Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017


Is The "Open Letter" Google, Apple, Facebook And Others Are Sending To Donald Trump.

by Tyler Durden.

In the backlash over Trump's executive order on immigration, Alphabet, Apple, Facebook,

Uber, Stripe, CPG and various manufacturing companies have penned a letter opposing U.S.

President Trump�s travel ban, ReCode reported overnight.

The letter stresses that the executive order's blanket "suspension" - it avoids the word

"ban" - is "not the right approach" to strengthening national security.

The letter also argues in favor of supporting the DACA program.

The goal is to publish the open letter this week, said one of the people, who asked not

to be identified because the discussions are private.

Changes are still being made to the document, and it�s possible it may not be released.

"We share your goal of ensuring that our immigration system meets today�s security needs and

keeps our country safe," said a draft of the letter.

"We are concerned, however, that your recent Executive Order will affect many visa holders

who work hard here in the United States and contribute to our country�s success.�

The draft, noted by Bloomberg, also states that "our nation�s compassion is part of

what makes it exceptional," and continues by offering to help the administration come

up with ways to set up thorough screening while avoiding a complete suspension to U.S.

refugee programs.

The companies also offer aid in resolving the status of the 750,000 so-called "Dreamers,"

undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children and governed by the Deferred Action

for Childhood Arrivals program.

The program, created by former President Barack Obama in 2012, has allowed more than 700,000

people to obtain renewable two-year work permits.

The companies note that they hire "both thousands of Americans and some of the most talented

people from abroad, who work together to help our companies succeed and expand our overall


The letter ends by asking President Trump to use the companies as "a resource to help

achieve immigration policies that both support the work of American businesses and reflect

American values."

The full draft of the letter is below, courtesy of ReCode:

Dear President Trump,

Since the country�s birth, America has been the land of opportunity � welcoming newcomers

and giving them the chance to build families, careers and businesses in the United States.

We are a nation made stronger by immigrants.

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, our ability to grow our companies and create jobs

depends on the contributions of immigrants from all backgrounds.

We share your goal of ensuring that our immigration system meets today�s security needs and

keeps our country safe.

We are concerned, however, that your recent executive order will affect many visa holders

who work hard here in the United States and contribute to our country�s success.

In a global economy, it is critical that we continue to attract the best and brightest

from around the world.

We welcome the changes your administration has made in recent days in how the Department

of Homeland Security will implement the executive order, and we stand ready to help your administration

identify other opportunities to ensure that our employees can travel with predictability

and without undue delay.

Our nation�s compassion is a part of what makes it exceptional, and we are committed

to helping your administration identify approaches for thorough screening without a blanket suspension

of admissions under the U.S. Refugee Admissions program.

While security and vetting procedures can and should always be subject to continuous

evaluation and improvement, a blanket suspension is not the right approach.

Similarly, we stand ready to identify ways of helping to achieve your stated goal of

bringing clarity to the future of the 750,000 Dreamers in this country under the protections

of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in a way �that will make

people happy and proud.� Removing these protections by barring renewals would effectively

end the program and eliminate the ability for these Dreamers to work and live without

the fear of deportation.

The business community shares your commitment to growing the American economy and expanding

job creation across the country.

We hire both thousands of Americans and some of the most talented people from abroad, who

work together to help our companies succeed and expand our overall employment.

As you contemplate changes to the nation�s complex and interconnected immigration policies,

whether business and employment-based visas, refugees or DACA, we hope that you will use

us as a resource to help achieve immigration policies that both support the work of American

businesses and reflect American values.

At least this draft contained no reference to any proposed H1-B visa changes by

the Trump administration.

For more infomation >> Here Is The Open Letter Google, Apple, Facebook And Others Are Sending To Donald Trump - Duration: 5:58.



For more infomation >> ТОП 10 САМЫХ ЗЛЫХ И АГРЕССИВНЫХ СОБАК В МИРЕ - Duration: 6:59.


CapriPay App. Часть 4. Создание Заказов - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> CapriPay App. Часть 4. Создание Заказов - Duration: 5:13.


