Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 3 2017

Hi everyone, in this video you will learn how to play the SpongeBob theme

As many of you already know, in my version of this song I used this mini guitar

But in this video lesson I'm going to teach on a ordinary guitar.

That sounds great especially if you play in the higher regions

But I will teach without the capotraste in this class to be as clear as possible

As you already know I use in my arrangements 7-string guitars,

but for this video I took off the seventh string to not confuse it. So here I am using a 6 string guitar.

So how will I teach this class?

I'm going to put a tab on the top of the vídeo.

And the cameras will be focused on my hands

And I'm going to tell you the most important aspects of the technique

So let's start. In this arrangement I developed a different tuning to make it easier to play

1st and 2nd string are on standard tunning

E... B

3rd string is G#

4th string is D#

5th string is A

And 6th string is D

So tune your guitar so we can start

Follow the tablature the first chord of the music

How to play it?

Index finger on the fourth string and the middle finger will alternate between the fifth and the sixth string

In the right hand we will use a technique called the thumb slap

Which is an attack of the index finger held at the same time that you tap with the thumbs the top strings

Then I play the bass, perform the thumb slap and end up playing the second string

It will be like this

The left hand should make a vibrato to create the same effect of the original theme.

I did this intro 4 times and now the melody starts.

Folow the tab


But you need to play this along with the thumb slap and chords

The ring finger on the 3rd string

The 3rd note of the melody is played together with the thumb slap

Important: the thumb slap need to be very precise to play the notes of the melody on the 2nd string

If I play everything it goes wrong. Look

This is wrong. The right is:


The next note, change the bass on the left hand. Again:

So, you play this phrase of the melody and return to the accompaniment chords

you will play this 3 times. In the 3rd repetiton you will repeat the bass


After you have played 3 time the melody alternating the bass and in the 4th time repeating the bass

Now goes to a very easy chord

Take a look

Play 3 times this chord. How is it?

ring finger on the 1st string, Index finger 3th string and middle fingers 5th string

The bass alternates playing the 5th and 4th string

Let me play from the last part to you understand the change

Follow the tab

change the chord

3 times

In the end you will play one more time the beginning of the strumming




now play again

It´s like 3 1/2 and you come back to the last chord

Will sound like this:



Now, lets continue...

when you finished this part of the melody...

you will play the bass and will do this:

You need to do two thumb slap and mute with the left hand

Can´t sound like this:

In you right hand you need to focus to only play the sharp notes

wait a moment and play:

How to do this chord? here:

1st fret and 2nd fret.

And little finger on the 4th fret


Now we have this muted notes

And you will change your fingers

You will play an slide and put you index finger


I will play again very slow

Understand the muted notes?

The second repetiton...

And continuing...

Again very slow

So you come back to the melody again:

The diference is that in the 2nd time the bass notes are diferent

Look the tab. 1st time like always...

Alternate the bass

On the 2nd time you star on the 5th string

Same melody


You will play open 4th string


Understand? now you will do a chord where you need to mute the 1st string and aim your slap only on these two strings

And you can do a bend

You can do a bend or a slide

And do a vibrato to sound like the original music

I will repeat very slow

In this last section you need to aim the slap down here

Tip: if you aim you slap down here its ok because the 1st string you will mute

This is it my friends. I hope you have enjoyed the lesson. This was my first class in this format. If you need help you can email me

I hope you liked and from the botton of my heart thanks for watching. Bye!!!

For more infomation >> Fingerstyle Tutorial: SpongeBob (Full Lesson) - Duration: 13:23.


Warkull - Doing Business - Analyze Everything - Duration: 1:23.

Hi!!! This record is available for informational purposes only ! Buy audio TAPE on Vibrio Cholerae Records 2017

For more infomation >> Warkull - Doing Business - Analyze Everything - Duration: 1:23.


Secret of Happiness - A Short Film By Syed Mohammed - Duration: 1:34.

Every Day is an opportunity to improve our Lifestyle.

If we lack discipline and stay lazy, then our dreams are never gonna come true.

Stay Focused and Work Hard, so that you can positively impact your life and this world.

Most of the time when we talk to people, we observe that, they complain about many things

in their life.

Instead of looking at the endless opportunities they have, they always find excuses.

The Secret of Happiness lies in appreciating your own life.

No matter what challenges you face or whatever the situation you are in.

You must know how to stay positive and strong.

There might be hundred reasons that makes you sad but if you find one reason to stay

happy, grab that opportunity and remain strong.

It's hard to get motivated by looking at other's life, but it's easy to stay positive

by being content with our own.


Past cannot be changed and future cannot be shaped.

Few steps can be taken to forget the past and some work can be done to stabilize the


Instead of worrying too much, spend that energy on your goals, time on your family, money

on the needy and live a happy life.

For more infomation >> Secret of Happiness - A Short Film By Syed Mohammed - Duration: 1:34.


Pyrofessional Utal Kat: F2 - Pyrocheck Silvester Feuerwerk Full HD - - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Pyrofessional Utal Kat: F2 - Pyrocheck Silvester Feuerwerk Full HD - - Duration: 0:42.


