Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Hello, my little friends!

Let's learn colors together with your favorite engine Thomas!


Yellow color

Blue color

Orange color

Green color

Red color

No trains were harm in the making of this video!

For more infomation >> Colors Learning - Accidents will Happen with Thomas and Friends - Preschool Funny Colors for kids - Duration: 5:22.


I am getting bullied... On the internet... - Duration: 6:25.

*Phone rings*

I wonder who is calling me?

Where is my phone?

Oh it is right here.

Rasat I gotta tell you something

Yo, What happened?

You got roasted!

*Sad soundtrack*

*Intro Music*

Hey what's up


I don't know why I did that just to, just to

look cool alright and that today I'm

going to be reacting to this guy roasting me

so yeah this kid roasted me,

I got roasted by a kid

how embarrassing is this but you know when you

get roasted that means your relevant

haha I am some what relevant

yeah so I got roasted, if you guys

want me to send a diss track back at him

smack that 10 likes and make fake

accounts because only got one person

watching me and you know you are, no one is watching me

editor play that video

Sup guys

ugh the black bars, come man learn to record landscape

all you gotta do is

turn you phone right, turn it landscape

landscape right it's just like I do it

like that don't do it like that for

selfies right that's what selfies before

this like record like that it's like a

cum rough because Lance like my videos

we are you know that i'm just showing up

now that i can record like eight hours

did alright you know that matter you

know with blackboard just gets annoying

please don't do that like it's like you

can only see off with me i don't know

and no you don't rush me for what I'm

wearing and some people and Rosie so

this is don't make me jump express time

because you just because of the black


come on please please please let

temperatures idealistic what's that

intro please please for me like I'm

maybe some people are smarter than me

i'm not very smart i can understand you

when you're talking really fast alright

alright i just did and then divide this

talk really fast are contrary to that

because that's it with me so pleased

that talk slower and yeah they'll be

breaking youtube us why saw oh that's me

and of ya hope you're watching it

doesn't mean anything like we do it for

guillotine your body like right spot

oh I am working and I'm elements they

keep that simply these kids that they

can get that roast um I don't like him

better when he get yes a really like the

distract the what locals little i guess

it was pretty late in this video I mean

Christmas with last year

and a 20-17 now and then it's pretty

late i guess i just love that wide

ok speak louder than I cannae you


wrap that disgusting go get some

laterally none of those lips that's

crusty-ass lips for thought

I'm 16 or I'm kind of proud my age and

pretty damn old you know back in my day

eve kids dinner roast me for being a kid

when your kid yourself and you know I'm

back in my days that's not how I work by

gets and change channel suggest you

about clock

yeah somebody's what this movement of

cloth yeah much almost did you know he's

taking shots are you guys now not me he

didn't want me a goshawk pretty


ya-ya-ya-ya-ya you got skype i'll go

with three doesn't know me because you

only got 20 and I'm one of them

how do you feel class people before the

state Chris ready to battle you were


let me tell you that there's a very real

way where you going to tell me something

and then you point the camera at this

kid like that

yeah I wait so we both stop copying

right so the only difference with a USB

I saw that only different

alright cool to be honest that was a

decent bar plus it was true i do some

marshmallows away and you know you had

to pick them state instead because it

matches my skin color you know Brown

yeah makes sense of their please

yeah you know just call me a potato next



yes a lot

123456789 10 dyno numbers they are i've

been to school ok that people can't buy

that is no Road man I'm more like creepy

and Callisto I don't drive by your

output 5 i'll type of front thought what

we do in my uncle was a bit suspicious

when you bought your face trouble cover

off our display if you're in a race

called Lost Lake isn't that the guys

this was the distract on this was a

distracting me another person to

distract me but i'm not sure if I want

to do another reacting with the or maybe

if you guys give me enough support bleed

in the comments on Sam say amazing i'm

insecure but now i'm pleased am amazing

oh yeah so yeah definitely share this

video with your friends and how now you

don't know friends it's only me and now

that you're here it's like to meet this

year it's someone else please

I mean don't need to be used to rank i

hope you'll have an amazing day this

video then give me much time to make


yes yes I'm still getting the same and

revenues so yeah Peter goes our way I

forgot to give a shout-out to move so go

check out his general be linked in the


peace out

For more infomation >> I am getting bullied... On the internet... - Duration: 6:25.


