Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 13 2017

alright guys if you read captain under

pants as a child then leave a like on

this video and I'll explain everything

after we roll that intro

Yo whats going on guys its your boy Yogge here

and i know that was a weird interesting

started video off but today is a pretty

cool day now the reason is because i

found out that captain underpants the

book that I read as a child of books and

probably many of you have read as a

child artist who was everyone to us i'm

pretty sure it is but if you know what

it is we would like you to tell me in

the comments below period as a child but

anyways continuing on

they're making a movie out of this now

the reason why this is such a big

beautiful is because it like you know

it's a crazy idea because i think they

stopped making captain underpants both

to fund not mistaken but anyways just

like a childhood look right so i was

reading this book in like 2,000 for

something like that's down the six

that's when I was really little right

and you know I didn't you know you would

expect to make a movie while the book

was big and stuff like that but i guess

not but today I was on Instagram just

looking through a bunch of things and I

saw this image of a captain underpants

movie and I thought that was pretty

interesting so that you know what today

I'm not going to be doing any normal

call of duty information because i do

have the past week I wanted to change it


that's not talking about this in this

movie seems like he's going to have

pretty good actors so we just searched

in Captain Underpants movie on google

you'll see Captain Underpants 2017

action flash superhero movie by the way

if you guys do not know what captain

underpants is basically a principal

transformed into a superhero Captain

Underpants literally a principal without

any hair while I think you like

daughters hair off i believe and then he

just you know you just a egg-shaped

human with underpants in the cape

I know it's pretty weird for you when

you think about it but trust me it was a

really good book whenever there's a kid

and by the way the release date of this

movie is jun 2nd 2017 during summer and

I gotta check so like I was saying the

cast is actually Kevin Hart for George

now and the book for those of you that

do not know there's 2i believe this to

students that I forgot Allah happened

i'm pretty sure they made captain

understand by do something that i forgot

the whole storyline but the two little

students that work together and I

believe they're like the Mallik

sidekicks but they basically run captain

depends are not explain it but yeah

Kevin Hart we playing George and Helms

will be playing mr. Crump or captain

underpants thomas middleditch will be

point Harold and then Jordan pili will

be playing more than I think he I think

him and somebody else had a youtube


I only recognized camera heart and

Jordan pili but i do this movie seems

like it's a full production like the

getting the best actors they can and

stuff like that aren't necessarily cool

because i think something like that


hey guys I know pretty pretty weird

video but the guy selling the comments

down below if you read the books as a

kid I know I did basically because it

was the easiest thing for me to read

so yeah guys we got enjoyed this video

if you did make sure you want to do is

stay healthy and I know it's a pretty

weird video butter yeah because George

stay healthy and i'll see you guys on

the next one


For more infomation >> WTH!! CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS 2017 MOVIE??? - Duration: 3:29.


7 Of The Most Horrifying TRUE Scary Stories Found On The Internet | Best LetsNotMeet Horror Stories - Duration: 42:13.

This is a collection of some of the scariest and most interesting stories from the internet.

I've never read any of these stories on my channel, but if you've heard any of them,

I will be leaving timestamps for each story in the description and pinned

comment just incase you want to skip past any.

Now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy the video and let's begin

This took place about 10 years ago when I was a freshman in college. This is the first

time I've recounted this story, in full detail, to anyone.

I attended college in a rural, mountain area in the NorthEast. A small school tucked away

in the rolling hills of the mountains. The type of place where the beauty and casual

grace of nature is juxtaposed by the ugliness of humanity. The newspaper was ultraconservative

& you couldn't sojourn too deeply into the woods beyond a few tree's without seeing some

trace of meth activity. You know the type of place I mean.

ANYWAY, one of my new friends from college discovered somehow an abandoned train trestle

deep in the woods about 5 miles from campus (in no man's land, basically.) I don't remember

how he found this place, because it was very much off the beaten path. The trestle crossed

above a river which placidly flowed about 40 ft below. It was actually quite beautiful

and we began going there maybe 3 times a week just chilling on the trestle, watching the

water below and the open sky above. We'd drink forty's there, smoke a bowl there, bring girls

there. We began jumping off the trestle into the water below & then climbing back up. It

was just a very college-y thing to do. Our chill spot basically.

So one day, just needing to get away from the dorms & away from it all, I decided to

go by myself to the trestle for a swim. It was about 7pm so I still had a good hour or

so of dim sunlight and I brought a flashlight for the walk home when it was sure to be dark.

I made the trek though the pathways of the woods as I had done a hundred times before

left my towel and flashlight on the trestle and jumped into the water.

The water was bout 10 to 15 feet deep, Id say. It flowed almost imperceptibly-you might

as well be swimming in a stagnant pool. However, about maybe 50 yards away from the trestle,

the river narrows and the current picks up significantly, then about 20 yards after that

there is a maybe 20 foot high waterfall that bubbles and splashes with extreme violence.

We used to watch large objects go over and never come up again.

So there I am, dimly bobbing my head in & out of the water. Doing underwater flips, etc.

