Hi, I'm Dr. Dee Ann Schnautz. I'll be your professor for the next eight weeks for Education 565, "Intrustional Methods and Program Evaluation".
I'd like to tell you just a little bit about myself.
This is my thirtieth year in education. I don't know how that's possible, but it is.
I've been teaching second, third, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade through the years. Then I was an assistant principal at a middle school, a principal of a primary center, and now the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments for a southern Illinois school district.
Each position has had it's unique challenges and unique joys.
Throughout the course of the eight weeks, I would love to learn more about you. About the unique challenges that you face in education.
And of course, the unique joys you bring and you've found in your position.
Now we're going to be doing action research.
Don't let that frighten you if you have never done anything like this before.
We're going to be looking at a specific problem, relevent to you, to your classroom or your position in education.
You're going to be collecting pre-data, post-data on that issue.
And then we're going to look at possible solutions or kinds of things that we could do that would make an improvement in that area of challenge that you have.
So we'll have lots of discussion. I look forward hearing from you and learning from you. And I hope I can be a great support to you as well.
Now I do work a full time job, 8-4 PM, more likely 7:30-5 PM.
During lunch time call me, text me, send an e-mail and I will respond to you when I can. Usually after work will be the best time to get in touch with me.
If we need to have a face to face (online) conference we can do that. I'm happy to do that for you.
Let's work together. I look forward to meeting you online. I wish you all the best. Please reach out to me with any questions. Let's have a great eight weeks. Thank you!
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