Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 29 2018

- Hey guys, how you doing?

Don't mind the seagulls behind me.

I'm actually at Manchester Media City

because just above me there, is the client I'm about

to go and see, and let me just double check.

This is a bit crazy, but it's 1:46, can you see that?

It's 1:46, 24th of September, 2018 and my meeting starts

at 2PM, and you know, I've taken this moment to come out

and make this video, because this is the second part

of this free video series,

and today it's all about changing your life.

And so what I'm going to do to really prove the point

and just hope this stays with you for the rest of your life

is film this video on the go.

I'm going to film it in and around my day,

as I go to client meetings, as I go home,

before tea is ready, after that meeting.

Just nipping in and nipping out

because I got to tell you something.

This is the most important thing you've got to understand

about changing your life.

Change doesn't happen tomorrow.

You're never going to get that free weekend,

that sabbatical you're waiting on, or that Christmas break.

It's all tomorrow.

It's not real, the only thing that really

exists is today.

And the life you're going to be living tomorrow

and in a year's time will be predicated on

the actions you take today.

(energetic music)

So honestly, this is the big thing

I want to get across about change.

You are what you do every single day

and the only way to change your life is to stop right now

and ask yourself, "What is my vision?"

"Where do I want to be 12 months from today?"

"What matters to me?"

"What do I want to be free to do in this world?"

"What do I want to be celebrating 12 months from today?"

And you've got to set your priorities

because what people are doing is, they're waking up and

they're using their inbox as their to-do list.

They're asking other people what's needed of them,

and it might not be that obvious, you might not wake up

and go "Oh, hey world, I've got a free day.

What do you need from me?"

But we're allowing the news, and managers and teachers

and parents and friends and inboxes and Facebook

and notifications.

All this stuff streaming in is setting our agenda.

It's setting our day and its determining our future.

And before we know it, a week goes by,

a month goes by, a year goes by, and we think

"What happened to my life?"

And so many people who I meet

who are in their 40's or 50's,

they say "It's too late, it's too late."

And I say you do not want to be saying that

when you're 70 or when you're 80.

You've got time for change.

Start today.

You've got to ask yourself, "Where do I want to be?"

"What matters to me?"

"What's my perfect day?"

"What would I love to be free to do?"

And then determine, okay, What kind of person

would be free to live that life?

What kind of actions would allow me

to live a life like that?

What do I need to do today,

to make that possible in the future?

And here's the thing, I've got loads of things on my agenda

Traveling down, I've got loads of emails, missed calls,

messages, all sorts of things, but what's the big thing

that's going to make

the massive difference to my future, today?

It's filming this video for you guys,

completing this video series and getting it out on

social media, so that's what I'm going to prioritize.

Okay, so I'm just finished my meeting,

and because I was in Media City,

we used to live somewhere called Eccles,

which is literally five minutes away

from where I've just been.

So I'm going to take you to a park

to tell you the next bit of the story,

and what I want to share with you in this video

is what it really took for me to get over depression

and manifest the life I'm living today.

So ooh, it's a meaty video.

(energetic music)

Mad excited, I literally used to come running here,

so one of the biggest things

that helped me get over depression was running,

and I used to run to this park I'm taking you to,

and I would "accidentally" bump into the dogs.

I was like crazy dog lady.

I'd bump into these dogs because I got such comfort

from these dogs, they were present, they were mindful.

They were so happy to see me.

I've always wanted a dog, and you probably know

I've got a little whippet now called Sasha

who's an angel, we love her.

Although she's very sassy.

And so the owners would go, "I'm so sorry,"

and I'd say, "It's okay."

And what they didn't know was that,

when they were walking off with their dogs,

I would literally burst into tears in gratitude

for that experience.

That's where I'm going to take you right now.

(energetic music)

So, for any of you stuck in a trap right now,

feeling depressed, feeling anxious,

what I'm gonna tell you, you have to tell me

if you've tried some of these actions

and they worked to help you change your life,

because they dramatically changed my life.

All right, are we on?

So, I've come to this park in Manchester.

