Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017

What's up, guys? How are you doin' ? It's fucking cold outside!

Instead of buying soup, I got this...

Rice with milk! [ Let's say it's 3 kg ]

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

I haven't tried this brand before. Maybe it's disgusting and that it's the challenge itself.

I hope it is good.

NEW SECTION Salt + U2 = "Greetings" (spanish)

I would like to say hello to Lodius. Glad you like my videos. I like them too.

Let's be honest: they are fucking good.

Greetings for Kupaman too. He had the great idea about the 7 bowls of rice with milk.

I think that's fair and I'll do it.

I guess the challenge is about quantity as it's almost 3.5kg. IMO.

I set up a stopwatch just in case. Anyway, I don't think this will take me too long.

This will go down quite easy.

3, 2, 1, BOOM!

Let's see how it tastes.

Now that's a big lid! Cool!

The first minute shouldn't count, right?


It's good. It's alright. It's fucking sugary. But this thing need cinnamon! [ CINNAMON! ]

The cinnamon makes it a whole lot better. [ CINNAMON! ]

It's so wrong that it does not come with cinnamon. [ CINNAMON ! ]


I can see already that I can eat 7... 17... or 27 of this. I dunno. Something ending in 7 but with two digits.

I don't know what would be my time if I didn't lick the lids.

[ "Your" too proud and my granny on a diet eats more than ya, fat ass ]

Kcal 4504, Carbs 762g, Fat 117g, Protein 98g New Mandel Record: SUGAR 469g

Fuck my life. I'm gonna eat almost 5000 kcal and I'll still be hungry when I finish.

The lid is the best part.

I would not buy it again. I'd rather cook it myself and it would taste better.

This product costs 1.20€. If you buy the ingredients separately, it would cost you 0.32€.

67% MILK, 15% SUGAR, 9% CREAM, 8% RICE

This product lacks quality given that the company makes such a huge benefit.

Maybe there's a 1kg bowl and I got the wrong size.


However, it tastes good. Even vinegar tastes good if you add so much sugar.

As I said, it's good but it's not the most important discovery of the century.


There you go. 7 bowls.

Just checking if there's something left.

For more infomation >> RETO 3 KILOS ARROZ CON LECHE HACENDADO | 4500 KCAL 470g AZUCAR - Duration: 5:33.


WHAT'S YOUR FIGHTING STYLE? | For Honor - Duration: 1:00.





When I step into the octagon, it's game time.

When you're in the mousetrap, it's game over.

After I'm done,

there will be nobody better than me.

I am a Knight.

For more infomation >> WHAT'S YOUR FIGHTING STYLE? | For Honor - Duration: 1:00.


Знаменитые девушки модели из России портят репутацию отеля в Дубае #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Знаменитые девушки модели из России портят репутацию отеля в Дубае #ValeryAliakseyeu - Duration: 2:57.


You Evolve In Light, As You Become A Light BEing - Duration: 10:47.

You Evolve In Light, As You Become A Light BEing.

by Lisa Brown,

Yes� as you evolve in light, as you become a Light BEing, those BEings you used to fear,

those beings that used to only exist etherically, you are evolving (back) INTO one of �them�.

WE, as Light BEings do not have the lower emotions that humans have, WE do not have

the lower thoughts anymore, we do not have the lower anything� that the separated-ego-human

once did�. for we have transcended all of that from within, purged and cleansed it from

our cellular body, from deep within our muscles, bones, glands, organs, flesh and skin.

Through the activation of CRYSTALS our body begins a huge purification process that human�s

cannot fully understand.

One must actually experience it.

Technically all already are and will, they just don�t fully understand what is happening

within their physical body structures.

Human�s keep trying to �fix� this process, diagnose it, treat it, control it�.

This is about LOVE.

Pure Divine Essence Love�.

As the Light of your Soul actives inside of you it TRIGGERS (activates) an action to occur.

It triggers a bio-chemical process, an entire transformational process, a re-vamping, re-configuring,

re-calibration, re-structuring phase of not only your whole physical anatomy, but of your

whole physical reality too.

That fear that was in your kidneys was keeping your body out of tune, that anger/control/obessiveness

in your liver, that lack of speaking truth as love was in your thyroid, those walls around

your heart/tight muscles, those brain pathways must open up and re-map completely�.. the

blood that carries all through your body, pumps life from your heart to the rest of

your body�.

every little cell�.

Every body part, every gland, every organ, every cell must completely re-work itself�.

Love must stream through your body� and love brings deep profound love, gratitude,

appreciation, peace, joy and REMEMBERING of all FORGOTTEN when you/each entered the unconscious

matrix, the amnesia realms, the realms of unconsciousness�.

