Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

Learn Zoo Animal Names and Sea Animals Names Education Video For Children

For more infomation >> Learn Zoo Animal Names and Sea Animals Names Education Video For Children - Duration: 4:31.


FİRAR - KAVRAM (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) | 2018 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> FİRAR - KAVRAM (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) | 2018 - Duration: 2:50.


WhatsApp Video 2018 06 29 at 10 22 12 - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> WhatsApp Video 2018 06 29 at 10 22 12 - Duration: 0:30.


Yellowstone Eruption (FIRST VIDEO) - Duration: 9:24.

For more infomation >> Yellowstone Eruption (FIRST VIDEO) - Duration: 9:24.


The Video Before My Hiatus Starts!!!! - Duration: 0:29.

Okay, and we're rolling and action...

;) *Pyro screams in the background while being chased by a wild ponk holding very big medieval hammer of death and destruction, and spy dies in a different video. Gotta_go_fast.png

Just go ahead when you're ready.

Batmare: Sorry, I wasn't listening. I've just been bat mailing on my bat phone.

Yeah, can you just do the line please?

Batmare: I'm Batman

No, the other line.

Batmare: Oh, right. I'm supposed to say some baloney about how you shouldn't click that skip button...

Yeah, the sooner you do that the sooner we can show people the trailer for the Lego Movie. *robo-twi.exe has stopped working*


fine, Fine. FIne, FINe, FINE!

Crank up those subwoofers, dude and check this out...

(Very fuckin' subtle indeed!)

For more infomation >> The Video Before My Hiatus Starts!!!! - Duration: 0:29.


Video Clip ?? Friday !! - Duration: 0:05.

For more infomation >> Video Clip ?? Friday !! - Duration: 0:05.


Eat Cake to Your Heart's Content - Sønderborg, Sønderjylland Travel Video - Duration: 12:56.

Hello guys, we are in Sønderborg at the castle, we are on a date! My parents are

looking after Max. And we cannot wait to explore this city because we've actually

- you've been here before? The town itself is supposed to be

really beautiful and we're starting off with the castle and then we are

strolling through the city checking out the harbour and ending it with a really

good dinner yeah up north on the island. Let's get started!

This is so cool it's actually dated on this cannon where it fought

Are you debating which one will fit you better? Yep!

I think that's your guys. It looks heavy!

And the soundtrack for any Museum: "Can't Touch This"

You gotta make museums fun right? Castle started out like this

in the 13th century. Then it got upgraded to this in the Middle Ages

This is what it looked like in the Renaissance

And finally the Baroque one!

These swords are from a long period of time the oldest one this bad

boy down here is from 1550 or something like that and yesterday when we visited "Dybbøl Mølle"

they taught us something about this sword some of them some of

the older ones are shaped like a triangle because when you wounded

somebody, a wound that has a triangular form would not heal and it

would cause an infection so the soldier would die later if he didn't die

from the wound instantly! Very, very vicious!

Around 1250 they built a fortified tower and that's how this whole castle

fortress started and it says that up in some places the towers had four metre

thick walls! That is a lot and very very rare, that's around 13 feet that's almost

the same as our entire camper and that's just for one wall.

Welcome to the dungeon

This is creepy. This is where they kept the prisoners

No thank you!

One of the things that Sønderborg Castle is famous for is that one of our king's

Christian II, was actually put in jail here. Christian II, he kind of annoyed

and pissed off the nobles in Denmark so they gather around and they were really

upset with him and apparently he went into exile or something to the

Netherlands and he was promised that he could come back by his uncle who had

taken over the throne but the uncle had made a pledge with the nobles so he did

not stick to his promise to his nephew and he threw him into jail here where he

was in jail for 17 years and he never had a trial and funny fact is that when

he was in the Netherlands he actually met Luther, and he became a lutheran and

apparently that was a whole big deal too but it's kind of fun learning about

these things on site where you are. The Danish kings are always named Christian

or Frederik, it's always one of the two and usually it's just after a Frederik

comes a Christian, the next one up is Frederik and I don't know what number

he's gonna be...

10, 11 probably.

Denmark is actually the oldest monarchy in the world and supposedly has the

oldest royal family too - that's pretty cool

I think we are almost the only ones in this castle right now I think we've met like one guy

maybe one maybe two guys! So if you can hit this castle on a Monday that'll be a

pretty good idea. This is one of the first machine guns it's built by Germans

around 1900 it could shoot 400 rounds per minute and it weighs as much as

53 kilos, we'll try and put the number in pounds. When this part of Denmark became German

the Danes in this part had to fight for Germany during the first world

war there were a lot of men who had to go into battle fighting for Germany who

actually felt like they were Danes so that must have been very tricky and

extremely uncomfortable

This is a crazy story, this woman was married to this young soldier and he

died in the war so she decided to wear black for the rest of her life and she

wanted to get buried and in the coffin she wanted to wear her wedding

dress a black dress as well. So he would recognize her because she thought he

would be young because he died young and she would be old in heaven it's pretty

crazy but they forgot about it and found out later so she did not get buried in

the black dress, so here it is!

This is so funny I've always wondered in castles, what they did with these huge

rooms and here you can actually see they have a huge room and then they section

it out they've built kind of like a wood skeleton within it and so over there is

a bed let's built in and you walk this way, there's another bed, a little desk

So this is all built within the big one that's funny

Welcome to the banquet hall! Apparently they still have concerts and stuff here

Look how big this is! Can you imagine the parties going on here?

We found the chapel. This is the chapel of the church!

Do you want to renew our vows? No, not in here.

To those of you who don't know we are actually celebrating our

12th year wedding anniversary right about the time when this video comes out

so we could renew our vows in there!