Some PlayStation 4's DashBoard Is Slow and Laggy After System Update 4.0 - Duration: 4:46.

have you noticed that your playstation 4

pro user interface is a bit slow

well you may not be the only one day

tuned for more

hey what's up everyone I'm Madz you

watching the MaDz Gaming News channel you can

follow me on Twitter and Facebook so

check the link in the description of

this video below and also don't forget

to subscribe and hit the notification

bell button to stay up-to-date with the

latest news

so this information is a courtesy of the

otaku if you are noticing that your

playstation 4 is a bit sluggish you're

not the only one recently life the girl

social media are reporting increased day

life when maybe navigating the

playstation 4 and menus players are

noticing slow down on their PlayStation

4 complaint center around like

organization for when browsing media or

simply moving through the home screen

the process seems slower and much

prettier friends list of profiles and

trending media have increased load times

as well

small issues are adding up to make for

our clumsy mini experience testing on

kotaku the office playstation 4 showed a

few specific areas of problems home

screen navigation was responsible until

settling on a few sections rousing to

general tub like what's new latest like

it slowed types and exploring individual

game top two other challenge overview

screen and trending media in particular

led to significant amount of delay it's

not great menus are taking a pretty long

time to show up the video by Samuel HS

below and i will actually follow the

link in the description below so you can

check that yourself shows how quick the

menu was during the better testing for

the latest user interface / health it's

much quicker

bear in mind that we are talking here

about the playstation 4 console that

surround system update for

10 right some delay I'd loading is to be

expected when using playstation 4 but

the current level of life filled further

pronounced sections the degree dedicated

to media tends to have them all trouble

players relegating to trending trims are

looking to check out netflix seems to be

having the most difficulty menu flow

which used to be pretty instant has

turned into staring at the loading

indicators and watching the delay

I user opposed to read it in reference

to the assistance mediate up it gets

dr.e when it used to be battery not

either Mike Farley said it's not really

clear what's causing the slow down the

last major update for the playstation 4

came out early last defender it along

with two preceding budget before it went

to improve system performance they don't

seem to have given the system by keeping

their found it needs this isn't really

the end of the world and most players

will not really be bothered we're about

it but sale

it doesn't seem to be the right way to

release object right i mean myself I'd

overly has the PlayStation for myself I

have a playstation 4 pro so I mean my

pro is working as it should be i don't

see any lights on it like that some so

maybe playstation 4 update 4.0 was

mainly for playstation 4 pro that's why

you don't really see any issues with

playstation 4 at least I don't see any

issues and maybe that's why regular

playstation 4 users may have some like I

mean I don't know but i would have

thought that Sony would optimize the

objects for both glad from tried but if

that's not the case and you actually the

one of getting the slowdown sense and

and issues then I was just adjust to

report this to Sonny because then if you

don't reported that somebody is not

really going to do anything about it but

the more people will report on it the

more chances that sony blu and

neat a quick fix and stop so you know

it's very important to report it to the

phony as i said and i think that wraps

up this video really so thank you very

much for tuning and obviously sharing

all my videos with others i really

appreciate that

hopefully you did enjoyed this video and

if you did you know that will let me

know what you think about it comment in

the comment section you know he's the

like button subscribe and you take a spy

For more infomation >> Some PlayStation 4's DashBoard Is Slow and Laggy After System Update 4.0 - Duration: 4:46.


Игрушки против Шариков Ужас! ЗЛЫЕ ИГРУШКИ УБИЛИ ШАРИКИ Игрушки избавились от шариков ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Игрушки против Шариков Ужас! ЗЛЫЕ ИГРУШКИ УБИЛИ ШАРИКИ Игрушки избавились от шариков ВИДЕО ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ - Duration: 7:33.


YouTube per il business - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> YouTube per il business - Duration: 2:12.


Vlog - Epic day in Vasilitsa - Duration: 6:34.

Full powder and full sun!

Goodmorning guys!

It's 6 in the morning

I'll go grab the others

and we are off to Vasilitsa!

