Hello, my little friends!
Let's learn colors together with your favorite engine Thomas!
Yellow color
Blue color
Orange color
Green color
Red color
No trains were harm in the making of this video!
I am getting bullied... On the internet... - Duration: 6:25.*Phone rings*
I wonder who is calling me?
Where is my phone?
Oh it is right here.
Rasat I gotta tell you something
Yo, What happened?
You got roasted!
*Sad soundtrack*
*Intro Music*
Hey what's up
I don't know why I did that just to, just to
look cool alright and that today I'm
going to be reacting to this guy roasting me
so yeah this kid roasted me,
I got roasted by a kid
how embarrassing is this but you know when you
get roasted that means your relevant
haha I am some what relevant
yeah so I got roasted, if you guys
want me to send a diss track back at him
smack that 10 likes and make fake
accounts because only got one person
watching me and you know you are, no one is watching me
editor play that video
Sup guys
ugh the black bars, come man learn to record landscape
all you gotta do is
turn you phone right, turn it landscape
landscape right it's just like I do it
like that don't do it like that for
selfies right that's what selfies before
this like record like that it's like a
cum rough because Lance like my videos
we are you know that i'm just showing up
now that i can record like eight hours
did alright you know that matter you
know with blackboard just gets annoying
please don't do that like it's like you
can only see off with me i don't know
and no you don't rush me for what I'm
wearing and some people and Rosie so
this is don't make me jump express time
because you just because of the black
come on please please please let
temperatures idealistic what's that
intro please please for me like I'm
maybe some people are smarter than me
i'm not very smart i can understand you
when you're talking really fast alright
alright i just did and then divide this
talk really fast are contrary to that
because that's it with me so pleased
that talk slower and yeah they'll be
breaking youtube us why saw oh that's me
and of ya hope you're watching it
doesn't mean anything like we do it for
guillotine your body like right spot
oh I am working and I'm elements they
keep that simply these kids that they
can get that roast um I don't like him
better when he get yes a really like the
distract the what locals little i guess
it was pretty late in this video I mean
Christmas with last year
and a 20-17 now and then it's pretty
late i guess i just love that wide
ok speak louder than I cannae you
wrap that disgusting go get some
laterally none of those lips that's
crusty-ass lips for thought
I'm 16 or I'm kind of proud my age and
pretty damn old you know back in my day
eve kids dinner roast me for being a kid
when your kid yourself and you know I'm
back in my days that's not how I work by
gets and change channel suggest you
about clock
yeah somebody's what this movement of
cloth yeah much almost did you know he's
taking shots are you guys now not me he
didn't want me a goshawk pretty
ya-ya-ya-ya-ya you got skype i'll go
with three doesn't know me because you
only got 20 and I'm one of them
how do you feel class people before the
state Chris ready to battle you were
let me tell you that there's a very real
way where you going to tell me something
and then you point the camera at this
kid like that
yeah I wait so we both stop copying
right so the only difference with a USB
I saw that only different
alright cool to be honest that was a
decent bar plus it was true i do some
marshmallows away and you know you had
to pick them state instead because it
matches my skin color you know Brown
yeah makes sense of their please
yeah you know just call me a potato next
yes a lot
123456789 10 dyno numbers they are i've
been to school ok that people can't buy
that is no Road man I'm more like creepy
and Callisto I don't drive by your
output 5 i'll type of front thought what
we do in my uncle was a bit suspicious
when you bought your face trouble cover
off our display if you're in a race
called Lost Lake isn't that the guys
this was the distract on this was a
distracting me another person to
distract me but i'm not sure if I want
to do another reacting with the or maybe
if you guys give me enough support bleed
in the comments on Sam say amazing i'm
insecure but now i'm pleased am amazing
oh yeah so yeah definitely share this
video with your friends and how now you
don't know friends it's only me and now
that you're here it's like to meet this
year it's someone else please
I mean don't need to be used to rank i
hope you'll have an amazing day this
video then give me much time to make
yes yes I'm still getting the same and
revenues so yeah Peter goes our way I
forgot to give a shout-out to move so go
check out his general be linked in the
peace out
How To Make A SKIBIKE | PART 4 | TESTING THE SKIBIKE - Duration: 2:22.Thank you guys for watching skibike series
I hope you enjoyed as much as I did and learned something new.
Once again thanks for being a part of community and if you are still not subscribed you are welcome to hit the subscribe button because I have so many cool projects in my mind so stay tuned and I will see you next time.
