Welcome to the ElfQuest Collector's Guide! good morning guys! it's New Comic Book Day,
and it's the release of Final Quest #18, and i've decided i'm going to vlog the day! so,
here we go, guys, have a good day and i hope you enjoy mine! ok, so first of all, i always
get the new issues of Final Quest digitally on Dark Horse Digital-dot-com, so i haven't
actually gotten my new copy yet.
I'm about to buy it and i'm about to read it.
i usually get to read it the day before, 'cause i know the "trick," um, but for some reason
it wasn't working this time, so i had to wait just like everybody else until the ACTUAL
release day to read this issue.
so, i haven't read it yet, i'm about to read it, and i'm going to record my reactions,
so here we go, guys! well guys, i was going to try to read it on
my Kindle, but it's taking forever to download, so i already have it pulled up here on my
computer, and here we go! i'm about to read Final Quest issue number 18... *inhales* let's see
what happens! i won't say anything, guys, just don't worry, i'm not going to let any
spoilers out or anything like that.
if you haven't read the issue for yourself, don't worry, i'm not going to tell you what
happens in it!
i'm just going to show you what i'm doing as i read it.
ok, here we go, guys! *inhales* i'm excited! beautiful cover!
*relaxing music begins, "I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves" by Chris Zabriskie*
rrrrraaaaahhhh!!!! just reading that beginning synopsis gave me chills, guys! oooooh!
ok, now i was able to read those first four pages really quickly, because those were actually
the preview pages that were posted, i think earlier this month, and, uh, so i've actually
already gotten to read these four pages.
now it's all going to be fresh material, so... *clicks tongue and whispers* here we go...
awwww! i'm gonna cry it's so beautiful!
ohh ho ho...
this is awesome!
whoa, chill waves, guys, chill waves...
oh, i never thought about that!
*Tam toddler-talks in the background*
*Tam shouts playfully in the background*
Excuse the chewing noises, guys, that's my family's pet hamster, up there.
*giggles* she's decided to wake up and chew on her cage.
her name is Salt, by the way... ElfQuest character! *clicks tongue*
*to Tam, off camera* i don't know, what'd you find?
*to audience* hey guys, you want to say hi to my son, Tam?
*to Tam* come here, buddy! come here, come here...
*to audience* he's still kind of waking up and grumpy, but
*to Tam* lookit, right there! lookit there's mommy and Tam!
can you say Hi?
*to audience* Hi everybody, this is Tam!
*To Tam* can you say HI?
aawww... *giggle*
*snickers triumphantly*
aawwwww what a beautiful end to this chapter of the story! awwww!! gonna bring tears to
my eyes, guys! this is beautiful! *sniffles* oh that was awesome! now i do usually try
to read the ElfQuotes.
i will do that once i'm off-camera so i can actually pay attention to what everybody's
uh... i want to see what else is here, if it's just ElfQuotes.
'cause sometimes they like to add little fun things at the end...
and they did add some fun little things, not just the ElfQuotes... again i'm not going
to say what it is, because you guys can just wait and get you own issue! *giggles* but
uh, yeah! so there we go, guys, that was my reactions to reading the new Final Quest issue.
it's a GREAT one! i highly recommend reading it!
i mean come on, it's ElfQuest: Final Quest, so i'm sure you guys already know it should
be read! but um, really good one! you guys can probably tell from my reactions, lots
of, uh, roller coaster emotions in this one.
lots of happy moments, lots of sad moments, lots of like, "WHOA! what the heck's going on?!"
Wendy, once again, you outdid yourself, this is beautiful and i love it! and i hope everybody
else loves it!
alright so, now for the rest of the vlog, it's going to be my trip to the comic book
shop! it's going to be my day, it's going to be-- i'll do a small uh, introduction to
my family.
you guys got to meet Tam just a few minutes ago on my camera, and previously, in one of
my other videos, you got to meet my daughter, Lori, so i'll do another full introduction.