Sony RAW Image Workflow using Exposure X2: The Breakdown with Miguel Quiles - Duration: 9:18.

In this video I'll walk you through how

I retouch my photos from start to finish

using Alien Skin Exposure x2. Welcome

back everybody to The Breakdown, I'm

Miguel Quiles and I'm going to walk you

through a simple way to retouch your

Sony raw files using Alien Skin Exposure

x2 software. For those of you who aren't

familiar with the program it's a

non-destructive, raw editing software,

that allows you to organize and edit

your image's completely within the

program, or as a plug-in that's

compatible with photoshop and lightroom.

If you want to follow along and retouch

your own images, you can download a free

trial of the software, over on their

website at Before we get

started let me give you a brief rundown

on the various panels found within the

program. To begin, you'll want to find

your images on your computer within the

folders tab. Since I often shoot tethered

using capture one, all of the images are

directly saved onto my computer, where I

can quickly find them with an exposure.

In the middle column of the program

you'll see all of the images within that

folder. You can also use the slider at

the top of the panel to make your

thumbnails bigger or smaller. As you

scroll through the images you can hover

over them to see a dialog window that

displays all of the metadata for each

image. As you browse through.. each image

you can click on the stars that appear

below each shot to give it a rating, this

will narrow things down so that you can

filter out and see only the images that

you created, and are considering for

retouching. Now that I've rated a few

images I can click on the filter bar

below, to see my favourites! Now, looking at

these I see the image I want to retouch,

so I double click to expand it and begin

working. I often begin my workflow by

selecting a preset in the left side

panel. There are over 500 presets

available in both black and white or

colour, that can be fine tuned to give you

the look you want for your images. By

clicking on the arrow to expand each of

the categories, you can hover over the

thumbnails to see a preview of what each

of the presets will do to your image.

Once you've found the preset you like -

simply click to select it. You can also

click on the star in the top corner of

the thumbnail to save it to your

favorites tab

which can be seen at the top of the

presets panel for quick access in the

future. For this image, I've chosen the

Kodak Portra 400 VC preset. It keeps my

skin tones looking good, and adds a

beautiful richness to the overall color

of the image. With the preset applied, I

can now customize it to get the exact

look that I want by adjusting the image

via the panel on the right. Before I do

that I'm going to click on these

triangles to minimize the other panels

so I can maximize the size of the image

on the screen. Now you'll notice that you

have a histogram panel up top where you

can view your overall exposure. Clicking

on the triangles in either corner will

show you if you're clipping your

highlights or shadows. Any areas that you

see that are highlighted, mean that you have

lost detail at the pixel level by either

over, or under exposing your shot. You can

see by the blue highlighted area that

we've lost some detail in the shadow

area of her hair, but that's ok since

there's nothing back there that I really

wanted you to look at anyway!

Moving right along, the first tab we're

going to work on is the basic tab. Here

we can make overall adjustments to our

white balance, as well as our exposure,

clarity, and saturation. I'm going to

tweak the white balance, to warm it up a

bit, and give her skin tone and hair a

richer colour. I'm happy with the exposure

so I won't adjust that, but I will add

some contrast to the image, right around

five looks good to me.

The last thing I typically do in this

tab, is to adjust the clarity. For

portraits I tend to go somewhere between

1 and 5, since going much higher

than that will usually give the image of

really highly processed look. For this

image I'll leave it at 1, and close out

the panel. The detail tab will allow you

to apply sharpening, as well as noise

reduction to your image. You can manually

adjust all of the parameters here, but we'll

leave this one for now since I don't

need these settings for this particular

image. The color tab allows you to make

additional adjustments to your image by

either applying a preset, or by manually

adjusting the sliders. You can even

target specific colors in the color

saturation section. But again I won't

need to adjust these, as I'm more than

happy with the colors the preset

automatically applied. The same can be

said of the tone curves tab for this

image, where you can tweak the tones in contrast

of your image even further. We'll skip

that, and go to the vignette tab here.

