Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 29 2018

Hey awesome ones. As a former eighties model

I remember obsessing about being thin. Being thin was a daily ritual that I

obsessed over right to the point of bulimia. The video I'm going to do right

now is not about body shaming, it's about obsessing.Obsessing about

your weight. And I remember I was doing fad diets too and all kinds of crazy

things. So this video is about five kind of things that are out there that seem

to be weight rules that I'm just never going to obey again.

So I admit it you know weight loss and keeping it off it's not an easy thing.

However I've managed to keep my weight pretty well the same for the past 20

years. Now at 63.... there's some people who'll probably say to me, Heather you know, you

could lose another 10 or 15 pounds and that's all right that's their opinion.

Maybe one day I'll decide to lose 10 pounds, but for right now I'm just not

obsessing anymore and the number one thing that I'm not obsessing about is

the thigh gap. Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Like for a long time it

was all about the thigh gap. Now here I am over's a little

miniskirt....on no I don't wear this little miniskirt all the time, but basically

what I'm showing here is where they say you have to have this thigh gap basically

what you have to have is....Bill you can come back here now....where they can see the

other side know you see the blue wall behind me through your thighs and

if you don't have like you know, you got a problem with your weight. I

just really feel that if you've had children, probably if you're over 30,

obsessing about this one every day and checking in the mirror to see if you

have a thigh gap....forget about it. I throw that one out the window. I'm not

obsessing about it and I'm kind of suggesting that you don't either.

So the number two rule I don't obsess about anymore be yourself and know

what your weight is....and always know what your weight is....know if you're gaining

weight....da da da da da. Well I'm gonna show I'm not the worst

housekeeper in the world, but this is underneath my

bed and it's my dusty scale and I just went...for this video, went underneath

the bed and there it was. All kinds of dust. I'm gonna put a little heart here

cuz I just love all my subscribers, but I don't know how it gets dusty under a bed,

but oh well the reason I wanted to show you my old dusty scale, is because I now, I

weigh myself about every 3 or 4 months. Honestly I used to weigh myself twice a that is obsessing about your weight and sometimes I'd be going oh my

gosh I must have drank too much water or maybe I had too much milk today or I

would just be freaking out because it looked like I had gained some weight or

maybe it was you know certain time.... anyway it was just wrong. So now I have

some skirts and pants with no spandex, no elastic in them and even a pair of jeans

too. And if I want to check my weight out I

just pull on those babies. If I can't do them up, man I gotta go for longer walks,

exercise more or whatever I need to do, but standing on that scale every single

day and monitoring is not something I want to do anymore. Hey you can look in

the mirror and see if you' know with these other pants and that sort of

thing are you gaining weight or are you not.

But obsessing with that baby twice a day no more. So my number 3 rule, but it's

broken now. Is denying myself dessert. Youbsee a lot of women and men too that no

longer eat dessert and you know what? Hey if you got a situation where you're not

allowed to have sugar or something like that, I totally get that, but denying

yourself dessert I don't think it's a good thing. However on the flip side when

I first met Bill.....Bill.....Bill you are a dessert junkie. Drives me crazy

because he exercises a lot, he walks the dog three times a day and so you know he

can eat a lot of desserts.But I was eating desserts with him every single

night and he would make, as you know ,that amazing French press coffee. Hey I'll

even put how he does that French press coffee up there with the video we did.

You want to have an amazing dessert. So I was going through this time where I

gained 20 pounds and I said what am I gonna do? That's when I decided I'm

only going to eat desserts on the weekends. On my, or on somebody else's

birthday or celebration and I've been doing that for years now. Sometimes

little cookie maybe, but anyway oh I don't eat those cheese cakes and all of

that sort of thing. No if it's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday it's

not happening. I'm not eating dessert and how does that work for me?

Well I had my birthday celebration a couple of days ago and this is the

dessert that was spread out on the cruise that we went on. And this is my

little plate of desserts that I had and I think it was a Tuesday or something. I

indulged in that dessert and I enjoyed it and I savored all of the....the

chocolate and everything and I went, it's my birthday! Happy birthday to me and I

think you should have some fun with food too!

