Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Goboogi, come here.

May I give it to Chobee?

He bites my finger.



Would you like to come for treat?

Come here, Goboogi.

Let's give it to Chobee first.

Good eater.

Goboogi wanna eat over there.

He hesitates to come down.

No Chobeing. This is for Goboogi.

Let me hold Chobee by faking.

Look, Chobee. NO!

OK, Chobee. This is for you.

Aw cute. Aw cute.

Goboogi, do you mind to eat?

OK, Chobee. It's for Goboogi, you already ate 3 pieces.

Aw pretty.

He worries to bite me.

Aw pretty. Here.

Goboogi doesn't eat a treat in hand. Push it into mouth when he opens mouth.


He can take it then.

He just licks my finger, worrying to bite me.

Aw cute.

Aw pretty.

Here, Goboogi.

Aw cute.

Goboogi takes it.

One more.

Aw cute. Looks like puppy.

So cute.


Come here, Chobeing.

Chobeing rushes and takes a treat quickly.

Never hesitate. Look and take it.

Done. Aw pretty.

All done, my sweeties.

He is smacking his lips.

Do you want more?

Let's eat tomorrow.

For more infomation >> HOW TO FEEL CAT'S PINK PAWS - Duration: 3:25.


Ten Everyday English Situations for Finns (with subtitles) - Duration: 10:18.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to

'English Tips for Finns' and this is video number 13.

I've gotten a few requests to make a video about

everyday situations in English, and

that's what this video is about. This

is something that's surprisingly hard in

practice. It's something that you learn

early on when learning a language, but

then when the actual situation comes up

it's a little bit more difficult -- whether

it's because it doesn't follow the

textbook, or your own language gets in

the way. I think a lot of these

phrases are going to be review for you, but

hopefully you get something new out of

it as well. Hopefully you're able to

readily use them in the right situation.

Just one more thing:

My purpose in making these videos is

to help you improve and get by with your

English. My purpose is not to make you a

better person. I recognize that there

are differences between the way English

speakers do something and the way Finns do

something...and I recognize that there are

positives and negatives to both. So

strictly English language learning here.

As I often like to do in my videos,

I'm going to give you a list of

questions about things I'm going to talk

about in the video. You should try to

answer these. yYou should pause the video

and you should compare your answers to

my answers. Remember some of these

have many many different answers, so my

answers are not the only answers.

I just want to say from the start

that 'How are you?' is a very good and

acceptable way to say something. It's

a good fallback. You can always say 'How

are you?' in every situation...and actually

you have to use it, I think, in very

formal situations and the situation

where you don't know somebody so well.

That being said, I actually don't say 'How

are you?' very often in my life, because

I'm not often in those situations. I say these other

phrases - and I've made a list for you

in the slide that follows this section,

and I divided them into two parts: the

questions that start with 'how' and the

questions that start with 'what'. They have

different answers which I'll talk about

in the section that follows the slide.

The 'how' questions are 'How are you doing?' (that's very


'How's everything going?' (it's also very

common), 'How's it going?'

(that's probably the one I say the most) and

'How are things going?' OK, then the 'what'


'What's up?' (actually very common as well),

'What's going on?' and 'What have you been

up to?'

So the textbook answer to 'How are you?'

in every textbook around the world is 'I'm fine

thank you, and you?' Again, it's a very

acceptable answer. It's a good fallback

answer. But, in reality, we don't actually

say that very much. We answer in many

different ways. If you're doing very

well you could say 'Great,

about you?' Two things with this.

The word 'actually' is a great word that

you should really get into your vocabulary.

We say it all the time. Notice I said

'How about you?', so I reflect the question

back to you.

That's a very important skill. You

could also say 'Not bad...

how's it going with you?' That's probably

the one I say the most. It's pretty neutral --

your're not doing fantastic, you're not doing not bad.

Then again, I reflect the question back

to you. If you're doing a little bit

negative, you could say 'It could be

better, I guess.

'How are you doing`?' Again, you're reflecting

the question. If you're doing

terrible -- and you're speaking to the

right person -- you can say 'Awful, actually.

It's been a rough week.

How are you?' Again, I reflect the

question back to you.

So those are the 'how' questions,

right? With the 'what' questions, it's actually

pretty easy. If you say...if I say to you...

or if you say to me 'what's up?' I could say

'Not much. What's up with you?'

'Not much' is a very good answer to the

'what' questions.

The standard response to 'thank you' is,

of course, 'you're welcome'. This is a

very good response, and you can use it in

any situation. I do use it quite a

lot. I think I more often say 'no

problem' --

that's a good response to 'thank you'.