As a Soul, you chose an unconscious body that held the ability to play out the human experience

you chose, the one that held within it�s DNA what you needed to experience BEFORE it

was TIME to awaken fully� which is NOW.

As you sleep you awaken, as you walk around foggy/groggy, you are leaving the old matrix

simulated existence and moving into a whole NEW ONE.

As you sleep, reality will start to change.

First inside of you� then out there.

What you once �thought� you knew is no longer true.

What once made you happy won�t fulfill the lack places inside of you anymore�..

The only thing that will fill those spaces is PURE DIVINE LOVE for you/connected with

your own SOUL�.


Your focus will change, your desires will change, you will change�. as you become


Your body constantly re-calibrating, gravity will come and go as your body anchors more


Your physical matter mass will continually change too.

The more presence you have, the present you are, the slower you go, the more space you

have inside of you and all around you� The more you will FEEL physical matter outside

of you�.

Clutter will create chaos with your energy/thoughts, things will take up space, so in order for

you to expand �. you need SPACE and lots of it�.

Nature becomes a necessity, instead of a �I don�t have time for that�.

Alone time for your Soul to emerge, speak louder, for you to HOLD THAT CONNECTION stronger

is a necessity too.

You start to realize what no longer feeds you, inspires you, fills you anymore.

�All of a sudden� you desire something different.

Simplicity in one way, for our hearts are simple�.

yet we also desire MORE.

More love, more happy, more peace, more kindness, more sacred respect� all of a sudden you

will no longer tolerate the lack-filled programs that used to be your world�.

As Light BEings, we do not have the lower emotions anymore.

They completely go, unless we have a huge light activation that activates cells that

held a dormant energy of an old vibration� then there is a trigger and it�s released�..

we don�t project, we don�t go unconscious, we just honor our body upgrading itself.

We honor what we need to experience, because we know that it brings forth more awesomeness,

more freedom, more peace, more abundance, more exquisiteness�..

Human�s can�t understand the simplicity of peace, the simplicity of pure happiness

without the need for chaos, or words or anything.

Our worlds are not defined by anyone or anything, an identity�.

nothing�. just love�.

Your Crystalline LightBody Structures process a ridiculous amount of information as it streams


The crystals give you the ability to process at a ridiculous rate, simultaneously�. you

need not think, you just know.

It�s all right there�.

inside and in your field�.

Simultaneous existence� no separation� totally unity with/as all from within.

Your Crystalline LightBody processes for you.

Your job is to keep your atmosphere clean, keep your self in an observation space, honor

your body so it can do what it needs to do.

Sleep, get out in nature, slow down, pull away when you need and then get in there and

get busy when you feel/see inside that it�s time to DO.

As you EMERGE FROM THE FOG/AMNESIA (this will occur on & off in different phases), it�s

time for you to start to contribute (not that it�s not always time), but it�s different


You can maintain the ability to stay expanded and DO what you came here to BE/DO.

As you return to the ability to function as a multi-dimensional here, how you function

is very different now� and you must �learn� to function energetically��

The fog/amnesia can last a whole lifetime until now� it�s can get strong at times

if you are lifting tons of veils�..

You are activating an anchoring YOUR DREAMS in the PHYSICAL HERE.

You cannot do this in total control as a human�. for your human doesn�t understand how this

works and it constantly tries to inner-fear with the process.

It tries to apply old outdated beliefs to a new process it�s not experienced in this

human existence� It tries to match human mentalities with an experience that transcends

all things human.

This won�t work�. only temporarily� like everything else that human aspects try

to do�.

Listen to your body, it�s conscious, it speaks to you.

Listen to higher wisdom/guidance inside and if you are not sure yet, then there are higher

self/source Light BEings already here� in the physical� WE write to you daily, we

teach, we share, we speak your truth, we activate your soul�. and then choose what resonates,

what is feels true to you� throw the rest out� let everything else go.

Until you fully respect and love yourself, totally appreciate you� you are not going

to have the capability to hold this for anyone else.

Until you see your own worthiness, until you value you and what you have to offer here

(which is limitless too), you won�t appreciate others, you won�t appreciate what they contribute�.

Until you stop judging, you can�t break that cycle of lack.

Until you open up fully and stop fighting, you can�t experience the total pure peace

and bliss that higher consciousness existence offers you� IN EVERY MOMENT.

As your heart opens, your mind will be confused.

This is the purpose.

As you EXIST from your higher-aspect-heart-mind, these will synchronize to work together � your

power will return, your true and pure you will return, you won�t need to struggle,

suffer or live in lack anymore.