When I pop my head out of the water, I happen to glance to the side of the river and see

a man walking towards the water. The water is kind of impeding my view so I don't see

him fluidly walking towards the water. I more see him in different stages of being closer

to the water. Like flipping through a flip book. He 15 ft away, 10 ft away, 5 feet away.

I can barely give you a description: maybe 6ft tall, pale, skinny, black hair pulled

back in a pony tail. What I DO remember most about his appearance was the extremely empty

look on his face and in his eyes. Like he was doing something mundane: taking out the

trash, or raking leaves. I'm treading water, not knowing what to think,

and I see that he is no longer beside the river, he has dove in. and is swimming pin-straight

directly at me SO FAST. SO FAST. I try to swim the opposite way but within a minute

I feel him grab my ankle and tug. I tried to scream but water filled my mouth. While

I'm under water he lets go and goes up for air, then grabs back on and pulls me again.

It seems like he's done this before and I never once see him after he jumped in the

water. He's gradually pulling me to where the current picks up before the waterfall.

I start to realize this and just fucking flipping out. Kicking, screaming, cursing-to no effect.

Finally, I feel the current start the take me, and as I twist away towards the waterfall,

I look back and see this, this, fucking guy just casually swimming back to where he jumped

in the water. Not even looking at me. This is by far the scariest moment of my life as

I approach the waterfall. Long story short, I go over and am underwater for a long time,

over a minute. The water above, unrelentingly pushing me under. The only reason I survived

was there was a large log that had gone over and I grabbed it and leverage it against the

bottom to push me away from the crushing water. I survive obviously. But then I had to trek

the miles back to my dorm, in the dark, without my flashlight. Every step of the way thinking

he would come back to finish the job. The next year, a football player drowned going

over that fall. The news said it was because there was an extreme current due to recent

rainfall but I've always wondered about that.

Before I start here's a bit of context to my story. My husband and I lived in a small

two floor house with two main entrances, one along the front and the other on the side

of the house, which opens up into the laundry room. When we're too busy or it's too

late to walk our dog, we hook his collar onto a long line that's attached to one of the

pipes on the corner of our house, so he can use the bathroom. We used to do this from

the door in our laundry room, but we'd noticed the large step from the door to the ground

had been taking a toll on his hips. As a result, we started letting him out through the front

door instead, since the porch is much closer to the ground.

This particular night, I was home alone with my dog and it was around midnight when I decided

to let him outside one last time before going to bed. I hook him up to his line, close the

door and lock it, before heading into the kitchen to put away the dishes. This was pretty

routine, even if he used the bathroom quickly he liked to walk around along the front and

side of the house for a few minutes before coming back inside. As I'm putting away

the dishes I hear a scratch on the door (how my dog signals he wants to come inside), so

I head over to let him back in. Since I've watched way too many scary movies,

I always look through the door's peephole before opening the door. Out of habit I look

to check that my dog is in front of the door. Instead I see a man staring very intently

at the door handle. I freeze with my hand on the door handle.

I don't know how much time went by, but then I heard another scratch, this one louder

than the last. This kind of wakes me up from my initial shock and I run to grab my cellphone.

I call my husband to tell him what's happening. He was very confused, I probably wasn't

explaining the situation very well, but says that he's heading home.

This is when I realize my dog is still outside with this person. I head back to the front

door, trying to make as little noise as possible, to check whether the stranger is still there.

Just like before, he's standing there, head bowed looking at the door knob. I tiptoe over

to the laundry room, and slowly open the door as quietly as possible. I can't see my dog

anywhere and the side of my house is covered in gravel, I knew I couldn't step outside

without making a lot of noise. With my heart still pounding in my chest,

I go to the front door to keep an eye on the stranger and to get a better look at him.

I considered calling the police but I didn't feel they would take me seriously, since all

this man was doing was standing in front of my house. I tried taking a picture of him

with my cellphone but my camera was only able to take pictures of the peephole and not the

images behind the glass. All of the sudden, the man looks up directly

at me. I swear he knew I was there. He glares at me, then opens his mouth to show this taunting

malicious grin. He stood there that way for a few seconds. With that, he turns around

and starts to walk down the street. I stay in the same place, almost expecting

him to rush back and start pounding on the door. Luckily, my husband got back after a

few minutes. Long story short, he convinced me to call the police and we went out looking

for our dog. It turns out this man had cut the end of the line connected to the pipe,

and our dog decided this was a good time for him to explore my neighbors backyard, which

was where we found him. It's been three years since this happened, we've since moved

to a new house (unrelated reasons), and the police weren't able to come up with any

suspects. Ever since then, we take our dog on very long walks before the sun goes down.

This happened in the fall of 1993, when I was 20 years old. In the interest of context,

this was before I started college, and I was working in the material prep department of

a plastics factory on the night shift. I was the only woman in the department, and my male

coworkers were initially skeptical that I could handle the job, but I proved myself

and earned their respect. It was hard work, but on the plus side, it also put me in the

best shape of my life. It was also about this same time that I'd dumped my abusive boyfriend;

he was verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive, as well as an alcoholic. This fact,

more than anything, is probably why I got myself into this situation in the first place.