Lori is at school right now, so once she gets out of school, that's when we will be leaving
to go to the comic book shop! now, some of you that follow me on Facebook and Twitter
know that i live, literally, in the middle of the woods, on the side of a mountain! therefore
it takes me about an hour and a half just to drive to my nearest comic book shop! and
i'm going to vlog that trip for you guys, just to show you exactly how long it takes,
but ElfQuest is well worth it, isn't it guys? we all know that! we love our ElfQuest! these
elves are WAY worth that much time to just go get a new issue of it! even though i've
already read the issue?
i don't care, i'm going to make the drive to go get it.
i have to have it! uh, so yeah, i'll see you guys in a bit, later on in the vlog, and i
hope you guys enjoyed the reaction video! *clicks tongue*
also guys, we are coming up on a HUGE milestone for me on YouTube! we are at 97 Subscribers,
as of right now! that means we're only 3 away from 100! that is HUGE, that is SO exciting
for me, guys! um, i want to thank all of my Subscribers, all of my viewers, uh, all of
my friends and Tribemates on Facebook and Twitter- Thank you guys SO much for the support!
it's REALLY encouraging to me, it really inspires me to, just, keep pushing, to keep making
bigger and better videos, so, THANK YOU so much for all of the support! if it wasn't
for you guys out there, showing me the support, i wouldn't be doing this! so, thanks guys!
um-- as i just said, we are almost to 100 Subscribers, we're at 97 right now, if we
can get those last 3 Subscribers to get that count up to 100, i will give away a RedBubble
tee shirt or gift certificate! um-- i will have, in an upcoming video i will start taking
names-- DON'T ENTER YET GUYS! don't put your names down, not yet, not yet! just wait! um--
once we reach the hundred Subscriber count, i will post another video, and i will start
asking for names for the giveaway.
just like my previous ones, comment below THAT video, not this video, if you would like
to win! uh-- in another upcoming video, i will put all those names in my hat, just like
i always do, pull out a winner, that winner will get to choose either a tee shirt from
RedBubble, they will get to choose the design, the color, and the style-- and the size, of
course, uh-- OR they can have a RedBubble gift certificate of equivalent price! now
i can't afford to give away, like a sweatshirt or anything big like that, but i can afford
to give away a tee shirt at this point! so, that's what the next prize will be, if we
can get to that 100 Subscriber count, guys! so let's get those three more! it's not going
to take very much!
also, just as a small added bonus, more for me than you guys, uh-- once we reach the 100
Subscriber count, i'll actually be able to alter my channel's URL to something, hopefully,
a little bit easier to remember! um-- YouTube will offer me some selections to choose from,
i won't get to actually choose the URL for myself, but i'm hoping to get something around
the lines of YouTube-backslash-channel-backslash-ElfQuestCollectorsGuide
now that's not solidified yet, guys don't go starting-- typing that in yet.
um-- give it some time, gotta reach the 100 Subscriber count, and then i'm going to have
to change the URL. but uh-- just wanted to give you guys a head-up--head's-up, if you
have my channel bookmarked or anything, you might need to change that bookmark address
here pretty soon, once i reach that 100 Subscriber count.
so, just keep an eye out for that, guys!
if you've already Subscribed, thank you so, so, SO very much for being here! i really
hope that you're enjoying my show, i hope you're enjoying these episodes, and i-- i'm
planning on improving it even more! i'm planning on making more bigger videos, uh-- this is
my first Vlog, so i hope it's going ok! um-- and yeah! so just, stay tuned!
if you've already Subscribed, please, if-if you feel like it, no pressure of course, but
if you feel like it, please Like and Share my channel, so that others can find me as
well, to help me get to that 100 Subscriber count, ok guys?
alright, so let's get on with the rest of the Vlog, and the rest of my day!
hey guys! we're about to head out the door, on the way to the comic book shop! thought
i'd introduce my husband, my Lifemate, and my Nasty-Bad Editor-Thing, Adam!
Hi everybody!
*voice-over of a menacing evil laugh* MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAA!!!
alright guys, as part of the vlog, i figured i would show our drive there, and how long
it actually takes to get to the comic book shop! so, i'm going to set my camera in my
car, and i'm going to strap it down, and i'm going to show you the drive! so, first-of-all,
here i am, annnnd there's my car!
