Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 3 2017

I've already used to Filipino because

hey then let's talk tagalog

roblox Tagalog

We're taking a leap of faith!

tagalog then i spoke english -_-


oh i see your youtube set up

so this is where you record

it says here ammo but no gun I'm gonna

"ammo" but there's no pet

let's go escape

Slender-man is behind you!!


Where are you now?

there's a clown behind you

Run run hurry!


I'm ready!!!

we're ready for this!

follow me

let's go let's go!, Let's go

let's go here!

they're went the same time...

just behind us..

All the sudden. Slender man spawns here?!?!

eyy there's numbers up there!

we're locked in here!!

The lock is in the other side..

He looks like a half bodied creature

As long as he doesn't fly

where you now!?!?

Here,here, here!!

Just behind yoU!

you locked the door, GOOD!

you're still alive good

oh there's weapons here!

there's guns, there's guns!

how'd you get it?


on our right! our right!

RIght side?!

wow, they're scary!!

this is where we came from right?

did we go in a circle?

there's a shadow, there's a shadow! up there!

did you see it?

not sure if its from the left side or the right side?

Theres food here!!

the hotdogs are massive!

can you handle it?

jumbo hotdog, can you handle it?

look! loook! Look at it!

be careful there!

he's dead now

remember the number we saw earlier?!

above slenderman?

let's go let's go back

get out. it might explode


nothing happend??

yet theres nothing..


i thought it was gonna explode

thought it was a trap

behind us! behind us!

we haven't been here before..

where'd you go? there!!

let's go, let's go

let's just leave them there.. there's a killer here.. :)

wait a minute..

no trespassing violation be shot that's

how you read it I guess let's make a run

For more infomation >> Searching for survival| Roblox (Tagalog-enlgish) - Duration: 12:44.


Bad kid learn colors with cutting vegetables for children, toddlers and babies-Kids education video - Duration: 5:09.

Bad kid learn colors with cutting vegetables for children, toddlers and babies-Kids education video


This is Orange

This is White

This is Yellow

This is Red

This is Brown

This is Purple

This is Yellow


This is Purple

This is Yellow


For more infomation >> Bad kid learn colors with cutting vegetables for children, toddlers and babies-Kids education video - Duration: 5:09.


North Korea threatens to turn US submarines into 'UNDERWATER GHOSTS' as nuclear war looms - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> North Korea threatens to turn US submarines into 'UNDERWATER GHOSTS' as nuclear war looms - Duration: 2:49.


Time and Space as Shifting Higher Dimensional Perspective of Per - Duration: 4:49.

Time and

Space as Shifting Higher-Dimensional Perspective of Peripheral and Central Awareness

This is another difficult topic to explain but looks at the illusion of perception and

physicality in terms of linearity of space and time.

Perspective shifts, just like the angles of reflection in a kaleidoscope and generates

a completely new pattern to experience.

The pattern is akin to each life or reality and each section of the pattern would be like

the trajectory through time and space.

The sound is highly distorted for some reason, I recorded right before this and the sound

was all level.

Then I recorded this and there was clipping throughout the entire audio file.

Let me know if you can�t hear because the audio needs to be increased.

We perceive everything happening consecutively for the first time, as we experience it, when

in reality everything is already planned out and already exists before hand as all already

exists and there is nothing actually happening for the first time.

The only change is our awareness encompassing more or less of the entire pattern of information

at once and thus giving a wider scope of change throughout the whole experience.

Some say we have a particular amount of time to experience the entire pattern by moving

our awareness to the center of the �scene� and allowing the scope to widen equally on

all angles and encompass the entire picture at once.

If we do this in a life, then we move into the eternal awareness of the initial Creative

Force that matches up with the overall view.

IF we remain wilfully in one little section by not overcoming the boundaries of personal

bias and mental reflectivity then awareness is doomed to degrade continually because the

�whole� picture will forever been perceived as relatively too large to attain to the point

of seemingly becoming less and less likely until there is no correlation between the

individual�s awareness and the overall AKA second death.

The change we perceive would actually be a motionless shifting of awareness from the

peripheral of the whole picture around the various sections and back to the center to

perceive the whole.

The idea here is that the action (or non-action) of being aware of the peripheral actually

turns the higher-dimensional image inside out and brings about a morphological process

whereby time and space seems to generate and reconstruct itself to create the experience

of new lives.

See short video.

