Mmm, hello everybody. My name is Kingden and yes, I am Goku. I'm sorry
it is laggy, but I am currently in my
car ish on my car
But my grandma's car and I was just I just wanted to say first of all that I'm going to school
I'm going to a private school and then secondly, I am back in boxing. I've been going to practice his
Stuff like that, and I've been really busy
so I'm recording in a car right now and
We did just move so I'm moving I'm moving my items to the new place and
So I was just wondering what you guys
Would think of me quitting?
Just just stopping the videos
But I would not and if you guys want me to quit or not, make sure you comment below as usual, you know
Make sure you do that because I need to know N+
Before I go though if you want me to go or not either way I am writing two songs
I'm writing two songs by myself. I'm producing them by making them
I'm not a professional producer, but you know
I'm doing what I can with it and I'm writing them and it's all me and um
So I'm gonna have two songs one is it's going to be the first one's gonna be called. Goodbye
if you guys choose for me to leave YouTube and
The second one is going to be my past and if I keep going with this YouTube
My youtube channel, then I'm gonna do that song
So yeah these people either way, it's weird. I've never done this before
but yeah, and um
So yeah, two songs. They're written by me produced by me and stuff like that and
Sorry, this is so weird and
And I had in like it's weird recording with the bacon computer
I'm used to people look at me weird having this on but when you have a big computer in your face and
Yeah won't laptop. Whatever
But yeah
So I was just wondering which what's your thoughts were?
So if you guys want me to stay I'll make that I'll finish and produce that song
My past if you guys want me to go I will finish and produce the song. Goodbye
So yeah, so make sure you comment below what you want me to do because I'm really busy
I do have videos recorded and stuff, but not a lot
you know, I'm I'm like five maybe if even and
You know, I don't have I have three that are private that I just need to edit
So, yeah, so just let me just let me know what you think and I will talk to you guys later
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