Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 30 2017

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For more infomation >> The Most Oddly Satisfying Video You'll Enjoy Watching - Duration: 11:21.


Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video đồng hồ nam Skeleton Rhythm A1510S03, Tư vấn mua đồng hồ chính hãng - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> Mở hộp đồng hồ, Video đồng hồ nam Skeleton Rhythm A1510S03, Tư vấn mua đồng hồ chính hãng - Duration: 13:35.


Video #14 – Understanding 403(b) Fees | TRS Financial Awareness Video SeriesDescription - Duration: 3:09.

Meet Sheila.

Sheila is a child nutrition services

team member at an elementary school.

She's been a TRS member for 11 years.

Sheila's daughters want to adopt a dog, but

she's not sure what type of dog would be

best suited to her family's lifestyle.

She's facing a similar situation

with her school's 403(b) plan – Sheila

wants to save for retirement, but she's not sure which

403(b) investment products would be best suited

to her financial goals.

As with owning a pet, there are costs

associated with investing in a 403(b) plan.

There are investment management fees,

product administration fees, and other service fees.

Investment management fees compensate professional money

managers for selecting the securities in a fund's portfolio

and managing it based on the fund's investment objectives.

Product administration fees pay for services like

record keeping, call center support,

and quarterly statements.

Product fees may also include mortality and expense fees,

surrender fees, or advisory fees, in addition to other

service fees.

Fees vary from product to product, and if

you don't keep an eye on them, they can take

a huge bite out of your savings.

Over time, even small differences in

fees can grow into big differences in returns.

For example, let's say you invest $20,000 in

an account with annual fees of 0.5% and earn

an average of 6% per year.

After 30 years, you'd have almost $99,000.

If the annual fees were just

one percent more, you'd only have about $73,000 – a

difference of $26,000.

Before committing to a 403(b) contract, make sure

you understand the fees involved.

Ask questions so that you understand what you will

be charged, how often, and why.

Lists of example questions are included in the

resources provided with this video, as well as information

about specific types of fees.

For information on fees associated with specific

registered products, visit the 403(b) Product List on

the TRS website.

Like deciding to bring home a new pet, selecting a 403(b)

investment product is a significant decision that requires

research and preparation.

Taking time to understand and compare

the fees you'll be charged could benefit you for many

happy years to come.

For more infomation >> Video #14 – Understanding 403(b) Fees | TRS Financial Awareness Video SeriesDescription - Duration: 3:09.


instagram Food Tutorials Videos Compilation 2017 #30🍩Best Amazing People Skills, Oddly Satisfying - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> instagram Food Tutorials Videos Compilation 2017 #30🍩Best Amazing People Skills, Oddly Satisfying - Duration: 11:32.


#StartTheCarAndDrive - Gokarna | A Travel Log | Complete Video - Duration: 8:58.

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For more infomation >> #StartTheCarAndDrive - Gokarna | A Travel Log | Complete Video - Duration: 8:58.


Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #38 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 11:50.

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For more infomation >> Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #38 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 11:50.


What Matters Most in Video Marketing | Modern Marketing Minute - Duration: 1:40.

As a modern B2B marketer, you intuitively know that great online video has become the

number one way that buyers and customers want to learn about your brand, products and services.

Yet, with so many different video platforms, measuring what matters most when it comes

to online video can present a significant challenge.

Accounts and prospects consuming a lot of great video content are a likely priority

for sales.

At the micro level, you're assessing your video content assets on a video-by-video basis.

And while the number of views can be somewhat useful in establishing a baseline for channel

reach, your viewers' attention span (or how much time they spend watching each video)

is far more useful in determining if your message is resonating with the audience.

By connecting video engagement with individual customer and prospect data through platforms

like Vidyard, you can dive deeper and determine if your video is engaging the right audience

members, at the right time.

You can then use it to trigger personalized marketing touches from your marketing automation

programs, and enhance your account and lead scoring models for generating Marketing Qualified


If you're interested in learning more about measuring what matters most for video marketing,

check out our link to "The Essential Guide to Measuring Video Content" by our Video Platform

friends at Vidyard and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

For more infomation >> What Matters Most in Video Marketing | Modern Marketing Minute - Duration: 1:40.


Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #39 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 10:28.

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For more infomation >> Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #39 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 10:28.


Talking to Myself | intro video - Duration: 3:51.

Hi, Kids!

If you don't know me, I'm Brophy, and this is my new youtube channel!

*vaguely enthusiastic whoo*

I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm a weird person.

For starters, the reason I'm talking to you right now.

Um, when I was five, I decided to start pretending that I was on a reality show.

I don't think I'd ever seen a reality show, and this was definitely pre-Kardashian era,

so I don't know where this idea came from.

I would just talk to a fake camera, and the fake camera would be basically anywhere.

Um, but I've kinda never stopped *laughs* which I know sounds really weird.

Nobody's ever really seen me do it because I only do it when I'm by myself.

But I did look it up, and unless a voice you can't control answers back when you're talking

to yourself, it's perfectly normal.

I just think out loud.

But I just kinda decided, "You know what?

I've been talking to a fake camera for 14 years, I might as well start talking to a

real one."

And it's not the first time I've thought that, because I've wanted to create a youtube channel

since I was in middle school, and since I'm now a year into college, I thought,

"better late than never."

That's why I'm here, and I really love youtube.

Like, I've always thought it was really cool, from the first time I saw Mysterious Ticking

Noise. I'm pretty sure that's the first video I watched.

My biggest influence right now is probably Louise Pentland.

I love her rebrand that she's done.

I don't know if she still lets people call her Sprinkle of Glitter, but that's how I

got to know her.

I love her new rebrand, obviously.

That's why I mentioned it.

*laughs* I'll probably end up making a video about my favorite YouTubers one day, but I

don't want to make this about too many different things.

I just want to make this my intro video where I talk about how crazy I am.

But, yeah, I'm really hoping this becomes a thing.

This is probably not going to be the setup that I keep.

I know I made a youtube video with this background on my old channel, that I subsequently deleted

because it was really weird, and I didn't have any, like, cohesion at all.

I've tried making youtube channels before, and I didn't really know what I was making

videos about.

I just made videos about whatever came to mind, but now I think I'm going to try to

stick to, like, a loose theme.

I'm very fandom oriented, so you'll see a lot of videos about that, probably.

That, college, and maybe some style-related videos.

A lot of people say I dress nice, but I don't really know if I believe them.

*laughs* I also make things a lot.

I'm going to try to cosplay, so I'll probably make videos about that, too.

I am studying to be a costume designer so I would like to work in TV, so I kind of like

it for a reason, but at this point, who knows what's going to happen?

It's fun, though.

But, yeah, that's basically the end of the video.

Such a grand finale, I know.

*laughs* I promise there will be better videos in the future, and if you are at all interested,

uh, please subscribe.

Um, make sure you click the like button.

Please, uh, feel free to comment any time you want, *laughs* and I guess I'll see you next time.


*Laughs* Bye!

For more infomation >> Talking to Myself | intro video - Duration: 3:51.


노르웨이 일상, 노르웨이 바 가고, 공짜 스케이트 타기 - Norway travel video 세계여행 140일째 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 노르웨이 일상, 노르웨이 바 가고, 공짜 스케이트 타기 - Norway travel video 세계여행 140일째 - Duration: 3:08.


VIDEO PSI~ KUN ANTA - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> VIDEO PSI~ KUN ANTA - Duration: 4:47.


Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #37 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 11:39.

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For more infomation >> Amazing Homemade Inventions 2017 #37 The most satisfying video Technology Machines - Duration: 11:39.


instagram Food Tutorials Videos Compilation 2017 #29🎃 Best Amazing People Skills, Oddly Satisfying - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> instagram Food Tutorials Videos Compilation 2017 #29🎃 Best Amazing People Skills, Oddly Satisfying - Duration: 10:14.


Kid video game nuclier power plant (sector 10) - Duration: 3:17.

Nuclier power plant!!!!! I added subtitles for no reason, so enjoy!

I do not own any of this content all the rights go to- ME!!! Because this will soon be the ost of a videogame. Hope you see it come out with nintendo of america. Im moving to toyko in 4 years for college.

I enjoyed having this talk. enjoy!

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