Interstellar Travel Challenges - Duration: 28:47.one of the trickiest things about
traveling through the vast vacuum of
interstellar space is that it isn't a vacuum
So today we are going to be
taking a look at some of the
difficulties involved in interstellar
space flight and some features of
spaceships we haven't discussed before
time constraints we have looked at
spaceships many times and interstellar
colonization to but today's topics take
some time and we'll never absolutely
vital to the topic at hand here are the
key topics we will be covering today
number one how fast ships can go number
two the non vacuum of space number three
collisions and protection and number for
the shape of a ship we will also be
joining all guardianship immunity from
the life in a space colony trilogy you
don't need to have seen those episodes
to follow along with the discussion
today but it saves some time to use them
and I've grown rather partial to the
ship as well mind off that ship mast in
a couple hundred million tons was half a
kilometer wide and a few kilometres long
we have visually rendered it before but
that was always more conceptual than
accurate it had a crew of 200,000 when
it left or for the towel study system
and as it traveled a 10-percent of
Lightspeed it need 120 years to arrive
they are they had a lot of people born
during the trip and also enjoyed massive
extended lifespans something will
discuss more next week plus they were
receiving constant if delayed text
updates from Earth and you can make a
lot of technological progress in a
century all of which meant they had more
people when they arrived than originally
planned and the technology to do the job
better and with less people
many of the folks had adjusted to
thinking of the ship as home and being
raised to think of colonizing solar
systems as their life purpose and the
award view probably would have altered
to view that as one of the greatest
accomplishments of person could label
towards so was no big surprise they
decided to continue their journey on
Ward planting coneys like seeds in a
great big galactic golden on the total
Johnny toward the edge of the galaxy and
maybe beyond but the ship was not
designed for that and again they've got
a century of technological progress as
the ship was built so they decided to
retrofit unity before leaving town SETI
they pick as their next destination 82
gee you're Donnie a system around a
Yellow Sun that liked our study is a bit
order smaller and dimmer than alone son
it is more or less in the same direction
Tau Ceti years from or just a bit for
the alarm Tau Ceti is 12 light years
some more candy to ger Donnie is 20 but
it's about 12 light years from now
setting being off at a bit of an angle
so it will take them as long to get
there as therefore strip they'd like to
do it fast on and not need 120 years to
couple 12 light years the engineers say
they can boost the speed to twenty
percent of light speed and a 60 year
however they are leaving with just a bit
over 50,000 people so they still need to
populate but you don't need a century to
double quadruple your population
especially when folks are not aging they
don't die off and they can keep having
kids indefinitely so they have no
problem rapidly increasing their numbers
in a few generations though generation
ceases to mean anything in this context
people still having kids while their
grandchildren all they're thinking
ideological ship to not just a faster
one so we need to retool the ship and
the captain calls a meeting of all the
senior staff ignoring for the moment
that we have been assuming this was a
democratically operated civilian vessel
who probably has an elected provisional
governor calling the shots
same cabinets before she looks mid
twenties but has been commanding ships
at the old interplanetary vessel
Hyperion so there's a couple centuries
of experience they'll enter actual ankle
rating is probably something like glad
more by now and she runs a ship that has
more people in it than most talk to your
navies have personnel how fast can we go
she asked and why can we go faster now
Oh science officer speaks up and says
that's not how this sort of thing walks
we can go as fast as we want the problem
is it takes exponentially more fuel to
go fast off every type of fuel that
classifies as a rocket has an exhaust
velocity how fast the stuff comes out
the back to get your ship up to that
speed you need for sixty-three percent
of it to be fuel that's just how it is
and if you want to be able to slow down
at the end you need to be eighty-six
percent fuel a ship that doesn't need to
slow down can get twice as fast as one
of the same fuel ratio if you're killing
us if you want to get to double your
exhaust velocity and not slow down you
need to be eighty-six percent fuel if
you want to slow down you need to be 98%
fuel leaving only two percent of your
mass for ship and cargo if you want to
get to triple that speed and slow down
you need to be 99.7 5% fuel me you've
got 400 times as much fuel as your ship
and its cargo this is why we need rocket
the size of tall buildings to get
shipped the size of cramped apartment
into space from or because the exhaust
velocity of a normal market your is
considerably less than the escape last
leave or even ignoring your drag getting
to higher and higher speeds compared
your locket exhaust velocity requires
exponentially more fuel their ship unity
use fusion which has vastly hi exhaust
velocity than chemical fuels usually
estimated at a decent if low percentage
of Lightspeed
the science officer says that what
changed is the new reactor designs from
off let them achieve a more efficient
degree of fusion and results in a higher
exhaust velocity twice what it was
before we will see it used to be five
percent of Lightspeed that the fusion
products are leftovers flew out at
before and now it's ten percent that's
on the conservative lower and higher end
of what we anticipate from a good fusion
drive it also means that whatever the
mass of the ship the cargo is when cured
up it will be about 50 times more better
than that and when it is done
accelerating after some weeks or months
to its cruising speed it will still be
about six times more fuel than ship the
captain asks why not just go with a
highly show even more fuel
after all there is no shortage of
hydrogen available nor minerals to make
the tanks out of but that's where the
weapons officer chimes in it won't walk
he says the court system was designed to
let them avoid collisions in
interstellar space at ten percent of
Lightspeed by going twice as fast they
will encounter those objects twice as
often and each killing four times the
energy and damaged capacity the Science
Officer nods and fix that up as he's a
bit of a large window fellow who usually
needs 20 to 40 minutes to get to the
point he said the interstellar medium
all the gas and dust between the stars
is quite then and most of it is hydrogen
and helium gas molecules with the super
majority of the tiny amount of mean
being very tiny motes of dust continue a
handful of atoms to those are not a
problem they act like radiation and you
just make your forward shooting a bit
thicker hours will mostly be thin metal
containers full of fuel hydrogen because
