of a lot to take in so if you

have any questions feel free to drop a

comment and if you have any advice for

dealing with dermatillomania educate me

go for it man I'm ready goodbye have a

wonderful day and I will talk to you

later maybe

For more infomation >> dealing with dermatillomania - Duration: 8:01.


O batasari Video Song | Illalu Telugu Movie | Shoban Babu | Jayasudha | Sridevi I BharatLive - Duration: 4:14.

Illau Full Movie Watch Subscribe Bharatlive

For more infomation >> O batasari Video Song | Illalu Telugu Movie | Shoban Babu | Jayasudha | Sridevi I BharatLive - Duration: 4:14.


How to Play Clash Royale Level 1😀 - Duration: 10:20.

Balloon is Very Well Played

For more infomation >> How to Play Clash Royale Level 1😀 - Duration: 10:20.


Upkeeper Guttervac Video - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Upkeeper Guttervac Video - Duration: 0:42.


How i became me... (Minecraft Video) TURN ON SUBTITLES - Duration: 4:37.

So... How i became me???

Welp it started when i was the boy ender dragon...

And lived in the end!

See? thats meh!

I was so happy living there but...

Some random kid killed me....

Me: What is this place?!?!

Me: Ummmmm


me: Lets look around

Me: Oh no im breaking his or her home!!!

me: Oops :(

Me:oh well

Me: Whats that glowing yellow stuff?

Me: Hey dude whats up!!!!

Me: Not again...

Me: WOAH WHATS GOIN... im a human!!!

Me: O:

Me: I can dig!!!

Me: OW!!! that lava hurt

Me: Ima dig a hole!!!

If u see this comment: EnderEMwhit

Me: I can still fly???


Me: Oh a cave!

Me: Woah that takes out alot!


Me: Man this is fun

(My View)

Well... this is getting boring

So that was how i became me hope you like if u do

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For more infomation >> How i became me... (Minecraft Video) TURN ON SUBTITLES - Duration: 4:37.


How To Use Lipstick 👄Training Video Compilation 💋Beautiful Lips Girls😍 - Duration: 3:40.

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