[upbeat music]
- I can't believe I'm actually working for Bruce Wayne.
- Dot dot dot's cousin.
[quirky music]
Teddy, this is Emily Locke, your new boss.
- Nice to meet you. What do you do here?
- I disrupt.
I alter the structure of expectations,
make people see things in new ways.
For example, what do you think this is?
- A desk? - But what if it wasn't?
What if it was the opposite of a desk?
- I'm sorry, I'm still not exactly sure what you do.
- I'm the Chief Design Officer.
- But what if you weren't?
- Wait, are you firing me? Is she firing me?
- No, no. I was just making a joke.
- Good one. Good one.
[exhales deeply] All right, come on.
Let me show you around.
This is the lab.
That's our 3-D printer. Don't touch it.
That's liquid nitrogen. Don't touch it.
That's Wendy, our lead software engineer.
- Let me guess, don't touch her?
- Why would you touch her?
- Hey, guys. Watch this.
- That's Ron. He's head of engineering
and chief of childlike wonder.
- Batter up!
[all chuckle]
- That's amazing. What is it?
- It's called the Wear Bag.
It protects against collateral damage from superhero battles.
We're talking about projectiles, falling debris, direct blows.
- [chuckles]
- [groans]
- It's only good for one use.
- I know.
That's for taking my muffin, Steve.
- Oh. - That is an amazing product.
- Right? LexCorp makes it.
- We're trying to figure out how it works
so we can make a cheap knock-off.
Welcome to Wayne Security.
- Let's...be...better.
- That's a permanent marker.
- Well, good, because that's how I want us to be thinking.
Look, Wayne Security has stopped innovating.
Our follow up to last year's Joker Venom Antidote
is the exact same thing in a slightly darker purple.
- Mm, it's not slightly darker.
Okay, one is amethyst and one's sangria.
You don't get it. She doesn't get it.
She's not getting it.
- No, I get that they're different.
I just don't think anyone cares
about the color. [all react]
- Ooh, kitty's got claws.
- Guys, we need to be innovating.
We need to push ourselves.
We can't...
just copy what LexCorp does.
- Oh.
- We need to...
Let's be better.
And do you know how we'll do that?
- Uh, let me guess. By thinking outside the box?
- [chuckles]
- I want us to forget the box ever existed.
Ron, what are you working on?
- Literally...the box.
- Ron, I did not know that.
This morning, my train was blown off the track,
which apparently happens every day around here.
Let's come up with something that solves things like that.
- That's a brilliant idea. Let me just summon a wizard.
Shazam! Ah, nothing.
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