hydrogen is quite good at starting
radiation but we have to worry about is
things that will make big holes or even
trash the ship and since smaller
particles are a lot more common than
bigger ones we will run into a lot more
then as a very loose rule when it comes
to media voids and micrometeoroids
there's about an inverse relationship
between mass and frequency you expect to
encounter stuff twice as massive about
happens often
meaning that since everything is hideous
with four times the energy since we're
going twice as fast
something with a quarter of the mass
will do the same damage as we're going
half speed but those objects are now
four times as frequent to make it worse
since we need to vaporize the stuff and
are going twice as fast we will be
encountering them twice as often so
eight times the frequency of the stuff
we need to shoot down and we need to
detect them twice as fallout to have
time to react to them we need to detect
smaller things for their way even was a
little local bubble the galaxy is where
the low and density compared the
Galactic normal which is about 10 times
nickel then the interstellar medium is
locally this ship is not going to remain
in that bubble and indeed may pass into
areas where the density is follow hiyo
so best prepare now while we are making
our ship bigger faster and better nor
the medium homogeneous you might go
through short patches where the density
is hundreds of times higher
needless to say this are gets washed the
faster we get at the speed we are going
your typical grain of sand wait about a
milligram will hit us like half a ton of
dynamite around a million times the
energy of the average bullet we can
easily arm with a hole against normal
bullets but these often head size
objects that will penetrate rather
deeply leaving small large halls so even
one just killing that much energy is
something I'd rather not be hit by
even as huge a target as unity is being
half a kilometer wide and tall we still
only encounter about the equivalent of a
bucket of sand doing a century-long trip
in terms of cosmic dust and most of that
will still be too small to hold us even
at these speeds but it is still enough
that you might expect to run into a
grain of sand as often as once an hour
and something the size of a pea which
will hit us like a small nuke maybe once
a month but something killing bullet
force that we would run into almost
every second it will be only a handful
of micrometers across the width of the
thinnest hails we need to see that tiny
mode phone off out to target with a
laser and vaporize it and we are
traveling 60,000 kilometers per second
fast enough to travel from Earth to the
Moon in six seconds fast enough to get
to the Sun in 40 minutes even computers
need time to get mac your track on an
object name which usually involves
moving something then shoot and hit
something smaller than a grain of sand
though we'd probably use a wide beam and
go for overkill to compensate for
positional uncertainties needless to say
it takes a very powerful radar system
together towards us something that small
following up a way to help us and it
can't be classic radar either using
radio waves because you cannot detect
and track something smaller than the
wavelength of light
you're sending at it when you listen to
an FM radio channel those waves all
about three meters large so radar using
them would have problems scene and
tracking something the size of a portion
even millimeter radar isn't good enough
for us not even microwaves all we need
infrared most types of dust and sand
also absorb infrared after reflecting
only a few percent of most wavelength
giving us week for torrents on ave doll
handily many all very effective of about
123 micrometer wavelength which in this
case is what we need so weapons officer
shakes his head and says look captain I
think we can both off court system to
handle this but I can't make a lot of
guarantees maybe we are just stick the
same speed and be happy we can carry a
lot more cargo a lot less fuel than
but fuel is cheap she doesn't really
care how much we use any of a million
small comments hanging out of solar
system where plenty of hydrogen even
without meaning to try diving into the
gas giants to get fuel so if there was
any chance of safely shortening the
trips she wants to take them so she
asked the science of so if there are any
options plenty he says but no them are
pretty the captain says she doesn't care
if they take a lot of time to add on and
maintain and he says no so he's being
little most the options just don't
conform to a nice-looking streamline
ship from ancient science fiction
she reminds him that they weren't
planning to enter the ship in a beauty
pageant and since they are going where
no man has gone before
it is unlikely we'd encounter any anyway
and to get on with it
so the first option is to take a lot
more when we're done expanding the ship
its dry weight its weight minus the fuel
for speeding up and slowing down is
going to be around a billion tons of
ship and cargo the fun cross-section the
ship is about 200,000 square meters so
we're making all more out of a big meal
wide metal shell cubes full of hydrogen
being a ton of peace that would only be
20 thousand tons out of a billion during
those five layers thick would only be a
million tonnes tiny holes a few
micrometers thick through a semi love
metal won't League ass fast but over a
century those would empty out easily and
it's awkward patch repair that area with
all the radiation and microneedles
doable but kind of rough so we could set
it up like a conveyor belt the front
isn't a big sheet anymore if the ends of
thousands of little conveyor belts wear
the belt is made up of metal cubes for
the hydrogen they voted out and back in
again and at the back side they get the
payload and about lines out at the front
to provide a few layers of overlapping
all more and we slide a new section
forward whenever one takes an impact let
the robots to do a pales in the real and
keep some space on hand in all these be
airtight just passed close enough that
almost nothing can slip through and
we'll have another layoff more normal
more behind that
in fact will store most of the fuel up
front with habitation sections behind
them if a big collision happens and you
need to replace a big chunk of the
assembly though we have another option
we can shoot a small solar sail ahead of
us itself just a micrometer thick just
launched it and have it on for and act
as a temporary shield most stuff hitting
it is going to spam light through but
fragment a lot or be deflected to the
side just enough he would act a bit like
a nun Burma it would slowly drift back
into the ship from collisions and you
could grab it then and drag it back
inside and recycle it just a 10 foil
thick Shield even if we couldn't recover
the total loss of mass would be just a
few tons out of a billion the captain
asks why we can't make that foil shield
nickel and the science also shrugs and
says we can but we will be better off
having several of them ahead of us space
to way out in front not meters or
calamos butthole light seconds ahead of
she points out that the front 1 will
just be shoved back into the next one
and so on until they get slammed into
the fund the ship the weapons officer
