Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 3 2017

A Yutanpo!

What is that?

Would you wear those in the UK? - Me? No!

Do you own it? - I do?

A Nano from Panasonic.

Big warm hearty meals.

Hey it's Cathy Cat and today we are gonna go and ask Japanese people

what items they NEED this winter.

We are also gonna ask foreigners what items they need

in winter to survive the cold season.

Let's go ask Japanese and foreigners.

A coat. I got this pea coat.



Gloves and hat.

You need a warm jacket with a hood.

The one you have right now?

This is my hoodie but I have a ... proper winter jacket at home.

And it has a hood? - Yeah.

Like a parka type with the fur.

- It's nice I just bought it. - That sounds great.

A scarf or stole.

A coat.

For inside and outside, warm socks.

Hat and such.

A hat and scarf so you're not cold.

A hot tea.

How many types of tea do you have?

3-4 types.

Tall shoes.

Thick jacket, hat and gloves.

Well a scarf maybe.

A scarf.

In the Uk in winter is there any item you always bring out?

Gloves and a good pair of socks.

Big jacket.

Now here in Japan, have you seen anything that's different in comparison?

Over the knee socks.

I don't think I have seen anything else other than the high socks yet.

What's the thing with the over-the-knee socks?

I don't know. A fashion thing?

Would you wear those in the UK? - Me? No!!!


A table which has a blanket attached to it.

There is a heater underneath that keeps it warm.

A Yutanpo.

What's that?

You put hot water in a bottle.

And that keeps you warm.

You put it into the bed when you want to sleep.

It keeps you warm.

So in the bed it keeps your feet warm?


And then fluffy socks.

When you are going outside, is there an item that you need this winter?

Especially in Japan.

I like... Kigurumi!

I like to get character Kigurumis.

Kigurumi is like the super warm option.

I don't have to think about what to wear.

And then what to wear for pants.

I just wear a Kigurumi and just go outside.

And people be like, "Oh this person... is had this kind of sense of fashion".

I am just lazy.

This is actually my first time to Japan.

The gas stove really surprised me.

She turned it on and I started smelling gas and I was like "!!!"

"Oh my god I smell gas!"

We have to get out of here! We have to RUN! There is going to be fire!

And she said "Oh no it's normal. That's just what we use here."

I feel you. I had the same reaction.

A lot of times, even inside I use a hokkairo. The heating pads.

I use them. Oh you have them too.

Kairo - Hokkairo!

A scarf and gloves...

A lot of blankets, a lot of fleece.

Warm socks.

My feet are always cold.

Fleece and warm socks, what else do you need in the house?

In the house a lot of Japanese medication has been helping us.

Like Tokuhon.

Those little pads that you stick on your back and hips.

Heating and cooling mint at the same time.

It's magical.

What is it called again? - Tokuhon.

Tokuhon? - You can get it at 7/11

And when do you use that?

We use it before we go or after we get back.

You can use it everywhere, it's magic.

It helps everything. If your back is is hurting, put it on your back.

If you are cold, just put it there.

It's like a one fix for everything.

So that's inside and outside the house.

- Kotatsu. - Would have to be a Kotatsu.

Do you use your kotatsu a lot? - Before I start work yes.

I sit under it and eat mikan oranges.

I eat hot pots a lot in winter too.

- What type? - The general Kimuchi hot pot to keep me warm.

Oden is the thing in Japan.

What type of Oden is good?

The large radish!

It soaks up the flavor of the soup and adding miso to it makes it even better.

A blanket to cuddle up and watch the TV. - I have a kotatsu.

- So I use that. - What's that?

It's a table. You put a blanket between the top of the table and it's

heated underneath. So you stick your legs underneath it.

- Sounds great. - Heated table.

In Britain I have ...

roast dinners. Potatoes, roast chicken, and vegetables.

And soup. Just like big warm hearty meals.

I did just have a very nice meal. What was it called in Japan?

- Yakiniku - That was a great thing. I have never had that before.

I would have that every day in winter if I could.

Fantastic nice. You took him to the right place then.

Like Chinese hot pot.

Hi nabe.

Spicey. Good.

A thick feather blanket.


