Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Hello you lovely Mario Maker person, my name is Ceave and welcome back.

I've been browsing through some older threats in the super mario maker reddit lately and

I stumbled across a couple of lesser known mario maker mechanics which I never heard

of before.

So today we are going to take a closer look on some ideas featuring these really cool

and underused mechanics.

You're ready?

Let's do this!

For our first idea mario has to make his way through this little ghost house.

Mario is used to ghost houses by now, but this one seems special.

There are no enemies here, just delicious mushrooms and delicate fireflowers.

What's going on here, bowser's definitely planning something evil.

Once mario leaves this pipe a skeleton roller coaster becomes triggered.

That's because of a small but interesting mechanic, if mario leaves a pipe while being

big he triggers skeleton roller coasters.

Hm, looks like mario can't proceed here, luckily the exit pipe warps him back to the

beginning of the stage as there are two pipes overlapping each other here.

But how should mario beat this stage?

Hm…., oh of course it has something to do with the yum-yum power-ups.

Mario probably has to avoid them altogether instead of eating them.

Bowser is testing his resistance towards food.

This time mario reaches the exit pipe without swallowing anything, but does this help?

It does!

Because in the smb3 and the smb style small mario doesn't trigger skeleton roller coasters

while he leaves pipes!

For our next idea mario has to carry a bob-omb to the end of the stage.

This would usually be an impossible mission for our plumber if it wasn't for a small

little trick.

Bob-omb timers reset whenever mario goes through a door.

We use this here to create a short dash level for mario, but this mechanic can definitely

be used for a puzzle level as well.

Once mario carried the poor bob-omb to the end of the stage all he needs to do is to

wait for it to explode and stack these two springs on top of each other in order to escape.

In this idea we have a shelmet dispenser at the beginning of the stage.

Mario has to wall jump through this difficult section while wearing his special hat.

Thanks to the shellmet mario is able to jump into the deadly spikes once, even though this

means he loses his stylish headgear.

At the end of this difficult section is a warp pipe, sadly for mario this pipe is unpassable

for him as there are two blocks blocking the exit.

Luckily for mario blocks not only get destroyed if he jumps towards them while wearing a shelmet

but if he leaves a pipe with this very special hat as well.

Sadly for mario this means that he has to make his way through this difficult wall-jump

section without taking any damage, but if he takes a deep breath and concentrates, he

should be able to do so.

… Hooray!

now the two blocks become destroyed and mario is finally able to reach the exit pipe.

Interestingly This only works with shelmets and big mario isn't able to destroy brick

blocks if he leaves a pipe.

Let's take a quick look on some smaller tricks.

Here mario really wants to collect these coins but he has no idea how to reach them.

This semi-solid platform is exactly one block too high for mario to jump on, but luckily

there is a small trick in the new super mario bros style.

If mario performs a ground-pound he gains a little bit of additional height allowing

him to reach these shiny coins.

This is actually really useful if you are playing a lot of hundred mario challenge as

it allows a lot of levels to be cheated.

Here we have another small but really useful mechanic.

It's actually possible to place stackable items in between the grid while creating a

level, and it's super simple as well.

All you need to do is to grab yourself the item you want to stack, a big enemy and one

of these hacker lava-bubbles.

Put the big entity on the bottom stack the small one on top as much as you desire and

then replace the big enemy with a lava bubble.

If you want to stack big enemies all you need to do is to replace the big lava bubble and

enemy with small ones.

Alright and now it's time for a little mario maker magic trick.

Mario is in this little room at the end of a ghost house.

The exit is sadly blocked, all he has to work with here is this little spring.

Sadly the spring is the wrong item to beat this stage.

He either needs a mushroom or a pow-block and a spring if he wants to overcome the magical

block barrier blocking the exit sign.

And although the exit is to his right, mario never left a stage before without touching

the exit sign and he definitely won't start with such shenanigans right now.

That's the first step of going to the bad.

But mario doesn't need to leave the room without touching the sign anyways, as he remembers

a small little trick someone showed him long time ago.

A little trick which transforms a spring into a pow-block.

But that's not all!

As a pow-block can be transformed into a p-switch if mario remembers this correctly!

Hooray, now mario only needs to get a pow-block and he is finally able to touch this important


The best way to get a pow-block is probably to create one out of the air.

