Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!

Looking out, it's a great big world

Where do I go? How do I fit in?

Gotta keep this one thing on my mind

Maker of all the universe is on my side

And if God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

He is my strength, he is my friend forever

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

Looking out, it's a great big world

Where do I go? How do I fit in?

Gotta keep this one thing on my mind

Maker of all the universe is on my side

And if God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

He is my strength; he is my friend forever

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

When I just don't understand, God is for me

When life doesn't go the way I planned, God is for me

When I just don't understand, God is for me

When life doesn't go the way I planned, God is for me

And if God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

He is my strength; he is my friend forever

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

God is for me

Who can be, who can be against me?

For more infomation >> God is for Me | Maker Fun Factory Music Video | Group Publishing - Duration: 3:12.


50 Cent 2017 Autobiographie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 50 Cent 2017 Autobiographie - Duration: 1:01.


Childhood memories [Original nostalgic Electro-Acoustic song] video clip with lyrics - Duration: 5:51.

I wanna go back to when I was a Child

Driving spaceship trhough space and time

My torch was a weapon against the monsters

And my shit a shield against robot soldiers

I wanna go back to when the smile of my mother felt so warm

And I nestle against my dad's arms

Far from any harm

Nothing could have happened to me jumping from chair to chair

Avoiding the heat, you can't walk on the dragon's lair

And do you remember the time?

childhood memories are running through my mind

And I can't

Hold them back

And do you remmeber the time

When small things

seemed so wide and our dreams

were so real

Now we've grown and our dreams are gone

And now we're old and all the things are done

The work the wife, the house and the kid

Now the kid is gone, now the kid is gone

And now we're old and our kids are gone

They keep on living dream we should have done

In time like these all I need are these bright


And do you remember the time

Chiildhood memories are running through my mind

and I can't

hold them back

And do you remember the time

when small things, seemed so wide

and our dreams

were so real

And now we've grown and our dreams are gone

and now we're old and all the things are down

the work, the wife, the house and the kid

now the kid is gone, now the kid is gone

Thanks for wathcing! :)

For more infomation >> Childhood memories [Original nostalgic Electro-Acoustic song] video clip with lyrics - Duration: 5:51.


How to crack / bypass AppLock ( NO ROOT REQUIRED ) 100% working - Duration: 2:50.

hi guys Abhinav here from know what I

know and today you will know how to open

media files hidden by the app named AppLock

and of course without knowing the


so let's get started... I will open the app

and this is my password... and let's hide a

video... let us say this one : Fifth Harmony -

Worth it

Ok.. so now videos is hidden..

and I will show you where the video is

go to your file manager and device

storage and remember enable show hidden files

so now go to this folder .dom

then dont_remove and our video is in

one of these folders so I will search

ten folders at a time.. I tried sorting

these folders by size but that method

didn't work... now you can see the total

size of these folders is zero bytes so

we can be sure that our video is in none

of these ten folders... I'll search the next


so as you can see the size is now

19.20 MB... so our video

is in one of these folders... I will

eliminate five and check again... the size

remains 19.20 mb... so the videos in one

of these five folders... let us eliminate

two... again the size remains 19.20 MB

Let us eliminate one by one now... the size remains

19.20 MB and again... so definitely

our video is in this folder... and this is

the video... we just have to rename it and

add an extension... let us say .mp4 so there

you go this is the video that we hid in

the beginning... so that is how you do it

guys... I hope you liked my video... if you did

please like, share and subscribe.. and comment

if you face any problem... see you guys

next time...

till then have a good one😊

For more infomation >> How to crack / bypass AppLock ( NO ROOT REQUIRED ) 100% working - Duration: 2:50.


How To Draw Yellow Paprika | Watercolour | Vegetables Step By Step Drawing - Duration: 3:40.

Quick pencil sketch

As always, first layer of watercolor is not bright

Add more color

More contrast and volume

Light shadows

I use brushes of different sizes

Add small details

For more infomation >> How To Draw Yellow Paprika | Watercolour | Vegetables Step By Step Drawing - Duration: 3:40.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - OMG That Affliction DPS is CRAZY! - Duration: 12:47.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - OMG That Affliction DPS is CRAZY!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - OMG That Affliction DPS is CRAZY! - Duration: 12:47.


