Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 3 2018

I only knew you for a while

I never saw your smile 'till it was time to go

Time to go away

Sometimes it's hard to recognize

Love comes as a surprise and it's too late

It's just too late to stay

Too late to stay

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

Because the friendship that you gave

has taught me to be brave

no matter where I go I'll never find a better prize

Though you're miles and miles away

I see you every day I don't have to try

I just close my eyes

I close my eyes

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

We'll always be together

However far it seems

We'll always be together

Together in electric dreams

For more infomation >> Outta Control - Together In Electric Dreams (1997) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:37.


Jade Weber (2018/08/04 - 2:49pm PDT) (Instagram Live Video) - Duration: 26:04.

Comment stream timing is slightly modified for easier viewing.

jademareeb: On insta marcell_nagy_: Hi from Hungary 🇭🇺🇭🇺 BTW you beautiful 😍😍

lluzky: Do u like pewdiepie?!

tala_gray_: 😍 lv.art_: Salut tariqgrevengoed: 😂😂😂

junegarcia1977: 😍 robopol: 👀

jidecastro1: 😍

lunajason048: How old are you jongkyu1545: Hi fares_abdallh77: Hi

duffsdoodlesart: Hello sivan_safin: 😍 shuhrat6366: 👋

lorenzocastagna94: 😍 filip.plm: 👋

hassaan.1995: Say my name fares_abdallh77: Can i be friend mahdi_437: 😍

nataliatarinl: What is your favorite songgggg?????????😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕 zaynab.echbel: Why don't you love skittles?

gang_gang_lil_savage_2006: 👋 raaan_421: Like hear?

mat._23: 😂

herreravaronalazaro: 😘

theblacklist_brasil: 😍

valentinronchev99: 😍

tariqgrevengoed: 😍

rojeen.dizaey: OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGG I LOVE U SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! supermariomandzukic17: 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹❤️❤️❤️

halinarovalucia: Will you save this for 24 hours? stefaniavallescura: 👋

shayanmajjdi: Pin this if u love me

sohrab_khurasani: Hello abimoran47: 😍

_patrycja.lukawska_: 👋 lawe_dle_xoma_96: 😂😂😂

amel_gray: I love you hamidbahramian7777777: 😘

miss_pebbs: Hello micheleee_spano: Ciaooooo ciudano61: 😍😍😍

sosoz_123_sss: هلاو duffsdoodlesart: Favourite song

saymonpitter: 👀

hetamaria.uotila: 👋 rojeen.dizaey: I LOVE U❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

lluzky: Do u like noah?!

isabellalopez592: U should start a youtube channel hinatairfani: 👋

paolo.zelaya: What is your favorite country? Greetings from El Salvador

y_3096833: 💪💪💪💪💪 deema.fahed.31: Hello mohammad_dindashly: مرحبًا

iific: 😍😍😍 brisscoche33330: Jade love it

micheleee_spano: Forza

yoga_gu2007: Do you like Harry Potter? lawe_dle_xoma_96: Hello _alina_pavluk_: 😍

babaksh2717: 😍 edwardrauda7: 😍 soloviova4546: Привет

alfonsozavala7744: Jade Weber I love you ❤️❤️ so much magiidderis: 👆✌👹👹

just_being_myself2001: Do you ever get paid for chores elciolopesguimaraes: Rock metal Song??

ismaelbernal.v: 😍 niodemeyer: ?????

sam.pv5sy: Fantastic personality mustafa._.hama.amin: are you speak kurdish

amira_mohmoud7820: Why so gorgeous?!💙💜

parkerxsophia: 😍

1234.insha: 😍 nour_emad_88: 😍

micheleee_spano: No prin_cipino: 👋 ma.soud608: 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎😂😂😂😂😂😂

mertcengizgs: Do like dancing

romain_le_vrai_du_69: Parles tu Français?

damljanovski: Hallo matyas.retkes: 😍😘

kullllllllllak: 😍

sobralb322: Hi

francis_fainello1: Do you like Taylor swift?

mzxo9009: Hello supermariomandzukic17: Favourite footballer? ❤️ aminaha1999: you are to young

_lamb_55: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii kamin678: Hello

_lamb_55: 👋 gracemenzel_: how did you become a model ? did you get scouted or did you apply for an agency? elciolopesguimaraes: Looking beautiful

judiaaa.zh: Bitch ruben_rojas166: Love your phone caae

sophiaja_: Do you hear Laurel or Yanny?

julio.walter68: 😂 kornxliaa: Please say i love u Kornelia it mean world for meeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

mode_e1996: Please let me see your feet please rico2003r: 👼❤ satpalsk: 😍

aly_from93: Jade carlosmario5712: I love you

jhonny_perez21: Would you like to have professional photos with Paulina Vega?

ayoub.awrir: 😘 alextpr1: Have you tried figure skating?

itzel_sanz12: 😍 sachin_garothia: You have beautiful body

adamoclay: Its gunna be amazing seeing you in movies , the start of an awesome actress career for you Jade 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞😍

ayoub.awrir: Beutifeul

koudanbiri: Amını yiyin

jan.4546: love stephanie_16rd: 👍 stephanie_16rd: Hello

_m3n.4_: Hello ashkan_ace: i love i allways see you

danna_garcia_o.o_: How old are you? rojeen.dizaey: Are u homeschooled

edwardrauda7: Favorite song

jan.4546: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍 mickael_photographer: 😘

fcthchoti: Hi jade can u speak French????? _m3n.4_: What is your favorite hobbies adel._.37: 😍

aminaha1999: do you play fortnite ?

mouhamedachrefklaa: Hi jp03cordero: 😍😍😍😍 kseniabentz: Hello

sobhan._.hosseini: Ashkan koslis😐

casianferent: 😍 gabemckenzie1: What state you live in

dmcclia: Are you an American citizen or french diegomoro0802: 😍

ahmad_omar_sh: Do love pizZa 🍕??