The link is in the article below in our description

For more infomation >> Time and Space as Shifting Higher Dimensional Perspective of Per - Duration: 4:49.


Chỉ Cần Nhìn Những Điểm Này Là Biết Dưa Có Tiêm Hóa Chất Hay Không - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Chỉ Cần Nhìn Những Điểm Này Là Biết Dưa Có Tiêm Hóa Chất Hay Không - Duration: 3:40.


Bản Tin 247 - Ông Trump xuống giọng khen Ông Kim " thông minh " - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> Bản Tin 247 - Ông Trump xuống giọng khen Ông Kim " thông minh " - Duration: 15:26.


American Ninja Warrior - What Legends Are Made Of (Promo) - Duration: 0:41.

-We're just athletes trying to push ourselves to our limits.

But to the kid watching at home...

you're a hero.

-♪♪ This is what legends are made of ♪♪


-♪♪ This is what legends are made of ♪♪


-"American Ninja Warrior"!

-It's inspiration. It's hope.

-No matter what color your skin is,

no matter what gender you are...

-We're all ninjas.

-We are witnessing history!

-"American Ninja Warrior"

returns Monday, June 12th, on NBC.

For more infomation >> American Ninja Warrior - What Legends Are Made Of (Promo) - Duration: 0:41.


Attention Veterans Congress Wants To Modify The GI Bill 2 0 - Duration: 4:13.

Attention Veterans Congress Wants To Modify The GI Bill 2.0

News just now received greatly affects all future veterans by updating the GI Bill 2.0.

Stars and Stripes" reported:

The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs gave veterans groups a draft last week of

legislation that would deduct $100 from servicemembers' basic pay each month for two years, for a

total of $2,400, in order for them to receive education benefits.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill created in 2009 doesn't require servicemembers to pay into it, but

an earlier version of the benefit – the Montgomery GI Bill – mandated recipients

to pay $100 per month for one year.

A draft of the legislation states the buy-in provision would go into effect one year after

the bill is enacted and would apply to servicemembers who enlist on or after that date.

Comments from veterans service organizations almost immediately condemned the idea.

Paul Rieckhoff, Founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan (IAVA), said:

"There is plenty of room to improve the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

IAVA led the creation of the original Post-9/11 GI Bill and later, GI Bill 2.0.

"However, IAVA will vigorously oppose any and all attempts to impose a registration

tax on this essential benefit.

If Congress wants to find ways to raise more money, they can do it without nickel and diming

newly-enlisted Privates.

Pushing this GI Bill tax proposal on troops in a time of war is political cowardice.

It's also bad for recruiting and morale."

And Rieckhoff said on his Facebook page: "Yep.

Just when you thought things in DC couldn't get any stupider!

#IAVA will again fight like hell to #DefendTheGIBill."

But Rieckhoff also noted that IAVA has their own comprehensive list of recommendations

for improving veterans lives.

The recommendations are an 88-page document entitled Policy Agenda: Fulfill The Promise

To Today's Veterans.

It's quite impressive.

Kayla Keleher, a legislative associate for the Veterans of Foreign Wars said,

The Post-9/11 GI Bill was implemented as a high-five, a wartime benefit.

It was a 'Thanks for taking the oath of enlistment while at wartime."

The VFW… will not stand idly by as Congress continues adding on mandatory pay-in requirements

of our troops, let alone while we are still at war."

It should be noted that this is not a bill and no representative has stepped up to the

plate to sponsor the present draft.

Most may not know that the current pay for an E-1 private is about $1600 a month.

Their contribution of $100 is about 6.25%.

Here's an idea for those in favor of the proposed changes: instead of $100 per month,

start at $50 a month and raise it by $25 for the next two promotions such that by the time

a soldier is an E-3 ($1886); $100 is then only 5.3% of their pay.

Otherwise, Congress needs to find another way to fund future benefits given to us veterans

through the GI Bill.

For more infomation >> Attention Veterans Congress Wants To Modify The GI Bill 2 0 - Duration: 4:13.


НЕСКУЧНОЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕ # 4 / MEDICAL NEWS # 4 - Duration: 14:14.

Imperceptibly crept to us May Day celebrations, which

I hasten to congratulate all the channel viewers, "Dr.

Next door".

Let the sky above your head always remains peaceful

and serene!

Good health, optimism and happiness!

Hello my good!

Today, the next issue "Neskuchnyi health"

tell us how treated caries ancestors of the modern

of people; than useful for children Pets; which

clothing is best to wear women going to work; how to turn

tea super drink, and more more.

