what's up you guys and welcome to this
segment right here on your boy a sheriff
let me remind you in the beginning that
we are giving away a $10 donation that
we've given to us right here on the
channel when we were live-streaming I
also have very good news hyper fuse on
the YouTube which is aka Wow
when it comes to the gamertag part of
the kink squad has also donated an an
iTunes card I have it right now I have
all the details about it on Twitter
it's very gracious of him to do
something like that I really want to
thank each and everybody that steps up
and is donating something to the channel
and if you are donating and stuff like
that trust me it's going to go back to
the subscribers I want to make it like
that okay I want to make it like that
and I want to have the people that want
to support me when you see an ad on
YouTube just think of it as this is for
my hard work this is for me collecting
all the information editing the video
for you guys spending the time doing
these things so look at the ads don't
let don't let them piss you off just say
you know what your chef is getting
something back but if it's going to be
anything donate it to the channel I'm
going to return it right back to you
guys and I think that's the best thing
to do I just want to give back and I
want to give back more than just money
glitches or gaming or anything like that
I just want to give back to people that
are involved on this channel I want to
point your attention to one thing if you
do want to donate to the channel there
is a PayPal link in the description if
you do want to make donation anything
that's going to be made full credit is
going to be given to the person who's
giving the donation and we are going to
give it away right here on the channel
do drop me a message when you make a
donation I want to know who you are on
YouTube and gamertag whatever system
you're playing on we really want to
connect with each other and we really
want to have everybody on the channel
understand who's giving the donation and
who's out there supporting okay we have
a brand new week that just came toward
us and rockstar games has made their
announcement if you go to the Rockstar
social site I'll have it linked up in
the description everything has been
shuffled all right so you can go ahead
and forget about the mission for the
next couple of weeks until they give us
double payout double RP but we have a
lot of subsets you know it's good stuff
here it might disappoint a few people it
might make a few people happy we all
have different preference when it comes
to GTA
and what we'd like to do on it now we
always say gun-running DLC or the
whatever man whatever flick based Idol
that's coming out there everybody is
getting ready for the i dlc it is coming
toward us we don't know when i think
it's going to be at one point or another
in the spring right i don't think it's
going to hit us in the summer but
rockstar usually they have this pattern
that when they're giving you double
pails and double RP it means they're
they're kind of giving you a lot of
money because something big is coming
toward us we said this before we've seen
it with the CEO building when it came
and you needed a lot of money in order
to get it we've seen it with the 60 car
garage we've seen it with the clubhouse
the the biker clubhouse and everything
that came toward us with it so there is
no denying that we are going to get
something big when it comes to this
military dlc whether it's going to be
vehicles what its gonna be like
warehouses bunkers whatever you want to
call it so you need to have the money
and truly you guys I think you have
another unlimited money making method
happening right here I'm going to be
demonstrating it in the background as we
go over everything that's being
discounted everything that's being
offered for you during this coming week
so you're going to be probably thinking
to yourself what's the best thing to do
right now the best thing to do is you
got 25% off clubhouses off of the
customization for the club houses and
the biker business property so if you
haven't bought this yet move in on that
25% is not too bad we need to get your
hands on that there is select vehicles
that are going to be discounted as well
we're going to get into it as we go
through this segment also some of the
weapons have discounts on them now here
is what they say right on the rockstar
websites starting today it's a
ride-or-die for the mcs of los santos
with money making opportunities and
discount to help you get a leg up over
your rivals we're also keeping the party
going with extended bonuses on tiny
racers and more so be sure to read on
for the full rundown below you guys when
it comes to the tiny racers I understand
you did not like it I understand that
there is multiple things in it that
makes it a little bit tedious first of
all you get a stay into that circle
which Rockstar has put it in slipstream
and they didn't learn their lesson
because slipstream is dead no one plays
that mode they brought it here which is
kind of annoying just let me catch up to
the people that are racing in front
don't kill me and in the round but you
know what maybe there is a message to
the madness it's it's their game they
came up with it I hate the circle I
stand by what I think I do hate that
circle I think it does kill them all the
other thing that kills it is amount of