point that they will also get the way
the ship's radar and leesel so it won't
walk but the Science Officer shakes his
we will place them phone up ahead that
the last one is just outside all minimum
engagement distance say a temper second
more than enough time for the ship still
locate target and fire on something that
makes it through but it doesn't matter
because we will keep the shade strung
out at the right distance by pushing on
them with our only source just using md
focused they all a solar sail after all
and we'll put sense of packages on them
to adding a little weight but not much
and we can power those by having a few
solar panels we were target die to use
lasers on when they get scrapped we will
give them a little sideshow and let them
drift back to us on the side and just
snag it and drag it in for the cycling
and the payoff
we are going to put a lot of lasers off
to the side of the ship extending on big
long thin telescope antennas to keep
them originally locked to ship and to
provide power and data flow back to the
ship at the end of those will be a big
laser and radar all giving us a better
section and an angle to shoot at also
yes more easily push things too aside
those telescoping antenna or homes won't
be very massive you have a dozen or so
them telescoping out several kilometers
to the side
really now like the spokes on a wheel if
one gets damaged and they might because
they won't be much shielded you just
reel it back to the ship and repair it
even if one gets snapped up it won't
drift much for fast and you can shoot a
grapple after snatch it and reel it back
in and repair it
we can also shoot curves ahead of us
either with their own pure supply or
pushed and powered by lasers just
expandable things to the text up ahead
of us and maybe even some weapons of
their own even if they each wait several
hundred times we can deploy them on a
regular basis
indeed if we can micro-sized our fusion
drives enough we might want to send me
out ahead of us to slow down and park on
some comet along the way to act as a
fuel supply for a big raid all and
signal relay maybe even with lasers to
help clear path for us or just have them
keep going into a flyball path and
destination we talked about using laser
highways as an author cheap and fast way
of travelling between existing colonized
systems and there's a lot to be said
about laying that down on the original
this would be a good way to get started
if we wanted to and had dr small enough
the head of maintenance complaint
they'll be constantly having to fix
build of a pair stop but the captain
shrugs and points out they are
essentially a massive factory ship and
always have to anyway should be told
this would seem to require very little
personnel she says all right let's do it
and the science officer asked which
system and she says all of them they
wouldn't seem to interfere with each
other or need much mass or energy to
operate and they'll go ahead and scale
the ship up to but only in length
no point anymore cross section to Alma
and defend a ship twice as long
doesn't need twice as much fun two or
more if you're just making it twice as
not twice as wide and that means the
same amount of almost still goes twice
as much ship this is a key reason why we
discuss interstellar ships on this
channel I so often treat them as objects
more kinder flying city-states than a
classic small cruise ship of a cast of
half a dozen or even big ones like on
Star Trek with a crew of hundreds we
look at ships that are thousands of
times more massive than modern battle
ships or aircraft carriers crewed by
hundreds of thousands if not millions
not because they need that much crew
they don't the ships would probably
mostly run themselves and just need a
couple dozen people to make decisions
and handle unexpected events even then
only the ship didn't have human level
artificial intelligences on them with in
all likelihood they would or something
smuggle the same kind of automation that
lets you have ships that only need small
cruise or none at all to operate for
decades trillions of kilometers from
home is the kind of automation that lets
you build leviathans like we look at
quite cheaply the problem with smaller
ships especially tiny probes all
manifold and I discussed those more into
space warfare episode but they are they
had the advantage of being hard to
intentionally hit but we are not
expecting to be shot at and by scaling
up in size we benefit in a lot more ways
the small ships need just as much read
all just as many lasers and so on
they also need some sort of power supply
and the fact that matter is that even if
you could make a fusion reactor very
small so it would fit a call it is just
the nature of such devices to be more
efficient with larger there's only a few
realistic options for going faster than
fusion we've discussed them before and
they pretty much all require using
photons or maybe neutrinos as your
rocket exhaust if you have exhaust one
is lethal push ships will being bigger
does help since you're after meals for
getting pushed on can be bigger allowing
more discs
and for those pushing lasers to target
you please let you get very fast so the
rocket equation doesn't apply
no fuel but have the issue of slowing
down requiring either slow down fuel or
something like the interstellar laser
highway we discussed in the interstellar
colonization episode back into your one
another option is black horse tall ships
which we gave a whole episode over to
and those had to be massive ships just
by their very nature as we discuss their
the only serious option for a faster
ship infusion can give you while being
smaller than an aircraft carrier and be
neighbor slowdown is antimatter the main
byproduct of combining battle and
antimatter obvious photons which
obviously have an exhaust velocity of
the speed of light that doesn't mean you
only need an amount of it as implied by
the rocket equation to get me a light
speed though we walked with speed today
and in the past where we could almost
entirely ignore special relativity at
ten percent of Lightspeed you all da
Gama of just point five percent a meter
long object is half a centimeter shorter
your clocks are running slow by about
one second every three minutes or about
seven minutes a day and an object is
just a little more energy to get to that
speed than classical Newtonian equations
say at twenty percent those effects have
jumped up to about 2% amigo is two
centimeters shorter clocks lose about a
second a minute relative to or normal so
a 50-year trip on or scoundrel only took
you 49 and there's a small but
noticeable increase in energy / Newton
even a 50-percent of Lightspeed these
effects on two huge yet they jump to
fifteen percent at eighty-six percent of
Lightspeed they double even your light
speed exhaust velocity is straining to
get you any faster and beginning to need
huge ratios of fuel to ship and cargo
and every object you hit wax into you
with an energy of its mass in anti
matt'll and ninety-four percent is
tripled and ninety-seven percent
quadruped board quintupled at ninety
percent seven times higher at
ninety-nine percent 10 and 99.5 percent
and it keeps getting worse
now at those speeds space really does
have enough drag that you want to be
