Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

hello everyone and welcome to English

like a native

today we're going to cover a very common

pronunciation mistake and that is words

ending in e d now it's not surprising

that words ending with ed are regularly

mispronounced because ed on the end of a

word can be pronounced in three ways it

can be pronounced id and it can be

pronounced d or t so how do we

know which pronunciation to use well

here are the simple rules that you have

to follow number one if there is a D or a

T just before -ed then you pronounce

it id for example wanted wanted i wanted

to go home admitted admitted

he admitted his mistake recommended

recommended it was recommended to me by

my friend started started we finally

started the lesson number two if the

word end in any of the following sounds

the ed will

be sounded like a T for example washed

washed we washed the car stopped

stopped they stopped playing watched

watched they felt like they were being

watched laughed laughed i laughed all

day walked walked I walked to work and

number three words ending in any other sound the

ed will be pronounced as a D sound

for example tired tired i'm very tired

today cried cried they cried when they

heard the news cleaned cleaned Anna cleaned

her room, I need to. allowed allowed they were

not allowed in the house so there you

have it

three rules to help you to deal with

that troublesome ED ending if you did

like this video then please give it a

big thumbs up and don't forget to press

the big red subscribe button every

subscriber really helps me to build this

channel and spend more time creating

better quality content for you i'd also

like to say a huge thank you to those of

you who've decided to become a patron of

English like a native

your support is invaluable so thank you

so much if you'd like to know more about

becoming a patron then click on the link

which is in the description box below

all patrons get to see my videos ahead

of schedule so you get to see all my

videos as soon as they're made before

anybody else gets to see them and

depending on the size of your patronage

then you also receive rewards so go and

check those out otherwise have a lovely

day and i'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> BRITISH ENGLISH Pronunciation: ED Endings - Duration: 4:19.


BTS Laughing Compilation - Duration: 6:27.

Jin: "Are you shooting me or is that Self mode?"

JM: "No it's not" Jin: "Let me see"

Jin:"I buy you a wet tissue, How dare you to do that to me?"

Jhope: "So many hearts, express it by action"


V: "You don't have any friends"

SG: "Spain"

Jhope: "eshlksjdv"

RM: "Arabo"

Jhope: "arawesaratwesjs"


V: "I guess I'd like to play some wind instrument"

Jhope: "AHH! It really hurts"

Jhope: "So it really has a reaction??"

Jin: "Oh! I've already read this part"

RM: "This MC isn't aware of what he's doing"

Jhope: "WAKE UP!!!"

JK: "Jin is very handsome"

JK: "Food is more important than Bangtan"

Jin: "obviously Bangtan is more important"

SG: "what is your message to those sleepy Armys watching this at dawn"

JK: "Yah, pls. go to sleep"

SG: "Min Yoongi is idiot" RM: "And has Low IQ, doesn't know anything"

JM: "Why are you coming to me???"

SG: "A female transfer student.."

For more infomation >> BTS Laughing Compilation - Duration: 6:27.



For more infomation >> ARCANJO MIGUEL - ''A CONSCIÊNCIA ESPIRITUAL UNIFICADA'' - Duration: 22:29.


Rusted Nightmares | SCP-455 Cargo Ship SCP Tale | - Duration: 3:02.

Rusted Nightmares SCP-455 Tale


The rusted metal stretches for as far as can be seen.

The runner does not care that this is only a few feet in front of himself.

As far as he is concerned, the claustrophobic corridor stretches on forever.

And it does.

But not for him.

Don't stop.

A woman slams against a steel door, pristine and shining in the darkness of the hold.

Rust flakes from the floor as she throws herself against the steel, panting heavily.

Her fingernails crack as they scrabble against the smooth face of the door, frantically searching

for something to turn.

They will never stop looking.

Not like this.

A man walks slowly through a room, filled with steaming belts and pistons.

A human eye rolls towards him as a face stretches across a belt, locked in a rictus of pain

and agony.

A human elbow rapidly pumps in a nearby machine, forcing an unidentifiable chunk of something

in and out.

A pair of empty eye sockets stare into him.

He will never look away.

Make it stop.

A man sprints into a dead-end room, stopping to stare at the wall.

He screams and turns, a cry of rage and confusion and hurt, only to see the door slam shut behind


He will never leave.

Until his flashlight dies.

The pain.

Deep within the rusted hulk, a woman screams.

She has been screaming for seconds, for years.

She does not know the difference.

She only knows that she should never have entered this place of death and steel and


She will never correct her mistake.

No escape.

A man stands atop a rusted deck, gaunt and pale from his days spent in the darkness,

searching for an exit.