players that are in it an adversary mode
with four players it's almost the same
as the one that says keep the pace which
is one of my favourite adversity modes
but I don't play it because it's a four
player mode something that that I think
Rockstar missed the mark on that you
could have at least made it eight
players ten players just let me bring in
some more friends so we can enjoy our
time together yesterday we were playing
the four of us
Adrian logged on you is the fifth person
we had to go to stunt races because tiny
racers only offers four players a little
bit disappointing okay let's move on
with what what else they have in them in
this poster they have under social club
biker discounts and double GT e5 and
money and RP and clubhouses contract now
this is what I'm talking about this is
your unlimited money meeting method for
this week through May 15 motorcycle
clubs of Los Santos will benefit from
GTA 5 double money and RP boost when
running biker contract missions you can
find and launch these lucrative missions
from the meeting room in your Clubhouse
I'm already doing that ok I'm doing that
I'm loving it and the beauty of it is
most of them are solo some you don't
have to depend on somebody some of them
will ask for you to get some more people
but some of them will not now you have
25% off select vehicles let's go through
it here you have the Shotaro you have
the t20 that's discounted you got the
Western company Annihilator the Buzzard
okay now I logged onto my modded account
and I bought the Buzzard okay I'm like
you know what the hell with it I'm
getting it
the caring technical not really my type
of vehicle it's wide open I think the
driver gets taken out super easy and the
gunner because of the auto aim once you
Eman them they're just completely out
the rapid this desert raised and the
vapid trophy truck both
those guys are on sale as well you got
25% off I took this count of the Buzzard
you guys if you are looking for a racing
vehicle Keith Wayne is not too bad
and the Shotaro one of the best bikes
when it comes to being in this game this
counselor and weapons and armor is not
really something that I'm too excited
about I don't really care about that but
there is a discount on rocket launchers
if you haven't got your RPG yet what are
you waiting for
you know jump on that and get it right
away extended bonuses keep the cash
flowing by jumping into GT online today
for 25% increased pay out on special
cargo deliveries and double payout
double RP on tiny racers so they're
repeating that one there when it comes
to special cargo I have I don't really
have any special cargo in my warehouses
I haven't spent the time to get them but
if you do have something in your in your
warehouses you might as well go for it
and sell it now there is one thing that
they're coming up on here and I think
it's completely dead I don't know if
you've noticed it in my video or not but
I was searching the entire time for a
premium race and they're telling you
that you can take the which one is it
for this week from May 2nd to May the a
top speed and glide through the Damned
versatile point-to-point locked to their
owner mm one of the things about the
premium race is first of all you can't
find 8 players right now to do it I
talked about this before
Rockstar patched a glitch that had many
people that were addicted to racing
jumping in in right away one after the
next into premium races they were
willing to lose the money they did in
mind and they were willing to keep these
rooms occupied and full of players
Rockstar patched that and I think since
they patched it people just don't have
the patience to sit and wait for eight
players to launch a race I stand by what
I said before Rockstar make it into
every person that's coming in drops 20
thousand the winner walks away with the
pot you can make it two players versus
each other you can make it three example
if it's two players coming in there is a
40,000 dollar grand prize the other
person loses the money if it's three
pairs players is 60,000 and moving on
that should wrap it you guys that's
everything that we have for this coming
week I think it's
this week that's almost solo so if you
don't have too many friends to be with
you in the clubhouse you can launch
everything do it by yourself and get a
lot of money in my mission I got $35,000
it's not too bad at all when you do
something like this gets thirty five
thousand you don't get that type of
payouts in racing's
without the double payouts double RP put
on top of that you need to be in the
first top five in order to make good
money when it is a lot of money being
offered in racing all right you guys
I'll see you on the next segment if you
are interested in the outfit that you
see right there we have a video that was
made on it earlier today do show your
support check it out it's one of the
best looking outfits I've come across
I'm going to keep it in my inventory for
a long time thank you everybody for the
support thank you for the donation and
special thanks to everybody that
supports this channel because without
you guys I wouldn't have the drive I'll
see you guys on the next segment please
baby go go go you can do it you have
taken baby oh yeah look at that we're
kicking into high gear here peace out
homey well dude I hit the car guy is so
bad the buffer the buffer is music
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