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Do I get that kill? No, I never get a kid
That's balls I
Spoke way to see you don't
Have a charlie, what do we get out of Charlie?
I'm driving a Charlie
La la la la. Okay screw the Charlie there anyway
Fingers crossed
Let's move
Roger oh
There's more things what are those again the force field barrier
That's actually we get it
So now I'm kind of incited announce later, hey try something
Oh my watching one of my boobs is floatin cuz its inside look look on my screen
Look at my screen. Yeah, one of my boobs are slotting in the air and one of the mittens
If the circle yeah, I'm not risking it again we have a minute to get back come on
That was bullshit the last time
Put your bandage on on time
Put it on
32 seconds to go
It's not look
1980 Oh
Nobody learn to tell time
Here we go, oh god dude guys in here mmm
Dr. Stein building
I'm the
New shotgun, I
I hate him once or twice. Yeah, I still have zero body count on my screen. I'm
Okay, I'm just gonna go into this and go myself I know yeah go in there and kill yourself look I'm gonna find some rule
Anymore I don't need any shoes
Look at you. Will you stop jerking off? Oh
my god
To get the fun really
Bit of manual satisfaction for you there. Yeah. Thanks. I don't mean to make this stuff pornographic
No, just this fella here
Yeah, it's all me although I did try and make a far more
- well, that's the thing. I'm running. I hate that thing whatever it is
Yeah, I'll be treating - having nightmares about that tonight
Why will you resign me? Oh god I
Just saw bad guys, I'm immediately very different name locations in a single man. What does that mean? Oh, yeah
It's like a daily challenge thing a daily challenge
You prick around with that shit, right and I'm gonna actually play the game that ran off
Building oh
Yes, come just come towards me drag boy don't even see anything cuz the buildings are still there
Where'd you go
You can't enroll
Are you up on top of the mountain? No?
I'm completely disoriented in here. Shut up. I got completely disoriented
Get down Tim
The cat with the bra look at him hanging boy one hat look
Negus no, I was looking at the cat. I'm running to the lake. Sorry
We have a cat with a broken leg people and he tried to climb up something but he's he's happy out
He's out 90 pain. He's in a cast
Is that really good shotgun good woman. What am I?
the only has two shots, but if you get like really up close like you're like you're oh
I can I'm really gonna blow people's feet off of this thing
No bad guys anywhere no car from those three I kill shut up. I killed you killed
You know why you killed them because I went up and opened fire on them. And then when they were doing I managed to I
Started jumpin, I always panic and I don't jump but that time I started jumping and trying to shoot them at the same time
Yeah, that was good
You know, I do a jerk because you came up and more them down while they were trying to kill me
Because I'm too good
He for a very valuable asset shut your mouth
Yeah good sarcasm
What's your 20 private sarcasm?
Disappointment anymore major pain supply the parents. Come on private parks
Like where are we going this way? Imagine some guy mom?
This is more into the middle of a circle where he met some guys second name was
yeah, imagine some guys second name was parts and then
Yeah, that'd be hilarious wouldn't it I know
I'm hardly able to control myself and laughter
I was in school teach one of the teachers some of them used to call us master. So I was master not master Nolan
Shut your mouth quit talking okay, we're gonna shop yes. Why yeah
Who was buildin you yeah, I was shooting your buildings
Narrows the time to jump back George
Price thank you for everything soul
I'm drawing attention to you. Hey, look we're over here
Stop it water China
You're relieving me on the side of the enemy funny
We must I need I've I've got a few gongs would have no ammunition
No times like this, I tend not to lock around me watch there's nothing left
Now where's the fuckin start? I'm heading towards a storm crap Ola. Okay. Great
Yeah, oh come come back back boy. Yeah take me because I need to go get the charger for this thing
Cause it's about to die
So, I'm just gonna sit here in corner you protect me yep if you can I promise not to do things, okay
Boom chicka. Wow
Okay, that's enough wheat kids watch it, oh, sorry I've left you behind
There's nobody around anyway
Yeah, but sure that's usually the case
There's no other bad guys comment now because and I still haven't got enough ammunition, okay, we're good a view much ammunition
Can you give me some ammo for which weapon for anything?
No, I only have
The storm is coming in I have a clip and a half in my mom. Let's get out of here
There's only five people left in the game
Got any weapons, have you got any I need I'm you know, and yeah, they said blue burst in here
Means better than green and gray. Okay. Okay. I'm out in the open because I don't care
That's what happened yeah, well you need to do what I do for you and you need to help me
That was a single shot. Come on revive me
Don't you?
Come on you have survived me. Hey what you move away that was a white than you here we go
And will revive to shoot at you
Smell you
True then, where are they doctor mountain, please
Okay, am I gonna do operation and do an operation distract and boom get them
Or they're building up okay Oh
Like a full house sniper rifle. I don't want to get in the house
I want you to go over and get them while I distract them
Take over yes tonight again shit people are shooting at you
No, mana Bam, oh yeah, of course you are because you're up here breaking around you could have run up and killed them
It's so full of shit go to that thing
Look at the guys up in the mountain. Yeah, my daughter gonna fire my nation guys. Oh shoot. Yeah. I don't even know thermal
I know
So what do we do now?
Okay, we're the closest to the storm. So they're gonna have to advance on us. Okay. Thank you. No, I think they're the close
They're the closest to the storm. All right. Jack is the storm gonna shrink anymore
We're outside the circle
Yeah, just barely though
To the circle, okay
Get that off no keys no weapons. I do have weapons just one that is
Not over to the month it's called I kick some bum actually wait wait brick brick brick
Okay, we are going to
You see that? Where is that building behind the door where you are behind the goal? No
We're gonna go to area
See let's wait around and wait for them to purchase give us a plan. Okay Greg white. Have you got ammunition? No
Switch to a different weapon. Okay. Great Greg, I'm gonna use this rip thing and we're gonna fly up. Come over here is this
Munition here for anyone who wants it. Oh, they're leaving are they? Oh,
I'm down. Come on. You have to where are they? She was engaged Eric. Alex killed me. I'm eliminated
Gasps oh no. Oh, no, you're building shit in your own way
Fine we play second
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