Scientists advise women go to work in frank


employees of the University of Bedfordshire say

short skirts, tight dresses with deep necklines

not only allows you to look sexier, but also make

take women seriously.

In particular, in such clothes It looks smart and loyal.

The study 64 students participated.

The average age of the volunteers I was 21 years old.

Participants were shown two a series of photos

the same woman.

In the photo of the first series a woman were the top with a deep

neckline, mini-skirt and a jacket, as in the photo of the second series

- long skirt and less outspoken blouse.

volunteers were asked to to evaluate the woman for a number of

parameters including position, loyalty, morality,

personality, the desire to do sex and intelligence.

Scientists have found out: in a frank Volunteers dressed up

evaluated the fidelity and intelligence women.

On the other clothing options no effect.

Myth Debunked - urine is not save if you stung


It is believed the urine helps upon contact with the feelers


A new study shows it is not so.

University of Hawaii He analyzed the folk

means by which recommend cope

effects of love jellyfish.

It turned out really helped only vinegar.

The essence of the following: urea really makes

positive effect, but its concentration in urine

man is too small.

Thus in urine is present salt, which can only

aggravate the situation (Irritant effect).

The same happens if the process contact the place of alcohol.

Shaving cream, food soda and salt water at all

It does not affect the outcome, Although considered to be effective

folk remedies.

Experts recommend: jellyfish tentacles should be removed

tweezers protective gloves.

If you press on it, the It will poison the selection.

Therefore, we must act carefully.

Before removing standing water the vinegar on the affected area.

Vinegar stop selection poison, but not eliminate the already

has entered into poison and, as a result, pain


After tentacles removed, on the affected

place should be imposed heat (it inhibits the activity


To improve health and improve sleep, sleep without


Dr. Sara Bryuer calls abandon nightdresses

and pajamas.

According to her, it is necessary sleep naked.

This will contribute to weight loss, because in the heat

the body produces too much cortisol, and it enhances


Plus, if you sleep without clothes, You can save the health,

reducing the risk of thrush.

Known: fungal infections like heat and humidity.

A sleeping clothes often causes sweat.

Also, this practice enhances male performance

fertility (testosterone It stands out at night, and the heat

inhibits this process).

In addition, if the couple is sleeping without clothes, it will

strengthen relationships.

Such direct contact increases degree excitation.

Experts emphasize: excessively high temperatures

will result in the bedroom disrupted sleep.

They are advised to maintain at room temperature all year round

18-24 degrees Celsius.

Russian scientists have created Surgeon robot that

It works best foreign analogs.

domestic developers presented in Moscow robotic surgery

complex created at support Moscow

State Medical and Dental University.



Yevdokimov, the Institute of Design and Technology Informatics Russian

Academy of Sciences and other public institutions.

The complex is suitable for operations in urology, gynecology,

abdominal surgery, neuro- and cardio surgery.

It is based on artificial intelligence.

It helps in the step planning operations,

and in the process itself.

Ministry of Health points out: these foreign analogues

can not boast.

Russian complex is superior famous robot surgeon

«Da Vinci».

For example, the size of the manipulator «Da Vinci» is 1.5 meters,

and weight - about a ton.

Russian arm weighs 4 kilograms, and its

length - 20 cm.

In fact, the Russian system mobile and suitable for

exit operations.

Another comparison: accuracy manipulation «da Vinci» - 500

micron (can not operate children).

Accuracy Russian counterpart - 5 micron (can work

even at the cellular level).

Deputy Minister of Health Sergey Regional adds:

the new system is much reduce blood loss during

the operation.

So, now for some prostatic surgery blood loss

1.5-2 liters.

With the new complex it will be possible cut to 20-50 milliliters.

The Russian system is fully digital management,

Unlike «da Vinci».

This allows fingerprint finger to recognize the doctor

and provide access to more or under a wide range of


The system stores and replays All movements of the surgeon.

The ancestors of modern humans We know how to treat caries.

Scientists from the University of Bologna found some of the most

The oldest traces of treatment teeth.

In Italy (near Lucca) front have been found

teeth (incisors) age 13000 years.

And they were present fillings made of bitumen.

Each tooth was of great hole, which went from the surface

to the pulp.

Using a variety of technologies microscopy specialists

found several horizontal traces in the walls of the tooth.