Now our plumber conjured everything he needs to beat this stage.

Okay so how does this work?

It's actually surprisingly simple!

The camera stops to move in auto scrolling levels if mario reaches the end of the stage,

but the areas out of sight are still there, and mario is able to interact with them, but

he can't go there anymore.

All that's hidden out of sight here are simple item swappers as our plumber is still

able to place and grab items outside of the camera.

Huge shoutout to mario maker creator pink birdo as I learned the trick in one of his

amazing levels, and you should definitely play this stage, you can find the ID in the


Alright so here we have another small but really useful trick.

We have two pipes in this room, mario isn't able to go through the pipe to his left currently,

but the pipe to the right works as expected.

But the left pipe isn't broken as he is able to leave this one without any troubles.

Things become really interesting if mario grabs this mushroom here, because then the

pipe which passable before becomes blocked but the other one opens up.

This is thanks to a neat little trick.

If you put a conveyor belt behind a pipe one block in the air only small mario can pass


But if you hide a conveyor belt behind a pipe on the ground only big mario can go through.

Here we have a really weird but really cool trick as well.

Mario finds himself locked inside this room together with bowser jr.

There is currently no way to escape, but maybe triggering this p-switch helps.

Well it kinda helps.

Mario becomes trapped here as two enormous pow-block walls drop onto the ground.

But if he survives until the p-switch expires he is now able to leave this room.

There were coins hidden beneath the pow-blocks and the bullet blaster.

Triggering a p-switch transforms the coins into bricks and pushes them to the left.

It's possible to create some interesting levels with this concept alone but there is

even more to it.

Here mario can't reach the p-switch or the exit door.

But there is still a way to trigger this p-switch, because jumping towards these springs activates

an invisible block and forces the items to drop down to the left.

But once mario triggered the p-switch a shell-launcher becomes activated thanks to the same concept

and mario needs to reach the exit before the shell reaches the pow-block.

It's possible to create a lot of interesting things with this little trick.

If you know any other cool little mario maker trick which aren't common knowledge feel free

to leave me a comment I was kinda surprised how many tricks existed in this game which

I never heard of before.

Also huge shoutout to the great awesome and amazing super mario maker reddit community

for collecting a lot of these little tricks and being awesome in general.

I hope you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed this little video don't forget to

leave me a thumbs up and maybe you feel especially known today and want to hit the subscribe

button as well.

I hope you have wonderful day goodbye.

For more infomation >> Tips, Tricks and Ideas with lesser known Mechanics in Super Mario Maker - Duration: 8:57.


RAW FOOTAGE: CJ's Hand Signs Unexpectedly Appear On Camera - Duration: 0:15.

[Valerie Garrett]: That's a good shot. I really like it.


[V. Garrett]: I got C.J's signing with then, like from the right corner.

For more infomation >> RAW FOOTAGE: CJ's Hand Signs Unexpectedly Appear On Camera - Duration: 0:15.


#OffLine Video Bonus Mannequin Challenge "KAMLIN BINA SKIZO" - Duration: 3:20.

life is given to everyone,

and everyone heve the right to live


everyone have the right to live

U do what u want, in any time, with any person

the must important

is to never hurt the others

because they're a part of u

part of your circle


we know

u are human

and free

but u can't live alone

so if u want to gain ur independence

respect the circle and you're gonna be respected

everyone of us want to tell the whole world that he is on the right side


it can probably that no one is really on it

Everyone wants to say that he's the only survivor from that talismanic stupidity wave that's running around the country

hein, but unfortunately he's deep in it

Not everyone who entered a mosque is angel

Not everyone who have dreaslocks



Because u have good position

doesn't mean your living it to the eternity

Don't say u reached your point and u forget what passed

too many fake talks

and the one who's remaining silence is the only survivor

Don't u ever say that life had stopped

or it didn't gave u as much as it tooked

this is it !!

Like a plate on a glass

The land is illed

everything passed

And only memories remain

Till here

I finished my talks


We're done, we're bored

Stand up in front of the mirror

and face yourself

You'll find ur self fighting in a big troubled Cosmo

Where ur value is less than a tailor needle

See how hard it is ???