64 летний МЕЙВЕЗЕР-старший БРОСИЛ вызов МакГрегору пообещав НАДРАТЬ… (НОВОСТИ UFC 2017) #UFCINSIDER - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> 64 летний МЕЙВЕЗЕР-старший БРОСИЛ вызов МакГрегору пообещав НАДРАТЬ… (НОВОСТИ UFC 2017) #UFCINSIDER - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> ГОРОД КАК ЧЕРНОБЫЛЬ.. ПЕРЕЕЗД И КРИЗИС, А ТАК ЖЕ УГАР И ВЕСЕЛЬЕ! (FAM VLOG #8) - Duration: 7:06.


Chicago Fire - Don't Say Goodbye (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:52.

- Kelly. - Hey, uh--

What's going on? - The infection's taken over.

Anna's immune system was too compromised by the chemo.

Unfortunately, she's septic.

- What--What does that mean?

- I'm sorry, Kelly. - Sorry?

- There's nothing more we can do.

[voice fading] We're given her something to

make her comfortable.

If there's anything you have to say,

now is the time.

[somber music]

- Okay.

[monitor beeping]

- [whimpers] Did you go see her?

- What?

- The lady from the house.

- Okay.

- Thank you...

for these last few months.

- No. No, no, no. Don't do that.

Don't say goodbye. We're gonna beat this.

- Oh, honey.

- Hey, we got a miracle once.

We're gonna get another one.

- Why don't you tell me about her.

- Ellie?


you were right.

It wasn't about the house.

It was about her husband, Hal.

You should hear her.

It's, uh,

Hal this, Hal that.

They were married for 37 years.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

That's why she wouldn't leave the house.

All of the memories there.

- She can't move with it on her shoulders.

- What, babe?

- You can't carry a house on your shoulders.

[monitor beeping]

- Hey, just stay right here and look at me, okay?

- [weakly] I love you.

Carry me.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

[flatline tone]

- No. Baby? Baby?

Baby, you gotta-- you gotta fight.

You gotta fight.

[flatline tone]

Hey, Anna, you gotta fight.

Honey, don't go.

Don't go.

Hey, you guys, you gotta help her.

You gotta help her.

Hey, guys, okay?

[flatline tone]

[crying] Anna, honey? Honey?

- [stammering] Why aren't you guys helping her?

Do something! - We can't.

- Forget the DNR.

I know her, I know what she wants.

Okay? You're doctors.

You're doctors. Do your job!

- Kelly. - She wouldn't give up.

- Kelly... - She wouldn't--

[stammering] Will you do something?

[both crying] - Time of death 9:21 a.m.

- What? [hyperventilating]

Anna... - It's okay, Kelly.

It's okay.

For more infomation >> Chicago Fire - Don't Say Goodbye (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> АМЕРИКАНЕЦ ПРОБУЕТ РУССКИЕ КОНФЕТЫ! - Duration: 16:33.


Get E Aadhaar Lost EID UID - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Get E Aadhaar Lost EID UID - Duration: 6:28.


Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle - Duration: 16:14.

Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle

For more infomation >> Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle - Duration: 16:14.


ハナミズキ/一青窈 カバー:Eiko【オリジナルMV】 - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> ハナミズキ/一青窈 カバー:Eiko【オリジナルMV】 - Duration: 5:10.


Outdoor Creativity - Playlist Trailer 2017 - Duration: 0:59.

Music: Tributaries of the Bayou, By: Jingle Punks, Genre: Jazz & Blues, Mood: Happy

For more infomation >> Outdoor Creativity - Playlist Trailer 2017 - Duration: 0:59.


Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов врут о своем разрыве (03.05.2017) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Ольга Бузова и Дмитрий Тарасов врут о своем разрыве (03.05.2017) - Duration: 1:02.


Дайджест ViLine.Дети: экстрим беременных, Insta-мамы и мобильные приложения - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Дайджест ViLine.Дети: экстрим беременных, Insta-мамы и мобильные приложения - Duration: 3:48.


My Golden Age (마이골든에이지) - "Fly Away" MV K-DF REACTION K-ROCK EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 5:24.

Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.

Today we see with another request more and more

And thank you for that great support. thank you very much.

And then we go to the video without so much preamble Let's go.

begins begins

I do not know what this album is all about.

sounds really good.

That yes, this video is from South Korea. or so I think.

I don't know. but I believe yes.

and so,,

That for the image of the video, I thought they would talk or something like that.

But I see that he is an artist from Korea

Or I do not know.

Because the video is all fun.

Sounds good or good.

It's a rock style

that. what.

They are painting it and casting lipstick

What you see, because they are fans of animes. So it shows the video.

Also football fan

Although a little weird the video.

but it sounds good.

look at this one.

I was with the guitar

Gave him a slap.