We just arrived in Vasilitsa

The view here is extraordinary!

Amazing day!

Here we have Fanis Kourtis

My leg hurts dude

it's amazing!

George Kalogiros

Stefanos Chiras

The guest star

Nick Tzimas

We are waiting the other from Thessaloniki

John, Stavros and Meleneklis

And we are going for some shredding

What it's going on here dudes?!

Stavros after a while

We are you going? You are not skiing?

Nice outfit!

Look him!

Special shoe, slim fit jeans

Everythings good!

They are out of control!


Let's go!

So guys, we are on the double lift

The day is amazing, really!

We are going to find Spiros Badios and his squad!

They built a jump!

We are going to take some jumps!

We are going to the bottom of the triple lift

We are going to chill and eat

Some souvlakia

And them we meet the dudes again,

maybe we do something

for the end because night falls slowly.

We are staying

Spiros and the other are already there

theay built a ROAD GAP

You will find there what is this

We are here

What is the ROAD GAP?

They built a jump

on the edge of the street

the street in the middle

And they are landing on the other side of the street

For more infomation >> Vlog - Epic day in Vasilitsa - Duration: 6:34.


Как сохранить канал на ютубе. Копии своих видео с ютуб. сохранить ютуб канал - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Как сохранить канал на ютубе. Копии своих видео с ютуб. сохранить ютуб канал - Duration: 2:50.


Pokemon Battle - Ash VS Team Rocket [Attack!! Meowth Base] Pokémon Toys - Duration: 3:58.

Pokemon Toys Battle Attack!! Meowth Base



Pikaa! (Pikachu)

Dedenne 5 Point

Hawlucha 5 Point

Goomy 5 Point

Noibat 5 Point

Arceus 10 Point

Kyogre 10 Point

Pancham 5 Point

Groudon 10 Point

Giratina 10 Point

Mega Rayquaza 10 Point



Arceus 10 Point

Giratina 10 Point

Kyogre 10 Point

Hawlucha 5 Point

Dedenne 5 Point

Noibat 5 Point

Groudon 10 Point

Pancham 5 Point

Mega Rayquaza 10 Point

Goomy 5 Point

Ash Selena VS Team Rocket

Dedenne 5 Point

Pancham 5 Point

Giratina 10 Point

Goomy 5 Point

Arceus 10 Point

Mega Rayquaza 10 Point

Groudon 10 Point

Ash Selena Team Win!!

Thanks for watching to the end!!

Please LIKE , Comment , and Subscribe

For more infomation >> Pokemon Battle - Ash VS Team Rocket [Attack!! Meowth Base] Pokémon Toys - Duration: 3:58.


《パチ7》GI優駿倶楽部 まこまこ❤たいむ - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 《パチ7》GI優駿倶楽部 まこまこ❤たいむ - Duration: 1:14.


Snow Foam Test : AutoGlanz Spritzer - Duration: 1:34.

hello guys, today we're gonna try AutoGlanz Spritzer

as you can see the directions dilute between 1:25 to 1:250

i'm gonna try 100ml

it's thick and it has citrus smells

it helps about 80-90%

you can check the links in the description

hope that helps thanks for watching and please subscribe

For more infomation >> Snow Foam Test : AutoGlanz Spritzer - Duration: 1:34.


5 little SuperHero Jumping on the Bed | Spiderman Finger Family. 5 little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Duration: 10:25.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"Put those Monkeys back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> 5 little SuperHero Jumping on the Bed | Spiderman Finger Family. 5 little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Duration: 10:25.


론(ろん) - 더블 래리어트 Double Lariat (ダブルラリアット) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 론(ろん) - 더블 래리어트 Double Lariat (ダブルラリアット) - Duration: 4:04.


Dimash Kudaibergenov -S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse (THE SINGER) K-DF REACTION EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 10:27.

Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.

And since today we come ... with another video reaction


tousled hair

Good .. today i come with another request more ... of so many that I have been asked ..

and that thank you so much for so much support.