It's about five, ten minutes away from Eccles

in the car, because when I had really bad depression,

we'll talk about depression first,

this is where I used to come,

I used to get my running kit on, as hard as it was,

and sometimes Alice had to drag me out of bed and say,

"Get out on a run, it will help you."

It was literally my medicine.

And I would come here to this park to run

because, and this is why, for one, green nature,

it feels good, two, you get a runner's high.

And I'm no doctor, so don't quote me,

but from what I've read, and what I've experienced,

running releases the same chemicals

that are present in antidepressants.

I'm not telling you to stop the antidepressants,

all I'm saying is, explore the power

that running and exercise can have

on that journey to feeling better.

And here's the thing.

You don't have to go from depression, anxiety,

hating your life, to,

"Oh, I'm the happiest person in the room, I'm cured,

I no longer have anxiety."

That doesn't happen overnight, it takes years.

I still get anxiety, I still have to use the techniques

that I've learnt to get over depression.

And something I would say to Alice is,

"I know how to get depressed,

I get depressed by sleeping in, eating bad food,

letting myself go a little bit and not looking after myself,

and looking how I wanna look,

how I wanna show up in the world.

Watching the news, whoa, major trigger for depression.

And not exercising.

I said to Alice, "If I know how to get depression,

I also know how to get out of it."

And the trigger for me, the run was a big one,

but I watched this video by Tony Robbins,

and he said, the most distressing thing I've ever heard,

he said, "Depression is a state of mind."

And I remember hearing him say this on the video,

thinking, "Who is this guy, how can he say that?

Clearly he's never had depression if he wants to say

it's a state of mind."

I felt like going over there myself and saying,

"Let me show you a state of mind!"

But the idea stuck with me, I thought,

"If it's a state of mind, I can change that,

I can change my state of mind."

So I started getting really curious about human behavior,

about what feels good, about what makes me feel good,

and I thought, "If I could just feel a little bit better,

a little bit better every day."

So I've come out on this run to this park,

and this is the thing I would do.

Okay, you're going to think I'm a crazy dog lady after this.

I would accidentally run towards other people's dogs, like

"Oh, this dog's bumped into me."

No, you've chased it halfway around the park,

didn't you, Lisa?

Yeah, because when the dogs came over to me,

and just wagged their tail and gave me their stick,

oh my god, it melted my heart.

And in those moments, I felt present, I felt connected,

I felt love, I felt safe.

And what I've later learned,

is that is the Law of Attraction,

that is manifestation.

(energetic music)

It's going into a vibrational state that feels good.

And if you can do that for a second in your day,

then maybe you can do it for a minute.

And if you can do it for a minute,

maybe you can learn how to do it for five.

And then ten, then 15.

And then all of a sudden, your whole day

works out that way, because

you know these tools and techniques.

Let me share with you first of all,

we'll talk about depression.

I want to share with you

two or three of the major tools

that helped me get over depression, really practical stuff.

By the way, oh my goodness.

I mean, I just feel calmer here.

It's beautiful.

Okay, a few things that got me over depression.

Number one was shutting up this voice inside.

So, I used to set my alarm for 5:00AM

so I could get up, and get cracking

and attack the day.

But instead of getting out of bed,

like I should have done, like I was meant to,

I would lie in bed, and I kid you not,

I'd go on the BBC News app for an hour,

reading all these terrible things happening in the world,

I would check all my emails,

I'd reply to some emails in bed,

I'd check all my bank accounts.

And this voice in my mind'd go,

"Lisa, you're such a loser, Lisa, you're a failure,

Lisa, you're fat, why even bother getting outta bed?"

And this voice, I thought was me,

I thought that was who I am.

I didn't realize, I am not my thoughts,

I am not that voice inside.

It's an intruder, it's our ego mind.

And it's there for a purpose,

it wants to keep us safe, by helping us to align

to what the world expects.

But the consciousness of the world is waking up,

and it needs people like me and you

to wake up, to uncover our purpose,

and shine our light in the world

so that we can help raise the consciousness of other people.

And that's how we're gonna change the world, okay?