cherry.0105: 👍 sachin_garothia: 😍

robert__2001__: 😍 enjih2017: Hello

kichtn: do you watching anime? isabellalopez592: What's your favorite book

davide.vl: 😍

sgmk66: Ard lawe_dle_xoma_96: 200$$$😁😁😁

juancarl05rf: 😍

cheluis777: You are an amazing grill, go ahead

anand_santosh20: Hiii ___ma93___: 😍

simone_antune: Hiii robert__2001__: 😍😘 homecomickdaes: I love you

geraintd1: Hello ayoub.awrir: Hi checco_mancina_: 😍

jintana_sk: 😍 khwtrhwl: 😍 luisacarriccio: 😍

aronkoppanyb7: Do you want to come Hungary? imarmanno: say dooset daram

juicycaty: Y don't u answer me???😒😲 shayanmajjdi: I want to learn french do u have any advices

itzel_sanz12: 😍😍😍 ahmad_omar_sh: Say my name plz alextpr1: Where in cali do you live?

damenleaver: What's your favorite super power and video game? mravish24: Would you like to visit dubai? alpha_1_king_: Please das my Name Tobi ❤❤❤❤❤

niodemeyer: Do you like pizza casianferent: 😂😂😂 hbs_____: Oi

edwardrauda7: You look like Cara sgmk66: Polat eryaşar

j.grohs_rl9: 👋 1_cristina_2: 👋 portretsokolov: Привет:)

imarmanno: say iran ardapolat_eryasar: Randomu bulan garı kes lan nun.zio.n: 😍

mat._23: 👍 ardapolat_eryasar: 😂 saeed.m.h.n: 😍

madrigalhenry: Saludar shryf5777: 😍

sandyjp_yt: Saludar

_juliaagaalindo_: Hola

luisfernandoaguilar2657: 😍

duearc1: 👍

alereyes20_: 😍😍😍 az4102939: 👍

marselle3: 😍😍😍

yared_perla: 😛😛 mouhamedachrefklaa: 😍

gabemckenzie1: I like your name🙌🏻😛 yared_perla: 😚😚 moody709: Will you make this live repeatedly?😂

ssxoxo_010: heyy

esraashawky59: 😍 judi_shady: Hello rakhmanberdiyev.b: Привет

pcmelc: Where are u from???? mubasher.arif.73: Hello asherljordan: Have you ever been to the Netherlands?

ardapolat_eryasar: Lan bi sus suuuuus sus lan

ghadeer4478: 😍 edwardrauda7: Say my nameeee

anisa.hamza.92: 👀 niodemeyer: Youre beautifull

alegrasso__: Ciao

itz_your_baby_girl.emz12: Hello

ahmad_omar_sh: Loved your blue eyes ❤️🔥🔥

_famousmodels: 😍

imarmanno: im from iran say iran plz

calancea_ovidiu_1: Falow me

lluzky: Do u love jade Weber?!

danna_garcia_o.o_: 😂 rojeen.dizaey: I love ur eyes!!!

ameliegrosso_: Its funny to see the phone behide you lounahamdoun: HI katiezekas1016: Hi

enjih2017: Can you make keke challenge simon_c_wieser: Hellooo from Austria :)

mravish24: Can I have hi plzzz

alegrasso__: Dijssu samah.samaah: Your Not Beautiful 👎👎👎 alegrasso__: Bsjssj

calancea_ovidiu_1: 😍

sgmk66: Yav he he

arkasilv: 😍 nirella_912: Pietra?

yehya_ouazeta: Oh yeah

shotetsu.matsumoto: こんにちは

12costaoliver: Do Yuo? Hi

brianreyes7295: You should go to Puerto Rico

marselle3: Do you listen russian poppunk band @please_me_band ?

yared_perla: Hello Jade harley_ryall: No simonespinoza5: 😍

nena_tsolaki: 👋

mat._23: 👍 aronkoppanyb7: Hungary?

jadeweber110: 😂😂😂 thomas_da_vettu: Why can you not have a boyfriend?

suzette_luv: 👋

brandon_watts400: Ya

roman2015inst: Cool hair ❤ eweioo: U should try those dna tests to see if ur full french

riptide_434_: 😍 _agracefulday_: Hiiii handsome_hayden_: I have no sisters eitheerrrr

akstyle2k18: 😍😍😍 anand_santosh20: Are you foodie

sophiaja_: Who is your idol?

ameliegrosso_: You're beautiful 😍

shayanmajjdi: Persian🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

robertphillips3156: 😍 faileshane: Hello fernandeskae: สวัสดี

epifaniabordonaro: Have you a Brothers or sisters?

omniabarbie: do you go to school

anisa.hamza.92: Queen beki_samxorsky57: 😍 omniabarbie: ??

squirral06: Can join

_jes1981_: 👋

marcell_nagy_: Hii genevievegnapi: Coucou

lucallai04ofc: 😂😂😂 roman2015inst: Nice eyes 🔥

brandon_watts400: Hiiii from every where steinkaf99: Greetings from austria😇

dudamariaq182018: Hola ardapolat_eryasar: Kckfmfmfmfmcmcmcmcmcmmcmvmvmv

huziefa.m: Hello yousef_tiger_: 😍😍😍 maxhach29: You are 2005 or 2004?

john_casanta: Hiiiii sarabonila: Hey jade did u know that @chasekeith is your actual TWIN aronkoppanyb7: Croatia or Spain?

abbasaliyaqoob786: 👍

ardapolat_eryasar: Saat kaç lan

tannaz_rrn: 😍

mini__guttale32: Hallo from somalia

lavy_2qyq: 😍😍😍 taygunoktar: Merhaba

aymerick_kun: 😍😍😍

okay_lifeways: What time right now in LA sanoussi_mahamed: 👍

jacopo_giusti_26: Hello jade fan_jade_weber468: 😍

hamidbahramian7777777: 😍 roman2015inst: Do you have BF?

neks_kovacova: What's your favorite movie of all time ?? richiemenor: 😍 yoel_a.lf: Saludar

mert_ugursoy_09: Hi jade

hetamaria.uotila: 👋 nicole.75033149: 😚😚😚😋 marcell_nagy_: Hi from Hungary 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺 I love youu😍😍😍😍 pls notice me😂 btw do you know about Hungary

sevgxii: Hii

adamm3783: 👋

mercedes.whiting: 👋 gabsim98: Are you good at singing? :P julio.walter68: Hey

ramiro_marcel: Do you speak some spanish?

yui1227xoxo: 😍 yoga_gu2007: Have u been to New Zealand?

nena_tsolaki: Do you want to come to Greece? javierguij: Ello

javierguij: Hello sophiamoravilla: Do you like Justin Bieber songs? ssxoxo_010: can you sing

brandon_watts400: Ya not sebastian.villar.140: Hi jade❤️

ffornasini: You are hot pls notice me I am from Ecuador

jonas_kete_: 😍

anisa.hamza.92: Jadeeeeeeeeee __bellagrazer: WHATS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE😊?