They were similar to the cavity, are drilled and expanded

microscopic stone instruments.

Moreover, in the cavities present traces mountain resin (bitumen)

with vegetable fibers and hairs.

Such a seal is apparently reduced the severity of pain and isolated

the pulp of the tooth from food.

In principle, the same principle applies

in modern dentistry.

botanicals You could play the role of an antiseptic.

Experts believe that ancient diet change

people led to the development caries.

And this change could be the result of migration

in Europe, people from the East.

By the way, revealed traces dental treatment resembled

those previously found in another the archaeological

excavations in Italy.

Hence, the method of treatment Teeth has been extended.

Pets were better for children than


A study conducted the University of Alberta,

showed that the presence of domestic animals in the house reduces the

the risk of allergies and obesity in children.

Scientists have discovered that in children from families

Pets were more bacteria that protect

from these illnesses.

The study 746 children participated.

In 70% of the volunteers families were dogs.

The researchers found: children who were

exposed to allergens, present in the home skin

animals were twice elevated levels of bacteria

Ruminococcus and Oscillospira.

They reduce the risk of allergies and obesity.

Scientists say that the mud and bacteria-borne

the animals, contribute to creating immunity in children.

Also, the researchers found, that the presence of pets

home reduced the risk of transmission Group B Streptococcus

during childbirth.

As is known, these bacteria can cause in newborns


Experts understand why tired people can not resist

to harmful food.

It is well known: fatigue pushes people to use harmful

products (e.g., chocolate bars or cookies)

instead of healthy food.

Employees of Northwest University learned from

What is the reason.

Researchers have been studying, as the lack of sleep affects

on food preferences.

Volunteers who participated in a study in various

days (with an interval of a week) sleeping eight o'clock and four

hours a day.

The day after They evaluated the odors

salty and sweet high-calorie foods such as chips,

cinnamon rolls.

Also asked participants evaluate other flavors,

for example, needles.

The study found: after a short

sleep the brain activity of volunteers in response to caloric odors

food was higher than after eight hours of sleep.

Thus, the lack of sleep is closely associated with over-eating and

weight gain.

Likely to lose weight, some people just

I need more sleep.

Experts told, how to improve performance


Researchers at the University Royal Holloway for

9 years followed achievers attendance and schedule

classes in the Bulgarian school.

Scientists have found: evaluation students in math

have been higher if the subject I stood in the schedule in the morning.

But the story is better to give students in the afternoon.

According to experts, The fact that children are better

cope with recurring and automated

goals in the first half day.

And in the second half of the day they get better

solve problems that require comprehension.

The researchers concluded: right Scheduling

- high-performance pledge students.

Previously, researchers from University of Copenhagen

We have shown that children are better versed in mathematics,

if in the course of the lesson they It works the whole body.

For example, depict geometric shapes and figures, taking

certain poses.

Also in mathematics assessment many children are rising

with an individual approach.

In the microwave tea becomes in this super drink.

A scientist from the New South Wales - Dr. Kwan Wong

- he believes that the tea should be Brewing, placing in the microwave


Thus it is possible to do drink most useful.

The study shows the doctor: 80% of caffeine, theanine, polyphenols

in green or black tea It can be activated by adding

hot water into the brewing kettle with tea bag.

bag is recommended Brewing for 30

seconds, and then the tea should the present moment is already in


Thus tea leaf It begins to give anti-oxidants

and acquires the most optimum taste.

In turn, the microwave oven can help in getting

even more useful compounds from


According to experts, one cup of tea, brewed

in a microwave oven, is more than three cups of tea, brewed

boiling water, in terms of good.

Now the doctor is ready explore all the advantages of eucalyptus.

US scientists have created artificial womb for

premature babies.

DESIGNED Children staff

Hospital of Philadelphia, It represents a closed

container filled artificial analogue

amniotic fluid, which constantly circulating.

Also in the container has Oxygenator, saturating

Blood oxygen.

The circulatory system of the child connected to it through the umbilical cord.

In such a device preterm children will be able to develop

up to 28 weeks.

experts tested artificial uterus in the


The animals were born at term, equivalent to 23-24 weeks

pregnancy in humans (In terms of level of development

the lungs).

Scientists say that in the womb lungs filled with the child's mother


When a child is born ahead of time, he has

breathe the air.

This can lead to negative consequences.

Artificial uterus allows to solve this problem.

In addition, the medium in the container sterile.

The lambs were in device for 4 weeks.

