Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017



Ridley Scott is one of the most famous creators of Aliens and he believes that they are really

out there and says that one day when they are ready they are going to come.

The director spoke up and said that it is ridiculous to think that humans are alone

in the universe and he firmly believes that one-day superior beings are going to pay a

visit to Earth.

The director was talking as he prepares for the release of Alien: Covenant.


He made the following comments on extraterrestrial life:

�I believe in superior beings.

I think it is certainly likely.

An expert I was talking to at NASA said to me, �Have you ever looked in the sky at


You mean to tell me we are it?� That�s ridiculous.

The experts have now put a number on it having assessed what is out there.

They say that there are between 100 and 200 entities that could be having a similar evolution

to us right now.

So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it.�

Ridley's �Xenomorph� and �chestburster� alien creatures have terrified his fans for

nearly 40 years.

Alien: Covenant is the second in the list of prequel movies and it has a setting during

the year of 2104 on a spacecraft that is carrying 2,000 colonists who have been cryogenically

frozen while traveling to a distant planet when they come across what they believe is

uncharted paradise.

However, as you might expect from Ridley Scott, the voyage soon becomes a nightmare full of

gore that will have those watching think nothing of the alien bursting out of the chest of

the man in the original movie.


He explained:

�They are a lot smarter than we are.

If you are stupid enough to challenge them, you will be taken out in three seconds.�

Finally, he joked:

�Nothing scares me.I have a 9mm (pistol).

Scott went on to say that he could not believe all the terror that he had managed to create

when he saw the reactions of those who had watched the original movies.

He said that people were hiding half under their seats by the time the kitchen scene

where the alien pushed its way out of the chest of John Hurt.

Scott, on the other hand, claims to be un-shockable, he bragged that nothing scared him, he did

admit to being nervous though when walking onto the set of a film and there are 600 plus

people all looking at you.

Whether the alien life form that Scott believes is going to be making its way to Earth at

some point in time will be anything like the aliens Scott created remains to be seen, but

it�s hoped they are friendlier.




Love Is Blind: Mike and Rebecca - Duration: 1:54.

We're married.

We're living in our own little cottage.

We're independent, we can get through anything.

That's right.

We both do Special Olympics bowling on a Saturday morning.

One game of bowling.

We met at Oakland School when I was 14.

Michael proposed to me at Wendy's.

We went out for dinner for that night on Valentine's Day.

Just got down on one knee and proposed.

I asked her to marry me.

I thought he was a nice guy and was funny.

It took moment but I said yes in the end, yeah.

We had to stay engaged for two years.

Two years.

for the family to adjust to

us being engaged.

Marriage is a big commitment.

It was the best day of our lives.

I now pronounce you husband and wife and

then that's when he gave me a smooch on the lips.


For 10 seconds.

She beats me.

It's just a game babe.

For more infomation >> Love Is Blind: Mike and Rebecca - Duration: 1:54.


The Pineal Gland – The Seat Of The Soul - Duration: 23:57.

The Pineal Gland � The Seat Of The Soul

By consciousreminder

After writing several articles on reincarnation and enlightenment, many readers asked me why

I never mentioned the significance of the pineal gland � a small structure about the

size of a pea, located in the middle of the brain. For centuries this gland has been thought

of by occultists and spititual masters as the �seat of the soul� � a phrase made

popular by Descartes (1662 AD).

Descartes was obsessed with understanding who we are. He questioned everything � even

the notion that we can know ourselves.

He observed that the senses can be fooled, that most of what we think we know is really

illusion and finally struggled with the possibility that our own identity as individuals was also

not real. But in the end he concluded that if it was possible to doubt our own existence,

there had to be some �thing� that was capable of experiencing this doubt. And that

thing was our true self.

His famous statement endures: Cogno ergo sum � I think, therefore I am.

Although the soul is joined with the entire body, there is one part of the body [the pineal]

in which it exercises its function more than elsewhere� [The pineal] is so suspended

between the passages containing the animal spirits [guiding reason and carrying sensation

and movement] that it can be moved by them�; and it carries this motion on to the soul

� Then conversely, the body machine is so constituted that whenever the gland is moved

in one way or another by the soul, or for that matter by any other cause, it pushes

the animal spirits which surround it to the pores of the brain.� � Descartes

Today, with an understanding of computers, we might take issue with Descartes. That �thinking�

process could be part of the circuitry of neurons, synapses and neurotransmitters that

exist in our material brains. The real self is much deeper. It uses the thinking process

but it remains apart from it, observing the process. The real self is, in fact, consciousness


Obviously the two phenomena are connected: consciousness interfaces with the thinking

process. So the question really is about how this interface of material mind and spiritual

consciousness happens. If we can understand how consciousness interprets our thinking

self then hopefully we can reverse the process and become aware of our consciousness � our

true self. That is enlightenment.

As usual, in the process of doing research about the pineal gland, some amazing facts

were revealed. Not only does this incredibly small gland seem to be associated with psi

activity and paranormal abilities, but it is extremely vulnerable to the environment

in ways that reveal our apparent materialism and pandemic depression.

The Pineal Gland in History lthough commonly attributed to Descartes,

the idea that the pineal gland was the interfacing organ where the spirit of man gained access

and animated the human body was the idea of a Greek physician named Herophilus. Three

hundred years before Christ, Herophilus [right] was dissecting corpses and documenting what

he observed. His specialties were the reproductive system and the brain.

Prior to Herophilus, people believed the �executive office� of human consciousness was the heart.

Egyptian mummies had their hearts carefully embalmed and preserved while their brains

were removed through their nasal passages and unceremoniously discarded. But Herophilus

knew that the brain was the controlling center and he went on to discriminate between the

various parts of the brain and assess the different behaviors associated with them.

Herophilus noticed that the small pineal structure was singular, unlike other brain features

that are mirrored in the left and right hemispheres. It is the first gland to be formed in the

foetus and is distinguishable at 3 weeks. It is also highly nourished. The pineal gland

has been supplied with the best blood, oxygen and nutrient mix available in the human anatomy,

second only to that of our kidneys (whose function is to filter the blood of impurities).

Because of this unique and special anatomical configuration, Herophilus rightly concluded

it had a major role in consciousness and was the gateway to our real self.