And since in this opportunity.. Show them the comments on this request for this singer

That is of Kazakhstan .. if i am not mistaken .. i think so.

And well I would also like to reiterate

That I do the video and watch that are .. and look at what you understand or what i see

And convey what i am seeing .. if is cheerful or sad or that it is something weird .. the video.

Then excuse me for videos that do not react so joyfully .. because the meaning is not always make the videos .. to if

Is to react .. what i see and that is why I return and I will say it again ..

but also I apologize to those who do not like the videos as the reacted.

I will apologize .. but it is what me ... transmit the video or the videos that you request.

Good .. if both preambles .. we are going to the video .. but as I always say ... you are always with.

Hello guys .. then we come with this video reaction or this petition that I requested.

Or this video reaction and not to dwell in this enter .. if you do not go from one to the video.

As it is about a program or a reality show that is of china .. and that because this boy that sings there ..

and for the comments that left me.. because this guy is of Kazakhstan.

But is participating in this program.

Then let's see how he sings or how he did it. So let's go to the video

Well there is the boy.

There are attendees or the public

Ay show the other participants or something like that. To yes .. are the other contestants.

Then it will start.

Only with the first tones. It sounds .. excellent as he sings.

It is like an opera style .. excellent.

excellent voice

excellent voice

They are surprised.

A lot of voice

Sings excellent, excellent


I'm sorry .. but it's very good .. this guy singing with a feeling and with a voice

Excellent, excellent ... and then do not I speak much .. since it is better to hear .. and also the way they sing .. it He catches it one.

And this is the first time I hear it

And I can not deny that I almost get out tearing or almost makes me cry .. for the way this boy sings

And then I have nothing more to say .. it is only to hope that more videos have .. or more videos I see of this guy

Since he sings excellent .. and I hope he does very well .. since he is in another country that is in China .. since he is from Kazakhstan.

But good is only expected, and I hope it goes very well ..

Good .. if you liked and as always I tell you .. if you liked it subscribe to my channel to reach you videos to email

but when you subscribe .. das clip settings Or a little bell .. and there to side .. and you get a window .. where you agree there and place save

And ready .. ay you begin to get videos when I upload a video.

Equal down here .. I also leave them the web page of the group where I ascend the videos .. where this all separated by sections.

Where this doramas, k-df reaction kpop, k-df reaction Q-pop, dance cover and other things. to visit us and follow us. as it is another search option.

And therefore also .. I leave here down my social networks facebook and twitter .. .. although I am more on facebook.

Equal any question I can say .. or I can add or I can also follow. ask, requests, suggestions, can tell by the facebook and answer them gladly.

And thus also any comment .. good or bad .. is welcome .. will answer with pleasure.

Also share my videos As well as if you like I like or do not like

And well .. without much preamble .. we are in the following video .. Take care all .. and goodbye

For more infomation >> Dimash Kudaibergenov -S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse (THE SINGER) K-DF REACTION EN ESPAÑOL (Special) - Duration: 10:27.


Defrag Tools #166 - Performance Analysis of UWP Apps - Duration: 32:51.

For more infomation >> Defrag Tools #166 - Performance Analysis of UWP Apps - Duration: 32:51.


శ్రీకృష్ణ ద్వారక మునిగిన కారణాలు తెలిశాయి | Why Dwaraka was Destroyed | YOYO Unsolved Mysteries - Duration: 7:17.

Could the city of Dwarka really have existed? Were our ancestors more advanced than us?

Is Hinduism as ancient as 32000 BC as explained by the remains of Dwarka City in Gujarat? Why haven't we told the world about our rich heritag...

Why India is not making serious efforts to find the submerged ancient city of Dwarka?

Why don't we read about the Ancient City Dwarka? Are there any recorded archaeological evidences for this?

When was the ancient city of Dwarka submerged in the sea?

Why historical society not accepting underwater Dwarka city as oldest civilization?

The Underwater Ruins of Dwarka

For more infomation >> శ్రీకృష్ణ ద్వారక మునిగిన కారణాలు తెలిశాయి | Why Dwaraka was Destroyed | YOYO Unsolved Mysteries - Duration: 7:17.


