hello and welcome again to Revientor Reborn
this is DCSw in a M2000
with a pardela´s cammo buddy of the Escuadron111
46 fighting wing
that for this cammo
if you want to see one of your camos on my videos do not hesitate to ask for it
I am going to speak about the CCRP bombing
continuously computed release point
this mode is not selected by the pilot, it´s bomb dependent
there are some booms that use CCRP and other ones CCIP, on screen the CCRP bombs now
today I am suing some Mk82 and GBU12
as you see the weapon management we have some magic, s530 the BL1 (Mk82) , EL1 (GBU12)
If i select one of them, because the master arm is off, the hud do not change
master arm on
unselected the weapon, the cannon come up
now I select one boom
this X on the HUD tell us, that the boom can not be released due speed or TAS/RS mode is not available
all booms have limitations, of low speed and high speed, under 0,60 mach, it´s the low speed limit, you have go fly faster
arret radar, means the radar is not activated
the arret radar lecture is gone
as you see the TAS is steady now
the X still there because the speed, too low
speeding a little...
over 0,60 the X is vanished
and now we can use the CCRP with any doubt
look the HUD, we have some info miss
the flight path marker, the engine thrust ....
look, with master arm off, see the FPM and the thrust value...
again master arm on, and about the waypoint info is only present the "small inverted house" xD
the TAS function, makes the radar measure the distance to the target and calculate where/when release the munition
for that the slang range is with asterix due the piper is measuring now the sky distance
pointing the water you can see now the distance is 18km
according the HUD piper is moving over the terrain you get the exact distance
the problem here is how to maintain the altitude
the CCRP bombing is for release the booms with the wing leveled and holding the altitude in this plane
you can also perform a small nose down dive to strike
when you are looking for a target when you are "near" you perform a small dive to use the piper an lock the target, and then keep the altitude
you can also go to a higher altitude and then keep that altitude and then release the booms
that is the basic procedure
with that procedure, because the HUD "lock target way" is not 100% precise and if you are too high, the booms have tendency to go little further away from the target
when you fly low it is easy to hit the target, more altitude less accurate
the minimal altitude release is boom dependent
as a general rule use the 2000 feep of minimal altitude as the manual say
when you fly low a X show up in the HUD
I have the boom already selected, now If I fly below the minimal altitude
look there is the distance
now I can lock the target
to lock the "target" you use the same button of the magic salve
already lock, unlocking now
when lock, right now, new info is showed
the point where I lock the target
and the piper have a small wings
now I am fliginh under the min altitude of this boom, 1200
the X an arrow
let´s spek about all this info with the pause
the X is because we hare below the minimal safe release altitude
the arrow show where you have to pull up
as you can see the arrow points at the sky
this horizontal line below the piper is the release cue
when it merge with the piper, is when the boom is released
if I keep the trigger pushed
as soon as you see that line, fire your trigger and keep it until the line disappear or all booms are dropped
when you fly over the target, itself is unlocked
you can also manually unlock the target as same you do with the radar AA
more about HUD info
when you have a lock, and you are not lined with the target
look the small wings are not horizontally....
that means you have to put your wings in that direction
when the are parallel to the horizon you have to have your wing leveled
that means you are lined with the target
because you have to keep the altitude, you can use the autopilot
or look the vertical speed and be sure it is cero
when the release cue shows up, you have to push the trigger
and the boom is away
at this altitude is good enough to hit a target, but can travel further than desired
at 6000 feet or more could be more problematic
now it´s time to configurations
I forgot to speak about the RS mode
the RS when activated
you see flashing it
you have to activate the radio altimeter and now it´s working
here you can see the radio altimeter
as you see we have radar altitude lecture, over the water, but for a bug I think, using this mode the slñang range is not showed always is cero
now with out TAS and RS on, the slang range must work... but ... nop...
it only works when you are over land
for a naval strike you are fucked if you have a non working radar....
the RS must be working as god over the water because all is flat...
do not work... lol
RS or TAS do the same as the cannon , measure the distance
RS is not to use it over mountains only over flat terrain
the RSuse the radio altimeter and basic trigonometry math to calculate the slang range
the tAS just use the time the radar wave take to travel go an back
that is about config of the CCRP mode
now it´s time to config the booms
the most important is the fuse
you can set the inert, retarded/delayed or immediately
you can do that in this panel
down there, you already know this panel
left click I can check my weapons
here it´s the fuse settings
by default is in the down position inert
the boom will not explode
the middle one, activate the retarded fuse
it´s used by the booms with penetration capabilities
we choose this option for that kind of booms or for the booms that only have a retarded fuse
some booms have both fused, for that is important know what fuse you want to use
some booms only have the retarded one
if a boom with only retarded/delayed fuse, the selected is the immediate fue, that boom will not explode in theory
the immediate fuse it´s just explode when impact with the target
the delayed fuse is for penetration booms, and is activated with the impact but with some time delay to let the boom penetrate
this two switch
the upper one is for the quantity of booms to release, only multiples of 2
the down one is the distance multiplied x10 meters
the max value is 80 x 10 = 800 meters
I can read this settings as follows, each 800 meters a boom is released until max of 4 booms
for example, 100 meters
each 100 a boom is released
this is how you config the booms release
now I am going to perform a pas over the runway
the booms are with the immediate fuse, TAS is activated
autopilot off
bingo fuel warning tone
I have to avoid be below 2000 feet
4k feet its good
line up with the runway
this is going to be fast
this is only to show you that I am not lying to you
aiming to the cross with the taxi
nose up, some left
trigger, first boom release
looks like all the 4 booms must be out
I hear some explosion
that are!!!
I aimed to the merge with the taxi way
let´s do a recon
at this high the bombardment was good
the mission computer never is going to avoid your boom release
the pilot have the final decision
here we can see where the booms impacted
I aimed just there!!
and there you can see each 100 meters a boom hitted
I am going to use this las boom to show you that the mission computer let you drop a boom bad aimed
aiming here
and now I have a bad alignment
here the boom will not impact on the target
a small house will not suffer damage
if i decide to release the boom the m2000 will release it
the plane will never cancel the strike, must be the pilot who has the final word/action
when a boom do not hit a target?
when you are not leveled the boom wil not hit the target
CCRP must be leveled or in dive
with positive pich, never in the M2000C
the booms will go away from the target
leveled or some dive remember
if you lock the target with dive of 15 and the you move your nose to 10, that boom will make a good job
now because I have no boom I have to reconfig my plane to AA mode
to do that you have to change the FBW G limit
I forgot to tell.... but i can do it for the moment
the HUD when you select a boom, you can know what boom is selected
here EL, the last boom dropped
and BL when the boom selected what the BL (mk82)
now that we don´t have any booms , we are not in CCRP mode but the radar still working as the CCRP mode
there is no piper and you can not lock a ground target
we have the FPM and we can continue flying
that was the CCRP
I have to say that the radar AG functionalities that are in the radar panel
AG radar mode for example, when you click on it
the only thing that they do is change to AA radar mode
TAS disconnected and the radar cursors are not working
if you activate TAS and desactivate it, you can move the cursors normally
and the lecture SHB
that using that buttons do nothing nothing
the next tutorial will be CCIP and I hope som update fix something of all this bugs
bye bye and be happy
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