Going a bit deeply there, we'll just pull it back

just a second.

Meanwhile, there's a little dog over there.

If he comes over, that's just gonna be perfect.

So what I had to do was, this ego voice that was coming up,

I remember I went to a Gabby Bernstein event

in London three years ago, and honestly,

I probably cried all the way down.

It was the hardest thing.

And I know that when I got to the event,

I cried the whole way through the event.

And this was three years ago.

And in the audience must've been like a hundred,

a hundred and ten people, not like the 500 she'd have

in the UK now.

And me crying, I was right opposite Gabby,

Gabby Bernstein I want to call her,

I was right opposite Gabby Bernstein,

and I could see that she'd noticed me crying.

And at the end, she goes, "Okay."

And I think she's amazing, she goes,

"Has anybody got any questions?"

And she looks at me, and I'm like,

"No, she's not looking at me," but I'm creating such a fuss,

I'm in tears, I was just squeezing my hand,

she was being so supportive.

Who am I?

I was like 30, crying at this event,

but everything she was talking about

was just touching my soul.

So she goes, "Any questions?"

I'm like ... No.

Ask somebody else, somebody else,

and people start raising their questions and

I've got a question, I know my question,

I wanna ask my question, but I haven't got the confidence.

And also, I'm a bit embarrassed,

maybe it's a stupid question?

So she literally fixes her eyes in my direction,

and goes, "Any other questions, I've got time for one more?"

And it was so gentle, before I knew what I was doing

I put my hand up.

And me and Alice were like,

we were in awe of Gabby Bernstein at the time,

we were just waking up to her spirituality,

and all these other ways of thinking.

And here I was about to have a conversation

with the woman herself, who we'd followed online,

we were doing her meditations.

So I put my hand up, I'm in tears, stage fright.

I wasn't as confident as I am now.

The mic comes over, and I'm thinking,

"What the hell have you done?"

And I go, "Hi Gabby."

And she goes, "What's your question?"

And I knew my question immediately.

My question was, "Gabby, is depression real,

and if it is, is it possible to get over it?"

And I felt just such a relief

for having asked that question.

And she smiled, and it was so warm,

and I thought, "It's okay, she's gonna answer."

And she said, "Yes Lisa, depression's real.

I know lots of people who suffer with depression

in varying degrees."

And I said, "Well, what am I gonna do about it?

How do I get over depression?"

And she went back to this idea of habits and rituals,

and things that serve you, and things that don't.

And she gave me one of the most important pieces of advice

I've ever had in my life, she said,

"Lisa, you can't just stop a habit that no longer serves you

but you can replace it with one that does."

That for me was a revelation,

I thought, "I can't just stop this negative voice

in my head, I can't stop the way I feel.

Maybe I should focus on replacing it with thoughts I want?"

And that was another step on my journey

to getting over depression.

So some really practical things I did.

As soon as I became aware of this voice in my mind,

"Lisa you're fat, Lisa you're ugly,

Lisa no one's gonna love you, Lisa, you're a loser,

Lisa, you're a failure."

Horrible things, that if you said them

to your best friend, it would actually class as abuse.

I was saying them to myself

before I'd even gotten out of bed.

So I wrote an affirmation, I wrote an affirmation.

And in this affirmation, said everything I needed to hear.

"Lisa, you're a strong, beautiful, confident woman,

you can have, be, do anything you want in life.

What you're seeking is seeking you.

This is your year, this is your month,

this is your day, get out there, and make it happen."

And even reciting those words makes me feel good.

In fact, I'm gonna paste the affirmation below,

because, I'd recommend you write your own,

but if you need to borrow one,

go ahead and take that one below.

So as soon as I became conscious of the negative thoughts,

that voice in my head, the ego mind,

I couldn't stop it, that's impossible.

But I could replace it with a voice I wanted to hear.

So I tuned in, and that's what I said.

And then also, if that wasn't enough,

because sometimes that didn't work,

I'd write 10 things I'm grateful for.

And with this, to get over depression, to help with anxiety,

to feel better, you can't just think about,

"Oh, I'm gonna do this," you have to do it.