You/All have an ENTIRE EXISTENCE unfolding/materializing every moment of every day.

All you have to DO is allow it, participate in it, choose it and DO whatever it takes

to LIVE AS YOUR SOUL instead of trying to live as an unconscious human�..

Your challenge will be you�. to stay conscious until you can maintain consciousness in all

that you are and do.

To observe you, to understand you, to listen to you, to see you�. to let go of judgment,

to stop going small and hiding, to see your own programs and how what plays out in your

own physical reality world IS YOUR CREATION� and that you are the ONE that hold the POWER

to shift, transform, change, reprogram all from within.

If you keep allowing the same programs to play out, if you keep allowing old unconscious

realities to play out�. then �out there is not unconscious� �. you are�.

Leave the old behind� let it go� you have so much that WAITS FOR YOU�.

yet it cannot come forth if you keep fighting it.

Timelines are collapsing & converging bigger/more than ever before.

You can shift to a NEW TIMELINE that�s in alignment with your SOUL.

If you hold onto separation, your human resistance, then you are not going to in-JOY the experience,

but it will teach you�.

what do to/not to do�.


And it will show you HOW ALL WORKS�. if you really care to pay attention and know.

Open your hearts loves!

More more more more & more!

A whole lot more!

Have a magical day

For more infomation >> You Evolve In Light, As You Become A Light BEing - Duration: 10:47.


WINNERS || Winter Biannual Bibliothon 2017. - Duration: 9:00.


BRITTNI: Hey bibliophiles, we are here to announce the 2017

winter Biannual Bibliothon winners.

KELLY: We had so much fun getting to watch all of your videos.

You guys are absolutely amazing. So thank you so so much for participating.

Every year you guys get bigger and better and every year it just absolutely blows us away.

EMMA: If you didn't know, my names is Emma. I'm from the channel Emmmabooks

and I hosted day one of the Biannual Bibliothon for the Shit Blank People Say challenge.

And the winner for that challenge is Hannah from SprinkledWithWords.

She did Shit Angry Readers Say and I just thought it was absolutely hysterical because

so many of the scenes she portrayed were so relatable.

It was just like my humor. Every time I rewatched it I just found myself

chuckling and the ending was hysterical in my opinion.

It was just a really great skit so congratulations Hannah. You are winning a copy of

Night Film by Marisha Pessl and I hope you enjoy it.

SIERRA: Hi hello everyone, my name is Sierra and I was your host for day two of the Biannual Bibliothon.

The challenge for that day was the Throwback Challenge and you guys gave us so many entries

and all of your videos were so amazing. I had such a long list of who I wanted to win.

I had to rewatch them a million times and I just could not choose. But finally I came down to the conclusion

of the one that made me laugh the most and that was Jade from JadeisJaded.

You'll be winning a copy of Heartless by Marissa Meyer. She did a wonderful character impressions video.

She pulled the names out of a little jar and randomly did all of these character impressions,

outfits and everything. It was hysterical and please go watch it if you haven't yet.

It was amazing. But yeah you'll be winning a copy of Heartless so thank you Jade!

RED: Hey guys, what's up? Its Red. I hosted day three of 2017 Biannual Bibliothon,

which was the Day In the Life video challenge. The idea behind this was to do a vlog or day in the life

as a book character.

Now there were a lot of really fantastic entries, like I'm talking really good. But finally I had to narrow it down

to one winner. The winner for the day three challenge is Emma from TellerofTales

who did a fantastic, I'm talking fantastic Day in the Life video as Dolores Umbridge.

The entire thing had me cracking up and when I want to watch a video multiple times just because

I thoroughly enjoy it and somehow one time wasn't enough, that's a pretty good sign on the quality of the video.

So Emma you will be receiving Through the Woods by Emily Carroll, which is m favorite graphic novel.

It is beautifully illustrated and perfectly creepy so I hope you will love this as much as I do.

KELLY: I'm Kelly from KellysBookSpill and my challenge was the Character DIY.

My challenge was on day four and the winner for my challenge has to be SaraWithoutanH.

If you guys have not watched her video, you need to stop what you're doing right now after you're done

with this video and go watch it. It was absolutley hilarious. When I watched her video,

I just knew I wasn't going to be able to get it out of my head the rest of the week because

it was so funny. She basically cosplayed as Voldemort as you can see and Voldemort shows you

how to make a horcrux. That is all I'm going to say. Just know that it is absolutely hilarious,

You're going to probably be crying you're laughing so hard and you just need to go watch it.

So congratulations Sara.

BRITTNI: Hey loves, I'm Brittni and my channel is Brittni's Book Find and I was your host for day five.