A spotlight waves over him, a boat is sent, and a crew arrives to rescue him.

The man, overjoyed, moves to jump.

He does not hit the water.

Stay with us.

In the heart of the ship, a thousand voices scream in agony.

All are lost, many for hundreds of years.

Some for days.

All are screaming the same soul-wrenching scream that only the dying know.

And they will never stop.

Team was lost after reporting entry to "central navigation."

Rescue team lost after reporting the investigation of "screaming" in a cargo section.

For more infomation >> Rusted Nightmares | SCP-455 Cargo Ship SCP Tale | - Duration: 3:02.


Public Live Podcast Coming Soon! - Duration: 1:51.

We are excited to announce our new live podcasts!

These will start off by being monthly then hopefully move to a weekly event.

Our first one will premiere Wednesday, feb 22nd at 6pm pacific!

So Dad, what will these entail?

We're going to be doing all kinds of great things.

We're going to have guest speakers. We're going to be doing some commentary on the types of homesteading projects we work on.

It will be a lot of fun and of course, we will be doing family stuff too.

All this will be brought to you by Youtube Steaming and Chat

Great chat feature so you'll be able to post questions and dialog a little bit together.

Our VIP livestream patron members will have access to the VIP room which gives priority on questions as well.

But, the whole chat thing we're really excited about. That interaction.

In the VIP room are they going to have like refreshments?

And drinks.

Drinks for the VIPers

Well, we have to use our imaginations...but ya!

Our imaginations

We'll sent you emoticons with drinks.

Yeah, with drinks. Yahhh

We announce this 3 weeks early because we would love your feedback & ideas!

Our first podcast topic will be on earthbags.

Let us know below!

We want to thank Doug for this wonderful idea!

We were initially planning on doing these as private webinars but he suggested making

it public

would give us a little bit more exposure. Probably a little bit more interaction so we're pretty excited about that

It wouldn't be made possible without him and his ideas and his suggestions so

Thank you so much Doug! He didn't ask us to do this but Doug is a web designer so if you need any web work done you can visit

We will have the link down in the description.

We are super, super excited about all this!

We look forward to your input and your feedback.

Join us. First time February 22nd, 6 O-Clock on Wednesday.

6:00 Pacific

Specifically Pacific

Hope to see you there. Have a wonderful week!

For more infomation >> Public Live Podcast Coming Soon! - Duration: 1:51.


Arrow 5x12 Promo "Bratva" (HD) Season 5 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

What brings you to Russia?

You owe me.

Ready for this?

When I signed on, I didn't think I'd be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country.

(screaming in Russian)

To our imperfect union.

For more infomation >> Arrow 5x12 Promo "Bratva" (HD) Season 5 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Kate Beckinsale shares flashback of daughter Lily for 18th birthday - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Kate Beckinsale shares flashback of daughter Lily for 18th birthday - Duration: 2:54.


Jemma Lucy and Chantelle Connelly share smooch - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Jemma Lucy and Chantelle Connelly share smooch - Duration: 3:05.


Pokeland Legends: How to Unlock and Upgrade the Breakthrough of Legendary Pokemon Zapdos - Duration: 5:16.


For more infomation >> Pokeland Legends: How to Unlock and Upgrade the Breakthrough of Legendary Pokemon Zapdos - Duration: 5:16.


Clone and Run Multiple Apps - How To Clone and run multiple accounts of the same app simultaneously - Duration: 6:13.

Clone and run multiple accounts of the same app simultaneously, and use themes for cloned apps.

For more infomation >> Clone and Run Multiple Apps - How To Clone and run multiple accounts of the same app simultaneously - Duration: 6:13.


Donald Trump Is About to Create a Bunch of New Terrorists - Duration: 7:52.

Donald Trump Is About to Create a Bunch of New Terrorists.

Amid the chaos that swept airports across the United States over the weekend, families

were kept apart and sick, elderly individuals with documentation were turned away.

At the same time, terrorists around the world rejoiced as the United States confirmed what

they have long asserted: the United States is at war with Islam.

As Stuart Shapiro, professor and director of the Public Policy Program at the Bloustein

School at Rutgers University, recently explained in The Hill:

�An organization that was on the run in Syria and Iraq has just been handed an amazing

recruiting tool: A written proclamation from the U.S. president that everything they�ve

been saying all these years about the United States being at war with Muslims is true.

�This recruiting tool is likely to be effective in messages consumed by individuals like those

who perpetrated the awful attacks in Fort Hood, Orlando and San Bernardino.