So the fourth rule was to weigh your food or make sure it's in these little

containers or something like that. That's a lot of work to do. Mind you I remember

a few years ago, I don't know what happened, but plates went from these

normal plates to these kind of platter looking plates and they were really

really all the rage. Well I've definitely gone back to the smaller plate and I

will also show you here that I'm now taking probably about two-thirds of a

portion, maybe even a half of a portion of what I

used to take. Now this is a really healthy kind of meal. Really enjoyable. It

happens to be Sunday night tonight. So I'm making a little bit of a nicer

dinner, but my portion size will be small and well smaller than what I used to

take. And I think that that really helps, but another thing is to remember that

you've got to have three meals a day. So to start off I usually start off with real

fiber intake for breakfast. Usually I've got some kind of a granola with

cranberries and that sort of thing. Also my multivitamins which I think are very

important as well to take and then at around three o'clock I may want a little

snack and I'm doing a video on that to show you the snacks that are at my desk.

And you know maybe a little bit of a light lunch maybe a smoothie or

something like that, but make sure that you're not just going to say, oh you know

what I'm just gonna have a really small portion at dinner. We need to take in

some calories. We absolutely have to and if you're cutting yourself down to what....

800 calories a day or something like that. It's absolutely not healthy and

also measuring and all that, it gets boring after a while. You're probably

going to give it up so just make those plate portions a little bit smaller and

throw out the measurings. So number five is....can you tell by this? Going on a fad

diet! Oh my gosh, like do you remember the grapefruit diet or what other ones were

there? I wrote them down here a little bit, how about, oh yes....

The all liquid diet or even the baby food diet. Like forget about it. I know

some friends that have gone on these diets recently. I haven't been on one of

those since my modeling days, but and yes they lose the weight, but then because of

all the restrictions, are eating the same old boring, boring food all

the time, they just quit and then they yo-yo most of the time not back to their

weight that they were before they got into the the diet, but to more weight and

then they really have a problem taking it off. So my suggestion to you would be

as I mentioned you know, exercise, eat right, watch your portions and if you

really want to lose weight and hey a lot of us do want to lose some weight or at

least maintain our healthy weight, you want to lose the weight, do it really

gradually over time. Don't, please don't resort to just these. So

don't get me wrong I'm not saying that all weight loss programs are wrong. As a

matter of fact there's some remarkable ones out there. You know I really like

the ones where you're sort of helping each other and it's a friendly kind of

atmosphere as opposed to, you know, pointing the finger at people and not

allowing them to maybe lose the weight gradually. I think that for men and women

if you're in a group and it's a very comforting group and like

working out a little bit, good for you and good for those weight loss programs

that are healthy and keep you happy. That's one of the things that I think is

very important. The other thing I think it's so important is that you're

enjoying life. You know this is awesome over 50, this isn't just you know being

thin over 50. No no this is about living an awesome life and so eat those foods

properly, exercise, enjoy yourself, but make sure you're savoring, savoring those

moments. If it's your birthday, it's somebody else's birthday, if there's a

nice piece of cake there, that you know has your candle on it, go ahead and enjoy.

And something else to be savored are our subscribers you guys, oh my gosh like,

when we're reading the comments we're just savoring every moment, you're

amazing and you're helping each other there too. Right Hurricane? They're

amazing aren't they? Yeah and you know there's something that I learned too and

I just wanted to let you know there's a bell around the video somewhere. So if

you are a subscriber and you want to keep up with our videos that we put out

now twice a week, now ring that Bell and it gives you a notification. And if

you're not a subscriber well come on down, there's a button right down there

and we'd love you to join us. Tuesday afternoons we put out inspirational

videos, life style food exercise that sort of thing. And then on Fridays we put

out the beauty and the fashion videos. So we would love to have you join us and

all of those that are already joining us for.....well, we've been doing this now for

over a year! Yes, so some of you have been with us that long and you know who you

are. Thank you so much and until next time remember I don't care how.....I don't

care about weight and what you look like and that sort of thing. If you're a

beautiful person and you're just fine with the way you look, well then that is

amazing. I'm just so happy for you. All I'm trying to say here is for those

people that are getting into some of these weight loss fads and that sort of

thing, I really care about you, I want you to stay healthy. I don't want you to

obsess. I certainly don't want you to go anywhere where I went with my bulimia.

So in the meantime remember to keep it awesome and we'll see you soon.

Everyone's invited to subscribe and join us on our videos.

For more infomation >> 5 Weight Loss, Diet Fad Rules I Won't Obey Anymore, Video for Women, Men - Duration: 13:25.


Best Friends Style Each Other's Most Hated Clothes - Duration: 6:11.

- It's like it's speaking its own language to you.

- Help me.

That's what its saying.


'Cause it doesn't get worn.

(upbeat music)

- So this is my grandmother.

- Yes, hi.