Herophilus is credited with the �invention� of the scientific method, the dogma of just

about every scientific inquiry today, which consists of postulating theories and conducting

experiments to prove or disprove them. It is ironic then that scientific inquiry of

the pineal gland has been vigorously avoided because of its association with �spiritual�

phenomena � incapable of empirical scrutiny. Only recently have scientists become interested

in knowing more about this mysterious gland.

Herophilus wrote many volumes about anatomy and illustrated them, much as Leonardo Da

Vinci did centuries later, but sadly his work did not survive the destruction of the great

library in Alexandria where they were stored.

The Third Eye By 1884, the field of comparative anatomy

was revealing evidence that human organs could be traced back to lower vertebrates. F. Ahlborn

recognized that pineal gland was originally a photoreactive organ in fish and amphibians

and was sometimes located outside the skull, just under the skin. Its function as a trigger

for reproduction was noted some 70 years later. The pineal gland was responsible for evaluating

the length of day and night, calculating the correct season to mate and turning up the

sex drive.

By 1958, Aaron Lerner discovered melatonin, a vital molecule produced in the pineal gland

from another common neurotransmitter, serotonin. He also validated the fact that the production

of melatonin varied, stopping during the daylight and ramping up shortly after darkness. Melatonin,

it was learned, was responsible for making us relaxed and putting us to sleep.

For a while it was not known how this small gland, buried deep in the middle of human

brain, could sense light or darkness. But it was later discovered that there was a link

to the pineal gland from the retinas which, oddly enough, also contained melatonin. In

no time the pineal gland was being called �the third eye� and, because of its location

at one of the seven chakras, it was reputed to be the center of spiritual and psychic


As hallucinogens became popular in the late 1960�s, interest in altered states of consciousness,

as a means to spirituality, peaked. Researchers discovered that LSD became highly concentrated

in the pineal and pituitary glands. The altered state was produced by LSD�s ability to imitate

serotonin at the synapse (where the neurons communicate with each other). Since both serotonin

and melatonin are also concentrated in the pineal gland, this �third eye� was considered

a portal to consciousness � what author Alduos Huxley called �the door of perception.�

Even Gurus have commented on the pineal, equating it to one of the chakras:

�All psychic systems have their physical aspects in the body . . . With ajna chakra

the physical equivalent is the pineal gland, which has long baffled doctors and scientists

as to its precise function� Yogis, who are scientists of the subtle mind, have always

spoken of telepathy as a �siddhi�, a psychic power for thought communication and clairaudience,

etc. The medium of such siddhis is ajna chakra, and its physical terminus is the pineal gland,

which is connected to the brain. It has been stated by great yogis � that the pineal

gland is the receptor and sender of the subtle vibrations which carry thoughts and psychic

phenomena throughout the cosmos.� � (Satyananda, 1972).

But is any of this supported by Herophilus�s �scientific method�?

Many experiments were conducted on so-called Psi (paranormal) phenomena in the 1970�s.

Dixon found that the pineal gland was a prime focus of this activity. He noted that psi

activity was most successful in a relaxed, drowsy state � similar to those induced

by melatonin. Other studies found correlations with melatonin and the practice of yogic meditation,

thought to be a prerequisite for �enlightenment.�

�Yogic practices for 3 months resulted in an improvement in cardiorespiratory performance

and psychologic profile. The plasma melatonin also showed an increase after three months

of yogic practices. The systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure,

and orthostatic tolerance did not show any significant correlation with plasma melatonin.

However, the maximum night time melatonin levels in yoga group showed a significant

correlation (r = 0.71, p < 0.05) with well-being score.

These observations suggest that yogic practices can be used as psychophysiologic stimuli to

increase endogenous secretion of melatonin, which, in turn, might be responsible for improved

sense of well-being.�

More dramatic evidence comes from mystical and �near death experiences� induced by

a chemical called Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The traditional �sacrament� of South American

shamans, DMT closely resembles both melatonin and seratonin and occurs naturally in some

tropical vegetation as well as the human body. It is thought that stored DMT is released

from the pineal gland just prior to death, causing the out-of-body experience and mystical

visions reported by NDE survivors. While there has been no empiricial evidence linking the

pineal gland to the production of DMT, its association with melatonin (from which it

is made) seems to strongly suggest this possibility.

�As an endogenous, or naturally-produced, human psychedelic, I believed it might mediate

spontaneous psychedelic experiences such as near-death and mystical states. I also considered

the pineal gland a likely source of this endogenous DMT; as such, the pineal might be a �spirit

gland.�� � Strassman, Rick J. (2001). Medical researcher, JC Callaway (1988), suggested

that naturally occurring DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT

levels are periodically elevated to induce visual images and possibly other paranormal

states of mind. So, although empirical proof of the esoteric functions of the pineal gland

have not been found, the idea seems worth pursuing.

Brain Sand Anatomists have shown that the human pineal

gland is most active in our youth, just before puberty. This would make sense if the gland

were somehow in control of the reproductive system, turning on the necessary hormones

that constitute adulthood. But after puberty the pineal gland seems to calcify, accumulating

what is called �brain sand�. Although pineal glands show this calcification,

it does not seem to diminish the production of melatonin. In fact, the calcification appears

to have no significant effect. But some other factors have been shown to seriously inhibit

pineal function. This is important because recent discoveries have shown that melatonin

is vital for the immune system, with lower levels associated with prostate and breast

cancer � two major causes of premature death. It also regulates blood sugar metabolism.

Studies show that night-shift workers seem more likely to develop Type II diabetes than

their day-shift counterparts. Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) is also linked to deficient

levels of melatonin and serotonin, although the mechanism is not fully understood. With

all these ill health effects, the possibility of achieving �enlightenment� with a depletion

of melatonin seems a bit remote! Environmental assaults on the pineal gland

Interference with the pineal gland from the environment is all pervasive. The two biggest

antagonists are electromagnetic radiation and fluoride.

Studies with hamsters showed that exposure to a 60Hz field (exactly the type of current

flowing through our electrical grid) significantly reduced the pineal glands ability to generate

melatonin during night cycles.

��the acute magnetic field exposure was again found to blunt the increase and suppress

the duration of the nighttime melatonin rise. �

Studies with human subjects who were exposed to 60Hz magnetic fields also showed this anomaly.