So manage ur own business

U are not a prophet

Not a consultant

Or even a supervisor

Not the universal God, to judge people

U are


Created by


and u'll die with


Tht's what they say

Don't blame yourself, if u didn't reach ur goals

Don't u ever say that i ran of luck

If it was they wouldn't sell it in sealed bottles

Don't ever close the door and say " WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH ME "

Don't look back

Raise ur head

And keep going

Coz, we are all


For more infomation >> #OffLine Video Bonus Mannequin Challenge "KAMLIN BINA SKIZO" - Duration: 3:20.


Schwarzesmarken VN English Subbed - Ep 2 - Mankind is not Alone - Duration: 12:32.

Industrial City, Rostock and Magdeburg

When two atomic bombs was confirmed dropped on German's territory...

Führer of the Third Reich commit suicide in his underground shelter

The newly founded government accepted the recommendation to surrender from Allied Nations

Thus the long second world war in the history of mankind has come to an end

As a result, mankind has entered into a new era, the era of the Cold War

The world is divided into two, the east side led by the USSR and the west side led by the United States

The defeated country, Germany, also became separated into two

We must never forget...!

When Nazi took over Germany with terror called fascism

And during the last war, Those Capitalists not only bombarded our cities but also dropped two atomic bomb and massacre countless civilian

We will completely separate this two and along with our ally, USSR, will create the ideal Socialist Country.

And now we must focus our effort to liberate the West Germany that was separated by Capitalist Forces.

Therefore, as the True Government that rule the Germany...

I declare the founding of the German Democratic Republic

"Founding Declaration by Welhelm Peak, The first Secretary of the German Democratic Republic" I declare the founding of the German Democratic Republic

"Founding Declaration by Welhelm Peak, The first Secretary of the German Democratic Republic"

Even after 80 million victims, human still repeat the same mistake

Cold War between west and east created a twisted safety switch called Mutual Assure Destruction.

Before long, proxy wars broke out all around the globe.

Small-scale war continued to spread like gas, people kept killing each other while keeping their reason

All leaders said that "Cold war will continue forever"

However, the trigger of the next great war was far beyond human expectations

1958, unmanned Mars probe Viking 1 landed on Mars surface and discovered several life forms

This fact made the scientists frenzy and at the same time gave great dreams and hopes to the general public around the world

"The universe is not a dead wasteland" "Earth life is not lonely"

The people naturally embrace the religious affection and the sense of brotherhood that they, the Martian life form, are God's creation

And was enthusiastic about the dream of Mars' manned exploration

Backed by people's enthusiasm, A huge budget was launched into space development

and people expected the lunar surface development as a New Frontier

But people who were too carried away with the hope was suddenly understand...

The simple reality that mankind is also merely an existence ruled by the providence of life

1967, the first contact became a tragedy

In the month of resource development, Martian life form suddenly appeared--

--and ate all the geological survey teams belonging to the research moon base, Plato-1

Mankind who had no choice but to respond to Martian life forms' fierce attack only with light armament, repeatedly lost

International peace treaties that prohibited the usable weapons on the moon, only served to accelerate the invasion of Martian life form

The cost to launch into lunar orbit hindered mankind to send reinforcement.

Beings of the Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary of Human Race

The life form that christened as BETA by UN designation, is not affected by environmental change such as Mars and Moon.

With their monstrous vitality and overwhelming numbers, in 1973, majority of the moon have been conquered.

At last, the invasion of the Earth started.

BETA landed in Central Eurasian Continent, Uyghur Autonomous Region.

People's Republic of China, which was directly invaded, began a total attack

Aiming to monopolize alien technology, and with the military situation in their favor, China refuses other countries reinforcement

But, after 10 days a new strain that possess powerful "Biological Oscillation Laser Organ" appeared--

--and completely disabled aerial weapons. Unable to resist the sheer number, the front lines inevitably collapsed.

Scorched earth tactics using nuclear missile from PRC-USSR Alliance almost made no effect because of the overwhelming number of BETA

Central Asia instantly fell into the hands of BETA

Around 1974, BETA began the invasion of North America

U.S. Army learned their lesson from China and barely stops the invasion by making intensive nuclear attack immediately after the landing unit touch down.

But the price of stopping BETA is great, a third Canada turned into inhabitable wasteland.

In the area under BETA's control, not only man-made objects, but also all natural environments ranging from animals and plants to minerals are exhausted

It's a barren wasteland there are literally nothing other that their fortress, the Hive,

Environmental destruction, drastic change of climate, downfall of countries, mass refugees, food crisis.