I had just gotten off work, and it was about 1:30am. My car was running on fumes, so I

stopped at a local gas station to fill up. While I was pumping gas, a woman about my

age approached me looking nervous and scared. She said that she had been at her boyfriend's

house, and they'd had a fight. She'd walked to the gas station to use the pay phone and

call a friend to pick her up. On her way to the station, a car pulled up as she was walking

and the guys inside started catcalling and harassing her. With a slight movement of her

head she indicated a car that was parked off to the side by the gas station dumpsters.

I saw a large light green car, like a Caddy or a Lincoln, with at least 2 or 3 shadowy

figures inside. She said they threatened her, and she was too scared to call her friend

and wait. The woman was neat, well-dressed, and didn't

seem high or drunk or anything like that…she just seemed really nervous and freaked out,

so I didn't even hesitate. I finished pumping my gas and told her to hop in the car, that

I'd take her home. At that time on a weeknight, there was little

traffic, so I booked it right out of the gas station and asked her where she lived. She

kept twisting around in the seat to see if the car was behind us, and when I asked her

to put her seat-belt on, she ignored me and kept looking for the car. I assumed she was

just scared. A few blocks down the road, however, I noticed

she was looking around the car, and she started asking me about money, "Where's your purse?

Where's your bag? I need money. You need to give me some money." My stomach sank.

I have this woman in my car, and now she's gonna rob me. Fuck. But when I thought about

it, robbery just didn't make much sense. I was driving a 1985 Chevette (affectionately

nicknamed "Shitbox") and was wearing my work clothes: a ratty T-shirt and jeans with

combat boots. I did NOT look like a person with a lot of cash primarily because I wasn't

a person with a lot of cash. She'd twisted around in the seat again and

started yelling, "There they are! There they are!" She didn't sound scared anymore.

I checked the rearview, and sure enough, the light green car is right behind me. She started

cackling and bouncing up and down in the seat, "My boys are gonna FUCK YOU UP, bitch! They're

gonna FUCK YOU UP!" She's laughing like crazy, opening the glove box, looking in the

back for a bag or purse, telling me all the messed up shit these guys are planning to

do to me. Now, if I had been smart, I would have just

driven to the police station. Actually, if I had been VERY smart, I would have called

the cops from the gas station and waited with her until they arrived. That would have been

the intelligent thing to do. Unfortunately, none of this crossed my mind until later.

In the moment, I just got really, really fucking angry. I realized 3 key things all at once:

There was an intersection up ahead, with cars on either side waiting to cross, and the light

had just turned yellow. I had a spare box cutter that I kept for work

in the driver's side door compartment. The crazy bitch still hadn't put on her

seat-belt. I didn't think. I floored it and passed

under the yellow light just as it turned red. I glanced back to see if the green car was

still behind me, but the cross traffic at the intersection had started to move, and

they hadn't caught up. The bitch started yelling; I slammed on the brakes and she hit

the dash and windshield with a solid, and viciously satisfying, crack. When she rebounded

to the passenger seat, I had the box cutter in her face and was screaming some serious

bat-shit crazy. I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was along the lines of,

"Get the FUCK OUT. Get the FUCK out of my car before I CUT OFF YOUR FACE AND MAKE YOU

EAT IT, BITCH." The crazy screaming and box-cutter combo worked.

She grabbed blindly at the handle and popped the door open, and I started shoving and punching

her until the bitch tumbled out the door to the curb. I stomped on the gas, got to the

next turn and squealed around it with the passenger door still open. I made a few more

turns because I was afraid that the green car might catch up to me. After a little while

I stopped to close the passenger door, and then I cut across town and got on to the highway

to go home. I was on the highway for about 5 minutes before the shakes started. I pulled

off to the shoulder to calm down and get my shit together, and then I drove home.

I told my older sister (I was living with her temporarily after the break-up with my

ex) everything that happened. She wrapped me in a tight bear hug while simultaneously

yelling about how stupid I was for not going to the police. I've never been so glad to

be yelled at in my life.

To give some explanation and background knowledge for this whole encounter, I was around 15

at the time this occurred. I was camping out in the middle of nowhere with my family and

part of my extended family, my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I was the oldest kid there in

the RV, so you can probably understand how it felt to have no one else to do the stupid

crap I did back then with. With a good 2 year gap between me and the inferiors, it was almost

like nirvana when I got to the campground and met the other teenagers.

These were all people we knew fairly well from previous camping trips, so it was considered

normal to hit it off with them from the start and act like we've known each other forever

within the hour. Now, the story.

My parents trusted me a lot, not a lie. I liked my fun, but I liked getting home in

time for dinner equally as much. So when I was gone most of the day with other people

from the camp, they didn't think much of it. The only rule was that I had to be back at

the RV to eat dinner, and before 8:30 (20:30) in the evening. So picture this: group of

6 teenagers, 15-16, out in the middle of the woods with no adult supervision for the vast

majority of the day. Just a recipe for success right there.