_filopoulou_: 👋 maju.eva: You like to sing or play videogames

buonannolorenzo98: 💞 sky_is_the_limit_144.000: So my question is Why do you want to go to London

ffornasini: Notice me

ahmad_omar_sh: Where are you now ????

mert_ugursoy_09: Hi jade😗🤗🤗 imarmanno: say Arman

neks_kovacova: 😍 sgmk66: Benimle cikarmisinin turkcesi ne

israel13497: 😍 anand_santosh20: What's your hair care tips

sophiaja_: I HOPE YOU CAN SEE THIS COMMENT!! IF YOU DO PLEASE SAY HI @SOPHIAJA_ abdou_zizou_: 👋 jadeweber110: Beautiful

mustafa._.hama.amin: do you speak boskeni ⛄️ loving_romantic: I live in Los Angeles too

john_casanta: غ patrick_m_brennan: Would you like to visit Ireland?

delsamohsane4: 😂 ffornasini: Hi

erenksvl: 👋 handsome_hayden_: 👋 sgmk66: Evlen benimle

salmeronmayelo: 😍 karen.anabell.7: 😍

op5ti7psgg2sga2: مرحبًا renardmerlika: Are you beautiful without makeup 💄 handsome_hayden_: Say hey Shahana please

kauainny: Oi

natalija14dj: 😍 svmani199: 😍

mehdi_binoi_: how old r u

harley_ryall: Hello anand_santosh20: Dance

isadora_figueiredo: beautiful hadeelsalah916: Hi

kubi2005_3.0: WITCH GAMES DO YOU PLAY 😂😂😂 255.v: 👋

isadora_figueiredo: say hi to brazil

eweioo: ever visit russia??? ffornasini: You want to visit Ecuador

hayriionall: Merhaba sgmk66: Khontkar

rojeen__bamarni_: 😍 _mattyfan_: 😍

merheb_rebecca7878: 👋 07.7269: 👍

maramley: 😍 photo_sports_mustafa_kutlu: 👍

adryannrodrigues: 😍😍😍 kingbabagigalooo: Hello

_mattyfan_: How did u meet mattyb? valeriecastro74: Have you ever watched FRIENDS eduardo_vcornejo: Can u call me ??? Please

vanfarhat: Okey how old are you swwety

maramley: Hello hello sweetie how are you

yrs_truely: Do you play any Sports? handsome_hayden_: Who did you get ur eyes from luke.coulson: Please please sort your hair it's sticking up

dilarasarica20: Bizim bursa akşam

francis_fainello1: What's your favorite food?

neks_kovacova: Please say Hi Petronela on.aime.les.stars: Ça va

david_hitech: 😍 mhmdalmrn: Can you say hi muhammed

aljorie_17: 👋 chri_zane05: 😍 mubasher.arif.73: Hello

nonoa.88.2018: hi

mustafabekdash: Merhaba

mohammada8635: Hello harley_ryall: No brandon benlulaj: Hello

amjad_04k: Hey wud u be friends with me😃

lucallai04ofc: 😍 francesco.gueli_: 😍

mhmdalmrn: Plz say hi muhammed 💓 jp03cordero: 😍 sgmk66: I am Kaan

andresfer9414: 😂😂😂

marceloalzamoraa: 👋

joker426u: 😍 just_being_myself2001: Do you like legos????? What do you want to get for christmas

brandon_watts400: Shut up Harley

martino.tecco: What's your favourite singer!

paulkhap: 👍 mode_e1996: Please let me see your feet please

anisa.hamza.92: You are my best friend

rico_2003_r: 🇷🇺 valeriecastro74: 😍 paulkhap: Arriba PERU

___.walaa.___: Hello y_babakr: Hello

chri_zane05: Have you got 12 years old alcantaraxronaldo: 👍 irem_vargun: Which size do you wear

mert_ugursoy_09: Türkiyey mikefalcons11: Hi from Mexico

darkobarnjak2004: 😂

jhonny_perez21: you would like to study another career ?which career Jade 🥇 azaxarov216: 👋

joaogrilone: 😘 __bellagrazer: yep

s_pinzon: 😍

aggelos_yianni: Heyyyy david_hitech: 😘

carmi_janeiro.01: Hello pakocasso_gbnl: Hermosa 😍😍😍

aiman_05_4: ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😘 ardapolat_eryasar: 😂😂😂

hosnizammit12345: Hello aylinn_rodriguez_5: Can u add me back

alexia_gilson: 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷

jord_kool: 😍 andresfer9414: 😠😠😠😠😠😠

anisa.hamza.92: Hiii anisa please 😍

guero_os11: How are you? amjad_04k: Do u speak dutch

patrickmheaney: Hi

handsome_hayden_: London is dead elotex_d: 👋

neks_kovacova: Full name ?? ozlemedim_seni: 👋 tmrmnrd: Do you speak Chinese

on.aime.les.stars: Tu peux parler français ? ❤🇫🇷 zukeygarcia2005: 😍 supermariomandzukic17: Favourite footballer ❤️💞💞❤️💞❤️💞💞❤️💞❤️💞❤️💞

itssarahbl: 😍

robertozanin1: Do you like Italy? foratezaa: Hi

rico_2003_r: Im from germeni🇩🇪 ordinary3612: Can you say hey Billie 😍❤ mariaclaramirass: 😍😍😍

yoga_gu2007: Hi elzorro00: Saludar

dogaakbas07: 😍

marya.285: Singgggggggg maryam.13837728: Hello

harley_ryall: London has fallen

marya.285: Pleaseeeeeeeeee

3369joanna: Fav fruit?