A fluffy stomach warmer.

- I eat hot pot a lot. - What type?


- Salt base hot pot. - A stew.

How to you keep your room warm?

I warm mine with a heater.

- Heater too. - I use the kotatsu.

How about inside the house? Anything you use to snuggle up cozy

at home in winter?- Sitting on the sofa with a wool blanket.

That's nice and warm. And watch TV.

And if you own it, a chimney.

I have that chimney at home.

- Forest wood? - Not directly but indirectly.

You have to be careful that it's proper firewood.

Did you see anything in Japan that's different to Germany?

The girls are wearing skirts in winter without tights.

In Germany nobody would do that.

They don't seem to be prepared for the cold.

Might depends on where you come from.

I mean in comparison, do you think it's cold in Tokyo or not?

No it's warmer here. It's a lot colder in Germany.

How cold is it these days?

Minus 6 degrees daytime and minus 9 degrees night time.

Where exactly are you from?

I come from Cologne.

I come from Merseburg.


You need a humidifier.

- What for? - Because the air gets so dry.

Do you own one? - I do.

What's your recommendation?

A Nano from Panasonic.

Do you own one? - It's so good.

I need super fluffy socks.


Jumper and good tracksuit trousers.

Really comfy.

A good throw. Like a blanket.

Nice hot drink.

That's about it really.

What kind of hot drink do you like? - hot chocolate.

Soup. Homemade soup.

Yes you mentioned food. Any food you like having in winter?

Porridge breakfast for me in winter.

That's about it. - Porridge and?

Soup. - Any kind of soup you like?


It's not particularly hot in the summer. You can enjoy it all year round.

It's a roast dinner for me.

An English winter roast dinner.

In summer not so much.

Sweet wise? Any sweets you eat around this time of the year in the UK?

I eat a lot more apple pie.

In winter, I don't know why. It's just apple pie.

Right after your roast.

Aww fantastic. That was a lovely interview. Thank you very much.

So necessary items this winter.

Interestingly enough, everyone has mentioned a couple of things

that kind of kept repeating itself like thermal underwear and similar.

Now let me tell you my...

Hitsujyuhin which is a hard word for saying necessary item.

I am gonna explain to you how I deal with the shooting for Ask Japanese

when it's really cold. I always wear a hat.

Also because my roots are showing a little bit. Shh it's a secret.

Always wearing a hat. Recently I am layering up with a scarf...

If you keep your throat warm, it helps kill off bacteria.

So you are less likely to get a cold.

Good tip there.

Also with the coat, as you can see this coat is a sailor coat.

All my lovely lolita dresses you will not be able to see, if I wear a big massive

coat so I actually selected a coat that you can still enjoy watching when

I am going out interviewing, which has a bit of an effect.

It looks a bit like a sailor uniform.

I selected a coat that has an impact and keeps me warm.

Even if you can't see my lolita clothes it's like still a nice coat. I love this coat.

People keep staring at me when I wear it.

The nice thing there is a bow but... ta da.

You can look a bit more preppy and change it with a little tie that came

with the coat when I bought it.

Also with the sailor patch here.

I love my coat.

That's another thing that keeps me warm. Underneath however...

You might have seen it in some videos peeping out is this...

That doesn't look very nice but this is actually a thick down coat.

It's called ultra light down. They're from Unliqlo.

They are very thin and you can wear them under coats.

That's where I am gonna go ulala...

You can see it here. These ones are great, you can wear them underneath

thin jackets.

In Japan most people don't wear thick jackets.

People wear thinner jackets.

And then just layer it up.

So I layered with this to keep me warm.

That's the down jacket and another thing I wear is...

Under all of this...

This is gonna be funny.

It's gonna be this. Tutulu.

You can see this white thing here.

I wear these underneath my lolita blouses. That's a thermal underpiece.

You wear those and they keep you warm. They are called...

Uniqlo heat tech.

These I wear underneath. Again, keeps me warm.

So those are several layers.

I am like an onion with several layers.

Was the camera ok?

I am like an onion with several layers to keep myself warm.

And then there are also those heat patches called Hokkairo...

Let me see if I can find one for you...

Wait a second please.