WWE RAW Türkçe Altyazı | Triple H Geri Döndü! Hem de Olayla!!! - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> WWE RAW Türkçe Altyazı | Triple H Geri Döndü! Hem de Olayla!!! - Duration: 9:52.



Welcome back to the REGNR8 Channel!

This is the Updates + Changes Preview for Cemu 1.7.1.

Released today on the 2nd of February, 2017, The new Patreon build is packed with a bunch

of new updates that pushes performance and compatibility forward.

Stick around for the details as we jump into what all of this means together!

If you watched my Road to Cemu 1.7.1 Update video, for the most part you'll know what's

in store. But now that the build is finally released, let's take a look at the details together.

VRAM Reduction

The VRAM reduction update which was teased for build 1.7.0 has finally been ironed out

and arrives with it's promised bug fixes which were present in the B version of the milestone


Cemu now frees unused textures to conserve and reduce your overall amount of VRAM usage.

VRAM of course refers to the amount of Video RAM useage your dedicated or integrated GPU

needs to run various Wii U titles in Cemu.

Reducing the amount of VRAM needed to run your games goes a long way to increase performance.

PowerPC JIT Recompiler Updates

Are you ready for a shot of Espresso?

On the topic of optimizations and increased performance, if you're tired of slow compilation

times, you'll be happy to know that in an effort to increase performance and prevent

further recompiler related crashes, the PowerPC JIT or Just-In-Time Recompiler has been updated

by Team Cemu.

What this means is that depending upon your PC hardware setup, you'll see significant

speed up of run time and an increase of FPS in all your games.

Again, those seeing the greatest increase in performance will be those with older spec'd

machines while those with newer, higher spec'd machines will still experience a performance increase.

Just not as much.

Controllers Improvements and Bug Fixes

An input bug that has plagued Cemu has now been fixed.

This was a bug that caused slowdowns due to inactive controllers.

So those of you playing multiplayer can now breath easy - when a friend leaves your game

and you go back to playing solo - there's no longer need to re configure your controller


Team Cemu has also changed and updated some touch controls for the virtual Wii U gamepad.

This includes proper scaling of graphics so now rendered images will appear as proper

as they do on an actual physical gamepad.

Full gamepad touch support for Zelda Twilight Princess HD is also now working.

Graphic Pack Related Bugs Are Fixed

As we all know, Graphic packs were introduced in the previous milestone build of Cemu 1.7.0

and with it came new bugs which in some cases caused Cemu to crash as well as manifest other

strange graphical effects.

These fixes will be seen across various titles.

So are you happy with the progress Team Cemu has made in version 1.7.1?

What would you like to see included in the next version build?

Once you've been able to test Cemu 1.7.1 out for yourself, please leave your thoughts and

suggestions down in the comments below!

That's all for now!

Check back to the REGNR8 channel regularly as I continue to release my testing footage

for Cemu 1.7.1 throughout the weekend and into next week!

Also, if you like this video and want me to continue making content like this,

then you know what to do!

Please let me know by liking this video, subscribing to the REGNR8 channel, and hitting the bell

icon for direct updates!

And to keep up on all REGNR8 content including getting sneak peaks on upcoming videos,


The Link is down in the description!

Until next time..

Have fun!

Game on!

And remember, Don't forget to smile!


For more infomation >> 🆕 CEMU 1.7.1 | UPDATES + CHANGES PREVIEW | INDEPTH (NVIDIA) - Duration: 3:49.


Giveaway winners | Head & Shoulders | Natural Sisters - Duration: 4:52.

This is basically what the winners are gonna win

like this stuff here. Let me just try and put it in my hand, yep

Hey guys welcome to my channel.

Thank you for tuning in

Thank you for coming by.

Today we are announcing the winners of the

Head and Shoulders African Scalp and Hair Care

Get ready! We are going to choose 5 winners

and the winners are going to get this hamper and

I'm going to show you

just now what is in this hamper.

First, we've got...