I can customize my vignette to look

exactly the way I want it to look. I'm

going to click on the preset drop-down

menu, and select subtle black for this

image. I'll increase the size of this

vignette manually by moving the slider

over to 21. Now that we've applied this

vignette, we'll go ahead, and we'll move

over to the overlays tab. The overlays

tab allows you to apply borders, light

effects, and textures to your images.

They are a lot of fun to play around

with, and add a creative touch to your images.

I won't be applying any to this image,

but you definitely want to explore this

tab to see if some of the effects might

make your images more interesting.

The next area we will adjust is the

focus tab. For my portraits, I use the

preset Sharpen Low Radius 25. You'll

notice that this preset adds a lot of

sharpness to the image, more than what I

would actually want, but as you can do

with every other preset, you can adjust

the sliders to get the exact look you

want. I'm going to bring down the amount

to around 5.36 and have the radius match

that number as well. You'll want to tweak

the settings for each and every one of

your portraits, as some may need more or

less sharpening. The final tab I will

make adjustments to, is the green tab. Now

I apply grain to almost every single one

of my images, to give it a more pleasing

final look. I typically choose the preset

regular grain 25% and manually

adjust it to taste. You can customize the

look of the grain within your shadows

mid-tones and highlights to give your

image a more film like look. I'm going to

reduce the shadows and mid-tones to

25% - and the highlights

down to 8% percent. I'm also going to

adjust the roughness of the grain down

to 15. This gives a slight amount of

green, and it won't take away from the

overall sharpness of the image. Now that

I have my preset looking the way I want it,

I can begin my retouching. Right below

the histogram tab you'll see two icons

one is a band-aid, and the other a brush.

We're going to eventually use both here,

but we'll begin by clicking the band-aid

icon. Within this window, I can use the

healing brush or clone stamp tool to

remove blemishes, and reduce other

distractions throughout the image. You

can adjust the size, the feather,

the opacity for

these two tools, so that the adjustments

blend nicely with your image.

All I do is simply brush over the area

that I want to heal, then a selection is

made, and I'm able to move it around to

sample other parts of the image, to heal

the selected area. You want to make sure

you move the selection to an area that

is close to the area you're trying to

heal, and that way you can retain the

same texture and end up with a higher

quality result.

Finally it's time to apply some effects

via the brush tool. The first thing I do

with my portrait, is to begin by dodging

and burning. I'll select the Dodge Tool

and brush over the areas of the image

that I want to lighten. I tend to dodge

over the forehead, nose line, chin, as well

as the natural highlights on the lips.

I also lighten the shadows underneath

the eye, to give a fresher appearance as

well as the space between the eye and

the eyebrows.

Another thing - I often Dodge are the

highlights within the hair. Noel has

awesome hair, with a lot of natural

highlights. So I simply brush over the

areas to give them a bit more shine.

After I'm done dodging the image, I go

over to the burn tool - this will

basically darken selected parts of your

image by brushing over it, just like it

does with a Dodge tool. For portraits, I

typically use the tool to darken the

eyebrows, as well as around the iris, and

in the dark areas of the hair, to add

more texture and dimensionality. The last

thing I'll do is to use the Enhanced

Iris preset; with that selected, I simply

brush within the iris to bring out the detail

Don't go too far with this, you want to

add just a hint of detail and keep

things looking realistic. I've completed

all of my adjustments, and now I'm ready

to export this file and share it with

the world. Simply right-click on the file

and choose export. A new window will open

up and allow you to select where you

want to save your image how you want to

name it,

what format and size to save it in, as

well as choosing to include your

metadata. Once you finish here simply

click export and you're all set!

If you followed along I would love to

see your results of using this process

with your own image. If you're on

Facebook join my group and share your images

by going to

Be sure to include your camera and

lens combo along with the presets you

used. Thanks for joining me today on

AdoramaTV. Don't forget to subscribe to

AdoramaTV for more

amazing videos. Just click on the link

below and let us know what you think,

like comment and share this video, and

don't forget to visit the Adorama

Learning Center for lots of great tips

and tricks.