This is distressing to learn, since we are all literally surrounded by 60Hz electrical

fields in our homes, at work and outside where power lines tower over almost every street.

There is no escape from this type of radiation except to flea to remote, unpopulated areas.

But even there, the pineal could be under siege.

Remember HAARP? The ionospheric heater invented and patented by by Richard Eastlund which

was quickly seized by the Department of Defense, given to Raytheon, and developed into a weapon

system? Part of the patent describes how powerful Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation is

capable of causing acute drowsiness and interfering with heat regulation �functions of the pineal

gland . No doubt this vulnerability has been exploited and refined in the decades since

the technology was hi-jacked for an evil agenda. By now there may well be some global grid

of �heaters� positioned to control the population and inhibit our spiritual evolution.

We can only hope we are wrong. (We�ll have more to say on this later.)

Until the 1990�s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact of fluoride

on the pineal gland. Fluoride is a routinely (and sometimes mandatory) additive to almost

all drinking water, allegedly to prevent tooth decay. Its use has always been highly controversial

and research on the side effects is often discouraged.

Melatonin, created in the pineal gland, not only helps regulate the onset of puberty but

also helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals. It is now known � thanks

to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England

� that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the human


The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft

tissue in the body � a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) which is more than capable of inhibiting

enzymes. The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this

hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue

in the body (even the teeth, which it is supposed to protect).

Realizing that the pineal gland was the target of so much fluoride, Dr. Luke conducted animal

experiments to determine if the accumulated fluoride could negatively impact the regulation

of melatonin. She found that animals treated with fluoride had lower levels of circulating

melatonin. This reduced level of melatonin was accompanied by an earlier onset of puberty

in the fluoride treated female animals.

Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

��the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body.

Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils

and accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen

the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty ��

So far we�ve exposed two major environmental assaults on the normal functioning of our

pineal gland. If this is truly the �seat of the soul� or the �gateway to enlightenment�

then humanity has successfully scuttled this natural path to self-knowledge. The environment

you are in right now � sitting in front of your computer � is having a negative

effect on your pineal gland. So we ask the question: is there anything we can do to improve

the health of this important brain structure? Perhaps there is.

Hope and the Pineal

Rhythmic Breathing and Chanting The pineal gland sits on the roof of the 3rd

ventricle of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose and floats in a small lake

of cerebrospinal fluid. It doesn�t have a blood-brain barrier like other brain structures,

where certain molecules in the circulating blood are blocked. Instead it relies on a

constant supply of blood delivered through a particularly rich vascular network.

Activities such as rhythmic breathing and chanting create an oxygen rich supply to the

pineal gland. Many yogis describe the object of their breathing technique is to increase

the heart rate while reducing the blood pressure. Ironically, this is what happens just before

we die. It may be that the goal of this procedure is to release DMT, which many believe is stored

in the pineal.

Remember, DMT is the body�s own psychedelic. It�s a neurochemical specifically created

to allow the focus of our thinking to be directed inward. Although the exact chemical reaction

is yet to be understood, DMT allows synaptic paths to escape from the routinely travelled

pathways, allowing for novel thoughts and sensations to happen. The authority of specific

hemispheres is suspended, allowing for what can be desribed as incommensurables � factual

realities that can not be rationally (cause-effect) explained, nevertheless are real. All of these

prerequisites are needed to confront the elusive self.

While low frequency and magnetic radiation have been shown to reduce melatonin production,

some other types of radiation seem to energize the pineal gland. In an article posted many

years ago on viewzone, ESP and LST, it was shown that psi or paranormal abilities, such

as remote viewing or ESP, were at their peak when the center of the Milky Way galaxy was

in a certain position in the sky. The exact time was 13.30 LST (Local Sagitarius Time).

As the galactic map [above] shows, the center of the Galaxy is a rich source of radio emissions.

This radiation could be something �seen� by the pineal in ways that we have not yet

understood. The fact that the peak abilities were not at 12:00 LST, when the center and

maximum radiation was directly overhead, may be either due to some delay in pineal response

or could reflect some ideal angle at which the radio emissions are optimal in reaching

the surface of Earth.

As I was writing this story, I received an interesting e-mail from a man named Drew Hempel,

MA. Drew has an interesting theory about music, mathematics and consciousness that I hope

we can share in future editions of viewzone. One of his theories described how ultrasonic

vibrations can influence our consciousness. It�s so relevent to this discussion on the

pineal that I�d like to show you what he found.

It is already established that the pineal gland is reactive to light, radio frequencies

and ELF radiation � extremes on the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound waves are also part of this

spectrum. The ability of something as simple as a sound to penetrate our skull and transform

the function and structure of our brain is hard to imagine. I was a skeptic until I watched

this video:

And if that wasn�t amazing enough to make me re-think the power of sound, this most

certainly was:

Certainly, sonic stimulation is the next frontier. As Drew described this phenomenon, he mentioned

a recent patent, filed by Sony, which uses sound waves to create thoughts!

�Jenny Hogan and Barry Fox�s article, Sony patent takes first step towards real-life

Matrix, New Scientist, April 7, 2005, details plans for total sensory mind-machine interface

relying on ultrasound pulses. �The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non- invasive.

It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns

in targeted parts of the brain, creating sensory experiences ranging from moving images to

tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the

patent claims.�

Magnetic fields can not be finely focused whereas ultrasound can be. That is the key

difference for ultrasound. This ultrasound heard as the highest external tone ionizes

our electrochemicals. Ultrasound also creates cavitation which turns into light! This cavitation

has extremely high temperature which then enables alchemical results � the transformation

of matter! This cavitation of ultrasound into light is known in science as piezonuclear

fusion or sonofusion � �cold fusion.�

Perhaps we will soon see a spiritual use of technology, capable of stimulating the pineal

gland to re-energize it and facilitate a state of mind capable of experiencing the

true self. The potential seems there. But is there the will?

For more infomation >> The Pineal Gland – The Seat Of The Soul - Duration: 23:57.


Firework Instrumental (Katy Perry) Quarteto de Cordas | Musica para Casamento - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Firework Instrumental (Katy Perry) Quarteto de Cordas | Musica para Casamento - Duration: 1:23.


Chelsea Clinton Runs Her Big Ugly Mouth – It Backfires IMMEDIATELY - Duration: 1:30.