anand_santosh20: Meaning of your name sandra.sandra1231: Do you speak Spanish? 😀

hosnizammit12345: Ca va

jhonny_perez21: What is you hobby ???? dogaakbas07: Hiiii😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

barbara_bassin: Oi handsome_hayden_: Speak in a British accent menvye: What's your parents job ?

handsome_hayden_: Pleasee jontsagas: 👋

harley_ryall: England is not a good country handsome_hayden_: London is DEAD ja_mes6321: Ola mi amor

comedy_page31: Hi anisa.hamza.92: You are soo crazy 😂😂 irem_vargun: How are you

j_sorias: Have you ever been un south America? comedy_page31: i francis_fainello1: Do you have a pet?

marya.285: Can you come please singggggggggggggg PLEASSE shazadaghash: 😍😍😍

maxhach29: Say hi max pleaseeee foratezaa: احبك يا جاد

martino.tecco: Could you say hello saying "Ciao!" (Italian)?? You're beautiful!!! nirella_912: 😑

patrick_m_brennan: Are you doing any acting these days?

patrickmheaney: Come surfing this Monday gonna be fun

sadie__cheerleader_11: Hello aronkoppanyb7: Hi from Hungary 🇭🇺👋

mpgrams: Is Patrick Michael Heany your boyfriend? euugenieeeee: 👍

jirkahezoun006: How old are you jade Weber 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

billyfury01: 😙😚💗 bembeev_v223: 👋

geihlo_1000: Hallo

svmani199: Hi neks_kovacova: Can you say Hi Petronela

fabriciomc07: 😍

sgmk66: Kaam

mert_ugursoy_09: 😍😍😍

paolo.zelaya: Greetings from El Salvador I'm your number one fan

fkcnacksz: Merhaba joachim_schmitt523: Hallo froh Germany damenleaver: ⚡️what is your favorite movie and character

kenny_heezy: 😍 onlymebabe_: Hi babe

sky_is_the_limit_144.000: , the mirror in the back is really good it shows that you don't have anything to hide imarmanno: because you dont say my comments ameliegrosso_: ❤️

silasbrogard: 👋 You are very pretty

camille.rabaud_: Tu préfères parler anglais ou français ? valzi_official: Hallo

ihsan7499: How are you

angelgabrielmarirodriguez: 👋 comedy_page31: Boring open bottom dnxjd

mehme2.emin: Merhaba onlymebabe_: 😂

kaykyfa1: how old are you?

comedy_page31: Mehmet

fulghe_andre05: Ciao comedy_page31: Merhaba enohpwen: Kes am

sgmk66: Porn

sebastian.villar.140: Go to Huntington beach

enohpwen: Hi achraf__gd: Do you like algeria

omniabarbie: wher are you from? mhmdalmrn: What is your birthday

menvye: ریدم قبر بابات

ihsan7499: 👍 osama_abu_aita: 😍

000111333888aaa: 😍 isabellalopez592: Would u ever come to New York patrickmheaney: Stay in touch 🤙🏼💯☮️

menvye: ناموس مشکوک

julien_rugby_: Bonjour comedy_page31: [EXPLETIVE]

julio.walter68: 👋

anasobari7: 😂😂😂 dogaakbas07: Follow aronkoppanyb7: Szia!

fcruz05: Helloo

maulidianarizqi_cs: What is your favorite color? leonellatmidepani: J aime

kseniabentz: Where do you live ra.hul1899: HOW ARE YOU _baddie_liyah: You're beautiful!!

andrew_nicolas_16: 👋 _mohtadi_chaieb_: do you have a boyfriend?

__panda_.6275: Hii martino.tecco: Hi from Italyyyyy! Could you say hello saying "Ciao!" (Italian)?? You're beautiful!!!

fergmz04: Hello kichtn: do you watching anime?

dogaakbas07: 👋

ihsan7499: Hi jeanpauldaark: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

handsome_hayden_: Heyyy anand_santosh20: I love u

hugoolivaresco: Saludar ahamdjamal: 😍

tomas_infante: Can i talk with yoi please

comedy_page31: Türkiye

harley_ryall: 👋 sebastian.villar.140: Where is your dad?

mat._23: 👍

bangtandream_: 😍 boso_chock: 😍

tomas_infante: Can i talk with you pleaseeeeeeeeee

aylinn_rodriguez_5: 👍 maxhach29: 👋

namjoonhh__: Hello

musta1565: 👋

devvv_devvvv: Hi tomas_infante: Can i talk with you pkeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

neks_kovacova: Can you say Hi Petronela julio.walter68: Bye 😓😭

jeanpauldaark: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 zahleejmoore: What about Australia

az4102939: Love you beautiful 💝

mert_ugursoy_09: 😍😍😍 hannah.madelix_: What's your French food

chri_zane05: Ciao noah.dijx: 👋

patrick_m_brennan: Tu est tres tres chaud x

mat._23: 🇫🇷⚽🏅🇫🇷

fulghe_andre05: Ciao bella agalindolanza: 😍😍😍 shabazsepehri: 😍😍😍

kaykyfa1: hey, how old are you? metti136767m: حامد؟

sunnie_lii: 👋

gian.shlk: Hello

handsome_hayden_: Do the IN MY FEELINGS CHALLENGE locometalero: 😍

chri_zane05: How old are you albi_0123: 😍😍😍

aredhego: 😍 llmy_hydr: 👍

angelsinthecityedits: What's that on ur wrist

btss1237: Do you know bts??

mhmdalmrn: Hi many countries you went

shabazsepehri: Lave 🌠🌠⭐⭐🌟🌟🇺🇸🇺🇸💍💍♥️♥️🍏🍏🍎🍎💌💌💞💞💝💝😍😍😘😘😗😗😙😙😚😚🌷🌷⚘⚘💗💗💖💖💓💓❤❤💘💘💋💋👄👄 eduardo_asto: 😍

willb2224: 😍


just_being_myself2001: I HAVE A FAN PAGE OF YOU JADE please follow

mehmet.germen: 😍

metti136767m: چاک سینت بو طلااااس

noah.dijx: French🇫🇷 valeriecastro74: Have you ever watched FRIENDS

eduardo_asto: I love you

metti136767m: از کون هم دادی تا حالا؟

pradipatp: 👋

fulghe_andre05: Ciao

angelsinthecityedits: They're hugee

ja_mes6321: Mi amor como estas pasando tu cumple años mi amor

neks_kovacova: Please say Hi Petronela

dilan_arnez: 😍 naqshbandimustafa: زیاد کون داده

darkobarnjak2004: Can you follow me please

gabri_vale: Hello

kichtn: can say my name plz sohib

handsome_hayden_: Will you ever come london clecyo_20: 👋

aronkoppanyb7: Szia!