So while we will be keeping out individuals who mean the United States no harm and indeed

are in many cases the victims of those who do, we will have handed our enemies an important

weapon.� Shapiro makes two important points: one, that

ISIS can now further assert that the United States hates Muslims, driving a wedge between

moderate Muslims and the West, and two, that the most recent gruesome terror attacks that

have plagued the United States have been committed by natural-born citizens who became radicalized.

The shooters at Fort Hood, Orlando, and San Bernardino (with the exception of Syed Rizwan

Farook wife, who came from Pakistan) were all American � not individuals who came

in via the visa or refugee program.

Farook�s wife entered the U.S. with a visa from Pakistan.

A 2013 report by the Heritage Foundation, a right-leaning think tank, further confirms

the futility of the ban.

They noted that of 154 attempted terror attacks since September 11th, 77 had been perpetrated

by U.S. citizens.

Thirty-three came from the U.K.

The next highest country of origin was Pakistan, which was not included in Trump�s recent

executive order ( Barack Obama did exert a great deal of effort drone bombing that country).

Though Afghanistan, which was included in the ban, had four nationals who attempted

attacks, that country was followed closely by Haiti, Saudi Arabia, and Albania � none

of which were banned.

Those countries came in ahead of Yemen, Iran, and Iraq, which were banned (though some supporters

of the executive order have asserted the list Trump used was crafted by Obama, the language

of the legal authority Trump claims to have appears to allow him to include any country

he pleases).

The inconsistencies among the banned countries speak for themselves, and ISIS is already

using the order as a recruiting tool.

The Washington Post notes that jihadists were posting on Telegram, an encrypted messaging

platform, that �Trump was fulfilling the prediction of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born

leader and preacher who famously said that the �West would eventually turn against

its Muslim citizens.�� Obama killed al-Awlaki without trial (setting a dangerous precedent

for President Trump).

He also had his sixteen-year-old son, Abdul Rahman al-Awlaki killed, and just this week,

a raid ordered by Trump killed Abdul Rahman�s eight-year-old sister.

One post said the new president�s ban �clearly revealed the truth and harsh reality behind

the American government�s hatred toward Muslims.�

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But one need not listen to the sentiments of terrorists and the Post, a tried and true

establishment outlet.

The statements they reported echo previous sentiments from ISIS and Osama bin Laden before


According to a 2015 essay in Dabiq, the Islamic State�s official magazine, the �grayzone,�

wherein Muslims can co-exist peacefully with Westerners, is deteriorating.

This makes it easier to recruit jihadists.

�The grayzone is critically endangered, rather on the brink of extinction.

Its endangerment began with the blessed operations of September 11th, as these operations manifested

two camps before the world for mankind to choose between, a camp of Islam � without

the body of Khilafah to represent it at the time � and a camp of kufr � the crusader

coalition,� they wrote.

[emphasis added] Even bin Laden noted this dynamic.

�The world today is divided into two camps.

Bush spoke the truth when he said, �Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.�

Meaning, either you are with the crusade or you are with Islam,� the famous terrorist

leader said.

This divide is only further deepened when the United States projects broad disdain for

Islam, whether through warfare, after attack by terrorists, or with Trump�s recent ban.

Though many have claimed the ban is based on nationality and �danger� rather than

religion, Trump�s indication that Christians will be given priority easily demonstrates

the intent is to make it more difficult for Muslims, specifically, to enter the country.

This is line with his campaign rhetoric.

But even neoconservative Republican Senator John McCain, who criticized the ban � and

in doing so drew the ire of the president himself � admitted the potential effects.

�The effect will probably in some areas give ISIS some more propaganda,� he said

Sunday on CBS�s �Face the Nation.� According to Robert Richer, a former chief

of the CIA�s Near East division, the ban was a �strategic mistake.�

�This was a win for jihadists and other anti-U.S. forces,� he said.

�It fuels the belief out there that Americans are anti-Islam.

Otherwise, it accomplishes nothing, because the ones we are most concerned about can still

get to the United States.� Considering countries like Saudi Arabia (where the majority of 9/11

hijackers originated), Qatar, and Turkey � which have all been demonstrated to support violent

extremism � were left off the list, Richer appears to be right.

And considering Trump has continued air strikes and violence and seeks to expand the already

massive U.S. military while provoking Iran � a country included on the ban list that

has had more than its share of unwarranted U.S. intervention � this ban is yet more

fodder for extremism.

Add that to Trump�s fervent support for torture and the effect these practices have

on prisoners � and others � and the anti-terror leader is setting the stage for further radicalism

and terror attacks.

As Shapiro concluded, �By allegedly trying to decrease the risk of

a terrorist attack, we may have increased it.�

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