Hey guys! It's Trina and this is my
February TBR, so this is the list of
books that I'm planning to read in
February. My TBR this month is actually going to be
kind of short because I'm just feeling
like I want some room to pick up
whatever I'm feeling like in the moment
because, I've saidthis before. I love TBRs but
I am a mood reader so this month I've just got
four books that I know I want to read and of
course I hope that I will read more than
four books in total this month, so leaving
some room for other things. And then also to
pad out this video a little bit more
I am going to, at the end, talk about some
of the new releases coming out in
February that I am really
anticipating and hope to read at some
point, although not necessarily this
month. So starting with my TBR, the
four books I want to read this month
are: Animal Farm by George Orwell is the
first one on my list, and the reason this one is on my list
is because I have a friend that invited me
to a Facebook book club that is
definitely not a political book club. They are
reading classic dystopian novels this
year... for reasons that may or may not be
apparent to you. I have previously read
Animal Farm. I read it in 9th grade and
I remember that I didn't like it and
it's not that I didn't like the
commentary that it makes but the idea of
animals that act like people freaks me out.
I don't really know how I'm going to
react to this one, you know, years and
years later because it's been a lot of
years since 9th grade for me, but I am
interested in reading this one and
trying to discern some political
commentary from it. The next book I want to
read in February is In A Dark, Dark Wood
by Ruth Ware and I'm going to be buddy
reading this one with Rebecca from
WhyMermaids. I think this is Ruth Ware's first book.
It is an adult thriller and I read her book
The Woman In Cabin 10 last month and I
really enjoyed it so
I wanted to just see what else that this
author has done. I think those are the
only two books that she has out right
now. All I know about this one is that it is
about a woman who hasn't seen one of her
friends in years and then suddenly out
of nowhere she is invited to that
friend's bachelorette party, which is in
the woods and then I think people like
start disappearing. So I'm going to read
this one this month
with Rebecca. The next book on my TBR list
is one that you guys voted on on my
Twitter poll. I put up a poll like
yesterday and I said which of these 2016
releases that I didn't get to and really
wanted to should I read first? and
the majority of the votes went to Three Dark
Crowns by Kendare Blake. I've talked
about this one several times I feel like,
but this one is a YA fantasy about a kingdom
where every generation a set of triplet
girls are born and all three of them are
heir to the throne but only one Queen
can rule. In order to decide the ruling
Queen these three sisters must fight in
this like competition to the death. Each of them
have been granted a magical ability that
will help them in this competition,
however, one of our sisters did not get
the powers that she's supposed to have and
she has to figure out how to survive this
thing. It just sounds like something
right up my alley and you guys voted on
it, or people who follow me on twitter
voted for it, so I definitely am hoping to
read this one in February too. The next book
that's on my February TBR is Brown
Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson.
This is an own voices story, it's actually a
memoir. The author talks about growing up
as a young black girl in the American
South and she tells her story in verse, so
this is like a collection of poems that
does tell her autobiography. I thought
this would be a good one to pick up this
month because February is Black History
Month and I'm actually hoping to listen
to the audiobook of this one because
I believe that the author narrates it
herself. There's a hold on the audio book
at my library, I couldn't get it yet, so I
might just end up reading the print book
but I am interested in checking this one
out this month. Now I'm going to move into the
releases that I am most anticipating in
February. These books are not on my
official TBR, so this is not me
promising you that I'm going to read
these books, I just want to let you guys
know what things are on my radar that I am
excited about. The first book that I'm
looking forward to is Wintersong and I
believe that this one is a retelling of
Labyrinth, or it was inspired by the movie
Labyrinth. I am also looking forward to
Empress of a Thousand Skies and... I'm realizing
I don't know what this book is
even about. I read the summary of it at
one point and I was like yes I want to
read that! [laughing] And that's all I know. I believe
it's a diverse book and I do think that is how
I found out about it. It's also a debut??
All I know is that I
want to read it and I wanted to tell you
guys this is a book that is on my radar.
I'm also interested in The Burning World
and this one is actually the sequel to
Warm Bodies. I loved Warm Bodies but I
thought it worked fine as a standalone and
then once I actually sat down and read
the summary of this sequel - I can't tell you
what it's about because it would totally spoil the
ending of Warm Bodies - but the thing that
happens at the end of Warm Bodies,
realizing this is going to pick up from
there with the same characters, I was
like that is probably gonna be pretty
interesting! So I am mildly curious in the
sequel now. My most anticipated release
of the month is Rise of Fire.
This is the sequel to Reign of Shadows,
which is a release from last year that I
really loved. It's a YA fantasy. It is about a
world that is shrouded in darkness, like
the sun never comes out, and there
are these weird creatures that come out,
they're like mole type creatures that come
out of the earth and they basically
attack and eat people so people have
kind of formed these settlements and
cities that are strongly guarded
from these creatures. It has a great post
apocalyptic type vibe to it. I'm also looking
forward to A Conjuring of Light. This one is by
V. E. Schwab and it is the last book in
her Shades of Magic trilogy. I haven't even
read the second book in that series yet
but regardless this is a series that I
like and want to continue, I'm just not yet
ready for this third book but it is
coming out this month and I am excited
about it. I also want to read Long May She
Reign. This is a standalone fantasy novel. I
think it's about a girl who's like 25th in line to
rule the throne and then like all 24
people before her die off and she
suddenly is like thrust into power.
Yeah, that sounds weird and interesting so sure, I
will check it out. Lastly, my other
most anticipated release of this month
is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This one
was inspired by the black lives matter
movement and this is a book that comes out the
very last day of the month, so I'm...
undoubtedly not going to get to it this
month but I am really looking forward to
it and definitely wanted to shine some light on it
and tell you guys that it is definitely
one on the top of my radar. So those are the
books that I'm most looking forward to
that release in February of 2017,
and those are also my TBR books. If
you are looking forward to any of the
same ones that I am, definitely let me
know that in the comments and let me know what
you are planning to read in February.
Thank you guys so much for watching and
I'll see you in the comments. Bye!
[music only]
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