What made the biggest impression on me is that some of these walls are actually

three meters thick! It's nine feet, more than nine feet actually. That's crazy!

Mm-hmm I think seeing the model of how the actual building had developed

for every two three hundred years, that was kind of... It was just very tangible

I love stuff like that. Now let's head out and see if we can explore Sønderborg the city some more. Yeah!

Okay so in Southern Jutland they had this tradition that kind of occurred when the

Germans took over this area, that they wanted to gather because they were

Danes but the Germans didn't want this so they tried to cut out their license

for serving alcohol because they thought that might help but it didn't, so the sønderjyder

they just started baking cakes instead and they would gather and

everyone brought different kinds of cakes and this is now called

the "Sønderjyske Kaffebord", so it's a tradition that goes back to when this was part of

Germany I think the rule is that you have to have seven soft cakes like

sponge cakes and layered cakes and then seven hard cakes, like cookies and

like just small little ones but I found a place where they serve, where you can

get like a sample of all the soft cakes so I ordered a plate of that and we're

gonna share it and just relax for a bit and I cannot wait if you have a

sweet tooth like me try this out. Okay so this is a sample plate and it's all

kinds of different things that I cannot pronounce. I don't think there's an

English word for it but this is a bun and you put a lot of like a thick layer

of butter on it, this is a vanilje krans, nødde tvebakke, kringle, honningkage med aprikos

so this is like a honey cake with apricot filling. This is kind of

like a waffle cracker thingy I think it's called 'altid', and this

down here is called 'Ingenting' which is nothing and it tastes like nothing

that's what he said, and this is the dark "rugbrødstorte"

I think that's how they say it, but..

This is ryebread mixed in there that is a very Danish I can't wait to taste all this

This place shows off a really fun tradition down here in Sønderjylland, where

they have something called 'ringridning', I don't know what it translates to but you

have guys on horses and they each have a spear and between these two

there's a rope and then in the middle there is a small little metal ring

hanging down so they have to be charging off on horseback with their spears and

then hitting the spear through that small little metal circle thingy it's

funny I have no idea where the tradition comes from but it's in Denmark and it's

only in Sønderjylland, maybe it's a German thing I don't know but this is

apparently where they do it and every year I think it's every year in July

they have a big 'ringrider' festival so if you're up for some history and some fun

and good times come check that out

We are driving because we're on way to have a really good dinner and there's

this castle in this area, Augustenborg, and they have a really beautiful sculpture

garden it's supposed to be around right here so we just stopped in Augustenborg

to see if we can find some sculptures

That's a beautiful little palace. Yeah! This dude really liked this Augstina, I think!

Let's head up back and get some dinner, finally!

This is a detour

It's a pretty one! But we need to get moving

We just talked to one of the other sweet waiters at this place and she told us

that this place is only eight years old so it's just totally built like it was

like a hundred years old with lots of little details and old stained glasses

and old paintings and stuff. They fooled me!

Like you starter? It is really good. It's the fish of the day

with some tomatoes and different stuff, tastes really good.

For more infomation >> Eat Cake to Your Heart's Content - Sønderborg, Sønderjylland Travel Video - Duration: 12:56.


İnstagram Lite İnceleme Video'su !!! - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> İnstagram Lite İnceleme Video'su !!! - Duration: 3:15.


✅ Robert Geiss: Schock-Video! Die Geissens brechen Auto auf - Duration: 2:53.

 Bei den Geissens wird es offenbar niemals langweilig. Wenn sie mal gerade nicht für ein TV-Format vor der Kamera stehen, halten sie ihre Fans in den sozialen Netzwerken bei Laune

Und die bekommen dort die kuriosesten Dinge zu sehen, wie ein Instagram-Video von Carmen Geiss beweist

Robert Geiss bricht eigenes Auto auf  Auf Instagram postete Carmen Geiss einen kurzen Clip, der das Auto der Familie mit eingeschlagenen Seitenscheiben zeigt

"Robert und seine gigantischen Ideen", schreibt sie mit mehreren Smileys versehen unter den Beitrag

Offenbar hatten sich die Geissens ausgesperrt und keinen anderen Ausweg gewusst.  Die Geissens: Wer hat hier den Schlüssel stecken lassen?  Denn wie Carmen in den Kommentaren aufklärt, hat wohl ein Familienmitglied der Geissens den Schlüssel im Auto stecken lassen

Angeblich wurde das Fahrzeug, ein Wrangler Jeep, laut Carmen nur mit einem einzigen Schlüssel geliefert

Das muss Robert wohl zur Selbsthilfe inspiriert haben, sodass kurzer Hand die Scheibe eingeschlagen wurde

Mehr darüber will die Promi-Familie demnächst auf YouTube verkünden. Fans von Robert und Carmen Geiss bieten Hilfe an  Die Fans scheinen von dieser Aktion sichtlich irritiert zu sein und geben mehr oder weniger ernst gemeinte Tipps

"Meinen BMW kann ich zur Not auch noch mit der BMW-App öffnen", schreibt etwa einer ihrer Anhänger

"Gibt's bei euch nicht sowas , wie den ADAC, der hätte helfen können???", fragt etwa eine andere

Und in den Kommentaren finden sich auch zahlreiche, wohl nicht ganz ernst gemeinte, Solidaritätsbekundungen: "Sollten wir ein Spendenkonto für die Scheibe einrichten?", fragt ein User

Zugegeben: Finanzielle Unterstützung haben die Geissens wohl nur bedingt nötig.  Lesen Sie auch: Carmen Geiss – Angezeigt! Geissens-Spross Davina sorgt für Stunk

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