But this particular day, we found a neat little deer trail we hadn't found in the 2 years

we'd been there before. On second thought, though, it didn't really seem like a deer

trail. It snaked through a really thick part of the underbrush, maybe a foot (30cm) of

clear ground, 3 ½ feet (1 meter) clear of branches going upwards. It's a really hard

thing to pick out of the brush, unless you're either really looking or know where it is.

It was promptly explored, marked with a broken branch outside of the entrance, and quickly

forgotten. Except, I remembered this special little tunnel.

That night, while we were all eating dinner, one of the adults proposed that we played

manhunt out in the woods. At night. Not everyone was totally on board with this idea, but in

the grand scheme of the plan, they were quashed down like autumn leaves. Everyone got a flashlight,

and everyone was assigned to a team. For those of you who aren't sure what manhunt

is, here's an explanation: Everyone playing is given a flashlight, and they are divided

into two groups. It's basically like glorified flashlight tag, but there's a catch; As

you catch people, you have to correctly identify who they are, and if you can, they join forces

with the hunters. The last man standing gets a candy bar or something, whatever is being

offered as a prize. This is how we played it, anyways.

For the first round, I get lumped in with the runners, those who are getting chased

by the hunters. We get a 5 minute head start to run, climb a tree, whatever the hell we

want to do to evade the hunters. Usually, I'm the one up in the tree, but that never

really worked out as being the winning spot. So, to try and score a win for once, I decide

to play the cat and use one, surefire method of escape.

And the hiding spot was the rude little path through the thicket.

It took most of the head start time to find the damn thing, because it was so well-hidden

and out of the way. As I passed hiding spots, I heard hushed, smothered whispering between

siblings who were questioning my actions, like a bird's wings rustling when it's

fluffing itself. It should be noted that I have bat hearing; my ears are possibly my

greatest asset in this game. But when I'm just reaching the destination, I hear the

short blast of the air horn announcing that the five minutes are up.

I swan dove into this minute little path in the undergrowth, shuffling on my hands and

knees until I'm about halfway in, crouching down like some huge, malformed quail. The

hunters are doing an initial sweep through the trails, looking for obvious hiders and

people caught out trying to change spots. When they finally reach me, they reach the

dead end and go straight back. I try to readjust myself, and crawl further down the tunnel.

I honestly don't know how it happened, but I found an even more hidden path within that

one, And accidentally, I dragged my stupid body down the rabbit hole. Except, instead

of ending in a dead end, this one ended in a slight hollow.

I don't ever want to describe exactly what I found there. I'm sorry, but I just can't.

It was a younger looking woman, naked, covered in lacerations and stab wounds in the fetal

position. Her glassy, glazed eyes seemed to look straight through me. I won't go any

further than that. I was too scared to scream, and I froze there while dark, burgundy stains

formed on my jeans. I froze there, in a pseudo-catatonic position

like a marble carving for what felt like hours. And then, I heard someone else coming along

that path. Have you ever been so scared that for one

moment, one insane moment, you truly consider something incredibly stupid as a viable option

to escape? That was one of those times. I let out a short, trembling whimper, and started

moving. Whoever was on the path stopped, and then eagerly started moving forward again.

I could hear their panting, uneven breaths of a man, a horrible marker of whoever it

was getting closer and closer to me by the second.

By some wondrous, beautiful miracle, he missed the path leading to the brushy hollow. I heard

him moving down past the entrance, dragging something clunky and awkward behind him. I

heard clinking noises, and the occasional effort to silence the small, sharp noises.

I heard a low curse, somewhere towards the end of the tunnel, and I blasted out of the

undergrowth tunnel like a bullet forcing its way out a barrel. Cracks, crashes and obnoxious

rustling was all around me as I heard the man sharply intake a breath and begin to move

towards me. The hoarse, deep panting was getting closer

and closer to me, a testament to how I was too slow at exiting. Somehow, I exploded out

of the entrance, got onto my wobbly, half-asleep legs, and started booking it down the trail.

The unknown pursuer was close behind me for a bit, but it seemed like he was too exhausted

to chase me at the same speed for long. I know everyone loves to rip on the fact that

people aways trip in horror movies, but in all honesty, tripping is something I am AMAZED

I didn't do. With adrenaline coursing through me at the speed of Usain Bolt, trying to make

my jello-like, unsteady walking appendages work to move me away from whoever was behind

me was like trying to run on water. It felt like an eternity, but I finally reached

the main trail running back to the camp, and sprinted down it screaming bloody murder.

Confused faces looked out from the trees, and I think someone called after me. Reaching

the camp was easy, but trying to explain why I woke up half the people in the camp and

bolted out of the woods at breakneck speed was harder. When I finally choked the words

out to explain, I remember a profound, insidious silence throughout the group of adults waiting

at the mouth of the trail. I really don't remember a whole lot from

that point on. I know the cops were called, and my mother and aunt ran shrieking and wailing

along the trail, calling for the other kids to come back to safety. When someone's yelling

like that, you don't ignore it; they rounded everyone up in 30 seconds flat, and barreled

back into the camp. The police found a man out in the woods, creeping

along the trail, clutching a knife. A black garbage bag with a plethora of sharp instruments

and a saw was found abandoned on the trail, some speckled and smeared with dried blood.