Chelsea Clinton Runs Her Big Ugly Mouth – It Backfires IMMEDIATELY

Ever since her mother lost the presidential election, Chelsea Clinton has been trying

to make a name for herself by constantly tweeting about liberal causes.

Unfortunately for Chelsea, all that she's accomplished with this is showing how ignorant

she really is, as she keeps putting her foot in her mouth big time.

On Thursday, Chelsea did this once again…

Allen B. West reported that Chelsea took to Twitter yesterday to express her fears that

there might be some teachers who won't automatically be pushing man-made climate change propaganda

and might be exposed to other opinions on the issue: Twitter users immediately let Chelsea

have it for this:

SHARE this story if you think Chelsea Clinton should keep her mouth SHUT!

For more infomation >> Chelsea Clinton Runs Her Big Ugly Mouth – It Backfires IMMEDIATELY - Duration: 1:30.


📷 What are FPS in VlgTlk #3 - Duration: 7:54.

behind-the-scenes of this vlog which I'm

not so sure I understand because it's a

vlog there are no scenes by virtue of it

being a vlog everything's kind of behind

the scenes so let's talk about frames

per second FPS you might see that a lot

of times 30 FPS 60 FPS 24 fps those are

the ones that are recommended or are

known you can basically shooting any

kind of FPS any frames per second what

that means is that pictures the frames

per second in your video so if you say

24 FPS 24 frames per second that means

24 pictures per second in your video now

you can kind of gather from that

explanation already the higher your

frame rate your fps your frames per

second the better your video should look

what you're looking at here right now

are 30 fps 30 frames per second now your

eye or your brain can see that if you're

looking at this video there's no way you

can count the frames per second that I'm

shooting at here you cannot see 30

pictures per second with your eyes so

that's why your brain converts that to

actually moving picture that's why it

looks like video my hands and everything

you know any movement the background

those are 30 frames per second okay the

reason I'm using 30 frames per second

because it's pretty much the standard on

the Internet okay if you want to do 24

frames per second which is less but the

advantage of 24 frames per second is

it's the typical movie movie film look

if you go to the cinema not all but and

usually it would be 24 frames per second

okay the 24 frames per second became

kind of an international standard for

movies it comes from film basically when

you're shooting with actual real film

and not digitally then they were using

23 24 frames per second while filming

now if you want to make your vlogs or

your video on the internet look like a


there's certain things you can do even

if you're recording with a phone with a

camera digitally number one would be 24

frames per second you can darken it a

little bit you can put some shadows on

it color correction all that and yeah I

don't know it'll look really really like

a movie okay to be honest in a vlog I

don't think yeah some some vloggers do

like that look for their for their vlogs

like the film you look I don't I

actually like evolved that looks

realistic and let me give you a tip here

if you really want to go that extra mile

and make your vlog look like a like a

real realistic vlog shop with a with a

video camera with a digital phone you

know because that's what you want in a

vlog you want it kind of to look like I

just turned on my phone in my car

and I just started talking to you okay

now there's a little trick that you can

do to go that extra mile instead of

going 30 frames per second you could go

60 frames per second so 60 pictures per

second can you imagine that you know

what that looks like go check out I

think it's Roman Atwood does that

rolling out with one of the more famous

of loggers and pranksters on YouTube

check out his videos he does 60 frames

per second

they're really fluid okay because you're

showing 60 pictures per second so you're

showing double the amount of pictures

than in a normal 30 frames per second

vlog it just makes it look really

realistic you know but let me give you

the disadvantage of 60 frames per second

and the reason why I don't use it in our

vlogs number one our phones that we use

the Samsung Galaxy s7 edge they did the

back camera can do 60 frames per second

the front camera cannot okay the one

that I use the selfie cam cannot do it

so technically I'm limited maybe in the

future the new Samsung Galaxy s8 or s8

plus maybe that one can do it I'll need

to check it out then maybe we'll switch

the 60 frames per second but the other

disadvantages if you're shooting double

the amount of pictures from 30 to 60


what happens to your file size that's

right your file size becomes larger and

we come back to that topic of you need

to upload that video now if you're at

home every day every evening every night

that you're uploading your vlog ok and

you've got a good stable fast internet

connection that is unlimited doesn't

matter how much you upload or download

then yeah let it run overnight and you

can upload your 4 or 5 gigs gigabytes of

video and that's large that's like a

full like this like a DVD that's the

amount of data that's on a DVD


remember DVDs yeah ok so that's a lot I

shoot at the moment maybe 10 minutes

after editing it's a 10 minute vlog with

1080p with 30 frames per second if I

would convert that UPS about a gig

maximum maybe two gigs two gigabytes so

that's about half the size of that the

minute I convert it or I shoot or then I

convert it to 4k for example it nearly

doubles that size as well so when

suddenly I'm uploading 3 4 gigs because

I have 4k video ok if I do 30 to 60

frames per second same thing the file

size doubles so that's the reason why in

the past as well still a couple of years

ago you would not upload a video in 4k

to the internet or in 60 frames per

second because the file sizes are so

large these days the Internet is fast

enough we all got unlimited internet

especially at home on our wired landline

internet so hey let it run overnight and

it will upload probably in an hour or

something and you've got some amazing

really good footage on your on your vlog

now if you don't want to do that then

kind of find the middle part which

basically gives you I would say 1080p is

good it's high definition if you can

shoot in 4k I do recommend it do it why

not your future proofing your videos the

same as a couple of years ago we taught

720p for the internet was it that's high

definition couple years later 1080p

became the norm and now 4k is starting

believe me in the future 4k if not even

higher okay

might even go to 8k you never know

enough it just keeps getting better

that's the resolution number two is the

frame rates of course 30 frames per

second your brain will process that has

fluid motion and as a film and you don't

think like it's bad quality but then if

you do and do try out 60 frames per

second if you do have the equipment for

it the camera try out the 60 frames per

second it looks cool I think it looks

cool it looks so realistic for probably

a movie it doesn't look good we're not

used to that in a movie you know

although if you watch I think the newest

Star Wars ones are if you watch them in

the special cinema imax whatever they

were shot in 60 frames per second I

remember Lord of the Rings was one of

the first movies that I saw in the movie

theater that was shot in 60 frames per

second it's a strange it looked strange

so those of you are older will remember

also switching from tape to CD it was

strange these days it's normal okay but

still 60 frames per second I think is

cool it's good for vlogs it's a good

idea so do it that way let's get to the


let's talk camera


For more infomation >> 📷 What are FPS in VlgTlk #3 - Duration: 7:54.