thinking about aerodynamic shape stew
and nothing could push a ship this fast
as an onboard fuel you carried not even
anti Madol a fuel mass ratios of
thousands to one and you need to
constantly add in more energy just
maintain this speed against that dragged
from space gas and all but the tinies
motes of dust need to be vaporized so
they don't smash your ship like a nuke
you probably need to punch those
molecules with a laser so hold the
ionized so a magnetic field around the
ship might shove them aside and that
would need to be one heck of a magnetic
field and yes most ships probably would
have big magnetic fields because they
will provide a little protection from
anything killing an electric charge and
a decent fraction of the stuff in
interstellar space is ionized or will be
when you're wrapping them with lazers
especially if those are in the
ultraviolet or X range of the spectrum
it won't help with collisions but it
will decrease the ambient radiation from
all the stuff too small to shoot
it's why don't ponder faster-than-light
travel much beyond its dubious nature as
what is basically a mathematical gimmick
it's not like even getting a light speed
is a real option because it requires
have seen expenditures of energy
compared to just going half as fast and
there are other things you can do with
that energy which are better
alternatives then try to get there a bit
faster and happy to employ the kind of
radar systems that would glow like
mature sons and the massive
supercomputers just to track everything
so you aren't annihilated by random
grain of sand those collisions and
radiation begin becoming the real
problem and no cool space drive is going
to magically make those go away your
best bet for real interstellar travel to
places you already been is to have a
large chain of fusion powered laser
relays shoving ships around and
constantly tracking everything in their
court or to keep it free of dangerously
large space dust again that laser
highway even then especially since those
ships need large sales were talking with
I would never aim for more than
eighty-six percent of Lightspeed scene
for antimatter it just isn't worth going
even if you can produce the substance
for peanuts and stored safely frankly
both all kind of silly speeds anyway you
don't engage in routine interstellar
travel unless you have either biological
immortality or can freeze and thought
people and as i discussed before the
latter ability almost requires the
formal in which case time doesn't matter
much everything still takes many years
that your destination experiences and
you either don't or don't care about it
because you've got as much time as you
that's our topic for next week life
extension something we looked at briefly
last year but we'll look at in more
detail so on ship speeds for fusion
depending on how good it gets anywhere
from five to thirty percent of light
speed though the latter is really
pushing it unless you've got some
material that can reflect neutrinos
micro black holes can do better
especially if you can feed them to
Auntie metal and laser sales but
realistically not much of a half to
maybe ninety percent of light speed as
the shape your typical interstellar ship
r2 look like an unsharpened pencil and
as we discussed before the energy needs
to get up to just a tiny fraction of
Lightspeed sold what the energy needed
to operate life support and operations
that even on a wasteful gluttons budget
over centuries they would look like a
round again more compared to your fuel
needs our lasers and massively
overpowered Negev a doll will add to
that but not too much yet while the main
body of the ship might look like a
pencil it will probably have those
frontal foil shield stretching over
millions of kilometers ahead and thin
projections sticking out the side like
spokes on a wheel another reason by the
outer Hall of the ship either does not
spin or does so very slowly
even though you have big rotating
habitats sections inside 250 meter
radius is probably as wide as you've
ever build a ship since that is our
estimate for the widest you need to
maintain or like pseudo gravity that
people didn't get motion sickness from
hopefully by now you've got a pretty
good idea why these social ships never
have maximum speeds put on them almost
always get described as very long and
melo totally different ball game from
interplanetary ships though they'd also
probably be long cylinders with a big
forward shield telescope out ahead of it
and spoke like projections for sensors
and collision Lazar's just scaled down a
lot spaceship designs are never going to
look very cool or maybe we change our
notion of cool after all planes and
sports cars and motorcycles and rockets
are not objectively that cool looking
but we've come to view them that way for
the implied speed and power of the
okay we'll start there for today next
week we will look at life extension in
some more detail and look at how that
might actually happen in our lifetimes
along with some of the implications of
that on society we've discussed it
before in bits and pieces but this time
we'll focus down more on the technology
the whores and challenges and the
impacts of it on civilization make sure
to subscribe the channel for lost when
that and other episodes come out and if
you enjoyed this episode please like it
and share with others until next time
thanks for watching and have a great
2 Broke Girls 6x15 Promo "And the Turtle Sense" (HD) - Duration: 0:21.Monday..
Behold, the future!
2 Broke Girls is going to 9:30/8:30c.
Han, your sister's here!
And it's just in time for a Brokebot revolution.
If that thing could show cleavage and steal silverware, I'd be out of a job.
New 2 Broke Girls at it's new time 9:30/8:30c CBS Monday.
Lego Batman is the most plausible Batman of them all | Cape Gliding & Grapple Gun | Physics vs Film - Duration: 5:54.Batman is pretty damn cool, but a lot of
people have pointed out if he were real
it would be completely absurd. The
physics just does not check out. He'd go
very quickly from being Batman to just
battered man... except for one version of
The Dark Knight.
Yes, lego batman is by far the most plausible
version of the character, putting aside
that little pesky detail that lego minifigs
aren't actually alive.
First up a little detective work, now
lego minifigs are 41mm tall and
given that Batman in the canon of the
comics is 6'2", that means we're
dealing with a world that is almost 46
times smaller than our own. But remember
The Lego Movie was shown to be here on
Earth, because that's the only place in
the universe that Lego exists (that we
know of) so we're going to keep standard
earth values of things like gravity,
density of air etc. so no planet made
completely out of Lego here. Regular
Batman has been attacked by the laws of
Nature on two fronts: gliding with his
cape and soaring to the tops of
buildings using his grapple gun. Let's
start with that cape. Students from the
University of Leicester a couple of years
ago did a feasibility study into
Batman's gliding. Taking into account
gravity, drag, and a generous estimate for
the amount of lift his cape could
provide, they found that Batman would
be approaching the ground had some 80
kilometers an hour just from the top of
a fairly large building.