rahafmg26: تعرفين عربي

manu_esc17: Hiiiiiii

posanai: 👋

eniz_erox: Hey how are you the second prettyest girl?

lqbb4: 😍

angelsinthecityedits: She said she doesn't have a boyfriend kirayjack: 👍 tarlamazyanartashes: Hello my baby

namjoonhh__: looks like you have arab fans!😊

daniwildwing24: Hi

hamed_j3043: 😂😂😂 sahad7414: Hello kichtn: do you love us?

mhmdalmrn: Do you want to go to london to watch ksi vs logan paul patrick_m_brennan: Ta tu ana alainn :)

metti136767m: های ااحلوه من وین

jhonny_perez21: Say ....Jhomny hello 👋🏽

aronkoppanyb7: Do you want to come to Hungary 🇭🇺? handsome_hayden_: She knows English French and traditional Chinese

hamed_j3043: چكارمن داري tmrmnrd: You never answered to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😭😭😭😭😫😭😭😭😭 rahafmg26: Hello

posanai: Hi🤗

metti136767m: از کون میدی؟؟؟؟ teodora0140: Parle en français

ahmad_omar_sh: Smile 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 miri18m: 😍

sam__smith: Do a handstand alyatiglioglu: Hi manu_esc17: Can do you say something in spanish?

handsome_hayden_: London's DEADDD joko_bryan: Would you like to visit Spain?

danielcruz81: 😂😂😂 tommy.rodriguezx: How old are you ?? metti136767m: مرجع تقلیدت اجازه از کون دادن داااده

genevievegnapi: Tes trop bien _jonghope: 😍

sebastian.villar.140: What music you hear?

_jkendrick_: Yeah cesarpx.16: 😍

genevievegnapi: T

teodora0140: Favorite colour

just_being_myself2001: Shes 13 naqshbandimustafa: کیر خرر milad_ghasemi_1371: 😍😍😍

patrick_m_brennan: Do you live in the U.S?

cesarpx.16: Hello danny_xilip_official: LION mariam_hussieen: Hi my name is mariam and you?

amczh: ever been in switzerland?

otuko_ather23: 😂

rizkyfachrido: Can you turn the phone more down? Your face covered by the comments

noah.dijx: Dit merci

dematesmark: 😂😂😂 emeline2003: What country have you be to

ramazancetinkaya3421: 👋

aylinn_rodriguez_5: Can you please add me on instagram this_is_travis.m: Upstate NY? fabiana.pia: 👋

foratezaa: اكبر حمارة

metti136767m: ایرانی گواد اینجا داریم؟؟؟؟

jaylah.25: Hi sajieman: Longan or ksi

sebastian.villar.140: I love you

neks_kovacova: Full name suzette_luv: Tips if you want to be model Work with you handsome_hayden_: Say hey SHAHANA PLEASEE I LOVE YOU 💜💜

sydney._keller: ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

brandon_watts400: Nice nice rafaela_ramalhow: Oi

tmrmnrd: Can you say Tamara with French accent please 😢

lorenupdates1234: What is your favourite song rigth now?

koooooopommes: love u 😍 metti136767m: ناااااااموسه کسه

hamed_j3043: حيف شارژ نيست خرج اين تخمي بشه

handsome_hayden_: Love youuu hbs_____: Have you heard funk from Brazil? faileshane: Hello

drjuniorphd: You look like an angel, only you have no wings. Oh my [EXPLETIVE], when wings are, fly to my house. You are awesome. metti136767m: بخنننننننننند...کیر ده بیت اقا

handsome_hayden_: ❤️❤️❤️

fanny.bse: Do you steak french ? darkobarnjak2004: Hi

brookebutler: Assez bien!😘

sebastian.villar.140: Please patrick_m_brennan: What time is it there?

aylinn_rodriguez_5: Can you please please please add me on instagram

samir_khodor: 👋 essra_adam: I love you so much ❤️✌️

brookebutler: I would've loved to here that accent!!😂🙌🏻

foratezaa: تىتهوهبتمؤنيخنمثتلثعنيجءنةياءةيمنؤحثوؤتةؤنتثكنمقتنبؤتبخؤتمبتبمتؤمزطرمبمرنبؤبنقمتؤنةؤكقؤحقترنقاقمتحقمرنقرتركنبمؤتقنؤوقنرتقمقترمقرتنقرحنقرننقتقحرقرخةرخقرنجرقننرقارخقرتنرخقرنقحرتقنراثحييينيمتؤثنرثتحيرتمر mmwnbrhwsh: 😂

shahd_ayman_princess: 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

handsome_hayden_: @brookebutler

teodora0140: 😍

samir_khodor: 😍 noah.dijx: Speak french pleas🙄

ashtaggart__: Hi from Bangladesh our country is in danger plz share our posts phat_piya: 😂😂😂 sanwal08: You're pretty little girl

jeanvmvv: Do you like Game of Thrones?

khqaled: do u lov gigi hadid !! mravish24: Would you like to visit dubai?

handsome_hayden_: 👋 metti136767m: بینیم دااااش ها کجا

amothnan: You speak English and Arabic mohamad_hodroj: Do you know how cute you are? fernanda_guerreros: 👋

tuana__korkmaz_: 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 darkobarnjak2004: Can you follow me

_.miguel.pp._: 😍 btss1237: Do you know bts ??

jdfolkus: What cars do you have fernanda_guerreros: 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 brookebutler: Je sais! je te manque💕

khqaled: whay !!! fernanda_guerreros: 🙃😛

sanwal08: Kendal or kylie? fernanda_guerreros: 😮

martasouzaaaa: Who's your fav singer?