I don't think there's really any getting over it. I still have nightmares sometimes,

of the man chasing me, breathing heavily down the back of my neck, trying to catch me. Sometimes,

he succeeds.

So this is a story that happened to my mom's friend in Korea about like 10 years ago. Every

time I hear this story, I still get the chills. My mom's friend lived in an apartment complex

in Seoul. She was a stay-at-home mother with a young daughter, and her husband worked during

the days. One day, she was coming home from running errands with her daughter and got

onto the elevator in her building. When she got on, she noticed that there was a man wearing

a cap and a yellow raincoat, and he kept his head low so that she couldn't really see his

face. She immediately felt really uneasy, and she made her daughter stand to her side,

furthest away from the man. What made her feel even more uncomfortable was that when

she pressed the button for her floor, there was no other lit number. And on top of that,

she noticed that he was carrying something wrapped inside newspaper close to his side.

Things started to click in my mom's friend's head and she started to panic and decided

to take out her cell phone and pretend she was calling home to her husband, who was obviously

really not at home and at work. She started saying things like "Oh, I'm on the elevator

and about to get off. Can you get the door for me?" and making it seem like her husband

was waiting at home. When the elevator did reach her floor (I think

she lived on like the 12th floor or something) she quickly got off and grabbed her daughter

and started to walk as fast as she could to her apartment. She noticed that the man also

got off on her floor and was slowly following her down the hallway. When my mom's friend

got to her door, she started to bang on it and shout, "Hey, yeobo (husband/dear), I'm

home! Please open the door!" And kind of pretended like he was coming to answer the door. Upon

seeing this, the man in the yellow raincoat started to walk away back towards the elevator.

When he seemed to be far away enough, my mom's friend quickly picked up her daughter and

slid open her door's passcode thingy (this is usually how people get into their homes

in Korea) and started to frantically punch in her keycode. But the problem was that the

buttons would make sounds so the man knew that no one was going to answer the door for

her and he turned around and started to run back towards her. My mom's friend, at this

point, was practically screaming and when she finally got her door to open, the first

thing she did was throw her daughter in through the door. When she got in herself, she saw

that the man was pretty much inches from the door, but she managed to shut it and lock

it before he could wedge his hand or weapon into the door. Afterwards, looking through

the door's peep hole, she saw that the man was walking away back towards the elevator.

Several months later, my mom's friend was watching the news and there was a coverage

on the capture of a serial killer named Yoo Young Chul who used to kill a lot of prostitutes.

She told my mom that she could never forget the dread she felt when she saw the too familiar

yellow raincoat and hat that he was wearing when apprehended.

I'll leave his wikipedia page in the description for anyone who's curious.

When I was 19 I worked for a company that allocated labour to rural areas of Australia.

Basically what you did was tell them when you were available, and they'd send you to

a remote farm for a few weeks where you'd do whatever they needed done. It was hard

work and long hours, but good pay and good fun if you got in with a nice group of workers.

When this occurred, I was working on a large property (I was told it covered roughly the

same landmass as the state of Maryland USA) about 9 hours from Sydney city, and the property

itself was about 40 minutes from the nearest town. In short, it was the middle of nowhere.

I was working at the farm clearing bushland with 3 other guys my age from the city, our

boss was a guy called Jeremy who owned the farm and supervised us while helping out with

the work. He was pretty laid back, and was generally really good to us. This summer in

particular was very hot, and the work was hard, so one day when the temperature hit

about 38 degrees Celsius (about 100 Fahrenheit) Jeremy decided to give us the afternoon off.

He said he knew of a water hole on the farm about a 25 minute drive north, I was keen

for a swim but the other guys just wanted to relax for the arvo, so him and I hopped

in one of the work trucks and started heading across the property. It was mostly wide, empty

expanses with a few clumps of scattered bushland. Jeremy wasn't much of a talker, so we drove

more or less in silence. After about 20 minutes however, he suddenly perked up and jabbed

me in the ribs; "do you see that over there... beneath the

two dead trees?" I should mention here that if you're not familiar

with inland areas, particularly those in Australia, they are brown or red, and mostly flat and

bland, meaning any bright colours stick out like a sore thumb, so you can imagine our

surprise when we could see a large blue angular structure far off in the distance. We steered

in it's direction, and as we got closer we realised it was a huge blue shipping container

just sitting in the middle of nowhere. Jeremy was perplexed, I asked him if he knew what

it was but he obviously didn't. He said he hadn't seen it when he drove through the same

area about 5 weeks before, and he wanted to go and see what it was.

Initially we pulled to a stop about 100 meters away from it. At this stage I had a really

bad feeling, the whole thing wasn't right, its hard to explain, but if you can imagine

seeing such a foreign object in the middle of a huge barren expanse, it had to be something

weird. Jeremy however wanted to investigate, which I understood, given it was his property,

but in truth I was really anxious. As we got closer, things got even more bizarre.