Wah that's close. Very close.

There are little parcels here, they are called hokkairo.

The one that was in there has flown out. It's currently on my stomach.

You put that on top of a layer, so if you have a camisole you put that on top

Never put that on your skin directly.

Inside is a material that starts to oxidizing once it's out of the package.

It heats up for up to 8-12 hours.

For very cold shootings with Ask Japanese it's a life saver.

Then lots of hot drinks out of the vending machines. Hot drinks.

Coming straight out of a vending machine. Another life saver.

What we are doing this winter, we are trying some of those drinks.

If you are curios what kind of drinks we have in Japan

Keep checking up Ask Japanese because there will be lots of videos

about those drinks.

Thank you very much for watching and

Stay warm this winter! Bye!

For more infomation >> MUST-HAVE WINTER ITEMS IN JAPAN! | Ask Japanese and foreigners about their winter items - Duration: 12:06.


Beautiful뷰티풀 - 크러쉬Crush (Cover by Baby Akiyo) - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Beautiful뷰티풀 - 크러쉬Crush (Cover by Baby Akiyo) - Duration: 1:51.



For more infomation >> ENTREVISTA COM TRAINER GAE - Duration: 4:49.


Scandal 6x03 Promo "Fates Worse Than Death" (HD) Season 6 Episode 3 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

I'm gonna dig until I find something.

I am being set up by Olivia Pope.

You are being played.

She's trying to steal the presidency.

You better watch yourself.

What did you do?

I made a horrible mistake.

New Scandal next Thursday 9/8c on ABC.

For more infomation >> Scandal 6x03 Promo "Fates Worse Than Death" (HD) Season 6 Episode 3 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Characters Confirmed For Avengers Infinity War - Duration: 10:01.

Hey Youtubers, we are Groot.

A lot of you are asking me about the guardians characters that are going to be in infinity

war there were some new confirmations so this is going to be a breakdown, there's a whole

bunch of Guardians stuff that's going to be happening in the next couple weeks they're

going to start their official marketing campaign for the movie.

So you will start saying a whole bunch of stuff they started teasing all the toys and

stuff, so I'll be doing some fun giveaways for now new round of the Spider-Man giveaway.

All you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video.

It's a $20 comixology giftcard, so I'm going to start with the really big characters and

work my way down through the new ones too mostly focusing on the new ones because their

lot of new people in this film we haven't seen before like mantis but they're all from

the comics the gonna be awesome just start with mantis, so a lot of you are probably

familiar with the mantis character if you been reading the guardians of the galaxy,

comic for a while and most of you probably know the annihilation conquest version was

recruited by star Lord and used her abilities to sort of hypnotize convince the other members

of the team to join up the really interesting thing about that comic book arc in the reason

why you should probably go back and reread it at some point is because the annihilation

conquest was all about the attack from the phalanx upon the galaxy led by Ultron would

been fired into outer space after the mighty avengers arc which is basically that story

line that they adapted for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

So you have to imagine that Ultron in the continuity right now is just hiding out somewhere

probably buried in visions programming, but in the comics, what they did is they fired

Ultron into deep space he landed on the phalanx and was able to take over their techno based

culture and they became this scourge on the galaxy which inspired star Lord to put a team

together and that became the beginning of the modern version of the guardians of the

galaxy that the classic guardians actually had Yondu in the lineup he's going to be in

the lineup for the new movie and unfortunately he is unconfirmed for infinity war, but I

wouldn't be surprised if he shows up he just too unique of a character cannot get in there

somewhere, but along those lines mantis Yondu infinity war.

Not all cameos and appearances are created equal.

So really like the big storm guardians of the galaxy is star Lord he's obviously going

to have a much bigger part in infinity war than the other characters, but really the

whole main cast is going to be coming to infinity war at least in a small way just some of them

were gonna get way more screen time than the others like of course there's going to be

some funny group moments with the other real avengers you can just picture.

Spider-Man and Tony Stark flipping their lives to be the coolest thing ever.

But the really cool thing about mantis is that in the comics she's actually a really

bad ass fighter.

She's almost like Karnak with the way she can sense weaknesses and use those as exploits

during fight.