My Edited Video - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> My Edited Video - Duration: 3:23.


Electronification of Capital Markets with Greenwich Associates | Numerix Video Blog - Duration: 8:42.

James Jockle (Host): Hi welcome to Numerix Video Blog, I'm your host Jim Jockle.

Joining me today, Kevin McPartland Managing Director of Greenwich Associates, Kevin how

are you?

Kevin McPartland (Guest): Great, how are you?

Jockle: So, you might have seen it on LinkedIn yesterday, a new report from Greenwich Associates

on the Buy-Side FX trading desk by the numbers.

So, at the top level let's break this down: average desk size – 8 people, total people

budget – 30.9 Million, and total tech budget – 19.8 million per year.

So what's the background that's led to this?

McPartland: Sure, yes so we interviewed just shy of 100 investors, FX investors around

the world to understand what their desks look like, how they worked, where they spent their


So, a couple of top-level-trends about three-quarters of FX Volume done by the buy-side is done


It's one of the most electronic markets that we cover, although I think we hit a ceiling

there so we haven't seen much growth, but again still one of the most electronic market

that we cover.

The real change, the top line numbers haven't changed all that much, but what's been changing

is growth in the use of execution algorithms by the buy-side, you would think given how

electronic the market was that their use would be widespread but until recently they were


And then the other big focus has been around data and analytics, transaction cost analysis,

both pre-trade, post-trade and to a less extent sort of during the trade, is become a real

big focus of the buy-side as they focus more and more on best execution and sourcing liquidity

from a variety of new places.

Jockle: So, in terms of the three-fourths that are fully electronified, what's the

balance in the barrier to the remaining volumes?

McPartland: Most of what's still done over the phone is complex orders and large sized

orders, in most markets that have a sizable amount of electronic trading that is the case.

There's a human element that will never go away.

If you want to buy a house or a car, you still want to talk to somebody for the most part.

You want to go to the dealer; you want to work with the broker.

Same is true in capital markets, if the order is large, you want somebody who is an expert

who spends their days doing this to help you along the way to make sure you're making

those right choices and even from a fiduciary respect, for some asset managers ensuring

that you're having those conversations and can show your client, your end-client, your

investors that you're doing the right thing is tremendously important.

Jockle: So arguably as a very mature market in terms of electronic trading, what other

areas are now starting to dabble.

Last week, we had a conversation here at Numerix looking at structured products distribution

and the electronification of that particular market as we're starting to see more volumes

and pick-up in Europe.

Where do you see the orders of priority utilizing FX as a benchmark?

McPartland: Yeah, sure so I think one thing that's worth noting.

When we talk about electronic trading and electronification, it's a little bit semantics,

but I think there are two separate things.

When we think electronic trading their minds goes to high-speed order book trading like

in equities or in futures.

Whereas electronification is more we're taking a process that was very manual before

and applying technology to make it more efficient.

So you know in markets where you're doing a sort of traditional request for quote, which

is a lot of FX, structured products, as well, we should encourage that that's still a

really good positive step forward; it makes sense given the product nature and the liquidity

profile of those markets.

But a lot of folks would say thought that's not sort of electronic trading in the traditional

sense, but it's certainly electronification.

Which we do believe is a good thing, it should be encouraged.

Jockle: Now let's drill down on an average desk size of eight people.

You know, is that a trend that we've seen kind of downward trend, less people one a

desk because of different automation processes?

McPartland: Yeah I mean, over time the buy-side has seen their desk sizes shrink, the sell-side

has as well.

In both cases, it's an efficiency play.

Whereas the sell-side is getting hit by new regulations and reduce profit margins and

they're having to become more efficient the buy-side is hit by, you know, fee wars,

moving to passive rather than active management where they can't make as much money unless

they're doing huge volumes so they're trying to figure out how to make their desk

to be more efficient and a huge way to do that is investing in technology that goes

back to the 20 million or so spent annually on tech.

If we looked at the fixed income market is a great example because that's evolving

so quickly towards electronic trading.