There was a big diesel generator behind it thumping away, and a CCTV camera on each side,

all motion activated so they buzzed from side to side, following us as we moved around.

I tried to reason with Jeremy, something along the lines of "with all this security, someone

obviously doesn't want us here, lets just go". He brushed me off however, reminding

me it was his farm and whoever had put this here was trespassing, so he wanted to go inside.

Despite all the surveillance, there was only a small padlock on the huge door. We had some

bolt-cutters in his toolbox, and after a bit of a struggle, we broke the lock and went

inside. The first thing I noticed was the rush of

cold air as we got in, the place was air-conditioned, which I must admit was quite pleasant on such

a hot day. We searched around for a light switch, but I could already see this was some

sort of I.T set up, there were flashing LEDs all around the place and the sort of hum you

hear when a hard drive is working hard. When we finally switched on the lights, we could

see a sophisticated (albeit somewhat cluttered) office set up. There were hard drives the

size of bar fridges and other computer equipment lining the walls, sometimes piled 2 or 3 high,

and plastic storage boxes scatter around the far wall, and several desks with computer

monitors arranged in the middle, complete with rolling office chairs.

At this stage I felt like I was in one of those nonsensical dreams, this made absolutely

no sense. We wandered to the middle and sat down at the desks to see if the computers

could give us any idea of what the hell was going on here. My heart was racing and I just

wanted to bolt, we had been seen by the CCTV, so if anyone was monitoring they already knew

we were here. Jeremy on the other was adamant we had to get to the bottom of this, so I

put on a brave face and started looking through the computer. This went on for a while, but

in short neither of us had a very high grasp of technology outside of Facebook and Microsoft

Word. The best I can describe it from my lay position is that it was endless lists of "computer

talk", it was like the old Napster or Limewire download screens looked like, just constantly

picking up and receiving data then recording it on several windows.

I gave up on the computers and walked cautiously over the far end of the container to the big

pile of storage boxes. By then I was pretty sure no-one else was there as there was nowhere

to hide really, but I was still incredibly on edge. I decided, against my better judgment

to see what was inside all these boxes. My brief sift through this box still makes me

feel sick to the stomach. It didn't take long for me to realise that

the this box was full of posters, DVDs and photos, all of hard core child pornography.

One thing that still gets to me is that it was all neatly ordered in to folders and smaller

boxes… These people were organised. I immediately recoiled, jumped up and ran over to Jeremy.

I could hardly string a sentence together, I said something to the effect of "mate, get

out, child sex, go, get the fuck up!". I dragged him out, composed myself and managed to explain

what I saw. We jumped back in to the truck and sped back

to the house. The farm had no mobile phone reception, and we hadn't bought the satellite

phone so we had to get back to the landline to call the police. Once we called them they

still had to make it all the way to the farm from the nearest police station, which was

in a town about a half hour from the town closest to the farm (as I mentioned, very

remote). We waited, talking frantically about what we'd seen, until the cops arrived almost

an hour later. They arrived with 2 four wheel drives, and we jumped in and led them back.

This is where it gets worse… By the time we got back, the container door

was open and there was fire inside. We had only two small extinguishers in the cars,

and these did very little. The fire department took an hour to get there, by which stage

most of the damage was already done. An arson report by the federal police found almost

no evidence of the computer equipment described, and only traces of paper and cardboard. This

means that whoever ran it, knew we were there and had time to come and remove most of it

and get away. There were various ways to get off the property and the landmass was huge,

so there was no real way to tail them. Since the police hadn't taken us all too seriously

in the first instance, probably due to our poor explanation on the phone, aerial surveillance

was also impossible by the time we had pieced it all together.

I took a keen interest in following it up, but with no real evidence of who might be

responsible, the investigation went cold. I've kept in contact with Jeremy, and the

shipping container is still sitting there on the farm, as its too expensive to move.

I'll never forget what I saw in those boxes.

To give some background information, this event occurred a little over a year ago, and

I still haven't been able to even begin to get over it. I'm a 22 year old 5'4

female, and at the time I was 21. My family and I had recently moved to a new town that

was a fair amount more rural than the town I had previously lived in, and our new house

was a large ranch-style house with a basement. I was home from college, and my parents had

left for the week to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their friends who lived several

hours away.

Before I continue, I'll give a quick layout of the house so that you'll be able to imagine

the setting a bit more clearly. There were 3 doors which led into the house. One on the

front porch, a sliding glass door on the back porch (which did have a lock and floor-length

curtains for privacy), and another door on the other side of the wall from my bedroom

which led into the garage and basement. When you walk out of my bedroom and turn, you can

see all the way across the house (kitchen, living room, dining area) to the door of my

parents bedroom and the stairs leading up from the basement.

It had been a few days since my parents left, and I hadn't had any problems. They had

sent me a couple messages on Facebook letting me know that they arrived to their friend's

house safely, and were having a good time. The day had gone well, and I was sure to check

that I'd locked all the doors of the house once the sun started to go down.