First we've got a shampoo and this is the

African head and shoulders anti-dandruff

African Scalp & Hair Care Shampoo. This is a

moisturising scalp care, it's a moisturising shampoo.

And then they are going to win the conditioner

The Head and Shoulders anti-dandruff African scalp and

hair conditioner. It's also a moisturising scalp care

So this is the conditioner

And there's the rinse off treatment. This is the

African scalp & hair care rinse off treatment

And then there's a hairfood

which is a soothing scalp care. It soothes your scalp

really nicely. I particularly like this one

And there's the moisturizer, this is the African scalp

and hair care scalp moisturizer. It's like a lotion

I've been applying it on my hair as well because

it moisturizes the hair

just as nice as it moisturizes the scalp. So you

can use it for both the hair and the scalp

but specifically for the scalp.

When you have braids, this was my friend

when I had braids on, earlier this year, well

late last year to earlier this year

This was my friend

this is the head-and-shoulders African

scalp and hair care care instant itch relief spray

and this instantly soothes and moisturizes

the scalp. I love this thing especially when

I have

a protective style on.

This is basically what the winners are gonna win

like this stuff here, let me

just try and put them in my hand,


This is what the 5 winners are going to win

and I'm going to

draw now i'm going to just put my phone ready

I'm using, I'm using the same the app

that I've been using like for years and years

I prefer doing it on camera so that there's

some fairness and some transparency to it

so this is the app that I'm going to use

It's Lucky draw. I've used this app so many draws

already on this channel and that's the same app

that I'm going to use for this particular draw

What I basically do is shake the device and

then it draws the names that I've loaded already

this are the names of those people that

entered the head-and-shoulders giveaway.

I'm gonna start drawing now I'm going to draw

the names of the winners

we're drawing 5 winners so I'm going to draw one after

another. So let's get started. So i'm

gonna start picking here so I'm going

to shake the device and then we draw

Drum roll

then I'm going to draw again I'm not going to

look I'm going to draw again for the sake

of time.

Drum roll

The third time

Drum roll

The fourth time

Drum roll

The fifth time

Drum roll

Can you see? Okay I'm gonna put them here as well

or here, but I'm gonna read them out now

So the first one is Rose, the second one

is Nontlantla, the third one is Doreen

the fifth one, the fourth one is

Mogau and the fifth one is Avela

These are the winners of the

Head and Shoulders lucky draw

Please do contact me

so that you can give me the

details of where we can deliver your

goodies and yeah so congratulations the

five of you. Thank you so much for

being part of this draw, thank you for entering

the draw and to those who didn't win, it's not

the end of the world there will be other

giveaways on this particular channel

definitely there will be other giveaways

make sure that you enter those giveaways

and hopefully you'll be able to win next

time and okay.

Thank you so much for watching

thank you for coming by and if you

haven't subscribed yet make sure that

you subscribe to this channel so that you

don't miss any of the videos that I put

out otherwise i'll see you guys in

another video.

Just make sure that you keep smiling you

keep laughing you keep loving because it is

the best thing to do really!


God bless


For more infomation >> Giveaway winners | Head & Shoulders | Natural Sisters - Duration: 4:52.


TOP 15: The best strategy for the PC in 2017 - Duration: 10:39.

I love the strategy. If you are here, then you, too,

like strategy. A lot of, who love strategy, but,

Unfortunately, the strategies They do not like us. Does not work

we have mutual love, as you may try. That is why

strategies fans - some of the most unfortunate gamers.

Not much happier one gaming category that

waiting for Stalker 2, Half-Life 3, or, for example, dreams of a normal simulator

survival open world, which was released not early

access. In general, I decided try to please

strategies for fans, and tell them that

not so bad, because the strategy will. They are already on the way,

and the most interesting that We should come out in 2017 year,

I'll tell you right now, arranging a kind of hits,

spread them, it seems to me, for interestingness.