You have to do the work, that is the journey

to becoming the person that reprioritizes what they do.

Morning, noon, night.

So I'd write in this gratitude journal

10 things I was grateful for.

And I wouldn't just write it,

I would write why I was grateful.

And I'd sit for a second with my hand on my heart,

and feel the gratitude.

So, as an example, I'm so grateful

that I've got a warm shower, because I get to clean off

and feel revitalized and go to my meetings fresh as a daisy.

Or, I feel grateful for Betsy, my dad's cocker spaniel,

because she always greets me, she's so excited,

she makes me feel love in that moment, it's great.

So I'd go through, every day, 10 different things,

and it's amazing what you can be grateful for.

The color of the grass, the wind in the air right now,

that's fresh and cool.

Autumn coming, winter coming, whatever it is.

10 things you're grateful for.

That's three practical things I did, running,

affirmation to drown out that negative voice,

and then gratitude, 10 things I was grateful for.

And honestly, I did a few other things.

Like I stopped watching the news immediately,

I've gotten rid of that app from my phone, ugh,

didn't want any of that in my life.

If the news is big enough, it will find you.

And you're better off researching

what you want to learn about,

rather than hearing the media take, because,

as they say, bad news is what sells.

And I started getting around high vibrational people, so

this is why I was so intent on reading these books,

on going to these events,

because I wanted to be around people who would lift me up

and not pull me down.

Okay, that's what I did to get over depression.

There is definitely more,

and if you're thinking about joining

DareToGrow (slashing sound)

The Online Course, so much of it is practical.

It's not talking about these things, it's "Go and do it."

Go and do the work and show the group that you've done it.

It's getting around those people,

it's learning these affirmations,

and using them, it's gratitude every single day.

But do you know what I hope,

just one idea I've shared with you today helps you,

helps you realize it's possible to change,

it's possible to get over anxiety and depression

but don't just listen to me, do the work,

and your life will change.

Now we've gotta get back in the car,

as we've parked over there, behind that squirrel I can see.

(energetic music)

All right, how about this?

This is Longsands Beach.

I'm back, because this was a major part of my dream,

being able to run along the beach with my dog.

So in this part of the video,

I wanna talk to you about manifestation.

How do you manifest your dreams?

So with manifestation,

it isn't just asking for it and waiting for it,

because I remember reading books years ago, eight years ago,

and thinking that if you asked for something

you could just sit and wait, and it would appear.

And I would literally do the exercises,

imagining the checks landing on my doorstep,

imagining my new life.

And yet, it never appeared, and I didn't get it.

And the truth is that manifestation is just

bringing out what's inside you,

but that's not gonna happen by magic,

(speech drowned out by wind)

It's so windy on the beach today, we've had to move,

but it doesn't matter, this still works, so,

I wanna talk to you about manifestation,

and what it really takes to bring your dreams to life.

And what you've gotta realize about manifestation

first of all is, it isn't some magical process,

it's logical.

Everything that ever exists in the world started as an idea.

It started in somebody's mind.

A vision, an idea, a wish, a dream.

And the way they brought it to life was through action.

They took action that was aligned to it.

But here's some things you've gotta understand.

First of all, it takes way longer

than anybody online ever tells you

to change your life, figure out why you're here,

make a living doing what you love.

It's taken me two to four years, so three and a half years

it's taken me to arrive at this moment

where I'm making videos, I've got this online course,

I've got this community.

But if you follow my story,

if you remember the story from the beginning,

hasn't it really been a journey of 10 years,

and going the wrong way, feeling it wasn't right,

making the change, and coming back around?

So you've gotta give your project time.

Second thing you need is a bold and compelling vision.

If your vision isn't bold enough,

isn't compelling enough, you're never gonna stick it out.

You've gotta want what's on that piece of paper.

Third thing is action,

and nothing ever came to life without action.

And I think I said maybe in the purpose video,

that we've gotta co-create with the universe,

so you figure out your purpose,

you start following your intuition,

you get these ideas you've gotta act on,

you've gotta follow them through.