Thanks again and I'll see you on the

next episode of The Breakdown

Bye everyone!

For more infomation >> Sony RAW Image Workflow using Exposure X2: The Breakdown with Miguel Quiles - Duration: 9:18.


Zinda Gidar Singhi Ki Live Video | Apni Aankho Se Dakshin | Ek Asi Video Jis Ka AP Ko Intazar Tha - Duration: 18:34.

For more infomation >> Zinda Gidar Singhi Ki Live Video | Apni Aankho Se Dakshin | Ek Asi Video Jis Ka AP Ko Intazar Tha - Duration: 18:34.



Does being notorious makes you automatically right?

Let me explain...

Are the most popular politicians the smartest?

Another example: is the actor with 1 million followers on twitter more articulate than the one with only 100 followers? (follow me @directedbyjo)

Not necessarily.

But, the ones we give the right to talk are notorious.

So it makes me wonder... are you listening to me?

Sorry, I'm interrumpting myself, is there a problem?

The title?...

Yeah. Well let me return the question, why the title?

I get that you weren't expecting some high-schooled philosophy analysis...

Look, if I'd written "Is popularity more important than honesty?, would you have clicked on this video?

You would have had a headache but that's it...

But with this one... you cliked.

I'm not saying crap like this is a pretty common question we all asked ourselves at least once at some point.

We're supposed to have the freedom of speech and we always wonder why someone is talking for us?

"Nope, that's just you"

And I mean...

Have you seen where you are?

This is a plateform, who showed us multiple times that-

*french southern accent*

delivering smart content helps thousands of artists and viewers in need of representation !

It is free and available for everyone but in the "trending" section... you can chose between :

"Look at his butt" or...

"Clash battle of the dead!!"

So yes, if popularity means posting cat videos, I'm asking myself if it's still worth something...

I can already hear you saying "money" and sure, yes. But that will totally prove my point and this is why i'm gonna stop there...

No but like, it's not my job to do so.

Idk, take 4 hours, a pen... write down your theory in the comments, maybe a troll will insult you. Whatever.

But who am I, to tell you what to think?...


Thanks to everyone who watched till the end, and as a reward... Gotta do what it says...

There you go.

This is Elektra, she's 6 months old and she's a little monster...

And if the title misled you in any way, maybe you should ask Google and go away...

it'll find something for you. Probably... Most definitely...

See ya!

For more infomation >> I SHOW YOU MY PUSSY AT THE END OF THE VIDEO - Duration: 2:54.


Counting on Frank - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Counting on Frank - Duration: 11:21.


(UPDATED) Getting Rid of Female Sideburns - Duration: 6:23.

Hey guys!

This video has been one that I've been wanting to do for a long time.

It is the follow-up to my to-date most popular video: how to remove female sideburns video.

So I wanted to do an updated video to show you guys how I still do this.

This is going to be a series of videos so if you are not subscribed and you like this

kind of stuff definitely subscribe because I have a couple of videos coming up: "The

worst ways to remove your sideburns" which you should never do!

"Alternatives to this method" I have another method that I use and a couple others about

hair removing products.

So let's get started on this one!

The video that I did a while ago I got a ton a ton of comments about why I do it, if I

still do it, that kind of thing.

And so basically as you can see, right now I have not done it in so long.

It doesn't really bother me that much.

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, like when I'm doing bronzer it like comes in my


So I hate that.

So we're just going to jump into how I do this.

So first of all I use two things to hold back my hair.

This little scrunchy thing, it's like just an elastic because I have little baby hairs

all over.

And I did do my make up but not like here.

Don't like wear make up when you do this.

I'm going to pull the hair really tight right here just so I get it in the elastic.

What else I like to do is take a thicker elastic like a big guy and put him over top.

I think these are literally the same elastics I used in that video like three or four years


I like to save my stuff.

The length that you want this to be is pretty short but not completely cut so I take a little

scissor and any hair that is right here I just cut that to maybe about 3 to 5 centimeters.