The shift of budget has moved year over year from people more and more into technology,

which just wasn't the case four-five years ago.

Jockle: Now in terms of the budget spend, we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about

the general trend of market making moving to the buy-side.

You know, how is that going to influence some of these elements in terms of spend and management?

McPartland: So, I take some exception to saying the buy-side are market makers on what we've

actually seen is the buy-side as price makers, right.

So, if you can come to the market for a bond or even a structured FX product, and say this

is the price I'm willing to trade this at, is anybody interested?

To me, that's fundamentally different than a market maker who's, you know, sole purpose

and way of making money is to provide continuous two-sided quotes and help other folks trade,

you know, throughout the day.

And that's not, that's not how the buy-side makes their money.

But yeah, certainly they're coming forward more and more as price makers; we're seeing

that particularly in corporate bonds where it's a very new thing but you know, while

it sounds radical, think about the equity market, really what you're doing is putting

in a limit order, right?

A limit order is saying I want to buy IBM at 100 dollars a share is anybody interested?

That doesn't seem odd in equities, it does seem odd at some of these OTC markets, but

I think we'll see more of that.

Jockle: And last question for you, in terms of that 19.8 million dollar tech spend, how

much of that is ring-fenced in terms of R&D?

Are we seeing any elements of innovation, I mean obviously AI is the talk of the town,

big data, things of that nature?

How much, if any, is getting to new technologies in terms of FX?

McPartland: Yeah, so a lot, more and more of the buy-side is looking to third-party

software providers to provide them a lot of their technology.

So I think a lot of that innovation if being done, you know, in the vendor community, working

very closely with their big buy-side clients.

The two biggest spends as in that 20 million are their market data desktop, right.

So FactSet, Bloomberg, Reuters, and their OMS, which is really like the command center

for their day-to-day.

And then, you know there's other stuff in there about hardware, and analytics as we

spoke about and such, but that again that's where the innovation is happening.

Is the partnerships they have with those vendors to bring in enhanced features and help make

their day-to-day life easier.

Jockle: So, just one other question that you kind of invoked in me.

You know, when you look at JP Morgan's tech spend of say, 600 Billion annually.

Do you see tech spending increasing in the buy-side giving these new technologies and

almost a new role in some cases?

McPartland: yeah, I think we've seen and this will be going on probably for 20 years

and I can't believe we've been in the industry that long but probably for 20 years

where, you've just seen a skillset shirt where in some cases you don't necessarily

have less people but rather than having Harvard MBA's or finance majors, you're having

PhDs in math and computer science that are spending more time to write, create those

algos and automate more processes.

On the sell-side tech spend I find it pretty interesting is in the 90s when we were in

the first .com boom, banks were spending, and spending, and spending on tech and wanted

to beat tech companies.

The bubble burst they decided wait a second, we're not tech companies we shouldn't

do that anymore, and now it almost feels like we're getting back to where we were, where

banks are realizing they, actually, we do need to be technology companies that's where

our competition is.

Jockle: Well, there's been a lot of recent reports in terms of Goldman Sachs, kind of

leveraging its technology platform, SecDB.

Same thing with JP Morgan and Athene, and you know it's starting this debate again.

McPartland: Yeah, I mean I think we shouldn't minimize the importance of relationships especially

at the institutional level, the retail conversation I think is different, but the institutional

level relationships don't matter and having people that can help to you know, work with

clients, and navigate complex situations it's not going to go away but yeah making those

people smarter with technology is the only way it's going to go forward.

Jockle: Well Kevin I want to thank you so much for joining us.

And again of course the report is "The Buy-Side FX Trading Desk by the Numbers" available

on and I want to thank you for joining us.

And of course we want to talk about the topics you want to talk about, please follow us on

LinkedIn and on Twitter @nxanalytics.

I'm Jim Jockle, thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Electronification of Capital Markets with Greenwich Associates | Numerix Video Blog - Duration: 8:42.


FIRST VIDEO EVER | Minecraft Skywars - Duration: 8:55.

Sorry The recording first startet now insted og like to mins ago and sorry for my voice im danish (and only 11) (Almost 12)

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