My challenge for day five was to do a character or characters lookbook. Either you could create a

fashion lookbook or a make up lookbook based on what you think your favorite characters would look like.

I was just blown away by the fact that all of the lookbooks that I watched, especially the ones

that I have read, I imagined the characters very similar.

I really like that we all kind of think alike. I guess the writers do a good job of describing what the characters look like

and feel like and the vibes. That was just really cool to see. I had a really hard time picking a winner

of this challenge. They're just so fun to watch, they're all so well done. After watching your videos

over and over, I finally decided that the winner of the day five lookbook is going to GabriellaPop.

And she did a really cool shadowhunters lookbook. I really enjoyed the way it was all put together.

The looks were on point for the characters. I think they were great, the way I envision them.

Also, the way that she filmed it in different environments and her personality really shined through

in the video and the music. I love the music with the video. It was well done, very well done.

I love how it just all came together. It was perfect. Great job Gabriella. As the winner of the lookbook challenge,

you'll be receiving Ever the Hunted by Erin Sumerhill. I am so excited to give this book away and I really hope you enjoy it.

MOMO: Hey guys, what's up? It's Momo from The Booktube Girl. My video challenge for you guys was

the Bust-a-Rhyme challenge, which was basically where you had to make a rap, poem, or song out of book titles.

All of your entries were amazing. The great variety that you guys came up with was really interesting and amazing.

As always I absolutely loved all of your video entries. The winner for my day was Carolyn from BubblyBookNerd.

The title of her video was "Roasting Myself with Book Titles" and she basically did the Roast Yourself challenge

which went around Youtube a lot last year. She put book titles in there. I watched this video three or four times

because I just found it so hilarious and everything just flowed so nicely together. All of the book titles,

it wasn't jumpy, they were just in there. I feel like with my video it was really hard to kind of put book titles

in there if you were doing a song or a rap and have it flow without being kind of disjointed and weird.

But she did a really good job of implementing the book title part of the challenge because we wanted to make that

a little different from the parody roads we usually do and make it a little more difficult. Carolyn just smashed this challenge,

She did an awesome job and you will be receiving a copy of Just One Day by Gayle Forman.

KASSIE: Day seven's winner was RaeofSunshineBooks. She did the New Year, New Me challenge for

Hazel Grace Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars. I can't handle it. It was so good.

It's definitely a little bit of a tear jerker. I definitely teared up watching it, which is always surprising for me

because usually I love to laugh when I'm watching these videos and she did not make me laugh, she made me cry.

It was so good, and I absolutely loved it so make sure to check out that video down below. And RaeofSunshineBooks

will be winning Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, the coloring book. I'm excited for you to get this Rae.

It's so pretty.

EMMA: If you are unaware, every single Bibliothon, we love giving extra credit and recognition to

those of you who try really hard during the week and end up uploading and entering all seven days.

So we have a little bonus giveaway for those of you who may not have won one the individual challenges

but did complete every single one during the week.

KASSIE: We have four over people who did participate in all seven challenges and they are listed here.

Sorry if I say these names wrong, I hope I get them right. Zaira Aranda, K Marie Batik, and I'm pretty sure K stands for Kaitlin

because I think I remember her commenting on one of my videos.

And thn ProudBooklion and SophieisNotaNerd.

One of these four people is going to win $20 to Book Depository.

This one, this one's the winner.

ProudBooklion, you are the winner of the eighth challenge, which is the fact that you participated in all seven days.

So congratulations ProudBooklion, we'll be talking to you shortly.

SIERRA: We will be contacting all of the winners through our own twitter accounts via direct message

so keep an eye out for that. If you were the eighth winner, first of all congratulations and thank you for participating.

You will be getting a direct message from our Biannual Bibliothon twitter so also, keep an eye out.

MOMO: Thank you so much to everyone that participated this round of the Bibliothon. We'll be talking about

some of our other favorites that didn't win on our own channels so make sure to check that out.

RED: Before we go, we just wanted to announce our next BiblioBook Club liveshow for our current read,

Heartless by Marissa Meyer. That will be taking place on Sunday February twelfth at 12pm PST.

We hope you guys will join us for the liveshow. We are super excited to be able to discuss this book

and discuss our different experiences reading it. That just about wraps everything up.

Congratulations to the winners and we'll talk to you guys later.

For more infomation >> WINNERS || Winter Biannual Bibliothon 2017. - Duration: 9:00.


January Wrap Up! - Duration: 12:41.