aylinn_rodriguez_5: Can you add me back on instagram

fernanda_guerreros: Hi damenleaver: Your beautiful❤️

sebastian.villar.140: Please call me jade ❤️❤️

ramazancetinkaya3421: fak _jonghope: i love you ♥️

booshitheo: 😍 emeline2003: What your favorite actor luis_design: 😍

rafaela_ramalhow: Oooi angelsinthecityedits: Lol jade u need to give Brooke lessons

amir_aliiii6666: چتوری

shkar_adalat: 😍 black.x__x: 😍 koooooopommes: I'm studying English and French to talk with u!!! from JAPAN.

loliloldp: Can you make stories in french for your french fans ? ramazancetinkaya3421: 👍

omer_r1: 👋

ihsan7499: 😍

rafaela_ramalhow: Hay brookebutler: I've got to go but text me and we'll hang soon!😘

rafaela_ramalhow: Ou

rafazahra: Do you know indonesia

enzo17082005: Peut tu parler en français s'il te plaît ?😜

handsome_hayden_: Omg* husanallayarov: Will you come to Uzbekistan?

melissaluleci: Valbuena

patrick_m_brennan: Have you seen Citizen Kane? Greatest movie ever :)

ihsan7499: 😍❤❤

kichtn: do you watching anime?

handsome_hayden_: 👋 harley_ryall: Əřþýüœłķæ§đ Who is your bias in BTS ? zahleejmoore: Jade WELL DONE ON ALL UR SUCCESS L LOVE ACTING AND MODELLING TO WHOSE UR FAVORITE ACTRESS & model

jdfolkus: 👍 foratezaa: Hi

_muhammad_ali_29: 👍 lwjyn572: 😍 emilia_180_love: Hi

noella.wong: 👋


brandon_watts400: DID U SAY DRAKE IS NOT a rapper mravish24: Voulez-vous venir à Dubaï

aylinn_rodriguez_5: Please add me on instagram suzan.grigoryan: 😍

zsaniberkes: Szia! _ximena_carolina_: 👋

noella.wong: Hi Jade!!!! Come back to Colorado!!!

anthonyshebester2: 😍

anisa.hamza.92: 😂

joko_bryan: 😍 erdemicel: 😂

For more infomation >> Jade Weber (2018/08/04 - 2:49pm PDT) (Instagram Live Video) - Duration: 26:04.


Jade Weber (2018/08/04 - 2:33pm PDT) (Instagram Live Video Replay) - Duration: 14:23.

pochy0809: 👋

aalexiiaa_06: 😂😂😂 brandon_watts400: 👍 brandon_watts400: Hi

haticekbra_khya: Hello!

dimitrije.dimit: 👋 roopesh666666: How are you

katicafeher: 😍 yoshy0628: 😍

saisha_joke: What's up

filip_cigi_cigan: Zdravím

massarasaad: 👋

sofo4ka3421: 👋

rusnerupsyte: Pin if you love your fans💘

bbymomo14_ss: ععابييباتععععع victtoria_3: Hi💕💕

dracal93: 😍

mag_perreault: Français ?!

tadzikk: Witaj! alnigra: 👋

joaolimahh: 😍

whydontwelover3: GᑌEᔕT ᗰE

arth.fiq: Iloveyou!!!

lais_sanzovo: Oi

filipe1simoes: Hello lytchi97: Coucouuuu __melika_97: 👋

kenny_heezy: 😍

diego1717c: 😍 kareem_dz_31: I love you

rico.xoxo.takeda: How old are u?? jerrygonzales1079: I love you

mounirzouari: 👍 odysseas_kouzi: 👋

anexalyvasquez: Hey!!!!

englantina_30: Say my name plizzz saraashraf86: 😍

romainamiot: Salut

oscarsgranados: 😍😍😍

funny_face1949: Hello gorgeous. Hope you're having a great weedend. filipe1simoes: Hiiiiiii

englantina_30: 😍😍😍 miajosefinac: Saludar

anibalechave: 👋 _dayana_23_: 👋

pauliperi_26: 😍

honeyakalgarhia: I love u

rafaella_castillo_p: What's your weigh ?

reemaleuwaita: Hello

marta_drozdova: Do you speak Russian?) alexandra.tello.1614: Saludar arman_mxitaryan_official: 😍

luis_kirigaya: 😍

armando_jr_lopez_: Hola

unitedfashionstudio: Nice eyeshadow

mariaoriginale21: 👋

joaolimahh: Jade

jenobi88: 👋 👍 melani_gutierres_: Hiii jade

mirian.gjoni: Need Albany kung don't hushes' to o spirte I'm 💋


orlando.oceguera: 😍

sofia_khallouq: Salut 👍

mariaoriginale21: Hi shahram_mora: 👍 aampp6669: ترا ماافهم

englantina_30: A fol shqip

alextpr1: Do you workout any?

platagarciacamila_68: 😂 mariaoriginale21: WE LOVE YOU

marta_drozdova: 😂

evilerplane: 😍 farahxsidane: When did u start to model??

xlaurenkimxx: Can u do a make up tutorial ?

rhiannonmarieeakes: 👋 😍

emilia.gorna.921: Love you

ferran_garola: 👋 rubylightfoot: How's your mom doing ❤️

mohamadbisadii: 😍

jenifer.helena.souza: Me Brazillll dott.tomass: 👋

guilhermemozerat: 👍

jianzhiqiantian: かわいい❤️sooo cute💜 ma.soud608: Hoawaryou

ons_ziedi: Where are you doing ?? omniabarbie: jade do you like muslims???

yoonaddict_wonderful: You're pretty willopez20: 😍

luminous039: 👍

lil_bk9_: Your the best isabellalopez592: Hi!

ben_mauricio: 😍

diegomoro0802: Beaultifu i2gamers: 😂😂😂 edum6622: 😍

musta1565: 👋

dott.tomass: Gorgeous 🌹

alfonsozavala7744: Hi Beautiful Princess I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ so much Jade Weber I miss you

sofiamartiini: 😍 ocean.sana: GORGEOUS

epifaniabordonaro: Hi herreravaronalazaro: 👍

1234.insha: 👋 shubhu_rock: Hello anish1jha: Do you love your name?