You might have learned that you could

say 'my pleasure', and this is ok...but it's

a little bit too much -- and a little bit

too formal -- and I wouldn't use it very


Okay, a few

responses to 'I'm sorry'. Again, I think it

depends on the level of the apology.

If it's...if somebody is just a little bit sorry

about something, you could say 'Don't

worry about it' or 'It's ok. It's no

problem.' That might be a good response.

If it's a huge apology, and it really

effects your life, and the person says 'I'm

really, really sorry.'

You could say 'apology accepted.'

This one is actually the easiest of

the bunch. Let's say you ask me 'Can

you hand me the marker?' I would say

one of two things. I would say 'Here you

go.' or 'Here you are.' So 'Here you go' 'Here

you are.'

That's about it.

I've just cooked a dinner

and I have friends and family around, and

I want them to start eating because

they're waiting patiently and politely.

I think what I would say in an informal

situation is 'Dig in.'

So just start eating. I could also

say, for example, 'Help yourself'...

so just start eating, basically.

In this familiar phrase that is used in

many languages around the world, if you

want people to enjoy the food in English

then we usually use the French. You

would say 'Bon appetit'. If you don't

want to use that foreign language, then

you could say 'Enjoy your meal.'

I'm introduced to somebody. Let's say

someone says 'This is Timo.' I would say

'Nice to meet you.' Then Timo would say

to me back,

'Nice to meet you, too.' It's always good

to say 'Nice to meet you, too,' so you

shouldn't hesitate to do that.

Okay, this is a little extra tip. so I've

noticed that Finns -- the second or the

third or the fourth time they meet

somebody -- they keep saying 'Nice to meet

you.' In English, we only say 'Nice to

meet you.' the first time we meet somebody.

After that we say 'Nice to see you.' or

'Nice to see you again.'

It's very common in English to say

'Have a nice day.' and the proper response

to that is 'Same to you', or just 'you too'.

This applies for many situations.

'Merry Christmas.' 'Same to you.' 'You too.'

'Happy New Year.' 'Same to you.'

'You too.'

Yeah, so 'goodbye' is a very standard

response. It's a very good response and

you can fall back on it.

However, it's the same kind of thing as these

other things. We don't actually say

it that, that often. I will give you some

examples of other things you might say.

Y ou could say just 'bye'. You could say


'You could say 'see you later' -- and I think

that's the thing I probably say the most. You

could say 'take care', and 'take care' is

very's a... it's not overdoing it,

and it's kind of a kind way to say


You could say 'so long' which is something

I also say a lot. And you could say -- to be

totally informal -- 'Have a good one.'

That might be the informal one you might

have in your arsenal.

When I made a list of these different things I'm

going to do, I totally forgot about

'please'. I can't believe I forgot 'please'.

It's the word that you don't have a

translation for in Finnish. I think a

good rule of thumb with 'please' is you

only use it once -- and I think you should

use it once if you're asking somebody

for something -- so use it once and only

once. I think that's the rule.

So 'Can I have a beer, please?' 'Could you

please help me?', something like that.

Ok, so the usual stuff. If you liked the

video, I hope you'll click on the thumbs

up below. Actually, I hope you share

the why not spread the love to

other English-interested people out

there. I hope you will subscribe to

my channel. I have a course that's on

another website called Udemy and it's called '50

Common English Mistakes Made by Finns'.

If you follow the link in the

description box below you'll get to that

course...and you'll get half off the

course. I also have a Twitter feed, so

you can follow me on Twitter. Also, if

you have any ideas -- that -- for these videos,

to sort of - or anything that you struggle

with, or anything that you would like to

learn - please, please write it in the

comments below, and I will try my best.

Thank you for watching, and see you

next time.

For more infomation >> Ten Everyday English Situations for Finns (with subtitles) - Duration: 10:18.


Johnny Depp's '$2 millionamonth lifestyle to blame for money woes' - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Johnny Depp's '$2 millionamonth lifestyle to blame for money woes' - Duration: 2:00.


Home Remedies For Ringworm | Home Remedies For Ringworm naturally - Duration: 4:17.

Home Remedies For Ringworm.

Ringworm is a very common fungal infection of the skin, but there are a number of simple

home remedies that can clear up this infection, including the use of garlic extract, tea tree

oil, turmeric, aloe vera, coconut oil, salt, papaya and lemongrass tea, among others.

There is a wide variety of different fungal species that can cause ringworm, which affects

the skin and is highly contagious.

The technical term for this affliction is dermatophytosis, and there are many ways that

the fungal infection can be transmitted.

Some of the most common include the exchange of sweat, contact with animals, public showers,

high-contact sports with exposed bare skin (e.g., wrestling).