Hi guys, I've got my January Wrap Up today

which I thought I would combine with my

December Wrap Up because I wasn't able to

do a December Wrap Up because I was ill at

the end of December and beginning of

January. And I was considering just

completely skipping over it but I did

end up reading some really good books

in December and I kind of just want to give

them the credit that I think they

deserve. So today I just thought I would

combine my January Wrap Up with my

December Wrap Up. Throughout the entirety

of December, I was reading 'I'll Be Home

for Christmas' which is a collection of

short stories, all centering around the

theme of home and Christmas. It was a very

diverse collection of stories actually.

In the sense that a lot of stories

all surround different things, like different

sexualities and different religions and

races and class and things like that.

Some of the stories I really, really loved

some of them I didn't love quite so much.

But I really enjoyed Non Pratt's story,

and Cat Clarke's story and Lisa Williamson's

story. But my absolute favorite out of

them all was the poem that Benjamin

Zephaniah wrote about refugees at

Christmas and I thought that was absolutely

gorgeous. And I kind of just want to

recommend that everybody reads that poem

because I just thought it was stunning. I really

enjoyed it and I ended up giving this a

3.5 out of 5 stars. I also read 'The Amateurs'

by Sara Shepard. About this group of

amateur detectives, trying to solve the

murder that happened five years prior to

this being set, to a girl's sister and it

was so much fun.

This gave me all the kind of nostalgic

'Pretty Little Liars' feels. And I didn't

enjoy this quite as much as I've enjoyed

Sara Shepard's other books. It didn't blow my

mind quite as much and I kind of guessed

the ending to it. Which I'm not sure

whether that is because I have now just

read too many of Sara Shepard's books. So I

feel as though maybe I kind of know where

they're going to go or how her mind is

working when she's writing them. I

really enjoyed the fact that the

characters in this were all slightly older.

So they were all either in their first years of

college or in the kind of, last years of

high school which I really enjoyed.

Just because it kind of felt as though them

being these amateur detectives, was slightly

more plausible, which I really enjoyed.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next.

As I feel as though the next one may be slightly

crazier and maybe slightly darker. I ended up

giving it a 4 out of 5 stars. It was

definitely a really fun read and I just

love Sara Shepard's books, they're just always so much fun.

I then also read 'Every Last Word'

by Tamara Ireland Stone which is

following Samantha, who is living with

purely obsessional OCD and it's

basically about her trying to deal

with that and trying to learn how to,

kind of control that, whilst also balancing

her life and some toxic friendships and

a romance and a few twists and turns as

well. Before reading this, I had not heard of

purely obsessional OCD. I'd heard of OCD

but not purely obsessional. So I found

it incredibly enlightening and

incredibly insightful and I thought it

was done very respectfully. As I know

this wasn't own voices but you can tell

that Tamara Ireland Stone did put a lot of

research into it and she actually

explained at the end of the book, how she

did that research. This also features a

very positive family relationship

surrounding mental illness and also a

really positive relationship with

therapists and a positive outlook on

therapy and things like that, which I

thought was fantastic. I know a lot of

people have read this and it's kind of

blown their mind in a lot of ways but

because I had known that, it didn't

completely blow my mind. It was just a

very nice balance of your classic

contemporary, whilst also tackling mental

illness. Although I do wish that there had

been slightly more emphasis on the

mental illness side of things. As I feel as though

this was very much sold as a book

following a girl with purely obsessional OCD

and that wasn't necessarily, kind of, the

highlight of the book. It wasn't

necessarily the main focus. But I would have

just personally liked to have read more about

that and learn more about that but as I

said, I thought this was incredibly

insightful, incredibly eye-opening and I

ended up giving it a 4 out of 5 stars.

I then also read Plutona which is a

graphic novel by Jeff Lemire, Emmi Lennox and Jordie Bellaire.

And this is about a group of kids that find

a dead superhero. I really loved the art

style in it. I thought it was really

interesting and I loved the color palette

and thought it just kind of really

perfectly fit the feel and emotion to

it but there were a couple of things

they didn't love quite so much. First of

all, this was a very short graphic novel and

I'd expected it to be the start of a series

but it was just its own, stand alone

graphic novel. So it felt very rushed

and I would have really enjoyed it to be

more fleshed out, as it was a very

interesting concept. I definitely think

that I would have appreciated it more

and enjoyed it a lot more had I gone into

this knowing that it was a standalone.

And I actually read it almost

immediately after I read it the first

time around, knowing that it was a

standalone and definitely enjoyed it more

that time around. There was also a

character in this that was consistently,

throughout the whole story, picked on

that due to her weight. And was called 'chubs'

and things like that and no one really

stood up for her, or called this person out

for doing it. And I just thought it was

completely unnecessary. It didn't add

anything to the story and it was never

concluded, it was just completely

accepted and I don't really understand

why it was there. So I really, really

didn't like that part of it. I think this

would make such a great TV show or movie.