That sort of velocity is fatal.
But we can't just take that result and
scale it down by some 46 times for lego
batman because the equations of drag and
lift are both coupled and nonlinear when
applied to two dimensions like we have
here. The only way to get a result is from
doing the simulation and so I have
reproduced that Leicester study exactly
but in this time for a lego-sized
batman. Lego batman's terminal velocity is
23 km/h which he achieves in just 10
seconds of flight. This is about the time
it took regular Batman to reach 80.
But bear in mind that if we scaled lego batman
up that 23 km/h would be be just over a
thousand. So does that mean that we've broken
the bat? No, because Lego Batman isn't
made of mere flesh and blood like us
mortals. He's made of acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene, or ABS. This type of plastic is
pretty stiff. It can be squashed by about
2.6%of its dimensions
before it actually starts to deform.
So using that stiffness and assuming
LBM, that's Lego Batman by the way,
comes to a complete stop when landing, which is
the worst-case scenario, the pressure acting
on his feet and legs would be about a
kiloPascal. ABS though has a compressive
strength of 42 megaPascals, so LBM
has survived.
OK so what about that grapple gun then?
Well, people have worked out that not
only would it be a lethal weapon when
Batman tries to catch people with it, it'd
probably end up hurting himself as well.
A measly three feet per square second
acceleration or about a tenth of a g
would put a force on both his hand and arm
equivalent to powerlifting. And if he were
going at some of the rates scene in the
movies, then we're talking at least a
dislocated shoulder if not a severed
limb. But again
LBM isn't as puny as he looks.
Given the strength of ABS and the area
of a minifig arm, lego batman could
withstand accelerations up to a hundred
and thirty thousand meters per second
That means he could ascend to the top of a
to-scale LEGO model of the Empire State
Building in 0.08 seconds.
That is impressive. But there's one thing
about lego batman that wouldn't be that
impressive and that is his voice. "Because
I'm Batman". Sorry WIll Arnett, but you
should be sounding a bit more like this.
But in all other respects lego batman is
totally badass!
hey guys and gals thank you so much for
watching this lego batman video, I hope
you enjoyed it. Don't forget please
subscribe to my channel if you want to
get more stuff from me, I do physics
videos every other Thursday, and you can
share this video around that would be a
massive help to me.
【完整版】為求獨家不擇手段?!八卦記者白目大會!2017.02.02小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:29.-------------------------------------------
Double tap in our mobile apps - Duration: 0:35.Hi everyone, did you know that you can double-tap in our mobile apps to fast forward and rewind videos?
Let's say you're watching a video, when you double-tap the right side you'll be able to go forward ten seconds.
When you double-tap the left side, you can go back ten seconds.
This works in landscape and portrait modes, so try it out!
Thanks for watching.
Sony RAW Image Workflow using Exposure X2: The Breakdown with Miguel Quiles - Duration: 9:18.In this video I'll walk you through how
I retouch my photos from start to finish
using Alien Skin Exposure x2. Welcome
back everybody to The Breakdown, I'm
Miguel Quiles and I'm going to walk you
through a simple way to retouch your
Sony raw files using Alien Skin Exposure
x2 software. For those of you who aren't
familiar with the program it's a
non-destructive, raw editing software,
that allows you to organize and edit
your image's completely within the
program, or as a plug-in that's
compatible with photoshop and lightroom.
If you want to follow along and retouch
your own images, you can download a free
trial of the software, over on their
website at Alienskin.com. Before we get
started let me give you a brief rundown
on the various panels found within the
program. To begin, you'll want to find
your images on your computer within the
folders tab. Since I often shoot tethered
using capture one, all of the images are
directly saved onto my computer, where I
can quickly find them with an exposure.
In the middle column of the program
you'll see all of the images within that
folder. You can also use the slider at
the top of the panel to make your
thumbnails bigger or smaller. As you
scroll through the images you can hover
over them to see a dialog window that
displays all of the metadata for each
image. As you browse through.. each image
you can click on the stars that appear
below each shot to give it a rating, this
will narrow things down so that you can
filter out and see only the images that
you created, and are considering for
retouching. Now that I've rated a few
images I can click on the filter bar
below, to see my favourites! Now, looking at
these I see the image I want to retouch,
so I double click to expand it and begin
working. I often begin my workflow by
selecting a preset in the left side
panel. There are over 500 presets
available in both black and white or
colour, that can be fine tuned to give you
the look you want for your images. By
clicking on the arrow to expand each of
the categories, you can hover over the
thumbnails to see a preview of what each
of the presets will do to your image.
Once you've found the preset you like -
simply click to select it. You can also
click on the star in the top corner of
the thumbnail to save it to your
favorites tab
which can be seen at the top of the
presets panel for quick access in the
future. For this image, I've chosen the
Kodak Portra 400 VC preset. It keeps my
skin tones looking good, and adds a
beautiful richness to the overall color
of the image. With the preset applied, I
can now customize it to get the exact
look that I want by adjusting the image
via the panel on the right. Before I do
that I'm going to click on these
triangles to minimize the other panels
so I can maximize the size of the image
on the screen. Now you'll notice that you
have a histogram panel up top where you
can view your overall exposure. Clicking
on the triangles in either corner will
show you if you're clipping your
highlights or shadows. Any areas that you
see that are highlighted, mean that you have
lost detail at the pixel level by either
over, or under exposing your shot. You can
see by the blue highlighted area that
we've lost some detail in the shadow
area of her hair, but that's ok since
there's nothing back there that I really
wanted you to look at anyway!