North Korea's senior diplomat holds talks with Russia's ambassador - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> North Korea's senior diplomat holds talks with Russia's ambassador - Duration: 1:50.


"Lose Yourself" in Court: Eminem's Publisher vs. New Zealand's National Party - Duration: 2:58.

LETTY: Eminem and rap battles go hand in hand but this time around, it's actually his

publisher going to bat over Em's music in a New Zealand courtroom.

Eminem's publisher, Eight Mile Style, is suing the New Zealand National Party for copyright

infringement of one of Em's most iconic songs, "Lose Yourself", which the National

Party pretty much ripped of in a 2014 campaign advertisement.

Here's Lose Yourself

and here's the campaign ad

LETTY: The ad ran 186 times on tv before being taken down.

Proceedings for the suit, which Eminem himself is not a part of, were first filed 3 years

ago by Eight Mile Style, and started on Monday in Wellington, New Zealand.

During day 1 it was revealed the National party was aware of the similarities in the song

but still thought they were in the clear.

An email chain among the National party was brought up in court that did show some concern

for a possible suit but they ultimately felt protected after purchasing licensing for the

soundalike track on Beatbox Music.

As campaign manager for the party, Steven Joyce, put it

[STEVEN] "We think it's pretty legal"

[LETTY]: Oh and the soundalike track's name "Eminem Esque"

In court, rep for Eight Mile Style, Joel Martin, broke down the costs of using "Lose Yourself"

for an advertisement.

In the rare occasions that it does happen, with permission and licensing, you're looking

at $750k to $1million dollars Expect an even higher fee

if you use the song without authorization.

Joel also noted that the National Party would never have been granted permission to use

the original work.

And that their ad, with the use of a "Lose Yourself" rip off was "bland and perfunctory"

Hey, I feel you, the way this courtroom listened to "Lose Yourself" was bland and perfunctory

[Court room listening to "Lose Yourself"]

LETTY: Not one head nod, that's the real crime here!

Things did rile up a bit when Jeff Bass, who composed the opening guitar riff for "Lose Yourself" came in to testify

He called the song used for the National Party's ad "Lose Yourself Lite" only it doesn't taste so good.

Defense lawyers for the National Party are

arguing the musical composition of "Lose Yourself" isn't particularly original.

Citing how similar the guitar chord pattern may sound to Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir"

So in other words, it's ok that we ripped off your song because you may have ripped

off other songs first... interesting defense.

I'm Letty for Genius News bringing you the meaning and breaking knowledge behind the music.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> "Lose Yourself" in Court: Eminem's Publisher vs. New Zealand's National Party - Duration: 2:58.


How To get Multi-Window On Any Android Device No Root 2017 - Duration: 2:30.

hi everyone Google made split-screen

multitasking a reality in the android

7.0 update and now developers have

started fiddling around with the feature

we've already seen taskbar which lets

you turn on the hidden freeform window

mode and now there's parallel windows

for nougats this app lets you run two

copies of the same app and split-screen

to get his trick going start by

installing the app which is called

parallel windows for nougat keep in mind

though this will only work if your phone

or tablet is running Android 7.0 or

higher and only with apps that allow

split screening to beget go ahead and

launch the app from here make sure the

switch next to permit to draw over other

apps is enabled then take the toggle

switch next the enable accessibility

service entry next select parallel

windows for nougat from the list then

enable the accessibility service and

press ok on the Ponte this will ensure

that all of the apps main functionality

is in working order when you're done

granting Commission's you might want to

adjust the trigger area for the apps

main interface this is represented by a

red rectangle on the side of your screen

though it turns transparent when you've

set everything up from now on when you'd

like to run two instances of the same

app in split-screen mode

start by opening the app you'd like to

clone from here swiping from the trigger

area on the side of your screen then

take the topmost icon the other two

icons are shortcuts for existing

multitasking functionality at this point

you'll see a list of all your installed

apps simply select the app you want to

clone then it will occupy the top half

of your screen select the same out from

your reset page list on the bottom half

of the screen then you'll be running two

instances of one app and Android nougat

split screen mode

For more infomation >> How To get Multi-Window On Any Android Device No Root 2017 - Duration: 2:30.


What happend this weekend? xD (Please put on "Ace lyric" xD ) - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> What happend this weekend? xD (Please put on "Ace lyric" xD ) - Duration: 2:08.


Trump Just Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World After Pointing Out This One HUGE Fact… - Duration: 1:39.

Trump Just Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World After Pointing Out This One HUGE Fact�

By Paris Swade

President Donald Trump just described how he�s going to defeat the Islamic State terror

group and it is fricking perfect.



He recently talked to Face the Nation recently.

Watch the video below.

Trump didn�t get too far into the details on how he would do this but he did recently

drop the �Mother of all Bombs� on ISIS this month.

He is not playing around.

He recently gave Secretary of Defense James Mattis the green light to use everything in

the U.S. military to take out ISIS.

We are going to humiliate ISIS.

Obama looked the other way.

Trump is leading the way and taking the fight to the terrorists.

Trump understands the element of surprise.

He is taking this seriously.

So let�s humiliate ISIS again.

SHARE this video of what we did to them far and wide.

They will fear us.

They will not win this fight.

They have awakened the American giant and we are going to take them the hell out!

If you support ISIS, then get the hell off my website.

Thanks for reading.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Pissed Off Every Terrorist In The World After Pointing Out This One HUGE Fact… - Duration: 1:39.


New 2018 Honda Civic Release Date, Specs & Info - Duration: 9:03.

New 2018 Honda Civic Release Date, Specs & Info

The Honda Civic has been reinvented for 2018 and there's no flicker of doubt that its latest re-invention will certainly be welcomed by its ardent fans. It returns with daring looks, technology-rich interior, and a turbocharged power. Additionally, its handling is satisfying, its safety technologies and infotainment system upgraded, and its turbocharged engine zesty and fuel-efficient. The 2018 Honda Civic release date in the USA is expected this fall, as a 2018 year model.