It kind of gave me 'Stranger Things' meets

'Super 8' kind of vibes. And also there was a

pug puppy in this called Loki, which was just fantastic.

I gave it 3 out of 5 stars. During the

few days leading up to Christmas, I read

'The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily'

by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan which is the

sequel to 'Dash and Lily's Book of Dares' which is

one of my favourite contemporaries. I never

expected there to be sequel to it, so I

was kind of really nervous about what I

would think of this because I really wanted

to enjoy it and I really, really loved it.

This followed kind of a very different

feel to the first book and I've heard a

lot of people kind of not enjoying this

because they felt it was too negative.

Lily is this person that

absolutely love Christmas. It's her favorite

time of the year and this year she's not

excited about it and just not feeling

happy about it because her grandfather,

who she is super close with, hasn't been

very well. I thought it was just so

refreshing to read about someone at

Christmas, who is known for how much they

love Christmas, not enjoying Christmas. I

found it extremely comforting and this

was just the kind of book that I needed to

read at the time that I read it. I really,

really appreciated it and I didn't

find Lily annoying in any way, which I know

a lot of people have done. I didn't find

that, I just kind of really felt bad for her

and understood it. I don't know whether I preferred

it more than the first book. I think for

me, they're on two totally different levels and

will stay kind of quite sentimental to

me. I really, really enjoyed it and I

ended up giving it a 4 out of 5 stars.

And lastly in December, I read 'A Monster Calls'

by Patrick Ness and I went into

this knowing absolutely nothing about it,

despite the fact that I'd heard so many

people saying how much they enjoyed it.

I didn't really know anything about the

plot at all. Because of that, I'm not going

to explain the plot because I feel as though

going into this

without it, is kind of the best way. The very

kind of, very small tiny summary, is that

it follows a boy whose mother is living

with cancer and other than that I'm not

going to go into anything more about it

but this book kind of broke me. And I'm

not sure whether that is because of the

book or whether because, the day that I read

this, was very emotional day and I was

already extremely emotional when I

picked this up. So it probably wasn't the

best time for me to read this but I

thought this was really great. I don't

think I loved it as much as other people

have done. That is something that will

say and I think that may be because I

picked up with extremely high

expectations. But yeah, I end up giving

this a 4/4.25 out of 5 stars. So those were all

of the books that I read in December and

then the first book I read in January was 'Big Magic'

by Elizabeth Gilbert and this is 'A

Guide to Creative Living Beyond Fear'. And

I'm going to say straight of the bat, I

really didn't enjoy this.

I had really hoped that I was going to.

I had heard so many fantastic things about this

and so many people saying how much it was

inspiring them and how much it really

helped their creativity, which I'm all for

but I really just didn't connect to it

at all. I don't think I resonated at all

with Elizabeth Gilbert's voice. The first thirty

pages or so, I was thinking yes, this is

going to change my life but after those

thirty pages, I really didn't like it. And

it's not because I necessarily hated it.

I just didn't enjoy it. There was a whole

section in it, which I think after I read

that, I just kind of was like, I don't think

this is going to be a book for me. When she

was talking about how art isn't

important and at the end of the day, it

doesn't save lives.

So in a zombie apocalypse, it would

just be completely unnecessary. That is

something I personally don't agree with.

I think art is really, really important.

Theatre and film and books and writing

and music, has such a huge impact on

people and I think it is an incredibly

important part of people's lives. If

you're interested in picking this up,

then I don't want to put you off because

I don't want to put you off reading

something that could completely change

your life. So I think definitely read

positive reviews about it as well but I

personally really didn't enjoy it and I

just don't think there's anything that I

will take away from it.

So I ended up giving it a 2 out of 5 stars.

I read 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe'

which I fell head over heels in love

with and ended up giving it a 5 out of 5

stars. I went into this having heard so

much about it but knowing very, very

little about it. And I just don't really

know how to explain the plot of this. I loved

the writing in it, it was very simple but

also at the same time beautiful and I

was constantly wanting to write down

quotes from it and I just loved it. I

really loved it. It was completely

character-driven, which is my personal

kind of preference and favourite thing in books.

I'm very much a character reader. I really

enjoy connecting the characters. The plot

is still one hundred percent important

and I'm still all about amazing plots

but I love it when I can read a book and

really fall in love with the characters.

Which I definitely did with this and I

absolutely adored it. I think the word

that I would use to describe this is

subtle. It was very subtly beautiful, very

gentle and subtle in its plot and pace.