So that's how she can fight someone big like Drax, but in the context of the movie her

character just a little different, so what James Gunn did is he took the more modern

version of the character and sort of gave her the look of the classic mantis and then

weaved her back story in with star Lord, so she's like the half-sister of star Lord with

ego the living planet is crazy is all that sounds she's just as much of a bad ass is

most of the other avengers characters.

There were a couple moments when she faced, then those clones people think she's as powerful

as Thor, but I feel like they simplify things a little bit for the MCU movies so Thor is

always going to be like the big tough guy, but in the way they play of those funny moments.

There's a lot of tough guys on the guardians like Gamora is a tough guy Drax is a tough

guy they'll be all kinds a bad ass jokes when they meet up on screen and a lot of people

are wondering about, Nathan Filion's character he's playing Simon Williams a.k.a. wonder

man in guardians of the galaxy.

So the thing is is the way they're playing it in the movie is that it's sort of like

an Easter egg like he's an actor he's not the actual wonder man from the comics with

wonder man's powers, he just somebody you as the name and it's gonna be really funny

thing for fans who know who the wonder man character is so they haven't said anything

about including him during infinity war, but I do think that they will include a small,

Nathan Filion Easter egg probably not a speaking role, but you see this poster in the background

here expect something like this.

So technically he would be part of infinity war without actually having a speaking role

in that's going to be true of a lot of the lesser characters you will we talk about characters

being infinity war.

Just remember that they have like 66+ characters that they teased most of those will not be

speaking role still be names on list of the people that you see in the background there

can be very few people that actually speak on camera and you see in the foreground next

big one is nebula Karen Gillan actually tease that she was going to be part of infinity

war, but she said it would be a very big thing, so you just have to remember that she is one

of the daughters of Thanos, so that sort of justifies her presence in the film she's really

big in the guardians movie she's even going to be traveling with them for little while.

So the be a lot of crazy Gamora nebula sister stuff going on to the gonna carry that into

infinity war but the other big surprise is that crackling Sean guns character James Gunn's

brother is going to be in infinity war, which is means of there's gonna be a ravage her

stuff going on that almost confirms that the gonna do Yondu because why would you do a

much lesser character from the ravage her's without doing him everyone's asking about

Sylvester Stallone's character I think he's just going to be in guardians and really it

just sort of like a wink at the fans the role that he plays it's gonna be a lot of fun but

I think is just a one-off thing the nova Corps will crossover a little they haven't confirmed

Glenn close.

I think it's more likely that they would include Jon C Riley because they have the power stone

right now.

So because Thanos does not have that and he's not appearing during guardians of the galaxy

to does have to address how he gets the power stone.

That's where the nova Corps comes in with deep cut collector very important character

that's not going to be in guardians to has to come back for infinity war because he has

the reality gem still they gave to them at the end of Thor the dark world which is sort

of the connective tissue between the other films so at the end of guardians to the expected

Post credit scene is going to be Thor Ragnarok just because that's the next movie that's


There was a guardians Post credit scene at the end of the last Thor movie can assure

will be absolutely safe in my life one though.

So it just makes sense that the two space-based Marvel movies have little connective tissue

between them because they both dealt with really cosmic threads infinity stones.

So all that remains is what tease the Thor Ragnarok, we can talk about that after we

see guardians because it's actually coming in a couple months but the really big character

that everyone is talking about.

That's probably not going to show up during infinity war is ego the living planet Kurt

Russell's character he's not expected for infinity war.

Whatever his arc is going to be it's gonna close with guardians to, I don't think they'll

kill them off.

The way James Gunn said that he's engineered his story is that it's still very self-contained

like he doesn't have to connect to the other films that's really what the post credits

scenes are for what about the actual crossover like why would the guardians ever need to

meet with the people on earth will really it has to do with star Lord learning about

threats to the earth his home, so him being pulled back there.

That way, the biggest threat would be Thanos with the gem.

So the simplest idea would be for them to have some sort of moment with the as guardians

or somebody else from the avengers really Thor's the easiest character because he's

the only one that anybody from the guardians movies has actually met, so they begin their

infinity quest to stop Thanos from completing his mission that throws them into the path

of the other Earth-based avengers.

