Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily May 1 2017

The mysteries of norrath whispered to me,

called my name, even screamed at me, like the death squelch of a bixie lord!

I knew there was only one thing left to do: Talk about more of them! There are so many mysteries

in Everquest that they couldn't possibly be contained in one video so I've made another.

And once again these are my own personal mysteries, they may be common knowledge to some or maybe

you've never even heard of this stuff?! I don't know! But in my most recent search for

knowledge I heard rumor of a man, a myth, a legend: Miragul and his magic highway!

That means I'm gonna talk about lore! Miragul was a man who lived thousands of years ago and

he was once one of the Erudites who founded Erudin with Erud. Air - rude? I dunno how

to say it. The Erudites were a small group of humans who were tired of their race's bickerings

and wars and sought out the Island of Odus as their new home. They were the intellectual

type and would usually study one of the three schools of magic; but Miragul was different,

he was power hungry, he wanted allllll the magic! And when he discovered a new school

out of Neriak, Necromancy, well, forget about it, he went nuts! In time he found others

who were interested in this forbidden art and formed the group known as The Heretics

and it wasn't long before the other Erudites discovered what they were up to and civil

war broke out on Odus, because trying to raise the dead is bad! So Miragul did the only thing that

anyone would do in that situation - he ran away. Miragul spent centuries roaming the

lands of antonica accumulating as many spells and magical treasures as he could and storing

them in his creepy ice tunnels in the north. He even discovered the use of portals, which

he created all around norrath to help speed up his search for knowledge and power. By the way, that's

what Miragul's highway is, but I really wanna finish the story. Meanwhile Odus was

ravaged by war! The Hole was created by the Erudites magical firepower and afterwards

the Hereitcs founded their city of Paineel there. And though after all this time Miragul

had prolonged his life to a great extent, he was finally dieing. He went back to the

Heretics hoping that they had discovered some crazy awesome way to cheat deat, and since

no one really knew who Miragul was after all that time they welcomed him and traded knowledge

for knowledge. And with his last remaining lifeforce he teleported back to his creepy

caves and prepared his final spell.

"The enchantment laced with necromancer was finally made, and

Miragul hid his remaining and fragile life within the phylactery, a small device he had

pilfered from the other necromancers. Clouds of mystical energy gathered and then dispersed,

revealing a shell of the man Miragul once was, an undead mage, what ancient scripts

and legends called a lich. In his haste however Miragul had made a miscalculation. The lich,

while retaining all the mystical power of his formal self, lacked a spirit. Only the

mage's soul, now locked within the phylactery hidden deep in the cache, retained

the ambition and desire to amass knowledge and power. The spiritless lich possessed none

of these human traits, and Miragul's soul screamed in silence as the undead creature

began to aimlessly wander his menagerie of wisdom and enlightenment, his rooms filled

with artifacts of power."

OH M YGOD! My f**king voice!

So what does this have to do with anything? Miragul's Highway!

Remember when I said that? For a long time I thought this was just a theory but I guess

it actually existed in the game for a brief time. The idea was that the more evil alligned

races would have a hard time traveling around norrath, you know, because the boats are in

good cities, and there's like, druid npc's at the druid rings and such, so these magical teleportation

firepots were added to the game so they could get around easier. And although they were

quickly removed they do seem to line up with Miragul's crazy hijynx. There's one in the

Qeynos Catacombs that takes you to this hut in Toxxulia Forest, complete with abandoned

heretic pets all around it. I rest my case. You can't interact with these 2 at all on

Project 1999 but you still can on the EZ server.

There's another fireport in Neriak, a place

that we know Miragul went to, and it takes you to the dark elf camp in Lesser Faydark.

Makes sense. There's also a super secret hidden zone entrance next to it. Where does it go?!

You can actually click on this one but it says that its locked! There isn't a key for

it, as far as I know, but I figure a rogue might be able to pick the lock and open Miragul's

highway one last time. So I went searching through all the slums, taverns, and back alleys

of Norrath until I found the most dasterdly, under handed, devious rogue in the history

of Norrath! it's Mashiara!

And thus we entered the city of evil and passed through

The Foreign Quarter un-marked. Traversing the narrow streets of The Commons we made

our way to the innermost gate, and crossing the mark of doom we found the archway to no

where, and there it was! The object of our desire: The last artifact of the legendary

necromancer! And Mashiara stepped forward, abandoning all sanity, logic, and fear. She

summoned all of her lore, and skill, and placed her hands on the ancient device... and then...

It doesnt work!

It's also super interesting to note that this fireport was mentioned much

later in EQ's timeline. There's a dark elf in the zone Sunrise Hills, whatever that is,

and he mentions the portal in passing, he probably sounds something like this, "Most

fools pass by that spot blissfully unaware of the great secrets hidden behind it. Have

you ever stopped to wonder why there is such a beautiful archway leading to nothing? Hmm?...'"

I like this game! Miragul's highway also gives some meaning to the secret portal room found in

The Hole. I actually wrote a guide on how to get there cause it's, you know, it's kinda

confusing, here it is : JUMP IN! Somewhere in this mess of a zone there's a false wall

and beyond it is a room with three portals; One takes you to Erudin, one takes you to

Paineel, and the other takes you to Neriak. One of em may as well take you to straight

to Miragul's frozen corpse strewn hell tunnels, I rest my case yet again! And if you go to Miragul's

cave in Evefrost you can actually find one of these erudite style huts; it's really small

and has no roof; it looks suspiciously like a teleportation pad surrounded by the results

of crazy Miragul necromancy. I rest my case, again. Aslo who is this wizard man?! There's

a wizard guildmaster in Miragul's cave that seems to be KoS to just about everyone. The

internet says he's on naggy / vox faction. That's wierd! Miragul was said to have four

different forms that he would take to study the different schools of magic without being

known. Could this be one of those forms? What's up with all the strange wizard guildmaster's

in this game? You know I never really understood wizards to begin with, I mean be a mage, or

a druid, or be nothing, ya know? what I'm saying? Get with it wizards.

I said THATS ENOUGH!! I'm putting a stop to this! That's Miragul's Highway, hopefully

you learned a thing or two! But this is just part one of a seven part Mysteries series

and next time I'm gonna be investigating one of the more lesser frequented yet super fascinating

zones in all of Everquest!!


projector sound effect

For more infomation >> Everquest Mysteries: Miragul's Highway - Duration: 9:26.


[Sonic Robo Blast 2] Test Video - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> [Sonic Robo Blast 2] Test Video - Duration: 3:13.


Blender 3D - Tutorial, Snap tool (vertex) | Experimental video - Duration: 5:48.


In this example I'll show you

How you can easily align things in Blender

Using the Snap Tool

Select the Snap Tool

you can either select the magnet or not

remember this is for the "Vertex" option

Magnet "Off"

You can snap by holding CTRL

and here is an example of a very distorted object

I'm selecting the face then I'll align to the bases

Same goes here

This example is with 2 objects

now doing the same with vertices

I'm pressing G, locking in one axis, then holding CTRL

you can align a rotation too

So, thats it thanks for watching !

For more infomation >> Blender 3D - Tutorial, Snap tool (vertex) | Experimental video - Duration: 5:48.


#MakeItStop Campaign (25 second video) - Duration: 0:26.


That's enough.

No more.

No, that's -



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