Home Remedies For Ringworm.


Lavender Oil.

If you thought the smell of lavender was soothing, wait until you experience the topical effects

of the essential oil.

For the treatment of ringworm, lavender essential oil can be applied to the skin, which will

not only kill the fungal infection in its tracks, but also prevent other infections

from taking hold during the healing process.

Lavender oil is extremely powerful, so only a small amount is required to enjoy these

health benefits.


Tea Tree Oil.

When it comes to eliminating fungal infections, the native-to-Australia tea tree oil is hard

to beat.

Aside from its ability to speed healing and stimulate healthy skin, it can also eliminate

the underlying fungal infection when used regularly for a period of weeks.

However, tea tree oil is extremely powerful, so always dilute it with approximately 50%

water, or else it can cause skin irritation.


Garlic Extract.

One of the most powerful remedies for bacterial, viral or fungal infections is garlic, due

to its wide range of antioxidants and other organic compounds that make the environment

of the skin or gut intolerable for these pathogens.

For the treatment of ringworm, you can apply garlic extract to the affected area and see

very rapid results, making this one of the most popular home remedies for the condition.


Aloe Vera.

Known for its potent anti-inflammatory and immune-system boosting properties, aloe vera

is an excellent candidate if you are suffering from ringworm and want a quick way to eliminate


Aloe vera also has direct anti-fungal abilities for a wide variety of potential pathogens,

and the saponins in the concentrated gel are also excellent for relieving pain and discomfort

associated with this condition.

You can apply the gel directly to the affected area for best results.


Salt Treatment: Salt may seem like a basic remedy, but for ringworm, it is extremely


Salt dries out the skin, and given that wet, damp areas are ideal for ringworm to take

hold and spread, applying salt, which has astringent properties, is excellent for disinfecting

the area.

It can also speed healing and reduce the inflammation of the affected skin by sucking out the moisture.



As one of the most powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal substances available to us

in our diet, turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, were sure to make this list.

More specifically, people choose to use the even more concentrated form of turmeric oil

to treat this condition.

This oil will reduce the inflammation on the skin, while also quickly eliminating the underlying



Lemongrass Tea.

While most of these remedies are topical applications, there is some good that you can do through

the things you eat.

Lemongrass tea, for example, is an excellent booster for the immune system, particularly

when it comes to fungal infections throughout the body.

However, you can also allow the tea to cool and apply it directly to the affected skin

area for a doubled effect.

Like and share this video.

Don't forget to Subscribe my channel for health updates.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies For Ringworm | Home Remedies For Ringworm naturally - Duration: 4:17.


Google Nexus 7 Review (Android Tablet) - (Inside Look At Features, Interface and Benefits) - Duration: 10:32.

Welcome You To Check A Inside Review of Google Nexus 7 Android Tablet

For more infomation >> Google Nexus 7 Review (Android Tablet) - (Inside Look At Features, Interface and Benefits) - Duration: 10:32.


Kids cartoons My Talking Angela vs Talking Tom and Subway surf Colors Level 56 animated series - Duration: 9:53.

Kids cartoons My Talking Angela vs Talking Tom and Subway surf Colors Level 56 animated series

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For more infomation >> Kids cartoons My Talking Angela vs Talking Tom and Subway surf Colors Level 56 animated series - Duration: 9:53.


Ostukraine: Warum bürdet man uns ein solches Leid auf? - Mindestens zwei Tote nach jüngstem Beschuss - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Ostukraine: Warum bürdet man uns ein solches Leid auf? - Mindestens zwei Tote nach jüngstem Beschuss - Duration: 1:25.


Jasmin Walia trades her thighskimming floral dress for cream creation - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Jasmin Walia trades her thighskimming floral dress for cream creation - Duration: 5:22.


荒廃未来探索記【Fallout3】しよけんプレイ Part9その9 - Duration: 10:01.

Fallout 3 Part9-9

For more infomation >> 荒廃未来探索記【Fallout3】しよけんプレイ Part9その9 - Duration: 10:01.


How to make a Love Letter in a Bottle ♥ DIY Valentine's Day Mermaid Room Decor ♥ #BeMineValentine - Duration: 7:05.

Hello! It is your magical crafting mermaid friend

"The Magic Crafter" from the magic crafter dot com (

For this video, we are going to be making use of some of the things we've done in

some of our previous videos.

(You can find links to those tutorial videos in the description of this video)

Those crafts will be used to create this BIG Valentine's Day Craft.

Which is going to be a Valentine's Day Love Letter in a Bottle.

To make this

you are going to need one glass wine bottle

filled with 6 batches of that magical "Love Potion" glitter sand that we made in a previous video.