So really I think we'll see a guardians Thor crossover, before we actually see and interact

with any of the other Earth-based avengers.

So if your friends ask you which guardians are going to show up during infinity war you

could almost say all of them but just remember that there's going to be like 2 1/2 hours

a movie will probably see a lot of those guardians characters in less than 10 minutes of that

the people you see on screen, most of the time will be like star Lord Gamora group rocket

you get the idea the biggest characters will get the most screen time in the same is true

from the other franchises the be other Thor characters that will crossover with infinity


Some of them will only show very briefly some of them like Thor himself Valkyrie will get

way more screen time, let me know what you guys most excited for in guardians to, I know

everybody wants to know about ego the living planet.

There's so many mind-boggling possibilities just explaining the way that he was able to

fashion himself a human body so that he could have a child with the human woman but just

reminder that Disney supposed to be promoting guardians of the galaxy in the new Pirates

movie during the Super Bowl.

So whenever they drop new footage I will totally do a video for it.

So it's gonna be awesome and there will be a whole bunch of other Super Bowl trailer

videos that I'll do what you guys wait for that to post you can click here to rewatch

the guardians trailer again and you can click here to learn about what's going on with Black

Panther they started film thank you so much watching everybody high five I'll see the

next video!

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Characters Confirmed For Avengers Infinity War - Duration: 10:01.


THE MUST SEE WEIRDEST MEME (Winnie The Pooh Dancing Reaction) - Duration: 4:02.

hey now


For more infomation >> THE MUST SEE WEIRDEST MEME (Winnie The Pooh Dancing Reaction) - Duration: 4:02.


WATCH LIVE: The NATIONAL for Thursday February 2, 2017 - Duration: 59:57.

For more infomation >> WATCH LIVE: The NATIONAL for Thursday February 2, 2017 - Duration: 59:57.


Vos paroles tuent elles votre couple - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Vos paroles tuent elles votre couple - Duration: 0:50.


Pourquoi le hug peut sauver votre couple - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi le hug peut sauver votre couple - Duration: 0:51.


Muslim Ban is Wrong #WithCaptions - Duration: 5:17.

Hey – allow me to take a few minutes to explain why banning Muslims from entering

the United States is illogical, unchristian, and unconstitutional.

Because in case you didn't understand this is a bad thing to do.


The president issued an executive order issued

on Friday, January 27, 2017 that changed the country's immigration policies.

This order bans all immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States from citizens

of 7 different countries – Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

This order also stops people from entering the country even if they have a visa.

The administration has not given consistent answers on weather or not this applies to

legal permenant residents of the United States.

This order was allegedly put into place as a protection from terrorism, but no foreign

national from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, or Yemen has ever killed any American

in a terrorist attack.

In fact most of the, incredibly rare, attacks that take place in the United States are executed

by citizens or permanent residents.

So "there is little national security benefit to Trump's executive order on immigration"

This executive order also suspended refugee

admission into the United States from all countries for 120 days – and specifically

suspended Syrian refugee resettlement for an indefinite amount of time.

To be clear, the vetting process for a Syrian refugee can take more than 2 years to complete and

banning refugees from entering United States after they've been issued visas is despicable and doesn't

lead to us being any better protected. Or those refugees being better vetted when they enter the United States.

Although no refugees are currently being allowed into the United States at all – Trump has

stated that once the program restarts Christian refugees will be prioritized because Christ

said to love your neighbor, but only the ones that share your beliefs.

*He never said that* This ban is unchristian.

Pope Francis spoke about the matter and said that "You cannot be a Christian without

doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25.

It's hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee, or someone seeking

help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help.

If I say I am a Christian, but do these things, I am a hypocrite."

Pope Francis specifically cited Matthew 25 where Jesus says that what we did for the

least of these we did for him – like when we feed the hungry, give the thirsty something

to drink, clothe people who need clothes, take care of the sick, visit people in prison,

and of course inviting a stranger in and welcoming them.

However, this executive order being unbiblical and unchristian doesn't matter to anyone

except the christian voters really as the United States has no official religion and

the religious freedom to practice your own religious beliefs, whatever those may be under the first amendment.