The researchers emphasize: the term was not limited possibilities

system, and the experimental protocol.

Specialists successfully grow in an artificial

uterus 6 lambs.

Scientists plan to improve device.

They want to make it look like a conventional incubator.

Researchers hope that preclinical trials

animals will be held in the next 2-3 years.

In medical practice artificial uterus can

enter after 10 years.

And today it all!

Do not be ill!

subscribe to the channel "Doctor in the neighborhood" and

do not forget to click on the bell in the corner of the screen,

time to learn about new releases!

Come into our Public in social networks "in contact"

and "Classmates", where You will find even more Jolly

and useful news!

Put your fingers up!

Health to you!

For more infomation >> НЕСКУЧНОЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕ # 4 / MEDICAL NEWS # 4 - Duration: 14:14.


A gente x Nós | Quando usar? - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> A gente x Nós | Quando usar? - Duration: 2:48.


Karol Sevilla nos canta La vida es un Sueño! - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Karol Sevilla nos canta La vida es un Sueño! - Duration: 3:23.


Senator Points To 'Material Inconsistencies' In Comey's Statements On Trump Dossier - Duration: 4:24.

Senator Points To �Material Inconsistencies� In Comey�s Statements On Trump Dossier


Ahead of a highly anticipated Senate hearing later this week, FBI Director James Comey

is being accused of making inconsistent statements about the bureau�s relationship with Christopher

Steele, the ex-British spy behind the Trump dossier.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the allegation

in a letter sent to Comey on Friday.

�There appear to be material inconsistencies between the description of the FBI�s relationship

with Mr. Steele that you did provide in your briefing and information contained in Justice

Department documents made available to the Committee only after the briefing,� Grassley

wrote to Comey.

(RELATED: FBI Director Pressed On Agreement With Trump Dossier Author)

Grassley will have a chance to quiz Comey on the issue on Wednesday, when the FBI chief

testifies before the Judiciary Committee in a routine oversight hearing.

Grassley, a Republican, has repeatedly pressed Comey about reports that the FBI cooperated

with Steele and even offered to pay the former MI6 agent $50,000 to continue his research

on Trump.

FBI agents reportedly met with Steele in July and again in October to discuss his findings,

which were laid out in a 35-page dossier published by BuzzFeed in January.

Former British spy Christopher Steele.

Grassley has expressed concern about those discussions because Steele was working on

behalf of an opposition research firm (Fusion GPS) that was in turn working for an ally

of Hillary Clinton�s.

�The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele

to investigate the Republican nominee for President in the run-up to the election raises

further questions about the FBI�s independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration�s

use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends,� Grassley wrote in a

March 6 letter to Comey.

Grassley says in his latest letter that he and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the

top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, were briefed by Comey on March 15.

Attempts to find out from Grassley�s staff about what Comey said in that briefing that

was inconsistent with Justice Department documents were unsuccessful.

�Whether those inconsistencies were honest mistakes or an attempt to downplay the actual

extent of the FBI�s relationship with Mr. Steele, it is essential that the FBI fully

answer all of the questions from the March 6 letter and provide all the requested documents

in order to resolve these and related issues,� Grassley wrote.

Grassley also suggests that Comey�s failure to provide answers to questions about Steele

could lead him to place holds on Justice Department nominees.

It is unclear how important the dossier is to the FBI�s investigation.

According to some reports, Comey has cited parts of the dossier in meetings with lawmakers.

Other reports say that the FBI has corroborated some information in the dossier, which consists

of 17 memos dating from June 20 to Dec. 13.

The FBI also cited the dossier in a September application for a surveillance warrant against

former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Citing unnamed sources working in Russia, Steele wrote that Page met secretly with Kremlin

officials in July to discuss ways to influence the election.

But the Trump campaign says that Page played a negligible role on the campaign and never

spoke to Trump.

Page has denied the claims about him in the document, which he refers to as the �dodgy


Significant questions have been raised about other claims in the dossier.

Several memos claim that Trump�s lawyer, Michael Cohen, met with Russian operatives

in Prague in August.

Cohen has said he was in the U.S. during the time the dossier claims he was at the meeting.

For more infomation >> Senator Points To 'Material Inconsistencies' In Comey's Statements On Trump Dossier - Duration: 4:24.


100happydays #11 - Poszedłem na happysad - Duration: 1:53.

