I have a present for you. This is the book from David Belle.
The real spirit. For me it was a real pleasure to read all this.
It's about overcoming obstacles with nothing but the things you have right now,
with your hands and your feet.
The main goal of this project is to empower children,
so that they find solutions in how to overcome their obstacles in life.
It's not about overcoming obstacles physically, but more like what's the mental side.
It's difficult. I teach the girls
and I'm obviously aware that it will be difficult for them to continue.
Yet I hope I was able to show a few:
Okay, there exists this thing and that they can take something along.
Be it: If I want something, I just have to try,
or we need to stick together.
Yes I think these are some of the most important things.
I'd be delighted if they can draw some lessons from it for themselves,
even if they may never be able to practice Parkour again.
The main goal is to help them overcome their traumas, that's the main concept of it.
And for me it's… I've learned through Parkour some really important values for me
and for me the goal is to give them a little bit of the values.
Of course, 4 workshops for this group of kids isn't really enough time
to teach them a lot. But for me the main goal is to teach them
something like modesty, or friendship
or how to treat each other and try to be courageous
or like the whole set of values we have.
And from the first set of workshops we've already had, my experience is they've learnt really a lot.
They really… I think they got the core concept.
My impression was that the kids they really… I think they started to like the structure of our trainings.
We always asked for a circle, there is a real structure.
And I think the more structure we did, the more they liked us and the training itself.
And this was really nice, what I saw.
The kids are just lovely, I don't know what else to say.
They are wild and there are crazy circumstances,
but they… you know they just like Parkour and I just love them.
It's really nice work to do.
When you look closely, you see differences,
you see that the kids are, sometimes overreacting, or under-reacting, or behaving a little bit strange.
And in their core, what they want
and how they behave, they are really acting like kids.
It's a little bit more difficult,
but you really see them enjoying the workshop and that, for me that's all that matters.
If it would be like the complete opposite and they wouldn't be with their mind at the workshop at all,
would be hard but like this it was just like really...
they were enjoying themselves and they were listening, listening really good.
There are six values we have and I want to know if you remember?
Do you know what the first one is?
Very good, there is no competition.
Yes be cautious, very good.
You know what this means?
Probably one day you'll put a ring on it, when you marry someone, it's symbol of trust.
And if you combine all these fingers,
what does it mean? Strength.
Yes, its also the strength here and in your heart
The courage, okay?
It was just an awesome time.
Thank you very much for the time.
How was the Parkour workshop for you?
What did you learn from it?
Jumping and balancing.
How was the Parkour training for you?
What was good about it?
I learnt how to maintain my balance and to climb over the rock.
What do think about Karina?
She is a perfect teacher.
Have you ever seen a woman like her before?
Okay, would you like to continue Parkour?
Do you think it is possible?
Yes it is possible.
What is the best thing you did?
What did you like about balancing?
That I learnt something new and that I can walk normally while balancing.
Is there anything you can take from Parkour to your life?
Being able to learn new things
and jumping from obstacle to obstacle.
Do you remember the 6 fingers?
What was your favorite finger?
When you attempt something and fail, you have to repeat it all over again until you succeed.
How would you continue with Parkour?
I will go to Jehad, the Parkour Gaza coach and tell him I want to continue.
That I really want to continue.
Thank you.
All I can say is, we received a very warm welcome.
We are surrounded by a lot of wonderful people.
I was really surprised at how normal it is over here.
You feel that the people are tensed, but it's like any other country you can visit.
There is a cultural difference, but you will find this in Egypt as well.
The tracers from Gaza are really nice.
It was really nice that they came out the first time, we meeting them
and talking with each other and you really see that…
We train a little bit different, but for me it was a confirmation once again,
that Parkour is something, that really unifies people. And from the first time we met I felt in contact
and we really got to know each other.
We can say that, it is all about life, the concept of life.
It is all about the trust, how to be modest, how to balance with everything,
the strength also, how to be strong in all the problems that you face in your life
and how to overcome the obstacles.
it's not about the feeling that you are not dealing with someone who is outside from Gaza,
it's the feeling, that you are meeting human beings
that can understand our situation here in Gaza and can understand the children.
It was a real honor that a well known team from Germany, ParkourONE
came to practice with children from Gaza.
and this is a big honor for me personally.
I hope that this was not the last time.
I would like this to continue.
Meeting with ParkourONE or any other team in the future.
We learned a lot of things from ParkourONE.
In the beginning we used to train children above a certain age only,
because we faced problems before while teaching the kids Parkour.
It was just difficult for us to handle them.
Very interesting and amazing workshops,
we had lot to say to each other, we gained a lot of experience from each other
and really got a lot of things from you, from ParkourONE.
So an example: they train children,
children, small children, we didn't train before. So we learned a lot of things, you know.
And… we learned a lot of things from you: how to teach them,
exactly how to teach these children,
how to be one team,
to be together, be one hand. How to think about
the skill before you do it.
Be strong to be useful - ETRE FORT POUR ETRE UTILE, yeah!
I had to read it. Be strong to be useful, I love it!
From a religious point of view,
girls have it difficult to participate in Parkour.
because according to Islam it is not possible for girls to be mixed with boys.
It is forbidden in Islam.
This is the thing we are missing in Parkour.
But from our side, as PK Gaza team,
it is difficult to have a place that is special for practicing Parkour.
I wish for all traceurs to come and visit Gaza,
because we train in a closed environment
and can not discover other places for practicing, in order to exchange experiences.
I wish that one day we have a Parkour academy here in Gaza,
to train big groups of children and anyone else who wishes to participate.
So just care about Gaza, care about people.
I thank you all, you care about us, so you came here.
What are your hopes for the future?
Not to face any other war, to live in peace, that is all.
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