Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

The voices were the voices of

people that I knew growing up.

My mother,

my father,

my sister,

It's all based on true stories that we gathered doing interviews

and with people like Tony that are on the team who've lived these experiences.

Michael was really interested in

capturing the flavor and the

and the everyday sense

of what it's like

growing up in this neighborhood,

navigating these streets.

Our game is based in the real world.

It's trying to portray things accurately

so there are violent situations

because that is something that happens in these neighborhoods.

But they're not

crazy, overblown, over-the-top violence all the time.

They're accurately depicted acts of violence.

Our game is obviously a core component

of the tide

of sentiment

in America at this particular point in time.

This post-racial era that we live in.

The core message that I think we're trying to strike with We Are Chicago is that

people living on the South Side and the West Side of Chicago

and in a bunch of neighborhoods across the country

aren't any different than you.

They want to go to school, they want to get a job,

they want to better themselves

and not have to worry about getting shot at.

For more infomation >> Video Game Simulates Chicago's Violence To Promote Awareness - Duration: 2:44.


Hot News! BMW M3 Competition Package F80 Rijtest En Video - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Hot News! BMW M3 Competition Package F80 Rijtest En Video - Duration: 3:01.


Responsibility - Motivational Video - Duration: 1:39.

So all too often one will tell their dreams to another person, with the subconscious hope

of said dream to be validated.

We all do it to a degree, because in the infant stages of a

powerful desire/dream one understands and, in the back of their mind are confrtroned

with the reality that the pursuit of such a passion will break currently established


The breaking of barriers feels extremely uncomfortable to the Ego,

because what you are doing is KILLING YOURSELF.

You are killing the YOU which you ARE, you're killing the the YOU which is too afraid to

take the necessary risks, the YOU who senses their power but are too

afraid to act on it, the YOU which hides their face in the floor or cell phone with

the ridiculous hope that people don't notice the exhuded self-pity, the YOU that

looks in the mirror and sees weakness, the YOU that told YOU "YOU CAN'T!"

THAT is the person who hangs on like a monkey hangs to an addicts back.

THAT is the person who stabs you repeatedly with the sharp knife of rejection

That is the person who will tell you "NO" before you've even tried

THAT is the person who has held you back, who tells you "Nothing can change"

THAT is the person who DIES when once accepts responsibility of THEIR dreams,

THEIR mistakes

Their challenges

Their Life

For more infomation >> Responsibility - Motivational Video - Duration: 1:39.


seat ateca video review Seat Ateca long term test review first report - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> seat ateca video review Seat Ateca long term test review first report - Duration: 3:24.


3 simple steps to gain more self discipline - Duration: 4:17.

three simple steps to gain more


so for the people who are struggling

with self-discipline and you want to

know the strategy and different methods

to increase and gain more self discipline.

Well in this video I want to

give you the top three simple steps that

you can take action right now to gain

more self-discipline. The first one that

i want to talk about is. If you want to

gain self discipline. You want to commit 30

days to something that you really hate

but its benefit you

so find out what is the thing right now

that you really hate ok but you know its

benefit you

so for example if you are an

entrepreneur and you really hate reading

you never read before but you

know reading it's going to benefit you

in your personal growth and in your business

then you probably want to do a 30 days


ok of you reading 30 minutes per day in

the next 30 days and if you can commit to

do that for the next 30 days what I call

is you will build a self- discipline muscle and

that self discipline muscle it will help you to

become more self-discipline and if you

never take an online course before and

so let's say if you are dabbling you try

an online course and you never finish or

you know follow you then you may want to

challenge yourself commit yourself to

one online course and you start on it

and you finished the same thing what if

you try to you become more active and

exercise then you may try to wake up

early in the morning and try to run

every single day for the next 30 days in the

morning for 15 to 20-minutes so like they

commit to something that you really hate

those benefits that step number one.

Step number two to gain more self-discipline is

you try to apply what i call is

the 60-60-30 formula. So let's say if

every single day you have 3

important tasks that you must accomplish

no matter what that help you to move

toward your goal

then instead of you sitting down and you

know you do too many different things

and have all this distraction you

want to come on your clock and work on

that task with focus and

self-discipline for 60 minutes no

distraction no text messages no cell

phone and you work with 60 minutes when

it's done then you take a break for 15

minutes now you go back for another

60-minutes to work on that one task again.

And when the 60 minutes is done, you take a break

for 15 minutes and you go back and you do

find out a 30-minute and if you continue

to do that thing over time for the next

30 days then what you do is you were

getting more self-discipline. The 3rd steps

that I want to talk about is you

basically when you master the step number

one find something that you hate to do but its

benefit you and you apply the 60--60-30

formula for step number two. The third

steps is basically you repeat step 1 and 2

ok find a new challenge use the

same strategy number one and number

two and apply to it

the final step which is a bonus step okay

and if you truly want to master yourself

Mastery your self discipline, master focus

and productivity then I highly recommend

you should check out .

You can check out

this is not something that i sell but i

highly recommend because I know

productivity focus and self discipline it is

so important as an entrepreneur so you

truly want to Master your self disciplined.

Go to and check it out

and I promise you that particular

journal it will help you in many

different ways. I hope that you enjoyed

this video and if you do enjoy this

video click the like button and share

this video so more people can benefit

from this video and the second thing is

you can subscribe to my youtube channel

so every single week i would release

videos related to personal development

internet marketing and online business

until then go out there every single

day to listen more. learn more and give more

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