Moving right along, the first tab we're
going to work on is the basic tab. Here
we can make overall adjustments to our
white balance, as well as our exposure,
clarity, and saturation. I'm going to
tweak the white balance, to warm it up a
bit, and give her skin tone and hair a
richer colour. I'm happy with the exposure
so I won't adjust that, but I will add
some contrast to the image, right around
five looks good to me.
The last thing I typically do in this
tab, is to adjust the clarity. For
portraits I tend to go somewhere between
1 and 5, since going much higher
than that will usually give the image of
really highly processed look. For this
image I'll leave it at 1, and close out
the panel. The detail tab will allow you
to apply sharpening, as well as noise
reduction to your image. You can manually
adjust all of the parameters here, but we'll
leave this one for now since I don't
need these settings for this particular
image. The color tab allows you to make
additional adjustments to your image by
either applying a preset, or by manually
adjusting the sliders. You can even
target specific colors in the color
saturation section. But again I won't
need to adjust these, as I'm more than
happy with the colors the preset
automatically applied. The same can be
said of the tone curves tab for this
image, where you can tweak the tones in contrast
of your image even further. We'll skip
that, and go to the vignette tab here.
I can customize my vignette to look
exactly the way I want it to look. I'm
going to click on the preset drop-down
menu, and select subtle black for this
image. I'll increase the size of this
vignette manually by moving the slider
over to 21. Now that we've applied this
vignette, we'll go ahead, and we'll move
over to the overlays tab. The overlays
tab allows you to apply borders, light
effects, and textures to your images.
They are a lot of fun to play around
with, and add a creative touch to your images.
I won't be applying any to this image,
but you definitely want to explore this
tab to see if some of the effects might
make your images more interesting.
The next area we will adjust is the
focus tab. For my portraits, I use the
preset Sharpen Low Radius 25. You'll
notice that this preset adds a lot of
sharpness to the image, more than what I
would actually want, but as you can do
with every other preset, you can adjust
the sliders to get the exact look you
want. I'm going to bring down the amount
to around 5.36 and have the radius match
that number as well. You'll want to tweak
the settings for each and every one of
your portraits, as some may need more or
less sharpening. The final tab I will
make adjustments to, is the green tab. Now
I apply grain to almost every single one
of my images, to give it a more pleasing
final look. I typically choose the preset
regular grain 25% and manually
adjust it to taste. You can customize the
look of the grain within your shadows
mid-tones and highlights to give your
image a more film like look. I'm going to
reduce the shadows and mid-tones to
25% - and the highlights
down to 8% percent. I'm also going to
adjust the roughness of the grain down
to 15. This gives a slight amount of
green, and it won't take away from the
overall sharpness of the image. Now that
I have my preset looking the way I want it,
I can begin my retouching. Right below
the histogram tab you'll see two icons
one is a band-aid, and the other a brush.
We're going to eventually use both here,
but we'll begin by clicking the band-aid
icon. Within this window, I can use the
healing brush or clone stamp tool to
remove blemishes, and reduce other
distractions throughout the image. You
can adjust the size, the feather,
the opacity for
these two tools, so that the adjustments
blend nicely with your image.
All I do is simply brush over the area
that I want to heal, then a selection is
made, and I'm able to move it around to
sample other parts of the image, to heal
the selected area. You want to make sure
you move the selection to an area that
is close to the area you're trying to
heal, and that way you can retain the
same texture and end up with a higher
quality result.
Finally it's time to apply some effects
via the brush tool. The first thing I do
with my portrait, is to begin by dodging
and burning. I'll select the Dodge Tool
and brush over the areas of the image
that I want to lighten. I tend to dodge
over the forehead, nose line, chin, as well
as the natural highlights on the lips.
I also lighten the shadows underneath
the eye, to give a fresher appearance as
well as the space between the eye and
the eyebrows.
Another thing - I often Dodge are the
highlights within the hair. Noel has
awesome hair, with a lot of natural
highlights. So I simply brush over the
areas to give them a bit more shine.
After I'm done dodging the image, I go
over to the burn tool - this will
basically darken selected parts of your
image by brushing over it, just like it
does with a Dodge tool. For portraits, I
typically use the tool to darken the
eyebrows, as well as around the iris, and
in the dark areas of the hair, to add
more texture and dimensionality. The last
thing I'll do is to use the Enhanced
Iris preset; with that selected, I simply
brush within the iris to bring out the detail
Don't go too far with this, you want to
add just a hint of detail and keep
things looking realistic. I've completed
all of my adjustments, and now I'm ready
to export this file and share it with
the world. Simply right-click on the file
and choose export. A new window will open
up and allow you to select where you
want to save your image how you want to
name it,
what format and size to save it in, as
well as choosing to include your
metadata. Once you finish here simply
click export and you're all set!
If you followed along I would love to
see your results of using this process
with your own image. If you're on
Facebook join my group and share your images
by going to Facebook.com/groups/sonyalphatips
Be sure to include your camera and
lens combo along with the presets you
used. Thanks for joining me today on
AdoramaTV. Don't forget to subscribe to
AdoramaTV for more
amazing videos. Just click on the link
below and let us know what you think,
like comment and share this video, and
don't forget to visit the Adorama
Learning Center for lots of great tips
and tricks.