For starters, the Civic has had quite a rocky and blissful tenure ever since it debuted into the segment.

The 2011-2015 era saw the model garner some un-Honda like controversy that saw Honda put in some more efforts that led to the current-generation model's success.

The success of the current breed of Civics was in spite of the fact that there were rivals abound which had improved in leaps and bounds.

This goes a long way to show you the amount of effort Honda put in constructing the new model.

The Honda Civic 2018 continues to ride on the same platform that offers it upscale looks, feisty spirit, impressive cabin design, and best-in-class interior volume.

The interior space is voluptuous and those looking for ample head- and legroom should certainly offer the Civic the benefit of doubt. Cruising on the highway is whisper-quiet and comfortable.

Moreover, plenty of technologies are offered as well, and you'd be hard-pressed to differentiate from Acura-grade refinement.

This segment offers a plethora of alternatives, nonetheless. These include the Kia Forte, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, and Chevrolet Cruise. Each features distinct strengths from each other depending on areas of priorities. 2018 Honda Civic Review of Trims.

Depending on your selection of either a coupe or hatchback, there are five trims available for the sedan: EX-L, EX-T, LX, EX, and Touring. The coupe offers EX-L, LX, LX-P, Touring, and EX-T.

The 2018 Honda Civic Si review is covered elsewhere on this blog. The 2018 Honda Civic Type R specs aren't quite apparent at this time.

but recent news has it that the Type R will come with several welcome feature such as an improvement in power, a myriad of suspension upgrades, and exterior tweaks.

The 2018 Honda Civic Type R release date should be expected sometime before this fall as a 2018 year model.

The 2018 Honda Civic Hatchback prototype, on the other hand, had been previewed during the 2016 Geneva Motor Show. Some of its specs include one engine option that offers a power rated at 174 horsepower.

Pairing is expected to be done by the CVT transmission system. The Honda Civic 2018 hatchback should be expected sometime in the fourth quarter of 2016 as a 2018 year model. 2018 Honda Civic Redesign of Interior & Exterior.

Some of the standard features available on the LX include a five-inch central display screen, LED taillights and running lights, a USB port, a six-speaker upgraded sound system, a tilt-and-telescopic steering wheel, sixteen-inch alloy wheels, Pandora connectivity, charging ports, a rearview camera, and expanded view of the driver side mirror.

The Civic EX sedan offers an eight-speaker sound system, a navigation system, a seven-inch touchscreen interface integrated with Android Auto, Apple Carplay, and voice-to-text capability, additional USB ports, a multifunction display screen, and variable intermittent wipers.

The top-of-the-line 2018 Honda Civic Touring model offers features such as a 10-speaker audio system, heated rear seats, LED headlights, seventeen-inch wheels, forward-collision alert, adaptive cruise control, a navigation system, a four-speaker power-passenger seat, LED headlights, seventeen-inch wheels, voice controls, and ventilated heated front seats.

Below the hoods of the LX and the EX trim models is a 138 lbs. of torque- and 158 horsepower – generating four-cylinder engine.

The other options is the 174 hp- and 162 pounds-ft. of torque – generating turbocharged 1.5L four-cylinder engine. EPA estimates the LX manual to check in at 27/40/31 mpg in the city/highway/combined, and 31/42/35 mpg with the turbocharged Civics.

Additional specs such as 0-60 mph, top speeds, and options will be offered on its release date, as Honda is yet to make such info available. Specifications. Wheelbase: 8 ft. 10.3 in. (106.3 in.). Length: 15 ft. 2.3 in. (182.3 in.).

Width: 5 ft. 10.8 in. (70.8 in.). Passenger volume: 95 cu. Cargo volume: 15. 1 cu. Curb weight: 2742 lbs.

Top Speed: 125 mph. 0-60: 8. 2 sec. MPG: 31/42 mpg. Available Exterior Colors: Aegean Blue Metallic, Burgundy Night Pearl, Cosmic Blue Metallic, Crystal Black Pearl, Lunar Silver Metallic, Modern Steel Metallic, Rallye Red, Taffeta White….

Towing Capacity: N/A. 2018 Honda Civic Release Date & Price. Availability of the Honda Civic should be expected sometime before this fall, as a 2018 year model featuring a price tag displaying $19,050.

For more infomation >> New 2018 Honda Civic Release Date, Specs & Info - Duration: 9:03.


Recovering From Heroin Addiction | The Treatment Center - Duration: 2:16.

My name's Lindsay and I've been sober

since April of 2013 and before

The Treatment Center I was lost and alone.

I had developed a pretty strong addiction

to opiates. The people who I would buy

pills from ran out and then I was

introduced to heroin. At that time they

told me that it wasn't heroin. That it

was a all-natural substitute and that

the withdrawals weren't going to be as

bad as the ones out to experiencing from

other opiates and I don't know if I

wanted to believe it or if I really did

believe it. Somehow I managed to get

scholarship into a four-year university

but because my addiction to heroin was

way worse than with pills or anything I

quickly started flunking out and

sacrificed that scholarship. There was a

point where I just had nothing left to

lose I was very far into my withdrawal

symptoms and I was absolutely desperate

i went online because at three in the

morning you'd imagine that no one is

going to be there to answer any phone

calls plus you feel that heavy weight of

shame because of what you're actually

reaching out to help for and as soon as

I went on the website someone was eager

to help. They were actually awake at

three in the morning to talk to me to

calm me down to let me know that there

is still hope. If they didn't have that

chat option I don't know if I would have

had the courage to reach out because in

my head, in that dark place that I was,

I didn't think that I deserved anybody to

spend time and go out of their way to

show me compassion and show me that

there was still other options. They took

care of everything before and after

treatment so I felt very comfortable.

I'm always really grateful that

The Treatment Center does offer that option

to talk to somebody at any time, any day.

They do want to help and they're going

to meet you where you're at so they can

bring you where they're at. There is life

after addiction there is life in

recovery and it's a better life.

For more infomation >> Recovering From Heroin Addiction | The Treatment Center - Duration: 2:16.