Mankind was forced to fight many enemies by BETA invasion.

Thus mankind doesn't end the Cold War. Instead, we were thrown into a war with extraterrestrial species that put our survival as a race on the line

So far away from the battlefield and we could only receive information from television or radio.

The only thing that we could do is thinking that everything will be okay.

"Mankind can overcome each other's difference and collaborate to repel BETA"

I realized that I was a wrong when refugees from Ukraine and Belarus came to our town.

A line of tens of thousands of people keep walking in black dirty face, wearing the same clothes day after day.

At that moment I realized, every one of us might ended up like that

These monsters have a stronghold with structure like a huge ant nest called "Hive"

BETA that came out from the hive are not hundreds, but thousands or maybe tens of thousand.

They slaughtered humans, flatten everything on earth surface, expanding their territory and construct hives

Their goal? Ask that to BETA... I don't know what they want

It is unknown whether they have intelligence or not, but at least they can't converse with us.

They act without group, destroy everything and will never fire at friendlies.

Up until now, there seven strains of enemies that have been identified.

Let's start from the smallest, Warrior-class, Tank-class, Grappler-class, Destroyer-class, Fort-class.

And then, these are the type that emit Biological Laser.

Laser-class and Heavy Laser-class

You can handle the small strain of BETA with small arms, but not with the large strains of BETA, you need a Tank or a TSF to face them

For the Fort-class, it can reach up to 70m on height.

It's literally a moving building. To kill this class you need large missile or the main gun from a battleship.

And laser-class, they usually target flying objects

They will shot down ANY detected flying object with high output laser

Thanks to the laser-class we lost our aerial superiority.

But finally, we have to confront this for the nation and the people

Those monsters are going to destroy mankind. We can't afford to lose by any means

We cannot win against BETA, you know!? Just this past few years, several millions have died!

When I first saw MiG-21 Balalaika squad flying in formation above Berlin sky, my heart tremble in awe.

"So this is the the trump card of our army... Tactical Surface Fighter, TSF!"

"With these man-made Titan we can protect our motherland"

That is why I've decided to enter TSF Cadet School, and become a TSF Pilot, an Eishi.

For more infomation >> Schwarzesmarken VN English Subbed - Ep 2 - Mankind is not Alone - Duration: 12:32.


Easily Add Video Subtitles for YouTube! and create accurate closed caption SRT files - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Easily Add Video Subtitles for YouTube! and create accurate closed caption SRT files - Duration: 8:36.


Diluvion Gameplay (PC) - Duration: 22:54.

Diluvion Gameplay PC HD 60FPS

Platform: PC Steam

Genre: Action, Indie, Adventure, RPG

Video Game Developer: Arachnid Games

Video Game Publisher: Gambitious Digital Entertainment

Game Release Date: 2 Feb, 2017

For more infomation >> Diluvion Gameplay (PC) - Duration: 22:54.


Mini Nintendo Brings Back Video Game Nostalgia - Duration: 1:28.

Hey everyone welcome to retro corner I'm Jeremy Marble

Today we're going to un box the

classic mini Nintendo controller. Which

goes with our mini Nintendo. For those of

you don't know this came out in November

2016, it's the old-school Nintendo from

the 80's and it has 30 games built

in, so it's like a hard drive, doesn't

connect to the internet or anything like


we'll get to that later, first let's unbox my

new controller. I bought this from amazon

because it's hard to find any

controllers in stores locally. This one

is manufactured by a third party company

as I have yet to see a Nintendo brand. This

product comes with an extension cable

and a secondary controller.

So you have to be glued to your TV in order to play it.

I can use the extension on the one

that came with it and now it's nine feet long.

Little bit of a difference between

the two Nintendo's. The new classic

mini doesn't open up. Its HDMI out.

I really like the menu system it's simple

no nonsense

you can also mimic an old television display

A QR code lets you access all the manuals.

If you can find one, I highly

recommend the NES Classic Edition

Thanks for watching subscribe on youtube for

all things retro.

For more infomation >> Mini Nintendo Brings Back Video Game Nostalgia - Duration: 1:28.


Makkah | Beautiful View | Muslim World - Duration: 3:28.

Makkah | Beautiful View | Muslim World

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