I'm a little bit older than her.

- She's one year older than me

and so she thinks that she's.

- I make a big deal of it.

We met at work.

We bond over boys and drinks.


- And music.

- And music.

- And TV.

- And work.

- And work.

Yeah we like day party, we brunch, we party.

- Those three things.

- This really makes it sound like

all we do in life is party.

- We night party.

There was one weekend we went out together

so we were together for seven days a week, like all day.

- Oh my god, yeah.

- For seven full days.

- And we survived.

- It was great, I didn't even, I didn't die.

- I'm very proud of us.

(upbeat music)

- I don't think I have a style at all, and so.

- I think you do.

- I like Kaylin's style, 'cause I'm like, ooh, that's cute.

- I don't think I have a style.

- You're lying.

No, loose, tight, cropped, mom, kid.

- If I was a character what would I be?

- You'd be.

- I'm a mom kid.

- A mom kid, yeah.

- You always have something bold about your outfit.

But like your whole look is classic, if that makes sense.

I would describe it as simply bold.

Do you like that?

- I like that.

- I think that you should put it in your Instagram bio.

- That's my new Instagram bio, simply bold.

(jazzy music)

- We're gonna try some things out today.

- Okay cool.

(jazzy music)

- I'm Kaylin and this is my closet.

- All right Kaylin and your closet, let's see what we have.

And these are all the smallest articles of, this is a.

- That's not even the smallest.

- This is a headband.

- I call them bibs.

This is one of the hardest wardrobe things.

- How do you get in this, like actually though?

Crop top.

Crop top.

Crop top.


- Listen.

- These are cute!

- Yeah I never wear those.

- I feel like I've never seen you wear these,

but these are really cute.

- They're super mom-y.

- When did you buy this?


- I just.

- Okay.

- I'm wondering.

These look fashion.

- You asked that so seriously.

- When did you buy this?

- I just got that on sale yesterday.

- Did you get it for, yesterday?

- Retail therapy.

- Are you going through something?

You're okay?

You need to talk, after this?

- You know, it's just been a long week at work.

So I just wanted to buy myself something.

- I have seen some things that have my interest,

in fact yes.

- You're so excited.

- I am.

- I'm scared.

- Some of these things I'm actually gonna borrow.

Here is my wardrobe.

- I'm very excited.

So I literally, I took a glance earlier

and I think I already have an idea

but I'm gonna look at every option.

I've never seen you wear these ever.

- Because they're atrocious.

- I think they're really cute,

I like the kind of ruching they have throughout it,

it's like.

- Don't put me in those.

- Well maybe you just need the right outfit for them.

- Incorrect.

They're too bold for work, I feel like.

- No!

- First of all, why are you yelling at me?

- Because.

- Why are you screaming?

- These are not too bold for work at all.

- I feel like they are.

- These would be so cute at work.

I wear bibs to work, so I think you're fine.

- I'm sure you do.

Bib buddy.


Maybe you should catch the, yeah.

- Okay I really like this, this is super cute.

- That is from my Halloween costume this year.

- Plaid's so in right now.

Basically everyone's looking like

a picnic basket this summer, so.

You'd be a cute little picnic basket.

- Thanks, that's my dream.

- Ooh, bitch what is this?

I've never seen you wear this.

- I stole it from my mom.

- But honestly I think I have it now.

I just got hit with a vision.

- Okay.

- A fashion vision.


All right, so we have picked out our outfits.

- All right, here we go.

- Are you ready to go try 'em on?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- That's yours.

- I'm excited.

Ow, ow ow ow.

- You'll be okay.

I'm sorry, so sorry, all right.

- Should we do that more gracefully?


- Oh, you look so cute!

- Bitch, yes.

- Man I did so good.

- You look like a cute little picnic basket.

(upbeat music)

- This is kind of similar to what I was hoping

you were going to put together for me.

- Get out of my head.

- Kind of similar.

- But no, I definitely would not have

put this together myself at all but I really like it.

I guess that that just goes to show

that you can mix it up a little bit,

mix and match a little bit more.

- This is a perfect vineyard outfit.

Like you know how everyone goes to Malibu Wines?

- Yeah.

- You should go Malibu Wines in this outfit.

- Ooh, we should do that soon.

- Should we go today?

- Good job Kaylin, good job.

- We did it, we did it.

- I'm not gonna dance with Dora the Explorer.

- You're not gonna dance with me?

- No, I'm not.

- Oh, I was singing Dora the Explorer,

I didn't even realize.