c.yufai.jasper: R you going to start a youtube channel? anna_melnichuk.13: 👋

gabrich_31fach: Love you from México 🇲🇽 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺

bortolomeo_b: 😍😍😍

dalton_4woods: Hey Jade are you having a good day

orlando.oceguera: Dance supermariomandzukic17: ❤️❤️ youstinamounir: 😍

ons_ziedi: Tunisiaaaaaaaaaaaaa

mikael1521: Love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ dogaakbas07: 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

alpha_1_king_: You're so sweet 😍😍😍😍😍❤ aerynx.x: Try saying: appelachtige appelsap. It's dutch😂❤️🇳🇱

tommy_tkd_92: 😍

naqshbandimustafa: Nice pic

naqshbandimustafa: Wear ar u form llelberthazim08: Hola

prin_cipino: 😊😋😎☺😚😚😉😙😗😆😉😙😚😋😚😶😶😚😊😎🙂😏🙂😎🙂🤗😍🤗🤗😎😃😎😎😎😎🙂☺☺😊😋🤣😊☺☺☺

dogaakbas07: 😘😘😍😍❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋💋💞💜💛💞💛💞💞💘💕

melinam45_: 👋

danielvelasquez_official: Beautiful eyes

verashf_: 😂

faares_1111: 😍

evanicoulaud: How old are you ? ashkan_ace: I love you jade 255.v: 😍

soumaya_douss: What is yr makeup ??? La marque stp

treswagg89: 👍

hani__n2018: 👋 niodemeyer: How old you are

mhmdalmrn: What jade name mean??

ma.soud608: Great 👍

mapsofeurope: How old?

pablowunder: Hola amooooor

alinagu34: 😍

annasayegh1: Do you love ariana grande ???

yassineskanass: Hello

dalton_4woods: Do u have Snapchat?

dogaakbas07: Malllll omniabarbie: do you love muslims??? ale.cbh: 😍

tanner996: Are you single

tracy_michol: Hola rahamaayy: Come on dm

alessiabonini13: Hello

not_davide: 2006

aymanben_abdeljelil: Coucou roy_hamzeh: Dakhilu ana tracy_michol: 😂

zainah_saleh: OMG you are in the list of the most beautiful women in the world

laaz_2002: 😍

tolgamarkerygoze: 😍❤❤❤❤❤ rubensandoval5775: 👋

fact_fr: JE TAIME

tali_tseitlin: 💝

rubylightfoot: My birthday party is coming up. I hope you can make it. My mom will be sending the invites soon 😘😘😘

handsome_hayden_: 👋 sandro_stargaryen: 😍 hot.babes.909: Are you single?

peterjoneslol: 😍

evanicoulaud: You're only 13 !!!!! But you look older 😅😅 jna1k: Hello

hushus009988: Hiii

stevsbss: 👋 jhonny_perez21: How many countries in Latin America have you been?? 🇨🇴 jadeweberonline: Say hi to me pleaseeeee i'm leaving for work


brianreyes7295: Hello

jake_yt2: Hi

adam_kriz: 😂

jorge_jr.11: Hey bastami74: سلام

niodemeyer: Were do you life

amel_gray: You are so cute hersonlg: Will you marry me?

hugo_bello_arce: 😄

juicycaty: Guest me pls

yoonaddict_wonderful: Do you love Taylor altinkrm: How is the best way to die rubylightfoot: Lol when was your bday. 😊

c.hicaratner: Helooo

just_being_myself2001: 😍

marcolindolino06: 😍😍😍 kilderfontinele: 😍

julien_rugby_: Bonjour

emiliotorresgarcia: How old are you maria.costas.132: Fa baga-ma in seama😂😂

paolaviloriaromero1: Holisssss

turpalphoto: Хьо мил ю? tere_bacchus: Have you ever been to the Caribbean?

not_davide: 👀

little_man_jay999: 😍

cesarpx.16: 😍

brandon_watts400: 👍

mamad.hz_photo: hi ___m_i_r_k_o___: I LOVE YOU❤️🔥😍

avanesyan_karina_2003: I have the other ones day one

janiboy_2004_: Are you going to come to Germany in the next few years?❤

ma.soud608: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😃😂😃😂😄😃😄🤣 karam_salem__: Do you love Arab??

alissa.young: What's your favorite color?

nataliatarinl: Your are so pretty 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

batsheva_sitbon: How tall are you What is your middle name? mhmdalmrn: Do you have boyfrind??

itzel_sanz12: 😍 b_nassoh: Have a good relationship with William ????????????¿?????

udontneedmyname[EXPLETIVE]: 😍

pena_samuel: Hey Jade !

huziefa.m: How many language do you speak ? mullerandia: Say hello to Deustchland 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪

maxhach29: 😍 jodelyncielo: Hello

ghostthesadboy: 😍

itsvaav: 😍 _arinachirkova_: Здравствуйте

_mr._.nazari_: کیرم سیخه nighyaa: Come to Louisiana or New Orleans

rubylightfoot: You got so tall 👏👏

gabrich_31fach: I love you so much molinaryj: 😍 kirayjack: Hello ___m_i_r_k_o___: Do you ha e a boyfriend?? alqubaisimanal: Ur such a happy person

altinkrm: What is 9 plus 10

maxhach29: Hellooooooo alqubaisimanal: Ur such a sweet person

1234.insha: Who's ur fvrt one?...jelena or jailey

julio.walter68: 💙💙💙

brlgrlr: Very nice beatiful girl dalton_4woods: Do u have Snapchat

handsome_hayden_: Please say hey alisha

arwa4808: 👋

_mr._.nazari_: ahhhh yeeeeh oommmmm yeeeeh alqubaisimanal: U don't need a boyfriend

nataliatarinl: Follow me pleaseeeee🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️ willkolombo: bonjour

mirian.gjoni: Klm o spirti I'm 💋 altinkrm: 21 xalhanofx: You are so beautiful 😍

arwa4808: Hi

handsome_hayden_: Say hey alisha pleasee arash_mansouri.1988: 👍

amir_aliiii6666: 😍

tadj_abdelhamid: Tu peut me faire un dédicace de 10 sec ? _.x.islane.x._: Hallo

lvys.dyego2578: 👋 leonellatmidepani: If you re beautiful

gabo082005: 😍 moenawillmeikalove: thanks liked my coment❤️❤️❤️

h.mohammadi.1997: Hello

rubylightfoot: Are you still with LA models ⭐️

edwardrauda7: What's your favorite movie?

emeline2003: Do you have any siblings

joslleyholandes: Bonsoir leonellatmidepani: Beautiful😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

supermariomandzukic17: Favourite footballer or dancer??? 💞💞♥️♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞 davi.franklyn.miller: 😍 alqubaisimanal: 💕💕💕💕

niodemeyer: What movies do you play

micheleee_spano: Fino alla fine omniabarbie: do you like muslims????????