So you need to take action on whatever comes up,

and that is how you manifest your dreams.

And we are manifesting every second of every day.

We're manifesting things we want,

we're manifesting things we don't want,

but our external reality is a pure reflection

of our internal belief system.

Whatever is turning up for us in our outside world

is coming out because it's something we believe

or it's something we're allowing,

or it's something we're unwilling to face and change.

And to manifest what you want,

you've gotta be clear, what is it, what do you want?

Then you've gotta identify the feeling associated with it.

So, let me give you an example to kick this off, okay?

One of my visions is to go running along the beach

in Ibiza, owning a villa with Sasha, with Alice,

and that'd be my life.

To have got freedom to live abroad, live in the UK,

the financial freedom as well to not worry.

To own that villa, own a property in the UK,

travel back and forth, in the car now,

because I don't want to put Sasha on a plane,

and that'd be my life.

Now if I come running on the beach in Tynemouth,

I've ticked off so many of those feelings.

What you've gotta understand about manifestation,

and I'm talking fast, 'cause I love it,

what you've gotta understand is

it's all about feeling and action.

It's all about feeling and action.

So think about something you want in your life,

think about what's in your vision,

how do you wanna feel, what do you want in your life.

And what's the feeling that goes with it?

And what's the closest you can get to it here,

right now in this moment?

Because if you think about it,

running along that beach in Ibiza is the exact same feeling

as running along this beach in Tynemouth.

Like, to run along the beach with Sasha,

feel gratitude for that moment, get in that energy state,

that freedom, that energy, that nature,

and let that expand, that is how you manifest your dreams.

But you keep taking action, action,

to let that feeling expand,

and step into the person that can have that life,

because there's no way that I'm gonna wait

until I get to Ibiza and all of a sudden think,

"Oh, now it's okay to go running on the beach."

No, I don't have to wait, I can do it now, today.

So ask yourself, in your dreams ... Dogs are barking!

So ask yourself in your dreams with your vision,

what's the smallest way you can step into it today?

What's the easiest thing you can do today

to start experiencing that life,

because I'm telling you now,

you start stepping into character,

you start pulling that vision towards you,

you start seeing what's possible

and everything starts to expand.

So just in case that doesn't make sense,

I really wanna stress this, ask in your life,

"What is my vision?"

"What do I want with my life?"

Do you wanna move abroad?

Do you want a dog, do want a new car,

do you want your own business?

And ask, how can I experience that today?

Let's say that money's tight,

and you wanna feel pampered, and you want a life of luxury.

Well, why don't you get a few friends around

and have a pamper session at home?

Because the feeling is the same.

It's the feeling we wanna generate.

We wanna come into alignment with that feeling,

vibrationally, and let it expand.

And when you think about it,

wouldn't it be ridiculous to wait until I got to Ibiza

because if I'm not running now,

I'm not gonna start running in Ibiza.

You've gotta become the person today,

and then watch your life unfold.

I'll give you another example, okay?

And this is why gratitude is so important.

This is subtle, but people don't understand.

Let's say ...

Let's say you wanna new car, okay?

Let's say you wanna fancy BMW

or a Mercedes SLK or a new Jeep.

And you're driving some crapped out banger

or some old car that you're ashamed of,

if you get into that car,

and every time you get into that car

you feel shame, disappointment, anger,

think about the feeling you're generating,

because what you feel expands, what you feel is your life.

Like, there's nothing else, other than what we feel

and what we focus on.

You get into that car.

"I hate it, I'm so ashamed."

You park around the back.

"Oh, I hate it."

Those feelings are what expand

and you're actually giving out

a vibration to the universe

of disgust, of disappointment, of letdown.

What if you got into that car instead, and thought,

"Wow, I'm so lucky to have a car,

to be able to drive anywhere in the world.

Because not everybody has a car,

not everybody can afford a car.

And not everybody can drive

anywhere they want in the world in their car."

And you think, "Do you know,

it's not the full expression of who I am,

I know I can do a little bit better than this.

But for now, this is pretty good."

And then think about how it's gonna feel

to step into the car you want, imagining as you approach,

visualize the car you want, smell the new ...