(Which will be linked in a card right in this general area)

You are also going to need a "Love Letter" or special message

written preferably on one of those cool looking pieces of antiqued paper.

Mine is a half sized sheet of paper.

I wouldn't recommend using a full-size piece because

it's not going to fit in your wine bottle quite right.

Additionally, if you would like to decorate the outside of your bottle,

you may want to have some pretty ribbon.

And maybe even a sparkly seashell.

(Which I can show you how to make if you click on the card in the upper right corner of the screen)

And if you would like to use the ribbon and the seashell,

you are going to need an industrial strength glue to glue them on to your wine bottle.

I am going to be using E6000

but you could probably use hot glue too.

E6000 would be best though!

If you are using the E6000, then make sure that your work-space is well ventilated

because that stuff is strong and it can make you sick!

Once you have everything you need, let's get started with putting together

all of the little pieces to make this

cute little Valentine's Day craft

that is perfect for giving to your sweetheart.

Just make sure they have some tweezers so they can get the paper out of the wine bottle!

The first thing to do

is to grab you little love letter.

Mine is tied up with some hemp cord and has a cute decorative bead on it.

And stick it into your wine bottle.

Then, if you want to put a cork on the top, you can go ahead and do that... but I don't have one that fits, so I can't... :C

If you are going to be decorating your wine bottle,

make sure you open up a window!!!!

Because you will be using some very strong glue whose fumes can make you sick.

So make sure you are in a well ventilated area!

Then cut out your ribbon so that it wraps around your wine bottle right where you want it.

I have mine cut already just to save time.

Take some of that super strong glue and put it where you are going to be placing the ribbon.

You don't need a lot of it. A little bit goes a long way!

So put a little bit on one side, and put a little bit on the other side...

That should be good!

Now carefully place your ribbon on the glass

and wrap it around.

Press it gently.

Just for a little bit so it sticks!

** Acoustic Guitar Music Playing **

Take a little bit more of that glue

and glue this part of the ribbon to the other part.

And put a little more over here.

Try not to get it on your fingers like mine just did!

** Music Playing **

Once your glue has dried and this is secured on to your wine bottle,

we are going to glue the seashell to the seam of the ribbon.

Like that.

So stick a little bit of glue on the ribbon and

put a little bit of glue on your seashell too.

And then you'll just match up the two glue spots and hold your shell in place for a few moments.

** Music Playing **

"Make sure to put the cap back on your glue!!"

Alright guys! Well that is it for today's video tutorial.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Personally, I think it's pretty neat that all of these crafting things

came together to create one especially magical and simple craft.

You can give it to someone that you think is super special.

Or you could keep it around for your own home decor purposes.

It makes a really nice home decor sort of thing

if you have a coastal themed house or a coastal themed room

but you also want to include a Valentine's Day flair.

It's got the pinks, and the purples, and the sparkles...

but it also has seashells and sand and is beachy looking.

I think it's pretty cute!

If you would like to know how to make the glitter sand in this bottle

(the really pretty glittery sand!)

OR how to sparkle up (and paint) your own seashell,

OR if you would like to know how to antique your own paper,

please see the description box for links to videos on how to do all of that.

And, I'll also try to create a playlist for you guys to check out too.

I hope you guys all have a very magical day

and a lovely Valentine's Day that you get to spend with

wonderful company. Whether that is your family

or your best friend,

or your special someone.

Whoever it may be, I hope you guys enjoy each other's company and

have a great time and make tons of great memories.

You guys are awesome!

Thank you so much for watching!

I will see you guys next week with another video.

I think I have a new mermaiding video in store for you guys then... :3

So look forward to that!

But in the meantime... I've got to go!!!

I'm going to go hang out with my boyfriend tonight.

So I have to get ready for that.

I am SO excited. He came home yesterday and I got to see him!

Oh my gosh... long distance relationships are rough but

being able to see each other again is just something...

something very, very special.

Ugh! So I've got to go.

I will see you guys later. Thanks so much for watching!

Have a very magical day... bye bye!!!

"Try mixing up the colors of your sand & seashell for different holidays!"

For more infomation >> How to make a Love Letter in a Bottle ♥ DIY Valentine's Day Mermaid Room Decor ♥ #BeMineValentine - Duration: 7:05.


雙鍊大師好友超大咖 這裏只有狂和更狂|頂級玩物 第二季 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 雙鍊大師好友超大咖 這裏只有狂和更狂|頂級玩物 第二季 - Duration: 1:06.


Cindy Crawford 50 displays toned legs - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Cindy Crawford 50 displays toned legs - Duration: 1:57.


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