Thanks again and I'll see you on the
next episode of The Breakdown
Bye everyone!
|Forge| Solve problem with Mod Rejections: BSPKRS CORE - Duration: 1:38.Hi everyone! I'm Juanqui and in this video
I'm going to explain you
how to solve the problem with the MOD Rejections
(the BSPKR Core one)
which normally appears when logging to Cauldron servers.
Firstly, you must click the link in the description
and it will take you to a CurseForge page,
where you can find a lot of... files.
Here, you have to download the file that forge requires
In my case, I need the version 6.16 of 1.7.10,
Once you have located the file,
press the boutons "WINDOWS + R"
and write "%APPDATA% there.
(Press OK)
Now we have to go to the ".minecraft" folder
and enter into the "mods" folder.
Here you'll see that all your installed mods
and a folder with our minecraft version.
Click it and delete the file that
has the same name as the one we downloaded.
Once deleted,
"cut and paste" the file you downloaded
restart your Minecraft Launcher
and it will work!
Hope you enjoyed the video
Like, comment, share and subscribe for more!
I SHOW YOU MY PUSSY AT THE END OF THE VIDEO - Duration: 2:54.Does being notorious makes you automatically right?
Let me explain...
Are the most popular politicians the smartest?
Another example: is the actor with 1 million followers on twitter more articulate than the one with only 100 followers? (follow me @directedbyjo)
Not necessarily.
But, the ones we give the right to talk are notorious.
So it makes me wonder... are you listening to me?
Sorry, I'm interrumpting myself, is there a problem?
The title?...
Yeah. Well let me return the question, why the title?
I get that you weren't expecting some high-schooled philosophy analysis...
Look, if I'd written "Is popularity more important than honesty?, would you have clicked on this video?
You would have had a headache but that's it...
But with this one... you cliked.
I'm not saying crap like this is a pretty common question we all asked ourselves at least once at some point.
We're supposed to have the freedom of speech and we always wonder why someone is talking for us?
"Nope, that's just you"
And I mean...
Have you seen where you are?
This is a plateform, who showed us multiple times that-
*french southern accent*
delivering smart content helps thousands of artists and viewers in need of representation !
It is free and available for everyone but in the "trending" section... you can chose between :
"Look at his butt" or...
"Clash battle of the dead!!"
So yes, if popularity means posting cat videos, I'm asking myself if it's still worth something...
I can already hear you saying "money" and sure, yes. But that will totally prove my point and this is why i'm gonna stop there...
No but like, it's not my job to do so.
Idk, take 4 hours, a pen... write down your theory in the comments, maybe a troll will insult you. Whatever.
But who am I, to tell you what to think?...
Thanks to everyone who watched till the end, and as a reward... Gotta do what it says...
There you go.
This is Elektra, she's 6 months old and she's a little monster...
And if the title misled you in any way, maybe you should ask Google and go away...
it'll find something for you. Probably... Most definitely...
See ya!
The Best Touchscreen Winter Gloves - Duration: 1:50.I'm Nick Guy. Over the past five winters
we've tested 47 pairs of gloves while
moving half a ton of stumps, climbing on ice,
and just walking and biking around town
using our phones.
Here are our picks for the best
touchscreen gloves.
Moshi's Digits are our favorite
touchscreen gloves for the
second year in a row.
These knit gloves aren't the absolute warmest
touchscreen gloves you can buy.
But they're warmer than anything that's better
for using on touchscreens and better for
using on touchscreens than anything
that's warmer. Got it?
Anyways, these double-layered
knit gloves will keep you
reasonably warm in cold weather, but
they're fit snug enough to conform to a
range of finger sizes and to allow
reliably accurate screen taps.
The stretchy design means they'll fit
tightly on the hand, ensuring a good
fit and solid touchscreen control.
They're also dexterous and grippy enough
that in our testing we felt comfortable
using our phones one-handed.
If you live in a colder climate or take part in
winter sports, go with the 180s Sustained
Insulated Gloves. They're a heavy-duty
option that will keep your hands safe
from the elements.
In fact, they're warmer than
any other glove we tested.
The insulation makes the fingers a bit
bulkier so these gloves are not the best
for detail tasks, they're better for say
checking a bus schedule than typing
Glider Gloves Urban Style touchscreen
gloves are good pick in warmer climates.
These gloves are quite thin, meaning
they don't provide as much warmth as the
competition. But it also means there's not
as much material between your hands and
your screen allowing for more precise
if you're willing to pay more for a
more stylish glove, we recommend the
Leather & Tech Stretch Glove line
from U|R Powered, available in both
men's and women's designs.
These gloves are leather on the
outside but have a stretchy palm
that provides grip and a better fit.
For a premium pair, consider Kent Wang's
Deerskin Gloves, which are all leather.
They look great and work well with
touchscreens, but are very expensive.
6 ДОМАШНИХ ЖИВОТНЫХ, В СУЩЕСТВОВАНИЕ КОТОРЫХ СЛОЖНО ПОВЕРИТЬ - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
【有趣的事实】如何成为教宗?(简中CC字幕) - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
#AbrahamHicks • Finding a partner that does not cheat on you • Feel Alignment Attention Happy Love - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Tom And Jerry Cartoon Full Episodes New Compilation - New Collection 2017 - Duration: 25:38.Tom And Jerry Cartoon Full Episodes New Compilation - New Collection 2017
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