WE ARE BACK - HAPPY WHEELS - PART 21 - Duration: 14:01.

hello friend and how you doing my name

is Manos and welcome back to happy

wheels again we're going to play some

happy wheels today we're gonna have some

episodes coming up the next days

unfortunately it's not going to be like

a 20 part straight just like the last

time because Bray will come up other

pieces a of the May so I'm gonna play

this game on PlayStation 4 which is

going to be cool it's a first pressure

first person shooting game and I really

really gonna love it but for today let's

have fun with happy wheels and stay with

me because it's going to be a heck of a

ride so the last time that we played we

were Deadpool and it was a pretty cool

level and I said you know what would

give it a go one more time because I

want to have remembers a touch of happy

wheels I want to remember the controls

and how the game works because playing

PlayStation 4 it's a lot different and

playing happy wheels so let's play the

Deadpool part here we go yeah he looks

so awesome

yeah go away Wilson you're the hope of

humanity yeah bye homeless guy ha ha I

remember how yours like Sarge to save

the world from all these awful bitches

that happened

hey don't hug me I'm not a hugging

person out it became a kebab how nice

and your history as well with Kenny

following up

come on get off my sword get off my

fucking sword oh you're eating a nice

book and remember that couples I love

couples hey your head floating down

eight from the trash bin trash can sorry

Oh ahead and the mother with a child

come on

oh you're flying tomorrow

all right yeah remember that because

we're going to the words of Naruto yeah

boy and we will Ella

we're wearing this cool hat which is

pretty awesome and this is the project

ends yeah

all right yeah pretty cool level pretty

cool let's continue save yourself

let's try to do this let's save a

sellout oh fuck damn it I lost throw it

away properly like this yeah boy come on

what that Soulja go like a pro yeah

we're already a pro we don't have to

even try for the white line alright it's


yay I'm using the irresponsible dad

again with his son how cool is that

did you miss me guys I know you did up

like fuck god damn it you're all dead

follow the white line is this a heart if

you have done so many other missions and

you have accomplished so many things in

your life and your careers BMX champion

Oh slow slow slow

all right let's be slow be slow ah

alright oops okay never mind

Oh bye son sorry I didn't mean to but

shit happens every day

now that Oh heads so footsteps in the

middle of the road oh shit yes we my dad

ha Co me on swathe what's that

oh yeah I remember this one - it's

pretty damn cool

come on yeah boy yeah both broken lamps

what Wow oh yeah we made it right yeah

we made it of course we made it special

wing oh I got a special wing twice

harpoon jump epic jump right oh fuck

shit boy all right

Oh fucking hell oh we won

ha they expect that you were almost dead

but you made it that means you choose

you're loyal to me and I want you to

know say that I respect that I really do

I really do

jet pack land run yes just pack I love

jet packs oh do you like it

Steve do you enjoy it Oh be careful tape

no no no no no no yes

damn I Steve you're so close but never

mind you I know you can do it just keep

the control of the jet pack it's a weird

one I just created and I don't know I

don't even know the controls properly a

shed you see you're doing fine just

don't lose your patience and your

control as you're gonna oh you made it

never mind you made it I can take that

thank you Steve for your service

jet fall challenge just fall challenge

no jet pack oh yeah I remember this we

are so easy for Steve Steve spins every

sound Oh am I still alive yes I'm still

alive so I'm going to keep on playing

what I don't know I'm like no I'm not

god damn it wow they should create a

movie hall no not again not again

again and again it's the pretty movie

for happy wheels it will be the most

hilarious film that you've ever seen

trust me

imagine this thing off fighting fuck

come on just for just for just for just

don't tell me that you're gonna stack on

the loop now not yeah boy yeah boy

imagine a movie of happy wheels honestly

it will be so weird and fine at the same

time what nyan cat from bye holy shit

you're flying cats with your rainbow

jetpack donut looking things yeah boys

first dry with a cat never played with a

cat before holy shit

another jet phone all right we already

did it once today Steve we can do it

twice I believe in you

come on whoa holy shit yeah yeah come on

what cool Oh keep on falling yeah boy

you made it

see you just have to you know get used

to it I know it's been a while sick but

you're making me proud every day so I

know you don't you won't let me down

ever pogo stick training too

ah yes hi yes it brings back memories

she haven't seen me even trying

good know my skills then on my history I

know my past you don't know my childhood

years how painful they were what

that's a shed my head I've been the

greatest public mind in the world for a

reason and that reason is because I've

proven to everybody in the world that I

am the best on the stick

come on see now you recognize I said I

am good very good

ha ha changing your mind right yeah no

boy hard look at this first try ah shit

now Devon come on please don't embarrass

me in front of everybody but nobody's

watching shut up very hard

look it's not hard Chuck Norris

no Chuck Norris better know how to pass

this shit look see it's frigging damn

Adri and whip see darkness dawn Oh

longest path ball yeah yeah my favorite

my favorite type of levels hello there

this is my second level with spikes

along the Ganga spike reporting hapless

I hope so so enjoy thanks dude let's do

the save break and go come on first try

can we do it now of course shit

yeah come on that's a good one that's a

good one come on come on come on come on

yeah finally man just try

welcome to obstacle course thank you

oh shit level 2 arrogant I'll shit he

may protect your dad thank you

whoo you missed your message mrs. - ah

what the fuck happened to you Steve

you drank some of your ass ah now all

right how am I supposed to pass this

slow really really slow come on come on

one one month yes

oh shit don't follow me

fuck off irresponsible dad all right

that's gonna be the final episode of our

level what rightful concern of everybody

all right life of irresponsible bad

press up or it was the kid I just lost

it I don't care their responsibility of

irresponsible that comes from his

irresponsible parents his father wasn't

responsible enough to use the condom

then his mom got pregnant she was going

through mood swings that put his father

through hell she smoked through her


oh fuck his mother dropped him and he

said when he was a child

great things and one time his father I

know had lost his job due to lack of

responsibility great

then they then couldn't pay any bills

great Child Protective Service took him

away from his parents his father got out

of control to get his son back so they

end up shooting him in the head right in

front of him

of the fuck team that got away run away

to a life of crime he wasn't responsible

enough to learn to shut so he killed

more of his gang

then the nm again great he ran in a gang

and wasn't the most ghetto one he had a

son by the name of little taming but the

mother was a prostitute that he on the

street that he met on the street

probably that's what he tried but the

critter tries to say the prostitute died

while giving birth so he took him he now

takes little Timmy on bike rides every

day and he isn't too responsible good

one good story I really liked it

so anyway thank you guys so much for

watching this was the first episode of

happy wheels after like six days or

seven because we were playing outlast it

was very good it was very very good I

really enjoyed playing happy wheels

again and tomorrow gonna have a new

episode so if you liked it please

subscribe to my channel and as always

have a nice day

For more infomation >> WE ARE BACK - HAPPY WHEELS - PART 21 - Duration: 14:01.


