Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017

The Madd Rapper Show is a independent

media company that operates two YouTube

channels. We operate The Madd Rapper Show

which brings news and social commentary

Our audience will receive a keep it 100

approach news show that will reveal the truth

as well as add a comedic spin

American people appreciate the ordinary

people like themselves

speaking on the concerns of the everyday

American our second channel is Madd

Rappers G.U. which is our gaming

channel to entertain our subscribers who

enjoy gaming and watching live streams

we ask for your help every month so that

we can continue to present the

programming that you love

We need help in making The Madd Rapper

show a global name as well as helping us

fund a new studio this new studio will

be the premier place for us to present

mainstream media quality programming

we've been very fortunate to be able to

create videos that people actually watch

but we're never satisfied to settle where we're

at we always want to continue to grow

and expand whether it be upgrading

equipment hiring actors renting filming

locations etc we want to thank you in

advance for your support of our platform

For more infomation >> Patreon/GoFundMe Intro Video - Duration: 1:19.


How cars toys run fast and jump in water then play in mud and bubbles - video for kids - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> How cars toys run fast and jump in water then play in mud and bubbles - video for kids - Duration: 10:17.


Waktu yang Pas Untuk Makan Buah Dan Alasannya - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Waktu yang Pas Untuk Makan Buah Dan Alasannya - Duration: 2:24.


JMcCoy HPRC 5306 Video Overview Discussion 1 Group 3 - Duration: 5:27.

Hello and greetings everyone, I am Jesse McCoy

and I will provide my video overview for discussion 1 concerning the 3 major determining factors of Ecological Models of Adaptation to Disability

which are: Nature of the disability, Characteristics of the person, and Environmental influences.

Nature of the disability includes: Time of onset, Type of onset, Functions impaired, Severity of the disability, Visibility of the disability, Stability of the disability, and Pain. I am going to park on Stability of the disability.

Stability of the disability addresses whether the disability is stable and will generally not become worse versus those that have an uncertain prognosis, but become progressively worse over time.

. As Groupmate [Liliana Eguia, Feb 1, 2017] has provided in her example, "A person who loses their hearing during their 30s might be more difficult for them to accept and adapt to their disability than a person who was born deaf."

Characteristics of the Person involves: Individual traits such as gender, activities affected, interests/values/goals, remaining resources and spiritual philosophical base are all individual traits that helps identify oneself and what makes every individual unique.

I will park on the area of activities affected. As Groupmate [Megan Lane, Jan 27, 2017] has said in her post, "if someone was really athletic prior to their disability and then they become paralyzed and can no longer participate in some of the things they used to do, they might have a harder time adjusting to doing new activities."

Another example would be: While in the military during my 20s, I used to perform 130 recorded push-ups within two minutes. People use to call me "Baby Mike Tyson." In my late 40s while still in the military, I used to perform 50 recorded push-ups and get up. People said, "man, what happened!" I said, "pain in my body! Saying that to say this, I cannot do the same things I did when I was younger, but now that I am older, I have adapted, accepted, and adjusted to my capabilities.

Let's talk about Environmental influences: Environmental influences may have a significant impact on adaptation to the disability including Family acceptance and support, Income, Available of community resources, Social support, and Institutionalization.

I am going to park on Income and Institutionalization. For income: We need income to afford things; for example, the more income we have, the greater the opportunity will be to purchase upgradeable adaptable and assistive devices that will greatly support our disabilities resulting in an increased in quality of life.

When the income is lesser, buyers will have to be more diversified in the purchase of devices similar to or lesser quality than the upgradeable products resulting in a reduction in quality of life. Products become a concern for those persons with severe disabilities who are unable to physically take care of themselves, do not have the funding to hire an attendant, or have no family of friends who can perform a caregiver function.

Let's briefly talk about Institutionalization. For example, when a person get admitted to a nursing home, that is a form of institutionalization. And you know what?

Good and bad things happen in some nursing homes. For example: Institutions that are supported very well financially may provide the best care for those institutionalized there; whereas institutions that are funded the least may have issues to include neglect, unwanted sexual or physical abuse, and or malnourishment resulting in a reduction of quality of life.

I hope that you enjoy my overview video of discussion 1. Have a great day.

For more infomation >> JMcCoy HPRC 5306 Video Overview Discussion 1 Group 3 - Duration: 5:27.


Sun raha hai na tu - Duration: 16:43.

For more infomation >> Sun raha hai na tu - Duration: 16:43.


Dobin February Compilation Videos 2017 - Duration: 5:41.

Follow mommy


Do you how to bow?

Say hi to them

How cute

He's so adorable

(Passengers saying how cute he is)

Is it yummy?

Say yes ma'am

Yes ma'am

Aww how sweet

Come here

Follow mommy here

Come here

Mommy's cold


Do you wanna eat these snacks?


But it's time to go to bed

No~ Snacks, Mommy!!

Aww look at this ugly face you make LOL


Are you scared?


Shall I yell at them to go away?



Dobin got scared now!

They say they don't wanna go


They keep coming here


You'd better rush to go!




Aww you got so cared

Are you still that scared?

Hug me, mom

You're already in my arms now

Say "Yoomi, I love you~"


What's the matter?


It seems like she doesn't like it?

Thank you Dobin, it's so good!

It's so yummy!

Is it?

Yeah it is!

Is it good?

Yes it its!

It's so yummy because you gave this to me

He said he likes it, Dobin!

Who wants to eat some tangerine?

Who wants to eat some tangerine?


Then show me your dance!

If you want to have this, show me your wink!


I mean WINK, not DANCE

Then mommy's gonna..

(Mommy pretending to eat the chocolate)

My chocolate..

Here you are~

You should say Thank You!

Say Thank You!

Is it yummy?

Where's daddy?



Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Where should we go?

That's not your home

What is this sound?

What is this sound?

Where is the sound coming from??

What is it, huh?

Did you hear that?

Let's go!

Let's go Let's go Let's go

Where is home?

Let's see.. Where's a banana?

Where's the banana?


There you go!

Then where's a strawberry?


That's a grape


Find the strawberry

It seems like the strawberry is around here

So where is it then?

Did you find it?


Who is this?


Then how about this?

Crong! haha

Who is this?


And he?

Who is it?

Wait, let me see your teeth

let me see your teeth

There's a piece of spinach between your teeth

Oh no!

Dobin! What did you do on the door?!

What is this?



What did you do!!

No, I mean..

Why did you scribble on that?


Is is funny? haha

Do you think it's funny too?

Okay, it's time to go to bed

Oh my god~ A goblin's coming!

Do you want him to come?


Then let's go to sleep now

Hurry, let's go to sleep

Hurry up~


For more infomation >> Dobin February Compilation Videos 2017 - Duration: 5:41.


Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Eleplant King Kong for Children Learning Animals 3D Video for Kids - Duration: 16:29.

Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Eleplant King Kong for Children Learning Animals 3D Video for Kids

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