- Do you like it?

- I love it.

- Good.

- So cute.

- Kaylin's in the background.

- You look like you're out of Clueless.

- Well, Kaylin did it.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.


- What do you think about mine?


- Silence!

- Turn around, do a quick little turn around.

- I'm not.


- Sequoia, you look like a snack.

- You said like a snack?

- A Snackquoia.


- What's my snack nickname?

- Snailyn.


- It is cute, and the thing is that

it makes sense now, because you're never this cute,

so makes sense that it's a video.


- We were just walking and the saddest thing just happened.

- My shoe just gave out.

- [Kaylin] Sequoia's shoe, look at it.

This bitch is trying to walk in the shoe that just broke.

Please stop.

- [Sequoia] I thought I'm walking to the place, I'm walking.

- [Kaylin] Please stop, this is a liability ma'am.

- I like the shoes, I'd even put some respect on those,

those look fire.

- [Kaylin] Thank you.

- Beach?

- Very beach summer, yeah.

- [Kaylin] Does it look like something

that we would both wear?

- Yeah, that's why I'm confused as to what is happening.

And this is always a trick.


- [Kaylin] No, no we just styled each other today.

- Oh.

- [Kaylin] Yeah, so I picked out Sequoia's outfit.

- From my own closet.

- [Woman] Nice, nice.

- And then she picked out mine.

- You did a good job, yeah.

I was like, this is a trick.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Best Friends Style Each Other's Most Hated Clothes - Duration: 6:11.


19.0 Update Video | Marvel Contest of Champions - Duration: 2:41.

Hey Summoners!

Adora here and today I'm going to break down

all of the awesome new content we have in store for our 19.0 build.

Let's get started!

With the theatrical release of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp in early July,

we have a bunch of Ant-Man related content coming to The Contest.

Long time Summoners will remember Pym Canisters and in 19.0,

we're bringing them back, new and improved!

Pym Canisters can be collected by playing Arenas,

the new "Return to the Micro-Realm" event quest,

and by logging in regularly to receive them

from a daily calendar starting July 3rd.

You'll also be able to collect Pym Canisters in Daily Quests

starting July 18th.

Players will then be able to use these Pym Canisters

to purchase Pym Particle Disks from the game store,

which will allow access to the Micro-Realm Quests.

Summoners play through these quests and earn fantastic rewards

such as Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 5-Star Shards,

4-Star Awakening Gem Crystals, 4-Star Shards,

and much, much more!

Collecting Pym Canisters will kick off July 3rd

and run until August 1st.

You will still be able to redeem any left over Pym Canisters

until August 8th by purchasing Pym Crystals.

These Crystals will contain

small amounts of Crystal Shards,

but the rewards will be much better

during the month long event.

So, get out there and start collecting those Pym Canisters!

Keeping with the Ant-Man theme,

we have two exciting new playable characters dropping into The Battlerealm.

Wasp joins the fight and with the ability

to shrink and hit mid-combo by using her heavy attack,

she will be a force to be reckoned with!

You can't have a hero without a villain

so, we're also introducing Ghost to The Contest.

Ghost is unique because as she dashes back,

she starts to phase for a short period.

While phasing, she cannot be hit by attacks!

Wasp drops July 5th and, Ghost will be available starting July 19th

to round out what will be an exciting month in The Contest!

With a month full of Ant-Man related excitement

plus many other improvements coming to the game

such as, a new Champion Challenge,

a new peak Milestone rewards system,

Alliance Wars tuning, and various user experience upgrades,

19.0 is sure to be yet another fantastic update.

Until next time,

I'm Adora and I'll catch you in The Battlerealm!

For more infomation >> 19.0 Update Video | Marvel Contest of Champions - Duration: 2:41.


Painting With Yovette, Video Update for July - Duration: 1:12.

Good evening. This is Yovette again from my magic brushes. You know, my mother

always told me that life is what happens to you when you have other plans, and

this past month I've had other plans, but they didn't exactly materialize the way

the way I had hoped they would. So anyway the thing that I had wanted to post for

July 1st, I'm not going to have ready. So sorry to be disappointing about that,

but what I am going to do instead on the 1st of July is post the bonus video

that I did, the Golden Rays of sunshine! I had so many requests of people that

wanted to see that done with the pastel colors. So that's what I'm going to post

this month and hopefully I'll be back with something new again the following

month, but I'm not sure about that quite yet. So anyway, just stay tuned and I hope

you enjoy the bonus video. Have a great evening.

Bye bye

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