_.x.islane.x._: Its 00 uhr in hermany😂😂 how is it in america?🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 rehmat752: How old are you

ekincakr_: 💕💕💕💕 ekincakr_: 💕💕💕💕

igakucypera: 😂😂😂

tmrmnrd: Can u speak French pls jorge_art.cs: 👋

benja_eulefi: Hii from Chile 👐🏻

karin0402.5: 😍

juancandelov: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

saisha_joke: What's your favourite clothes brand jademareeb: Say hey jade we are twins

meli._._k: سلام javiz_07: 👍

iam_h41: 👋

gabi_42_: Witaj!

julio.walter68: 👋

maxhach29: Hellooooooooooooooooo zinette_04: Salut !😂

zain_alabiden3567: 😍😍😍 itsvaav: You are from China

rem_malek: What is your favourite food ? nour2004q8: Byyeee I have to go 👋🏻👋🏻

rabis_atk: Merhaba

jacopo_giusti_26: 👋

halinarovalucia: How tall are you and how old? I'm 16 and 178 cm.

vikaenoqyan: Hello👋😍😘

harley_ryall: 👍 abolfazl.jazi8: كيرى

alfonsozavala7744: I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ so much

davidlavillaviolante: Say David Jade eeeeee pleasdeeee

hassaan.1995: You are beautiful

leonellatmidepani: 16and

julio.walter68: Speak french please 💙

reza_shahbazi20: 😂 nikhansen123: You Got a boyfriend

_the.jxpx_: Hi i am ibizaaa omniabarbie: do you have aboy frend???

sivuaq_s6: 😍

fa5l: Hello

mpgrams: Favorit Brand?

sophiamoravilla: What is your favorit Netflix serie? soni1ta: maaaaamaaaaaaaa moenawillmeikalove: please say hi Moena

mahmoud_mohmed1: Enjoy

rabis_atk: 😂😂😂 jademareeb: We are twinsssss hassaan.1995: Are you virgin???? the_real_marie101: 😍

angelsinthecityedits: No boyfriend but they all ask her out lol

dance.model.cheer6978: She's single lads marlonfelipe1604: Favorite ?

the_real_marie101: Hello from Texas jademareeb: We are twins

mackenziemorest: 😂

karakayasem: Merhaba fiftyswen: 👋

omar.hmho: Your hot

lili0413: 😍

tobias_chilliges_kaugummi_poln: 😂 igotugirl50: Hi jacner_rodriguez: I love your eyes eyes eyes eyes 👀

vikaenoqyan: You beautiful😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 savage_boyforlife10: Favourite food?

jademareeb: My name is jade maxhach29: Say max

v.vikulov95: Beautiful

z5kx9v: 👋

mimine.15: C'est bizarre de t'entendre parler français 😂 hassaan.1995: You virgin?????

cristobalcoxder: Right now I am fishing kichtn: do you love muslims?

arturo_aragon2228: you are very pretty elotex_d: You look like my sister hosein_eess: 😂

phercubbins: 😂😂😂

j.grohs_rl9: how old are you? ksksk aminaha1999: whats your favorit movie ?

svmani199: U r from

skarede_decko: Fav song rn ? Love you ❤

iamtheleeroy: U like soccer?

mhmdalmrn: Woul you rather.. Instagram or Facebook? jacner_rodriguez: Talk me your daily routine?

j_sorias: Hi from Perú

martin_yazdan: your eyes same father or mother?

hassaan.1995: Thanks

win_2809: 😂

hamedbarati2: 😍 abaseen.khan.35728: Hello

_.x.islane.x._: Im french to! C'est moi aussi☝☝ miguelesquivel1296: 👍

brandon_watts400: Black

lena13245612: 😍 ieisus_rodz: do you speak spanish?

deepak876sharma: You sing a song please

mickael_photographer: 👋 mhmdalmrn: Do you Like xxtentacion

billyfury01: 😚😚😚😚😚

halinarovalucia: Do you like Justin Bieber?

marvinmurgaez: 😍

aguss_noriega: 👋

vladatennis: 💦💦😃💦💦📸🍩📸💜📸💜😃🙌🏿😂💜💜🍒💜💜📸💜😄💜📸😄💜💐💞💜😄💜💐💞😂🌺💪🏽🙌🏿💪🏽🥉😄🤣💪🏽😁💪🏽🍒💞😃😊🌺😊💜😂😂🙌🏿💪🏽😄💪🏽😄🌺📸😁🙈🙂🙈😄🤣🙈🙈🤣☺️🙈😂☺️😁🍩😁

khayaliii: i love your smaile

ggiannis_pap: Know

_marrixxa_: 😍 fadil.diary: 😂

For more infomation >> Jade Weber (2018/08/04 - 2:33pm PDT) (Instagram Live Video Replay) - Duration: 14:23.


Milestone Electric Commercial + Music Video Compilation (2011) - Duration: 1:03.

FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Got a light that doesn't light, or a switch that doesn't switch?

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We're your trusted Dallas and Fort Worth electricians.

Call today for our $51 Memorial Day special.

ELECTRICIANS: At Milestone Electric, we'll fix it in a flash!

At Milestone Electric, we'll fix it in a flash.

MALE ELECTRICIAN: The switch is on to Milestone Electric.

You can count on us to do the job right.

Call Milestone Electric for service.

We go that extra mile to make you smile.

At Milestone Electric, we'll fix it in a flash!

FEMALE ANNOUNCER: (ANNOUNCING) Got a light that doesn't light or a switch that doesn't switch?

Call Milestone Electric today.

We're your trusted Dallas and Fort Worth electricians.

Call today for a $51 off Memorial Day special.

MALE ELECTRICIAN: At Milestone Electric, we'll fix it in a flash!

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