Make sure you're pulling this up so you don't get any of these hairs accidentally cutting

into it.

And I'm just going to cut them like that.

So that's pretty good.

You just want it to be able to be grabbed by your epilator but not too long that it

gets stuck.

You're going to take your epilator and I prefer a smaller one, you can use whatever size you


Just be aware that if you use a big epilator you might have a hard time getting in like

the little like crevice kind of thing.

My personal tip comes in and about..

I have a low pain tolerance so this definitely hurts because it's pulling the hair out by

the root.. which I will explain later why it doesn't cause stubble.

Basically before I do this just to get my skin ready for the pain I'll just like hit

my face a little bit, maybe scratch at it a little bit, just because I want my skin

to not be completely shocked when I start ripping the hairs out by the root.

I haven't done this in so long I'm a little scared!

You want to work in small circles.

If you never used an epilator, try it out on your leg.

What I like to do is put my finger right here, so right where my real hair ends and my sideburn


So that just in case this slips, I don't accidentally pull off a huge chunk of my real hair.

What I sometimes will do is use a larger epilator to clean up some of the other stuff like,

it pulls hair from a large area quicker.

I'll do the detailing with the smaller one and the large one I'll just go over, but you

do not need two.

Now you can see that it's like hairless here.

I've epilated, it's gone, it's not gonna grow back with stubble!

But you can see how there's this little like..that's what you need a tweezer for.

That's how you're going to remove the hair that is really close to your actual hairline.

Just use a mirror and this is what's going to give you that super natural look that no

one's going to tell that you did this.

Almost there!

And I always get a ton of comments on like "Oh My God, I shaved my sideburns" and stuff..

I'm going to have a video just on that in this series!

Ok, let's take this off.

It's going to be red, as you can see it's like kind of reddish but that will go away.

Do not do this the night before of an important meeting, a date or anything like that.

Oh my gosh!

Has there been the sun there for the whole time??

The sun man.


Ok, all production value is going out the window!

Freaking sun and I'm like sweating so I turned the fan on so now my hair is going to go all


So now look at the difference between this side, this is my side-burn-y side and then

that is this side.

Actually it's weird, when I did this today it was not as painful as I remembered it being!

That's weird.

I don't know if I'm getting stronger or if I hyped it up too much in my head and I thought

it was gonna be like tearing my skin apart but it is not that bad actually.

Ahh smooth!

So I get alot of questions on this so I did want to include this in the video.

Why doesn't epilating cause stubble or will it cause stubble?

It will not cause any kind of stubble.

And I have this adorable little diagram for you that you've probably seen a bunch of times

but you know.. not from me!!

This is your hair.

Hair that grows in naturally, ends in like this kind of thin tip and if you're gonna

pull it out by its root, you're just pulling it straight out.

Now do you see anything here?


Because you've essentially pulled out the entire hair and it's gonna- your body's going

to have to create a brand-new one, which is going to grow back like this: another thin


So it's going to look completely natural when it regrows.

Now if you take a razor, what you're doing is *snip* and so you're left with that thing.

And guess what happens like a day later?

Your hair starts growing and you see how big that tip is now?

That's why, that's why it creates stubble.

Another popular question is- how long do I usually do this (If I'm going to be keeping

up with it regularly)?

When does it start going back?

I would say in probably maybe a full week is when I start to see a couple of them come


Like they don't all grow at the same time because like you're human and not a robot.

So it's just kind of like sparsely and then I would say a full month later I'm getting

a very noticeable one again, which I mean air quotes "noticeable".

I can also do a video on how I remove all the other hair cause I use a bunch of different

tools for like the lips and all that kind of stuff.

And check out my video for my favorite hair removal products, I'll have the link in here.

Please let me know any questions down below!

Let me know any future videos you want to see regarding this and I hope you're excited

for the rest of them that I have planned and I will see you guys in my next video, bye!!

For more infomation >> (UPDATED) Getting Rid of Female Sideburns - Duration: 6:23.


Try not to laugh reaction video - Duration: 15:32.

I see how it is

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