15 place. Northgard. Let's start with a modestly

stratezhki, which I have already once I told. On the background

all kinds of space fantasy, ancient carnage

and adaptations on the Second the world, the history of the settlement

Viking, which houses can not sit, it looks very

freshly. We have been promised economic and military real-time strategy

on the German-Scandinavian myths, in which the Viking tribe

developing your town, scouts unknown

territory, and rob them, unless, of course, it turns out,

because the need to fight not only with other people,

and mythical beasts. More may be added that

will it all in the early access, the game is indecent

low system requirements, and quite nice, though,

and smacks a little brauzerki, graphics.

14 place. Life is Feudal: Forest Village. It was decided to continue

a similar strategy on the subject, Only then we are not the Vikings,

and earlier, the European Middle Ages with all its consequences.

In fact, this urban development Simulator type Tropico, only

with a specific color and impressive micromanage.

The game was released in early status access last year,

and received on Steam 70% positive reviews. will appeal to fans

Not only the tropics, but Farmer Simulator, for example,

or simply those who love not military, and economic and social


13 place. Quarantine. And another strategy where

I do not need anyone to fight. More precisely, it is necessary, of course,

but this war will be especially: We are at war with the virus, gradually

absorbing the planet. For victory is necessary to study the symptoms

disease and closely examine microscopic virus

experimenting in every one. Winning is possible in

if your research branch will develop

faster than developing virus. In general, technology

the strategy in the spirit of Plague, only vice versa. Likely,

will be released and to mobile.

12 place. Halo Wars 2 Universe decided shooter Halo

in a strategic move genre. As it will - it is unknown,

but the fact that the game will not work New StarCraft-well - it can be assumed

sure. As long as we think to be screenshots - everything is fine.

As soon as the gameplay, the battlefield is formed

some porridge of special effects explosions and shooting, and it is difficult

suspect gameplay that it would require

have any special tactics skills. In general, the person

I look at this project with suspicion, but will only

happy if the game will surpass all hope. And, yes, on Steam

it will not be - only store Windows.

11th place. Total War: Arena. This game should release

until the end of the year. There is no single campaign - alone

multiplayer. We decided to draft do for those who love

combat mechanics of the universe Total war, but he does not like

stupid artificial intelligence, therefore I would like to play

only against real opponent. Developers

Arena offer such an opportunity, but in very specific

form. The game is expected to three factions: the Greeks, the Romans

and Barbara. can manage only three bands.

Nine other players, too, run by three. With another

side too, ten gamers with three units each.

All this will, of course, absurd, askance, askew, and because

- Funny. The Steam can also not appear.

10 place. Ultimate General: Civil War. I'm not a big fan

Civil War History in America, with which Americans

worn as a written sack, but this strategy, yet

less good. In short, then before you simplified

Total War, but with a number of its own features. Most

this is similar to Total War: Empire, because here, too full

order with muskets, cannons and even machine guns. Strategy

already released in early access, and yet it has a 90% positive

reviews, so if you like theme of war between North and South

in America, you can safely wait for the release.

9th place. Endless Space 2. With this sinful earth in space.

This strategy is very similar on the Stellaris. further opinions

disagree: someone like more than this game, someone

another. On a personal note, that I am not a big

fan of 4X-strategy, but upon closer inspection,

The second part of the Infinite space looks

promising, because the game elementary later, and in it

implemented more original idea. An early version of the project

is already in Steam, where It has 85% positive


8th place. Dawn of Andromeda. This game is very similar to

previous. All the same distant space, the same 4X, all

the same early access, and all the same complete lack of

Russian localization. But this game I decided to put

slightly higher because it is almost no advertising

support. its developers do not spend money on colorful

videos, unlike from the same Endless Space 2, its gameplay

It seems to be more dynamic, and the interface more intuitive.

It is no secret that many of 4X strategy drop because of the high

threshold of complexity, well, then, like, it's pretty

lucidly, and the price is also very different: 450 rubles

against 1,500 for deluxe version new Endless Space.