And it was just heartbreaking and

heartwarming and I thought it was fantastic.

The characters are all very

multi-dimensional and my favorite aspect

of this, was the fact that the family

relationships in it were fantastic.

They were so brilliant, so positive, so

interesting, with different sexualities and things

like that. Yeah, I thought this was

fantastic and I couldn't recommend it

more highly. I'm really excited about the

fact that there is a sequel to it and I now

completely understand why so many people

love this book so much because I am now

definitely one of those people and I ended

up giving a 5 out of 5 stars.

And then lastly in my January Wrap Up,

throughout the whole of January, I

managed to read the first eight book in

'The Series of Unfortunate Events', for the first time

ever. And this, I don't know what I

expected from this. I'd seen the movie

when I was younger and it totally

scarred me for life.

I cannot watch a film within Jim Carrey

in it because he just terrifies me now

because of his portrayal of Count Olaf.

And I never read these because of that

but I've been really wanting to watch

Netflix original series and I felt as

though it was time to challenge myself

to read this. So I read the first eight

and I'm hoping to read the rest of

them in February. They're all my

February TBR. And I really enjoyed this. I'm going

to put them down because they're kind of

heavy but I really enjoyed it. The first

two I gave a 4 out of 5 stars and I really

loved that, especially the second one. Then

books three and four I gave a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Just because the underlying plot I just

found a little bit tedious and I was

getting slightly tired of it. So I gave

those a 3.5 out of 5 stars. And then I

really enjoyed book number five. So I gave

that a 3.75 out of 5 stars. And then books

six, seven and eight

I really enjoyed. I thought kind of the spark

from the original two books kind of came

back in them and there were more

characters and more mysteries and more

kind of objectives and just weird stuff

going on. But I think I gave six, seven and eight a

4 out of 5 stars. This whole series is so

far-fetched and so bizarre and it is a

lot of fun. I will say that the whole

kind of basic plot is very much recycled

in all of the books. I'm really looking

forward to kind of finishing this series.

I'm not entirely sure where it's going,

so I'm very, very intrigued and yeah

I'm really enjoying it. So I'm looking

forward to seeing what happens and how

it concludes because it's just

incredibly intriguing. So those were all

of the books that I read in December

2016 and January 2017. And I hope you had

a fantastic December and I hope you had

a fantastic January. I will leave the links to my

Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads and

Blog in the description box below. I also

just got Snapchat, which I'm kind of half

using, kind of half not. So I will leave that

as well in the description box and yeah

as said I hope you've been having a

fantastic month and I hope you have a

brilliant start to February. Bye!

For more infomation >> January Wrap Up! - Duration: 12:41.


WWE Smackdown Türkçe Altyazı | Ambrose ve Styles'ın Defterleri - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> WWE Smackdown Türkçe Altyazı | Ambrose ve Styles'ın Defterleri - Duration: 2:23.


¿Que es el rompedor de polvo estelar? (Castigador de almas) | Dragon Ball Z. - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Que es el rompedor de polvo estelar? (Castigador de almas) | Dragon Ball Z. - Duration: 3:26.


Frank Ocean's Dad Sues Him for $14.5M - Duration: 1:09.

Frank Ocean's father Calvin Cooksey is extremely sensitive to insults and very litigious. That

combination that led him to sue Russell Simmons for a whopping 142 million dollars back in

2014 after Simmons' site Global Grind portrayed Cooksey—who hasn't been a part of his son's

life since Ocean was around six years old—as a deadbeat dad.

Now Cooksey is at it again. Only this time, the victim is his own son. TMZ reported on

Thursday that Cooksey, who describes himself as a singer, writer, and inventor, is suing

Ocean for 14.5 million dollars over Ocean's June 2016 Tumblr post responding to the horrific

Pulse nightclub shooting.

In the post, Ocean wrote, quote, "I was 6 years old when I heard my dad call our transgender

waitress a f****t as he dragged me out of a neighborhood diner saying we wouldn't be

served because she was dirty. That was the last afternoon I saw my father and the first

time I heard that word, I think, although it wouldn't shock me if it wasn't."

Cooksey says that this never happened, and that his son's blog post has cost him opportunities

in film and music—eight figures' worth of opportunities. Somehow, we think he may be

exaggerating his potential earning just a little bit.

For more 14 million dollar blog posts and other stories, subscribe to Complex News on


For more infomation >> Frank Ocean's Dad Sues Him for $14.5M - Duration: 1:09.