This order is also unconstitutional and illegal so we should talk about that.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was interviewed on January 28, and explained how the administration's

immigration policy changed from one that was overtly unconstitutional to a slightly more

concealed kind of unconstitutional.

The interviewer asked, "Does the ban have anything to do with religion?" Giuliani

answered that , "When he [Trump] first announced it, he said 'Muslim ban.'

He called me up, he said, 'Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.'"

I put a commission together with Judge Mukasey, with Congressman McPaul, Pete King,

a whole group of other very expert lawyers on this and what we did was, what we focused on

instead of religion, danger! The areas of the world that create danger for us.

Which is a factual basis not a religious basis - perfectly legal, perfectly sensible. And that's what the ban is based on.

which flimsily avoids a direct declaration against Muslims, but it

still has the same motive and much of the same effects as it would if this were a direct

ban on Muslims.

This executive order violates the freedom of religion clause in the first amendment

as it acts to establish law on religious grounds and it violates the equal protection clause

of the 14th amendment because it institutes a policy of discrimination against a religious minority.

It is also in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which an executive order

does not have the ability to override.

American Hero, and former acting attorney general of the United States, Sally Yates

was fired after announcing that she would not defend the immigration ban in courts.

She wrote that "At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is

consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the executive order is

lawful" and for saying, as attorney general, that she didn't think something was legal

she was fired.

She was fired for doing her job and attempting to uphold the constitution.

This executive order is unchristian, unethical, illegal, un-American, and unconstitutional.

It has no national security benefits, it does nothing to further protect citizens from threats,

and does absolutely nothing to help the millions of refugees who are actually fleeing terror attacks.

It's a bad order.

And if you know of any way to help the people affected by it please let me know down in

the comments because we are stronger together, we are better when we act as a community – and

if you would like to join my little community and continue to fight for justice please subscribe,

watch my last video, or support me on patreon.

And I will see you tomorrow, bye.

For more infomation >> Muslim Ban is Wrong #WithCaptions - Duration: 5:17.


Happy Ending? - Fingerstyle Guitar (Composed by Marcos Kaiser) - Duration: 3:57.

Hello guys! In today's video I'm going to play a new composition of mine

Which I did in partnership with a poet named Vagner Barbosa. That´s my friend

The song is called: "Happy Ending?"

Is a question

It's a song inspired by the Brazilian style

I hope you like it and please subscribe to the channel and share with friends

For more infomation >> Happy Ending? - Fingerstyle Guitar (Composed by Marcos Kaiser) - Duration: 3:57.


Will Lady Gaga Be Joined by Beyoncé at Super Bowl Halftime? | Splash News TV - Duration: 1:14.

Everyone's buzzing already over Lady Gaga's upcoming performance during the Super Bowl

halftime show, and this little bee in her Instagram post says a lot.

In fact, the Huffington Post reports that many fans believe this means Beyoncé herself

will be joining Lady Gaga during the big game.

And why wouldn't she?

In fact, has anyone been at the Super Bowl halftime show more recently than Beyoncé?

Last year she put on a historic performance with Bruno Mars…

Oh, they snuck Chris Martin from Coldplay in there too.

And a few years before that she had her own amazing performance at the Super Dome in New

Orleans during Super Bowl XLVII.

But, as Gaga says, "Houston, you are beautiful."

And who calls Houston home?

That would be none other than Beyoncé herself.

And with her recent pregnancy announcement, she could make her last huge appearance before

delivering twins.

Guess you'll just have to join the millions of viewer on game day to find out.

For more infomation >> Will Lady Gaga Be Joined by Beyoncé at Super Bowl Halftime? | Splash News TV - Duration: 1:14.


CHOOTI MALLI PODI MALLI Live Stand-up Comedy Show 7 | FUNFIRE #44 - Duration: 6:12.

Podi Malli and Chooti Malli (Gaminda Priyaviraj and Suneth Chithrananda) (චූටි මල්ලි / පොඩි මල්ලි - සුනෙත් චිත්‍රානන්ද / ගාමින්ද ප්‍රියවිරාජ්) Live Stand-up Comedy Show

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