2018 Audi S5 Release Date, Review and Specs - Duration: 10:30.

2018 Audi S5 Release Date, Review and Specs

Imagine getting a sophisticated styling and an impressive performance all in one package. Well, that's what the 2018 Audi S5 is all about. Whether you like the open-top fun of the S5 Convertible or the clean lines of the hardtop coupe, this Audi delivers speed and refinement without compromise. It's among our list of favorites, and we think you'll like it, too. This review will give you the reasons why.

2018 Audi S5 Release Date & Price.

On a nutshell, some of the highlights that it brings include an exclusive interior that is often understated, classic stylish looks, good cornering abilities, and comes equipped with a powerful supercharged V6 engine. Leasing will also be an option.

Although no confirmations are in sight yet regarding its release date and price, speculations allege the Audi S5 MSRP will start from around $61,000 for the Convertible and $53,100 for the coupe.

Its release, on the other hand, should be expected sometime in mid-2018.

Review. Anyone shopping in this segment is most probably looking for an invigorating performance, intimate and refined cabin, and a sexy styling. In all of these areas, the Audi S5 2018 manages to score an "A" rating.

Or are you into performance? Well, it comes equipped with a supercharged V6 engine that provides enough heat for a brisk acceleration (as we shall see later). Other performance specs include subtle aesthetic upgrades, a tauter suspension system, and bigger brakes.

Besides the performance, the new Audi S5 also excels where many fail. The ride quality is smooth, comfortable, and devoid of noise.

The all-wheel drive system is available by default, of course, so you're assured of enough grip on the road whenever its gets twisty.

And if you're wondering whether it is thrifty of sappy in terms of fuel economy, Audi says the S5 offers a combined city and highway fuel consumption of 21 mpg – impressive for a car with this kind of zip.

READ 2018 Rolls-Royce Phantom - Release Date, Review and Specs.

On the flipside, however, the technologies appear rather dated as the Audi A5 is a tad bit up in years. The backseat is cramped and is only suitable for stowing personals.

And unlike its rivals which have the USB connectivity, the S5 comes with the Audi's propriety digital music interface.

There're a couple of options available on the market however if the S5 isn't your thing. Some of these include the Ford Mustang GT, BMW 435i coupe, and the Mercedes-Benz E400 coupe and convertible.

2018 Audi S5 Changes on Interior & Exterior. The Audi S5 is available in both coupe and convertible body styles, and are further broken into Prestige and Premium Plus trim levels.

Some of the standard accessories available for the 2018 Audi S5 30T Premium Plus model include an S5-specific body kit, eighteen-inch wheels, automatic tri-zone climate control, a CD player, a Bang & Olufsen sound system, selectable driving settings, xenon headlights, keyless entry and ignition, a color driver information display, auto-dimming and heated auto-dimming mirrors, LED taillights and running lights, Bluetooth connectivity, driver memory functions, a 6.

5" display, an SD card slot, and HD and satellite radio. The coupe version adds a premium leather upholstery, leather and simulated suede upholstery, a sunroof, split-folding rear seatbacks, and a tilt-only sunroof.

The top-of-the-line 2018 Audi S5 Prestige model comes equipped with Bluetooth streaming audio, a rearview camera, front and rear parking cameras, voice controls, a navigation system, a CD player, a blind-spot monitor with rear-cross traffic alerts, and an upgraded MMI system.

Options available on the Driver Assistance package includes a forward collision mitigation system, an upgraded upholstery, comfortable front seats, adaptive steering system, and an adaptive cruise control. READ New 2018 Renault KWID Release Date, Specs & Info.

Others include special nineteen-inch wheels, twenty-inch wheels, body-color exterior mirrors, high-gloss black exterior trim, perforated leather upholstery, a neck-leveling heating system, adaptive suspension dampers, and a torque-vectoring sport differential. Specifications.

Wheelbase: 9 ft. 0.3 in. (108.3 in.). Length: 15 ft. 2.7 in. (182.7 in.). Width: 6 ft. 1 in. (73 in.). Passenger volume: 96. 2 cu.

Cargo volume: 12. 2 cu. Curb weight: 3895 lb. Top Speed: 155 mph. 0-60: 4. 6 sec.

MPG: 17/26 mpg. Available Exterior Colors: Brilliant Black, Daytona Gray Pearl Effect, Florett Silver Metallic, Glacier White Metallic, Ibis White, Misano Red Pearl Effect, Monsoon Gray Metallic, Moonlight Blue Metallic, Mythos Black Metallic, Sepang Blue Pearl Effect….

Towing Capacity: N/A. 2018 Audi S5 Engine Specs. Beneath the hood of the 2018 Audi S5 is a lone 30L supercharged V6 engine that cranks out a whopping 333 horsepower and 325 lbs. of torque.

The cabriolet comes with a seven-speed automated manual transmission system while the coupe comes standard with a six-speed manual transmission system but is still eligible for the seven-speed automated.

2018 Audi S5 coupe 0-60 mph takes about 4. 6 seconds, and 5. 3 seconds for the Cabriolet.

According to the body mandated to look into fuel economy ratings – the EPA – the manual-equipped coupe should be able to check in at 17/26/20 mpg in the city/highway/combined, and 18/26/21 mpg with the cabriolet.

For more infomation >> 2018 Audi S5 Release Date, Review and Specs - Duration: 10:30.


Learn Colors Cars With Spiderman - Superheroes Cartoons for Children Learn Colours & Learn Numbers - Duration: 15:25.

Subscribe for more video

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Cars With Spiderman - Superheroes Cartoons for Children Learn Colours & Learn Numbers - Duration: 15:25.


Wat is Vrijheid? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Wat is Vrijheid? - Duration: 1:52.


What is Freedom? - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> What is Freedom? - Duration: 1:51.


Trapper Vs Survivor | - Duration: 6:10.

trapper vs survivor, last survivor

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