Binäre Optionen mit 24Option - Perfekter Einstieg oder nur Glück? - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Binäre Optionen mit 24Option - Perfekter Einstieg oder nur Glück? - Duration: 6:36.


Best Experienced DUI Lawyer In Palm Beach, Florida - Duration: 0:52.

If you've been charged with a DUI you probably have a lot of questions such as, am I going

to lose my license, am I oing to have to pay fines, or even, will I lose my job if my boss

finds out.

Well, we have years of experience dealing with DUI cases and we understand the laws

and the legal system.

Even if you've had multiple offenses or there was property damage, even if there were injuries

from a crash, we can help.

Don't try to face the system alone.

We offer free consultations, so give us a call today.

For more infomation >> Best Experienced DUI Lawyer In Palm Beach, Florida - Duration: 0:52.


I Quit Call of Duty - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> I Quit Call of Duty - Duration: 2:53.


Riverdale 1x02 ''A Touch of Evil'' Sneak Peek #2 Legendado - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 1x02 ''A Touch of Evil'' Sneak Peek #2 Legendado - Duration: 1:33.


JW Library - Conhecendo o aplicativo - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> JW Library - Conhecendo o aplicativo - Duration: 1:40.


Tipos De Alunos - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Tipos De Alunos - Duration: 2:36.


Are Cuba and Puerto Rico Accessible? | Disabled y Latinx - Duration: 3:07.

So I live in the United States.

And accessibility is very important for me for the

country I was born and raised in.

And no matter where I go, I look for stores

that are accessible for people who are like me

that can walk but need a little assistance.

And then look for those same places

that also have wheelchair access.

I look at sidewalks, whether or not

they have been fixed for people who use wheelchairs.

Bottomline is, I look for accessibility

everywhere I go in my country.

But what about the countries in my background?

My dad is from Puerto Rico and my mom is from Cuba.

I've only been to Puerto Rico once, and that was when I was ten years old.

And I went to San Juan.

What I remember in San Juan is

that the sidewalks,

weren't really accessible for people with disabilities.

The streets weren't accessible either because

they were cobblestone.

And obviously because San Juan has a lot of historical sites,

a lot of that isn't really for people who use wheelchairs.

Now I only have a limited memory of Puerto Rico

and I have never been to Cuba.

So I asked family and my friend Gustavo,

how they feel right now accessibility is on those two islands.

Considering they've all been there more recently.

Now Gustavo pretty much told me the same things

I remember about San Juan.

But he is from Carolina in Puerto Rico.

From where he is, he says that,

some of the sidewalks aren't accessible

depending on where you are.

In the more poorer areas

the houses aren't made for people with disabilities.

In some of the rich areas,

there are houses that are accessible for people with disabilities.

But he's not sure whether they had that in mind.

My god brother, who also has been to Puerto Rico more recently,

has gone to Bayamón.

And he says the opposite.

He's gone to very rich areas,

where it's not accessible

on their sidewalks and their houses.

So from what I've gathered, Puerto Rico is kind of...

a mix.

And I did ask Gustavo,

what he saw when it came to Disability Pride in Puerto Rico.

And for the most part, he didn't see it as prevalent

the way it is here in the states.

Now for some of my family members that are Cuban,

and have gone to Cuba,

it was a little different.

Cuba has a really great healthcare system.

When it comes to accessibility,

a lot of places aren't accessible because of the lack

of money.

And most people associate being disabled as being


So a lot of young people aren't really believed.

For my Cuban side of my family,

it was hard to really gather information


they just didn't think about it.

Which I think says a lot about disability.

So these are my observations.

And the information I've gathered on my home countries.

There's really no right or wrong answer.

It's based on experience.

But if you're from Cuba or Puerto Rico,

and you're disabled,

what is it like?

Let me know, I'd be very interested.

And for everyone else, what is accessibility like

in your Latinx country?

I'd love to find out.

And that's all I have for you.

See ya next time.

(light hearted music)

For more infomation >> Are Cuba and Puerto Rico Accessible? | Disabled y Latinx - Duration: 3:07.


Posso votar e ser anarquista? - Duration: 14:03.

For more infomation >> Posso votar e ser anarquista? - Duration: 14:03.


What They Say About Our FIFA 17 Coins Generator - Duration: 0:31.

What They Say About Our FIFA 17 Coins Generator

For more infomation >> What They Say About Our FIFA 17 Coins Generator - Duration: 0:31.


Bou Premi | বউ প্রেমী | Bangla NatokTelefilm | 2017 | Ft Zahid Hasan | Jeni - Duration: 40:34.

Bou Premi | বউ প্রেমী | Bangla NatokTelefilm | 2017 | Ft Zahid Hasan |


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