Hi, I'm Mateusz and this is 11th of my 100happydays



may break, sunshine, beer, grill

let's have some fun


I spent whole day in front of TV watching youtube

so I was looking for some motivation to go out... I'm going to the gig

by the way there will be special guest today

Krzysztof - famous youtuber who vlogs about asia

you can recognize him also from Egzotik Band

No idea why there is no sound, but I was surprised that weather got better and I can drink beer in the sunshine

the con of being a vloger is that you need to hit the road early to make episode post-production. That's all for today - bye!

For more infomation >> 100happydays #11 - Poszedłem na happysad - Duration: 1:53.


【MMD and TLOZ- VINES +Motion DL】Compilation vines - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 【MMD and TLOZ- VINES +Motion DL】Compilation vines - Duration: 4:17.


The Little Things Give You Away (Live @ Road To Revolution)(Legendado PT-BR -- CC) - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> The Little Things Give You Away (Live @ Road To Revolution)(Legendado PT-BR -- CC) - Duration: 7:17.


Are You a Human Being or Just a Programmable Life Form - Duration: 9:54.

Are You


Human Being or Just a Programmable Life Form

There is no clear line dividing science fiction and reality.

If we can think it, we can create it, and so the world becomes a stranger and more interesting

place by the day.

This applies both to our individual universes within, and with the outer world at large.

We really have no idea at all what it means to be a human.

We don�t know where we come from or how we got to this shining gem of a planet.

We don�t know why the earth is covered with the mysteries of antiquity and the monolithic

footprints of giants.

We certainly have little understanding of our fate, nor much of the heavy forces at

play against us.

But we do have the brilliant spark of consciousness as well as free will to help mould our 3-D

experience during the wink of time that passes from birth to what we fear is death.

We are in a sense programmable life forms, and so the question is, what are being programmed

with and by whom?

The Science Fiction Side

Programmable life forms (PLFs) are thought to be artificially created biological organisms

that move about autonomously, yet within the operating parameters prescribed to them by

their creators.

Some surmise that PLF�s are nano-sized creatures designed to invade the human body to influence

its performance, affect the mind in some dastardly way, or to collect information.

Others say PLF�s are more complex extra-terrestrial creatures, similar to grey aliens, or other

cold entities, perhaps created by the military or alien scientists, tasked with analyzing

and influencing human behavior, with experimenting on us as well as ruling over us.

The Synthetic Agenda: The Distorted Heart of the New World Order

Public information about this is sketchy at best, with some claiming that the Pentagon

and Black-Ops military programs have already pioneered and deployed these technologies

for purposes of psychological and physical warfare.

Others believe that PLF�s are part of a sophisticated array of mind-control technologies

presently engaged in manipulating the human race, along with HAARP, chemtrails, GMO�s,

nano-fibers, vaccines, ELF�s, and so much more.

The common thread is that PLF�s are thought to be artificially-generated, yet somehow

biologically living creatures, confined to a pre-programmed range of awareness which

determines their function and behavior, along with their purpose and mission.

Creepy stuff to be sure, but don�t many people act as programmable life forms?

Don�t they behave as though they�ve been given a script to read and a character to


Don�t most of us seem to be performing a predictable role in this matrix, mindlessly

obedient to the whims of the main stream?

Human Beings are PLF�s

As human beings, we ourselves are indeed programmable life forms, influenced by incomprehensible

collage of internal and external factors, suggestions and demands.

We are anything but static beings.

Atomically, we are stardust, made up of atomic matter held together by the influence of universal


Deoxyriobonucleic acid, DNA, is the most fundamental community of molecules in all life, containing

the genetic information that determines the type of life form and it�s physical characteristics.

At this level, our genetic makeup determines one�s basic characteristics by directing

cellular activity, and science is fast at work exploring and debating the possibility

for gene manipulation to program human beings to adopt more favorable traits such as resistance

to certain diseases and resistance to addictive behavior.

We are what we eat, and we are what we think, and the human body is affected by our environment

and whatever we consume, either consciously or unwittingly.

The mind is an impressive machine that responds to education, cultural and religions influence,

peer pressure, trickery and manipulation.

Philosophy can change how it operates, as can propaganda, and the psyche is an instrument

of extreme sensitivity, capable of the subtlest communication, yet prone to developing abhorrent

blind spots, depending on how it is trained.

The holistic composition of the human being also determines our level of happiness and

our ability to adapt to and thrive in the day-to-day conditions of life.

