you know I gotta have my my academia
playing in the background broke I think
I stuck to that it is great tell me BB
you know already
I mean 69 his music straight for when
I'm in a gym and I need to get tired you
know everybody hit a big lift or
something like that but this man little
child pedophile or something like that
like he I think he's still talking to
the 1516 old girl it was he was you know
messing with but we mean go getting all
of that we're just gonna keep it
straight to the video so let's go ahead
and get right back to it
wait hold up hold up
brother videos just started well the
I'm sorry I just I see him all up on
this girl but into the nigga that was
messin like a 13 year old who is he
wait is this Spanish am i reacting too
hello hello is it is this music video or
like Spanish bro I'm sitting here
waiting on some English words than any
number Spanish let's go
oh I ain't gonna worry about ELISA ski
watch says he ain't playing it for y'all
anyways I'm a player y'all English
daughter of lucifer baby rejected to the
this dude is really in the pool with his
Burberry boat like he ain't gonna be
able to take his little family pictures
with his fourteen-year-old in Burberry
or more since they wet he gonna wait so
to get dry do like it was a horrible
decision she gets pornographic sees
night Timmy play that back bro
check this out hello check check this
out check this out right there hold my
breath hello we gonna put this in a
slow-mo keep this dog
oh I'll spit it up my father for once
River gonna put in a little bow
check it out fine bye
so that order so they don't hurt bro see
all concrete
slow down a little bit more she is on
she own concrete road look at this
though she heard it I did not know this
video would be in Mexican I thought this
was like actually you know but one out
of ten I give you a solid seven point
five Road like I can do a little little
salsa twist to it you know design but
other than that man anyway man
imma be streaming this Monday 2k all day
maybe some fortnight maybe some black
ops so y'all get ready for a stream on
Monday Labor Day you know I say I'm just
not starting up the game your stream so
I try to try to try if you see my
notification gonna click in come in and
say what's up to you boy you know I'm
saying if you enjoyed the video please
subscribe like leave a comment man you
know what forget to subscribe in life
bro just leave me a comment up like I
actually like talking to y'all man just
just leave me a comment I don't care
about life song come out to subscribe
just leave me a comment let me know how
you doing today
anything but let me know how you like
the video any of my video just leave me
a comment bro I appreciate the comments
way more low-key cuz I like interacting
with people but other than that man
preciate y'all for watching the video
broke stay tuned for the stream on
Monday and yeah like it's all boys later
Oh baby I'm on set for one drink yo I'll
blow it off
I'm gonna quickly I'm gonna don't tell
me right now phone company get sober
told you
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