*catchy upbeat tune plays*
so we'll see you there, guys! *clicks tongue*
here we are in the car, folks, and we actually have to go pick-up my daughter, Lori from
school, first, so we'll be doing that before we stop in town, and then we'll be heading
off to the comic book shop! and there's Tam in the background! hi Tam!
and there's Adam! he's driving, so he can't look!
on the road again, and now, we have Lori in the car! hi Lori! and there's Tam still!
my cute kiddos!
and that was just the drive to Cave Junction, the closest town where we do our grocery shopping!
we still haven't gotten to the town where the comic book shop is yet!
grabbed some lunch and we're back on-the-go! we also had to switch cameras, because our
actual camera's battery juice is kind-of running low, and we wanted to save some for when we
actually get to the comic shop, so, we had to switch cameras so the footage might be
a little bit different-looking from here-on-out, but we're doing what we can, guys!
we're almost there, guys! it's been about 25 minutes, i think, since my last comment,
and we're getting there! we're getting there...
well, we finally got to Grants Pass, the city that has the comic shop, now we just have
to get through the city to the comic shop itself...
and that was the tallest flagpole in all of Oregon!
New Comic Book Daaaaay!!
*kids running amok and laughing*
*talking, away from microphone*
he he heee!!!
*shop owner, off-camera* i have a couple of questions for you...
oh, questions! yes?
alright guys, i'm here! this is my Comic Shop, this is Iguana Comics, i LOVE this place!
this is where i come to get my Final Quest comics EVERY single time! the owner's really,
really awesome...
*to the owner* would you-- would you mind being on-camera for a second?
there he is! there he is! hi everybody! hi ElfQuest fans! *laughs*
alright guys, so, here i am, got my new issues, and i'm excited!
*whispers* i found Red Sonja!
*to Lori* nice!
*to camera* so my comic shop has a LOT of Pops! *sing-songy* Po-o-o-o-o-ops! lots of
Pops! lots and lots of Pops! there's Pops! on this side, there's Pops! on that side!
alright, back in the car, done at the comic book shop, and on our way home!
*whispers and stutters* i... am so... scared! guys! i got lost in the woods!
*normal voice* no i'm just joking, my house
is right over here! there's my house, right back there, there's my house!
FOOF! and we're back! oh my gosh, guys! ok, so, when i left, it was only quarter-after-two
in the afternoon.
we JUST walked back in the door, and it is now 6:35! so, that's about standard, we stopped
at one other place, took about 20 minutes, and uh-- the rest of it was the trip to the
comic book shop! so that's about standard, it takes me about 4 hours to go to my comic
shop, get my new Final Quest issues, head on home! so that's about standard, i hope
you guys enjoyed the video! it was a lot of fun to make, it was a bit of a-of an adventure today!
so, uh, we had a lot of fun, uh, you guys got to meet my family, you got to see where
i go to pick up my ElfQuest comics every time, and i hope you enjoyed it!
um-- make sure you keep watching, uh--- i hope to do more vlogs like this in the future.
Oh! here comes someone you didn't get to meet yet! you guys didn't get to meet my puppy,
Choplicker! come here, buddy! oh, this is Choplicker, he lives up to his name, as you can see! he's
Choplicker, my new puppy, he's a good boy! and i love him!
he's a good boy!
*to Choplicker* ok, go on.
watch out, pups, watch out puppy! watch out! you're a good boy, i know! oh! you're bumping
stuff, go on, klutz-oid! go on!
*to camera* he's a bit of a klutz, so he just bumped my camera.
but, uh-- anyway, so i hope you guys enjoyed this, this is my first Vlog! you guys got to meet my
family, you got to see the area i live in, which i don't think many people have really gotten
to see much of... and uh--- it was a lot of fun, i'm hoping to do more vlogs like this
in the future!
uh-- i heard some great news from my Comic Book Shop guy; uh-- first of all, they got
a new location for their store, a bigger location, so next time i go to my comic book shop it's
going to be exciting because it'll be in a whole new place! bigger location, more stuff
to check out!
um-- he also told me, while i was there, that there are at least 2 or 3 other ElfQuest fans
in the area, because they have also started coming in for Final Quest! so, i wanna know
where you guys are, where are the other-- uh-- ElfQuest fans in my area?
i'd love to meet you guys, and let's hang out and geek-out sometime!
i hope you enjoyed the show, everyone, and, uh-- Until next time, Shade and Sweet Water,
and Happy Hunting!
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