In this way, as integral beings, if we are being influenced on one level, the effects

radiate outward to each other part of our make up.

If something goes wrong at the cellular level, disease can overcome and destroy the body.

If something negative occurs at the spiritual level, this can have impact physical health,

mood and even personality.

From our spirit to our DNA, to our body to our mind, we are comparable to computers which

perform functions in accordance with whatever software or program is loaded.

Human beings are multi-dimensional entities made up of a complex array of inter-dependent

and evolving systems.

We are dynamic creatures at every level, and each part of our make up is the product of

whatever influences we accept.

In this manner, the overall health, wellness, condition, and behavior of a human being is

hardly a matter of chance, but instead, we are the ongoing product of an ever-changing

amalgam of many inputs, internal and external, seen and unseen, positive and negative.

The Greatest War is the War on Consciousness

There is a great war happening right now, far more significant than any theatre of military


It is a war to alter human consciousness in such a way that our lives play out in chaotic,

confusing, depressing struggles, never quite understanding the true value of our lives,

always falling again and again for the lowest of political tricks and schemes, acquiescing

to war and institutionalized theft while ignoring corruption and contempt.

Either we acknowledge our dynamism and work to insert beneficial programs and habits into

our lives, or we stumble on as programmable life forms, performing whatever task we�ve

been told to, remaining blind to our potential destiny as stewards of a prosperous, peaceful

and beautiful planet.

Perhaps the existence of PLF�s is truth.

Maybe it�s half-truth, or not at all, who really knows?

The average person has no direct contact with advanced science like this, so it�s impossible

for most of us to know what is actually happening in the realms of the top-secret or of the


What we do know for sure, however, is that we are capable of awakening, of expanding

our own individual and communal consciousness, the very aspect of life which animates our

material bodies, and demonstrates that we have more power and control in our lives than

we are told.

It is up to each of us to commandeer our personal evolution in defiance of a warped and deadly

system which has us all targeted for extinction.

�You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it.

That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must

sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.� ~ Jiddu


For more infomation >> Are You a Human Being or Just a Programmable Life Form - Duration: 9:54.


Ultimas noticias de EEUU: Hacen Fiesta "AntiMexicanos" en Texas - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Ultimas noticias de EEUU: Hacen Fiesta "AntiMexicanos" en Texas - Duration: 1:18.


BREAKING Trump Just Got off The Phone With Putin and Announced GREAT News - News - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Trump Just Got off The Phone With Putin and Announced GREAT News - News - Duration: 2:31.


Camilla Parker-Bowles $400 Million Divorce – Alleged Cheating on Prince Charles ? - Duration: 2:40.

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles $400 Million divorce scandal is about to wreak

havoc on the royal family according to a new report.

It�s no secret that Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles don�t have the best marriage,

however the future King of England has put up with the Duchess over the years just because

of the simple fact that in the event of a divorce she could clean house and the scandal

of a second divorce would ruin Charles� chances of becoming king.

It looks like Camilla Parker Bowles has finally crossed the line though and she and Prince

Charles are officially over according to GLOBE Magazine.

GLOBE Magazine features a photo of Camilla and Charles, the shocking heading reads: �$400

Million Divorce: Cheating Camilla Dumps Charles!� The GLOBE cover goes on to reveal that Camilla

informed Charles he was �Not man enough for her,� and now she is not only cheating

on him with a British TV star but she has TWO lovers on the side.

Camilla Parker Bowles will never file for divorce, despite how Charles �isn�t man

enough for her,� just because of the simple fact that she wants to be the next Queen of


But, Prince Charles has apparently had enough of her affairs.

And, if he hasn�t his mother Queen Elizabeth surely has the last thing she wants is more

scandal surrounding her family.

Whether it is Prince Charles or Queen Elizabeth, someone will probably be having Camilla served

with divorce papers ASAP.

GLOBE Magazine always has the inside scoop on the Royal Family, and just last week they

revealed that Prince William and Kate Middleton had banned Camilla Parker Bowles from visiting

his children Prince George and Princess Charlotte, because she was publicly embarrassing their

family and cheating on his father.

It�s safe to say that Camilla Parker Bowles could be cut off entirely from all of the

royal family, after her latest alleged escapades.

Do you think that Camilla Parker Bowles will clean out the royal family in the event of

a divorce?

Is there any chance Queen Elizabeth will let her remain married to Charles and become Queen

herself down the road?

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my channel.

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