It was about 11pm and I was doing my nightly routine of laying in bed and messing around

on the computer when I suddenly got this sinking feeling of dread. I felt as if I was being

watched. It was summer and we didn't have A/C, so I had a large box fan in the window

blowing the cool night air into my stiflingly hot room. But once that feeling settled over

me, I decided that I should remove the fan and close the window, just in case.

Once removing the fan, shutting and locking the window, and pulling down the curtain I

felt a bit better. However, I still couldn't shake the feeling of dread. I lay back in

bed and tried to continue what I was doing, though I didn't put my headphones back on.

After a few minutes, I began to hear something that sounded like light scratching.

I sat still in bed, listening to the sound, trying to pinpoint what it was and if I recognized

it at all. Our new house, although relatively close in distance to our neighbors, had a

fair amount of forest around it. So, I thought the scratching may have been an animal, or

someone's dog that got loose and wanted to come inside. After a few minutes the scratching

stopped, and everything returned to silence. So, I figured that I was probably right and

that it must have been an animal. My relief was short-lived, as soon after the scratching

stopped, from the other side of the wall I began to hear slow footsteps descending into

the basement.

This is when I knew I was completely fucked. There was no way I could get out of the house

without walking past the basement stairs. We didn't have a house phone, and at the

time I was in the process of getting a new cell-phone because mine was broken beyond

repair. I sat there for a few seconds wondering what the hell I should do. I knew that I would

need to get out of the house as soon as possible, and that the more time I wasted the worse

it would be for me.

I contemplated popping the screen out of my bedroom window and jumping out, but it was

far enough off the ground that there was a good chance I would end up getting hurt if

I did. Not to mention that if I jumped out the window and hurt myself, I wouldn't be

able to run for help and I would be right next to the door that whoever was in my house

had gone in through.

So, I decided to very carefully and quietly open my door and peek out around the corner,

and if the coast was clear, I would make a mad dash for the front door and sprint to

my neighbors house. I very slowly opened my bedroom door, letting my eyes adjust to the

darkness of the house before creeping around the corner and looking to see if I was safe

to make a run for it.

What I saw nearly made me vomit.

As my eyes scanned the house, I noticed that something was off. I squinted hard as I looked

over at the basement stairs, and was able to make out the shape of a man. What made

it worse? He wasn't just standing at the top of the stairs, he was fucking crawling

up them like some kind of nightmare creature. I quickly backed into my room again, shutting

and locking the door as quietly as I could. I didn't think he'd seen me, but there

was no way that I was going to make a run for it now. My only choice was to pop the

screen and jump out the window.

As I was unlocking and opening my window, I heard the handle to my bedroom door turn.

Once the man realized that it was locked, in a sickeningly sweet "sing-song" voice

he cooed, "I know you're in there…" This was followed by a loud cackle and what

I can only imagine was him throwing himself at full force against my door.

I ripped the screen out of the window and flung myself out.

I landed wrong on my right foot, and I was sure that I'd hurt my ankle, but at the

time I couldn't think of anything other than getting as far away as possible. I got

up and ran as fast as I could to my neighbor's house, knocking on their door in a panicked

frenzy and ringing the bell over and over. I looked over at my house as I was yelling

for my neighbors to let me in, and I swear to fucking god, I could see the man standing

at my window… waving at me.

My neighbors finally opened the door after what felt like forever and I managed to explain

well enough what was going on for them to let me in and call the police. I stayed with

them until the police arrived. The police searched my house and found that the lock

to the basement had been picked, and that the door to my bedroom was hanging off the

hinges. They weren't able to find the man anywhere, and because I had only seen him

for a split second in the dark, I couldn't provide them with a good description of him.

Of course, I got into contact with my parents immediately and they hurried home. The police

took my statement and searched the area for the man, but of course they came up with nothing.

After this event, my parents and I were sure to add deadbolt locks to the door leading

into the basement and to the door leading out of the basement to the rest of the house,

they also helped me pay to get a new phone. What really bothers me about all of this is

that nothing was stolen, there wasn't even any evidence that the guy had looked through

anything while he'd been in my house.

For more infomation >> 7 Of The Most Horrifying TRUE Scary Stories Found On The Internet | Best LetsNotMeet Horror Stories - Duration: 42:13.


Fuji Cherry KOJO-NO-MAI - You can make an instant bonsai tree - Part 2 - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Fuji Cherry KOJO-NO-MAI - You can make an instant bonsai tree - Part 2 - Duration: 7:52.



Um... I will show you very close.

Hey Hey...Hello!

Hey You!!...Hello and welcome back to my channel , I am ChickyPie.

I want you back to my chanell

If you subscribe to me make sure you do not forget to click the bell

Today I have am very excited and have a very yummy video for you

It' s giant Ice cream sandwich

Are you ready to join me to make a giant ice cream sandwich?

Are you ready?