7th place. Oriental Empires. And another of being a Total

War. Only on the ancient China, with its feudal

showdowns. Although, as it seems Only at first glance,

if you look at the screenshots, and actually fighting here

go step by step, and not just incremental,

and step by step, randomly: you first seeding teams

and then click on the conditional Start and see the effects

their decisions. Very interesting mechanics, and can only

pity that with such games little gameplay. This game

It would be higher, although alien to our Chinese history,

but there is no Russian language and it is preventing. active

the time of its earlier version on Steam has a 80% positive

reviews. If you will deliver our localization, then all fans

Dominions must be taken clearly.

6th place. Blitzkrieg 3. This game in zaminusovali

Steam. This refers to her earlier, alpha version. The reason

customer dissatisfaction It was the technical part

such as uncomfortable interface lack of clues and

description as well as some gameplay features

unbalance type. But this it was long ago, in 2015. AND,

when the game will be released in the final as I believe, much will change.

I hope so, because, developers keenly

monitor gaming requirements meet at the forum, sharing

ideas and listen ideas to the players. these

rates of failed strategies the Second World War - the continuation

legendary Blitzkrieg - Get on Steam only

44% positive reviews must get something very


5th place. Syrian Warfare. The war in the Middle East

instantly reflected in the gaming industry. make

our game, so that the total Russian localization

in stock. How can judge, this is the first strategy,

and indeed the first intelligible game about the events in Syria,

and to participate in their armed Russian forces.

For one it is just a game It can be given a high place.

Well, and then there's the schedule pleases, and the gameplay here is quite personal:

strategy and tactics again. In general, to take or not - it

each, but pay attention - definitely


4th place. BattleTech This is a game I have to admit,

I am looking forward with enthusiasm, and it is hoped that

it will still this year, despite the fact that Steam

it is not. Before you continuation of the legendary

MechWarrior series of battles huge Mechanoid controlled

people. What we showed - It looks great: here

you a huge card: field, meadow, forest, river. And with different

its ends are huge robots above trees that

They run into each other rockets, but when they come to an end,

go to the rendezvous, and then begins almost

a fighting game in which the outcome of the battlefield affects weight Mechanoids,

and its position and its speed, and its technical condition.

In general, the game should be a fair amount. If only it did not

suffered for many months into the unknown.

3rd place. SpellForce 3. this assures developers,

We created the perfect combination RPG and RTS, and for me personally, looking

this strategy, recall Game 90s. Well, that's like

I draw by hand, isometric picture.

Like much more than all this vector graphics

modern strategies. The game's plot tells about

events that occurred before the events of the first two

parts. Well, the classic role-playing adventure here

richly diluted tactical battles. And all this with

magic and multiplayer. It should look very

well, despite the fact that, by and large,

Project no news many months in a row,

can not but cause concern.

2nd place. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

I believe that for the majority of gamers of the world is a project

It will be the main strategy year, unless, of course, at E3

not suddenly announce Age of Empires 4 or new WarCraft.

Although some concerns available. Personally I did not like

an abundance of special effects, and confusion on the battlefield. Fans

all the talk, the game slowly mutated

StarCraft-side in a, not very similar to the first, most

the best part, which developers promised to be.

But be that as it may, neither strategies fans

in real time or fans Warhammer universe in any 40 000

should never take past this game to even

Whatever read reviews, and then think about further


1 place. Sudden Strike 4. Maybe I'm wrong, but it is

This strategy seems to me, worthy of first place.

Of all the above, Now I would have sat down to play

only for Dawn of War III and this, but the Opposition

as a closer and dearer, yes and the game just looks

well compared with a little cartoon-like picture

our silver medalist. Something to talk about the fourth

I'm part of the confrontation I will not, you already know everything:

The Second World, the broadest tactical possibilities,

detailed isometric exercise, the highest military command,

aviation support, mine field, tank attacks, and more

more. It is the only game in our charts

which I can not say nothing bad. Although,

personal experience repeatedly convinced that the stronger

Hope, the more happens calving.

So let's have a drink kefir for that breakup visited

us as little as possible. On that's it. I hope for a rapid

the discussion in the comments. Play only good

games, and let no one go away outdrawn.

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