I was gonna say leather, but I'm vegan,

so that would be inappropriate.

Smell the new car smell, and really visualize

and fantasize and experience about being in that car.

Isn't that a better vibration to give off to the universe?

Wooh, it's been so windy, I hope we got that footage okay.

We're not gonna know until we get back to the studio.

But anyway, thank you for watching this video,

I know it's a bit longer.

One more coming your way

on how to make a living doing what you love.

Watch out for it, because it is a corker.

See you in the next video.

(energetic music)

For more infomation >> [VIDEO 3 of 4] HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Duration: 21:16.


Watch a mash-up video of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony and Pulp Fiction - Duration: 3:47.

 Check out the big brain on Brett.  Anyone who was paying attention to the news this Thursday couldn't miss Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh telling Congress about his academic credentials as a graduate of Yale Law School

Following his testimony, Twitter user @ohboyson was inspired to mash up clips of Kavanaugh's quotes with the iconic scene from Pulp Fiction in which Jules Winnfield (Samuel L

Jackson) teases another "Brett" (Frank Whaley) before murdering him for betraying their employer

The hilarious mash-up video started making the rounds on Twitter Friday. Director Ava DuVernay was one of many to retweet it, saying, "I wish Sam was really up in there

"  Kavanaugh's comments came during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about Dr

Christine Blasey Ford's accusation that he sexually assaulted her when they were both teenagers in 1982

According to Ford, "Brett groped me and tried to take off my clothes…I believed he was going to rape me

" Kavanaugh denied any memory of the incident, but since Ford testified that he was visibly drunk at the time, several senators asked him questions about his drinking habits, then and now

In response, Kavanaugh kept referencing his Yale record as proof of his innocence and credibility

 The video from @ohboyson perfectly matches those Kavanaugh quotes with clips of Jackson's performance

So, Kavanaugh's statements such as "I got into Yale Law School" and "it's the number-one law school in the country" are met with Jules saying "check out the big brain on Brett" and "you a smart motherf—er

" The videomaker clearly has an opinion on the truth of Ford's account, because Kavanaugh's denial ("I never sexually assaulted anyone") is met by Jules yelling, "Yes, you did, Brett! Yes

You. Did!"  Watch the video for yourself: Check out the big brain on Brett pic  — oscarboyson (@ohboyson) September 28, 2018

For more infomation >> Watch a mash-up video of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony and Pulp Fiction - Duration: 3:47.


HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER - Funny cats videos 2018 - Duration: 10:51.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming New Funny Videos

For more infomation >> HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT BETTER - Funny cats videos 2018 - Duration: 10:51.


WATCH: XXXTentacion Murder Video Shown in Court | - Duration: 2:39.

WATCH: XXXTentacion Murder Video Shown in Court |

XXXTentacion, whose real name was Jahseh Dwayne Rocardo Onfroy, was robbed, shot and killed after leaving a motorcycle dealership in Deerfield Beach, Florida June 18, 2018.

Onfroy was 20 years old.

Known for his popular tracks 'Sad!' and 'Moonlight,' was born in Plantation, Florida, but grew up in Lauderhill.

When he was released from juvenile detention as a young teen, XXX, like other so-called 'third-wave emo" rappers, began recording on SoundCloud in 2013 recording 'News/Flock.' XXX was known for his melancholic rhymes as he battled depression and its been reported and well-known by his fans that his music shined a light on mental illness.

He really took off with the release of "Look at Me"," on his debut album in 2017.

XXXTentacion was recently featured on a track with Lil Peep, who died from an overdose in November of 2017.

The two were recorded posthumously by iLoveMakonnen on the track 'Falling Down'.

XXXTentacion will reportedly be featured on Lil Wayne's long-awaited 'Tha Carter V' album.

Suspect Dedrick Devonshay Williams of Pompano Beach was arrested 2 days after the shooting and was charged with first degree murder and others were arrested including alleged trigger man Michael Boatwright.

Accomplice Robert Allen's lawyer asked for bond but his request was denied.

A trial is underway.

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