The first thing we have to do is make a cake

Let's go

Ok we are finished making a cake

here , we have 2 pieces

And now I am going to put ice cream on

Vanilla Ice cream

OK, Wow!!! smells good

I want to eat it right now

I will use the ice cream, 3 boxes

box number 3

This is the first time in my life

to make a giant Ice cream sandwich

Everyone Then we have to put another cake on the top

Ok, Then we have to wrap it

and when your done warping make sure the corner is smooth

then put in the fridge

you can put it in at least 3 hours.. or overnight.

we can eat it

I will put it in the freezer right now

See you soon

wow it is already 3 hours later. I will go and check my ice cream in the fridge

Wow! I am so very excited , Let's go

Wow !!! look

Wow !!! it's hard

Oh My God!!!

hey you see my ice cream sandwich

Wow !!! Everyone!

I will unwrap it now


Very big

Look at this I will show you

Very big

Wow! Beautiful

I like it very much

Look very close I show you

Everybody Now it is time for me to eat my giant ice cream sandwich

I will cut it in small pieces first

Look at this

Wow !!! you see?

Look inside

you see inside it looks very pretty

Ok guys I am going to eat now



Very yummy

Now I feel like...

I am eating a chocolate sundae

it has a brownie sandwich with ice cream in the middle

very delicious

everyone Susie and bear man want to taste my ice cream sandwhich

I will give them each a piece

Just small pieces

Hey Susie

Don't eat a lot you will get fat

does it taste good?

I have some water

A giant ice cream sandwich like this is good for a kids party

because you can help each other eat

very delicious

do you know, when you eat an ice cream sandwich...

you have to hold it like your eating a sandwich

Like this

very delicious

Do you want some?



Why do I look very old

My teech look very black

Do you know when you make Ice cream sandwich

If you want your ice cream sandwich more hard, and not melt very fast...

put it in the freezer overnight

but for me I am very hungry, so just 3 hours

hey guys, Max wants to eat some ice cream too

I will give him some and put it in a small plate

not too much

give me a plate please

I will let Max come and sit by me hear

ok Max


ok I will put some on here for him


Right here

I will let max he eat first

Max not that one, that one is mine

Max does it taste good?

Do you know, Max.. he really likes to Eat ice cream.

Ohh he is almost done

Fat boy go!!

Max he is going to take over my eating show

me me me me me me me secsee me

me me me me me me me fatty me

ok, I will go back to eating now

Max go!

Ok everyone I am back to eating

School is almost done

if your done with your school, you can make an ice cream sandwich like me

very delicious very tasty

this is so awesome during hot season

ohh look at the ice cream on the corner, it is going to melt.

I have to eat very fast before it melts

Very cold

And I am very full too

But almost done

Um..I really like to eat ice cream sandwich

Hey guys this is the last piece


Everyone Last bite

Are you hungry?

Open your mouth


wow everyone my ice cream sandwich taste so good.

Now I am very cold

And I very full

very delicious

When you make it you will have allot of fun

making your own is very delecious for sure

if you have a party or event

and you want to eat something cold, you can make an ice cream sandwich like me

ok everyone I hope you enjoyed my video.

I will see you soon in my in my next video

I love you

Don't forget give me a big thumbs up

Love you Bye bye

Kiss kiss

For more infomation >> EATING GIANT ICE CREAM SANDWICH IN THE WORLD! | Chickypie - Duration: 10:44.


KKK Imperial Wizard Found Dead After Being Reported Missing - Duration: 1:28.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona was found dead Saturday under what appears

to be mysterious circumstances.

The 51-year old, self proclaimed leader of the invisible empire was found dead by a family

member fishing near the Missouri River.

Ancona reportedly told his wife that his employer called him in to drive across the state to

make a delivery Saturday, but according to a local paper, his employer denied this, and

so he was reported missing.

A series of mysterious events make his missing case more complicated and even allude to his

death potentially being a homicide.

Ancona's wife Malissa wrote a Facebook post about needing a new roommate hours before

Ancona was found dead.

According to Missouri Police Chief William Dickey, the reason for her doing that was

because Frank stated that he was filing for divorce prior to leaving for his delivery.

After Franks employers reported him missing, is when a family member found him near the

Big River.

Needless to say, many are in fact celebrating his death, especially on social media.

Washington County Missouri Sheriff Zach Jacobsen spoke to the Daily Journal saying,

"Law enforcement was attacked terribly on Facebook and officers were called in on their

days off to help."

The Daily Journal has failed to mention Ancona's clear connection with the KKK and has not

explained the omission.

This story is still developing.

For your updates on this and the rest of today's stories, subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For more infomation >> KKK Imperial Wizard Found Dead After Being Reported Missing - Duration: 1:28.


Woman, grandson killed in Quincy house fire - Duration: 1:33.














































For more infomation >> Woman, grandson killed in Quincy house fire - Duration: 1:33.


Alan Walker - Alone ( We Rabbitz Remix)【UM Release】 - Duration: 3:31.

Alan Walker - Alone ( We Rabbitz Remix)【UM Release】

Alan Walker - Alone ( We Rabbitz Remix)【UM Release】

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Alone ( We Rabbitz Remix)【UM Release】 - Duration: 3:31.


Oun Sarath - How to understand people - full version - Duration: 1:04:11.

Oun sarath

How to Understand People - full version

bring to you by Success Reveal

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