Like that, they ended the transmission

This is like the slow part

Well there. was the video and I hope you liked it.

and as always I tell you .. if you liked it subscribe to my channel to reach you videos to email

And well .. without much preamble .. we are in the following video .. Take care all .. and goodbye

For more infomation >> My Golden Age (마이골든에이지) - "Fly Away" MV K-DF REACTION K-ROCK EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 5:24.


Cách Nấu TÔM NƯỚNG BỌC DỪA cực dễ | Làm Món Ngon Mỗi Ngày - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Cách Nấu TÔM NƯỚNG BỌC DỪA cực dễ | Làm Món Ngon Mỗi Ngày - Duration: 2:19.


Привидение НАПАЛО на РЕБЕНКА! Учим цвета! Learn Colors with Bad Baby for Children, Toddlers, Babies - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Привидение НАПАЛО на РЕБЕНКА! Учим цвета! Learn Colors with Bad Baby for Children, Toddlers, Babies - Duration: 2:01.


WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD - Duration: 18:01.

WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD

WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD

WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD

WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD

For more infomation >> WWE Smackdown 5/02/2017 Highlights HD | WWE Smackdown 2nd May 2017 Highlights HD - Duration: 18:01.


NEW Ways to Say Thank You & You're Welcome in English - Duration: 6:39.

Hi, I'm Annemarie with Speak Confident English

and welcome to your Confident English Wednesday lesson.

This week we're focused on two simple words in English.

And you might be wondering: why are we focused on thank you and you're welcome?

These are such simple words.

These are some of the first words that you learn in any language.

Or if you're traveling to another country, most of us try to learn these words in the native language.

But my goal is to help you expand your vocabulary and communicate more naturally in English.

Using thank you and you're welcome are always appropriate but...

native speakers have many different ways that we use to say thank you or say you're welcome to someone else.

And I want you to know what those are so you can use them and sound more natural in English.

And understand native speakers more easily when they communicate with you.

So in today's video, we're going to focus on casual, informal, everyday situations when you might be

hanging out with friends, spending time with your neighbors or coworkers that you know really well.

And we'll also look at some examples that you can use in formal or business situations,

traveling for work, and talking to international clients.

Let's start with a casual, everyday situation. It's Friday night and your neighbor or English-speaking coworker

has invited you to their home for a BBQ, for a picnic. The weather is perfect, it's a beautiful summer evening

and you've had a great time. You're so glad that you got invited to this event.

And you want to tell your neighbor, your friend thank you. One easy way to do that, a way that native speakers

often use is: thanks so much.

Thanks so much! I had a blast ( = to have a great time). Thanks so much.

Similarly, you could also use: thanks a ton!

This was such a great time. Thanks a ton.

And finally, you're the best. You're the best. Thank you so much for inviting me to your party.

I had a great time. You're the best.

Now, imagine that a native speaker has just used one of those ways to say thank you with you.

And you want to respond naturally, for example, you could say:

No problem. No problem. This one might sound a little tricky. It has the word problem in it.

And you might be wondering, is this a problem? Are they telling me that this is a problem?

I'm not sure I understand it.

But no. When we say no problem, what we mean is it was not a problem.

There's no need for you to say thank you. It was easy for us. No problem!

You could also say: sure, no big deal! Sure, no big deal.

For example, if you remember in the video I did last week on different ways to use could in English

Maybe your friend asks you to help them move. They're moving to another apartment.

And you say yes. You help them move. You use your car to help them move furniture. And at the end they say:

Thanks a ton! I really appreciate your help. And you could say, "Sure. No problem/no big deal."

And finally, don't mention it. Don't mention it. This is just a simple way for us to say you're welcome.

Don't mention it. There's no need for you to say thank you.

Now, let's switch the situation to a more business/professional example.

Perhaps you're working with some colleagues or some international clients and

someone does something to help you. Maybe you had a major deadline and you were super stressed

about the deadline. And one of your coworkers helped you finish your project.

You could say: I really appreciate it. I really appreciated your help. I really appreciate it.

Or, that's really kind of you. Thank you so much for helping me. That's really kind of you.

And finally, my favorite, you made my day. You made my day. Thank you so much. You made my day.

And now, maybe one of your native English-speaking coworkers uses one of those expressions with you

the best way to say you're welcome is: it's my pleasure. It's my pleasure.

Or, I'm happy I could help. I'm happy I could help.

And finally, it was nothing. It was nothing. This is very similar to saying

it was no big deal or don't mention it. It was nothing.

And with that you have 6 new ways to say thank you and 6 new ways to say you're welcome

in the same ways that native speakers use every day so that you can expand your vocabulary and

use these expressions more naturally in English.

And now that you've finished watching this video, I want to hear from you.

I want to know what is your favorite way to express thank you in English?

It might be one of these new expressions that you've learned today.

Or it might be an expression that you've heard before.

But I would really like to know what it is. So share with me in the comments section just below this video.

Not only will you be able to share that with me but also the Confident English Community.

Don't forget to review all of the comments because you'll probably learn even more expressions.

Thank you so much for joining me. I love having you here every week and as you know

this is the place to be every Wednesday if your goal is to advance you English language skills

and communicate with confidence.

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